We’re kicking off the new year strong with 25 content ideas for 2025! Plus, in today’s episode I am also sharing my content predictions for the year ahead and some exciting personal news.
On Quianna Marie Weekly, we’re chatting about business growing pains, finding genuine connections, and celebrating wins of all sizes through the lens of a photographer at heart. Sprinkled throughout stories and interviews with past clients, photographers and other business owners this podcast is designed to help you step into your purpose and to truly create a life you’re proud of, a life worth photographing and sharing.
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Today’s episode is brought to you by The Green House, my resource garden for photographers! Let me help you AMPLIFY your heart online and in real life to turn bridesmaids into future brides through templates, workshops, and freebies!
Review The Show Notes:
Well-Known Content (2:46)
Collaborations (5:04)
Peer Retreats + Incubator Weekends (7:36)
Behind The Scenes (9:24)
Conferences + Educational Events (10:16)
Intimate Dinner Parties (12:15)
Content Days (14:34)
Day In The Life Videos/Vlogs (16:27)
Lives (17:45)
Email Newsletters (Monthly, Weekly, or Quarterly) (19:31)
Carousel Posts (21:08)
Hot Takes + Unpopular Opinions (22:11)
Freak Flag Content (23:31)
Travel + Adventure (25:19)
Storytelling + Doing Random Things (26:16)
Goals + Desires (27:20)
Growth + Pivots (28:52)
Podcasting (30:40)
Getting On Stages (32:56)
Giving Back (34:18)
Investing In Education (35:50)
Building Authority With Workshops, Events, + Masterclasses (36:38)
Bestie Content Days/Social Media Takeovers (37:33)
User Generated Content (39:16)
Client Appreciation Days (41:57)
Mentioned In This Episode:
Easy B-Roll Ideas: quiannamarie.com/broll
Flodesk: quiannamarie.com/flodesk
Episode 126 Kristie Hidrogo: quiannamarieblog.com/2024/02/19/126-self-love
Amy Porterfield – How To Plan Your Own Peer-Led Retreats: amyporterfield.com/2024/12/741
Gaffin Creative: gaffincreative.com
Review the Transcript:
Welcome to the first episode of 2025. It’s sort of surreal recording this now during the hustle and bustle of the holidays in 2024, but I can already feel the fresh new energy and the excitement of the new year. Kind of like a light beam from 2025 that I can’t see yet, but I can feel the warmth of the light and all of the new energy as we welcome the new year.
I want to stay true to my passion for this podcast by delivering no fluff education, skipping the small talk and diving right into the magical blend of where the woo woo collides with the work Today, we’re going to split this episode into two quick conversations.
We’ll start with my content ideas for 2025 and wrap up with some personal updates and exciting news to share.
I’m not even kidding. I literally haven’t been posting about any of this online lately, like maybe some little sneak peeks. If you literally are that close to me, you might know this. But it’s been under wraps for a while and I just can’t keep this a secret anymore. It’s my mission to share the business strategies and encouragement to scale and thrive through every season of life.
I know the importance of sharing relatable stories, not just to share my life with you and to tell you my life story, but to share the lessons and real life moments so we can learn from each other. and support each other. I truly believe that although our paths may be different, we share a lot of similar goals and are way more alike than we think.
This is going to be a juicy episode with 25 content ideas for 2025 with some big news to share. Oh my gosh, it’s going to be so much fun. I cannot wait to fill you in on. So this is definitely one that you’re going to want to whip out your notebook for if you’re driving, walking your dog or just staying busy with chores, don’t even worry.
I have all the information in the show notes for you to reference, but this is definitely something that you may want to take notes on because these are Honestly, not new ideas. They’re just really fun content ideas that I’m going to be prioritizing for 2025. All right, ready? Let’s get this party started.
Welcome to Quianna Marie Weekly, a podcast for creatives who love to celebrate wins big or small by dancing in the kitchen. Photographers who are excited to serve their clients. And friends who are ready to chase really, really big dreams. You can find all of the resources mentioned in this episode at QuiannaMarie.com/podcast
Join me as I share weekly motivation, chat about growing pains, finding genuine connections and celebrating your wins through the lens of a photographer at heart. Come join me for a dance party. Ready? Let’s go.
All right. Welcome back. So let’s get started with this list of 25 ideas for 2025.
Starting with number one. Which I think is the most important well known content. This is the kind of content that I will be absolutely prioritizing for 2025, which is really simple. What do you want to be known for? I think sometimes we get so caught up in the Influencer world with our online presence that we feel like we need to be sharing five different types of content.
We need to be relevant. We need to be sharing links. We need to be sharing affiliate stuff. And oh yeah, I am, you know, I had this one hobby and here’s where you can purchase this. I feel like it just gets very clouded and I just feel like it’s, It’s paralyzing for someone like me that is flooded with so many ideas.
And I do have my foot in so many different things and my head in the clouds at the same time, right? Because I’m just so excited. I’m dreaming. I’m thinking of all these things. And when it really boils down to it, I am absolutely passionate about my podcast. And so hello, I’m so happy you’re here. And I’m passionate about photo shoots.
I am passionate about helping others feel seen, heard and understood and helping them attract their dream clients. That’s it. Like, I love all the other projects that I do. I love photographing my seasonal mini sessions, but I want to be well known for my podcast. I want to be well known for being a legit branding photographer, the type of photographer that people fly into Scottsdale to work with exclusively, or that they’re booking me to fly to their hometowns or their place of business to work with me.
So that is number one, creating well known content. I know a lot of us already that have been business in for a while. We are already on the top of the list for our friends and family to know what we’re doing. But like I’ve mentioned multiple times in the podcast in the past. We are constantly pivoting, we’re constantly changing, right?
So what is it that you want to be well known for? And maybe that may even take some learning for and adjusting for your audience to get introduced to you as a different person, right? Like they need to be introduced to you as this next version of yourself, whether that’s your new business, your new offers, what does that look like?
What do you want to be well known for? Let’s start creating content about that.
Number two, collaborations. I am such a fan of collaborations, whether that is hosting an event together with another business bestie, whether that is going live on Instagram together, sharing these collaborations, I think are going to be so huge, not just for like your business and other brands, but for People outside of your business.
So here’s the thing. Okay, this is the part that I was so excited to share this concept with you because it’s been on my mind a lot lately. And the thought is, is the collaborations that we have been taught to do in the past have been all about finding other businesses that may share the clients that you have potential to work with as well, right?
So that could be someone that is maybe doing something different with their business, but a lot of you have the same pool of aligned clients, and then you should be collaborating with them. I actually want to kind of break that status quo or whatever that word is. Like I want to shatter that ceiling and say, no, no, no.
People are people. And we are always looking for genuine connections and genuine friends to collaborate with that. Your ideal audience may not align with theirs. Right. And that’s okay. I think at this point, going back to number one, and all of these will point back to number one is just being well known for what you do.
And I think stepping outside of our comfort zones and collaborating with other brands and businesses that really don’t have anything in common, I think are great. So an example of that, because I love stories, so it makes sense. Let’s say for example, you’re a hairstylist and you collaborate with a friend that maybe it’s in the same work, working space as you, who does Botox, right?
You two clearly do very different things. However, your list of ideal clients may be purchasing from both of you in the near future. I think that’s fantastic, but maybe you can consider as a hairstylist collaborating with a realtor. Maybe you can establish yourself as a collaborator for another big brand or something that isn’t quite in that same wheelhouse.
Of course, people are buying houses, people are Getting their hair done, then maybe getting Botox, maybe booking a photo shoot, for example, right? Or working with us with like mini sessions with families in the future, whatever that is. But I just want us to think really outside the box when it comes to collaborations.
And it’s okay if it doesn’t quite align with their ideal clients. Does that make sense? We’re really trying to focus on creating genuine content that just makes us well known.
Okay, and number three, peer retreats and incubator weekends. Oh my goodness. Okay. So my friend, Amy Porterfield, and I say my friend because she is my friend, we just haven’t met yet.
She just recently created a whole episode on this. So make sure to check out her, one of her recent episodes all about creating peer retreats, which besties to get together. The reason why I am actually listing this as a content idea is because this day alone or this weekend, whether it’s just one full like kind of mastermind day with your girlfriends or a full on like sleepover one or two or even three night extravaganza.
Is packed with itty bitty content ideas to literally ignite so much fun stuff. So why I included this is this is definitely something that I’m going to be prioritizing and I’m making sure to call this a peer retreat because this is not something that I’m paying for. This is not something that I am personally investing in.
To attend with other people, this is something that I’m creating an exclusive invite to people that I have connected with to my dear friends that may live all across the country. Let’s be honest in other parts of the world, but I really want to collaborate with them, bring them together, have an agenda, chit chat, dream, relax.
Absolutely. It’s a write off, right? But it’s just a great way to really brainstorm, boost some really fun ideas, and to bring my favorite humans together to generate a buttload of content, but also ignite that spark inside me, um, that really revs up the year for new events, new fun things to look forward to, and really scaling, really bouncing ideas to scale and increase revenue as well as making space for magic.
Number four, one of the biggest content things that I’ll be working on this year, of course, you know, this is behind the scenes, capturing B roll and behind the scenes is the easiest way to once again, I’m pointing this all back to being well known in your industry, right? I feel like sometimes we feel like we have to prove ourselves or get ourselves out there and kind of just pull content out of thin air.
Everything I’m listening today is things that are happening in real life, right? Things that you are already doing. It’s time to capture that. And I think there’s going to be so much realness about the behind the scenes that makes it relatable, makes you trustworthy, and it really creates a lot of FOMO for your followers, your family and your friends that are watching that can see themselves working with you and it’s going to make them want to sign up, make them want to book, make them want to invest.
This is something that I am absolutely either investing in as a student going to, or I have been asked to speak at these events, which are so fun, but this is something, whether you are just starting out your business, maybe this is only year one or two and a half, and you’re really just kind of getting cranking at this entrepreneurship journey.
Definitely, number one, you should be investing in conferences and educational events. But also too, if you’ve been in the industry for a while, or maybe you feel like you’re going on five, 10 years of business, staying connected with conferences and fun events really helps you introduce yourself to new people, helps you, you know, and this may sound kind of cocky and I’m sorry, but really a lot of these events too, they’re really are truly validations for me.
And I say that with so much love and grace because I think sometimes as business owners, we get rolling, we get stuck in our habits, we get stuck in our routines and we think, wait a second, is this the industry standard? Is this what other people are doing? Not because we’re trying to copy them, but because we, Have that true interest, like, am I missing something?
Do I feel like I could be improving? And then you go to these events and you see what other people are doing. You start overhearing conversations, you start hearing from the speakers and you think, Oh, I got this. Right. And like I said, I say that for so much love because on the same, the same token or that same weekend or that same experience, you are going to learn a ton.
I’m an open book. I’m a sponge. I love learning. But there is an element of going to these spaces. To record a buttload of content, right? To prove your value, prove that you are investing in yourself. That then makes others invest in you. Definitely adding conferences and educational events to my calendar.
If you have any questions about that, or you’re curious about where I’m going, slide into my DMS. I would love to have that conversation with you and maybe we can see each other at these fun upcoming events. Okay.
Number six, I’m including intimate dinner parties. So this is a huge content generation opportunity because you’re bringing people together, whether you are showing up to one, maybe you are investing in one or you got invited to one, or this is the one I really challenge you to do is to start doing them for yourself.
Now this doesn’t have to be business heavy. This absolutely does not have to be a business opportunity. This could be fun. This could be personal. So one thing that I want to start doing is incorporating more intimate dinner parties or brunches. It doesn’t have to be dinner. It could be a coffee and a walk.
It could be a brunch, a lunch, or maybe an intimate dinner, happy hour. But these are so fun to do seasonally. And I love a good theme. I love a good reason to get together. It doesn’t always have to be the same group of girlfriends. It could be an opportunity to introduce new friends. I love. So here’s the thing.
I have, I just know really awesome people, right? Like my friends are good humans and I love them so much. And when I can bring, I call them like when my worlds collide, when I bring new friends into the space or into a new event. Sometimes they’re kind of shy, but ultimately they get along really well. And that’s my favorite thing to do is to bring new friends together that I’ve been trying to connect or that I know that they would be a great collaborators or maybe they even themselves can host an event, right?
Whether it’s business or personal related, it’s just so fun. So I definitely want to host more like grandma parties. I’m so grateful for Mike and I, because we still do that. Like we love having just barbecues at our house. Like there doesn’t have to be any rhyme or reason. It’s just, Hey, bring a bag of chips.
Someone bring a dessert. We’re supplying the meat. We’re, you know, bring your favorite drink and just share. Like that’s just, uh, it’s just so fun. And going back to the content creations and being well known, this is a perfect opportunity for you to casually test out new things, right? So let’s say you have a new offer coming up or you’re excited about maybe an upcoming event that you’re hosting.
Coming together with friends that are either like minded business friends or even just neighbors and sisters and colleagues, they have ideas too, right? And it’s just so fun to bounce ideas with fresh people that can introduce you to new connections. All right.
Number seven, content days. Okay. These are so fun.
I’m mentioning this as a really fun content idea because literally it’s a day for you to just create content. All you have to do is shower that day, pick out a couple of outfits, get your hair done. If you feel like investing in hair and makeup, that’s always a plus, but definitely not needed to create really intentional content days.
So this is something where you can create just fun days of the steps and the things that you’re doing. Definitely something that you can include a friend on, but this is just being really intentional because I do think sometimes when we are so content heavy on generating content, everything is content.
It just feels like, ah, I have all these ideas and then yet I never whip out my phone or I never record. So having specific content days in your calendar, so you know, Hey, I’ve been, I have this list of on my notes of all these talking head points, or I have all these conversations in the shower in the car about things that I want to talk about on social media.
But then once I actually do it, like, what do I say? Right? So these are the days to plan and to execute. These are typically like I, and I’m going to go over things to do with your best friends and day in the life of videos. Those are coming up next!
Definitely included in the list, but these are days I would say to prioritize just for yourself, just for you, just for you to either book out a studio for you to kick everybody out of your house if you’re feeling too awkward to do it in front of your partner or your kids or your, you know, your home is just too loud, whatever that looks like.
Schedule it, make it a plan so that way you can get it done in literally just an hour or two, a couple hours. You can go all day. That’s fantastic. But just definitely prioritizing those content days is going to be huge for 2025. It gives you something to look forward to. And maybe it’s not in anticipation, but maybe it’s looking forward to them being done.
Whatever feels better for you. Um, I definitely would prioritize that for 2025.
Okay, and number eight, we are going along here. Sorry, every point has a story. Um, but number eight is a day in the life of videos or mini vlogs. I think these are going to be so huge for 2025. They, they are like, they’re already here.
People are watching them, but I love following a handful of influencers or creators that I just love seeing what they’re up to. Like, I love their voice. I love the way they edit. I love the projects they’re doing and even just walking their dog or hanging out with their kids. Like, They’re engaging.
They’re so fun and I challenge you to do that for you and your business as well. Just get started with it. This isn’t something that you have to drop three to five day in the life of videos a week. Maybe you start with one and see how it goes and then you feel a little more confident and start adding a couple more.
I love, like I mentioned before, you know, I’m the queen of behind the scenes. I love seeing the thoughts behind what’s going on. Right? So whether it is just a little moments of day to day practicality or relatability, I love seeing those. That just proves that other people like to watch you too. So even if you feel like you’re so boring, I have nothing to share.
I promise you, you are so interesting and I want to see. So if you post a day in the life of video, please tag me. Thank you. I would love to comment. I would love to share. I would love to hype you up and encourage you because I do think they’re so interesting.
Okay, and number nine, LIVES! I absolutely love them.
They’re a great way to collaborate and I mentioned collaborations before. That’s a great way to collaborate with other brands and businesses. Go live. I know a friend of mine, another friend, right? Someone actually, I have met her in real life. Her name is Jen Gottlieb. And I actually met her at one of the powerhouse women events.
I actually got to say hi with her and take a photo. But like I said, yes, I say friend very lightly. She is incredible. She goes live every single day doing her makeup and it’s so inspiring. She talks about her day. She talks about upcoming events and it’s just so fun. Um, I don’t catch those lives every single day, but knowing that she’s showing up and is available to do that is so huge, right?
So I challenge you to look at your calendar and think, gosh, you know, how can I collaborate with others to make it a little bit easier? You feel like you’re talking to a friend, like you’re just FaceTiming a friend, or how can you go live? People buy from people. They love investing in people that they can relate to, that they share stories with, and that they can trust.
And lives literally is the easiest, I call low lift. I mean, even though Okay, I want to say that very lightly. It can be very scary and very awkward to go live, but when it comes to, I would say, content creation, it’s the easiest low lift action you can take. You literally hit record. You talk. You share a story.
You highlight a client. You highlight a friend. You literally just show video of your dog. I don’t know, whatever it is that feels aligned for you. And then you’re done. You’re done. You don’t have to edit it. You don’t have to go back and add captions. You don’t have to add any extra fluff. It’s done. So that already feels like a sigh of relief when it comes to content generation because it’s just so fast.
And number 10, when it comes to content strategy for 2025, I’m definitely going to be adding more email newsletters. So I have on my notes here where you can commit to monthly roundups, weekly newsletters, or even quarterly commitments. That sounds crazy, but I think you can find the time to send four emails throughout the year, right?
Of course, I encourage monthly or weekly, but this is something that I find, you know what I am putting so much time and energy and effort into Instagram. And even into my Facebook post, I know I’m definitely an elder millennial. I’m definitely still posting on Facebook. A lot of my clients are still on Facebook and absolutely Instagram and now TikTok too.
I feel like I’m putting so much effort into these. And I think, gosh, I don’t even think any of my people are actually seeing this, where if I’m putting that time and effort into my newsletter, sharing my fun stories, and of course selling in my email newsletters as well, that’s when things are happening, right?
Like that’s where I feel like I’m getting the most clicks for my favorite things on Amazon or products that I mentioned, or even my own products in my digital shop. They’re selling because I’m actually putting them in my newsletters. So what I use for my email marketing is Flodesk and I absolutely love it.
Definitely check out QuiannaMarie.com/flodesk. It’s a great resource for you to add that to your marketing strategy, your content strategy. I feel like everything that I am posting on Instagram needs to not be posted until it’s a part of my newsletter flow, like workflow.
So that’s definitely a challenge for me, but it’s something to be working on.
All right, and number 11 carousel posts. So this is something that I’m going to be implementing in the new year, a little bit more storytelling with the post. It’s definitely hard to kind of calculate the statistics on this.
Because it kind of just shows views. I don’t think about the update, but now on my own personal grid, I get the little eyeball and I can see how many of you have seen that, that fluctuates, it changes, but I absolutely am going to start incorporating more carousels. I feel like they’re a little bit more engaging.
It’s not just one like stagnant photo. You can scroll through it. You can go back and forth. Quotes, fun updates. I’m super obsessing over like life lately posts, where it’s just a, you’ll have like if you’re a photographer. Or a professional, you may have like a professional photo on the top, but then underneath it, it’s just kind of like a junk drawer of photos that are just so fun or a little behind the scene video clips.
I love that because you can instantly be more relatable. You can share more of your story and it’s just a fun recap, right? It’s just so fun. So that’s number 11.
Number 12 are hot takes and unpopular opinions. Ooh, this is one that I am so excited to get a little spicy about. Because I truly believe, like, I have so many thoughts in my head.
I’ve mentioned the shower thoughts. I’ve mentioned all my ideas in the car. I get all my best ideas while I’m driving. And this is something that I want to kind of push the envelope on, right? I want to be careful with this, though, because I am definitely not a controversial person. I don’t post religion.
I don’t post politics stuff. Um, I like to keep it very lighthearted and encouraging. I want my, my little slice of the internet to be safe and happy and welcoming of everyone. And so, I definitely want to be careful with that. But I think within every industry, there are so many hot takes. There are so many unpopular opinions that I really believe you can share and run with and do it in such a beautiful way because If it’s something that you truly believe, then back it, right?
Like, then share it. And if anybody comes in with the hate comments or comes in with polarizing opinions, that just boosts your engagement, right? Like, in the best way. So, some hot takes and popular opinions are definitely going to be on my content calendar this year. And I cannot wait to see some of your hot takes or any type of like spicy comments.
All right. Moving on to number 13, freak flag content. Oh my goodness. I mentioned this briefly in last week’s episode, but I think it’s so important to incorporate freak flag content. This is the silly, the quirky and the relatable content that has nothing to do with your business. This is the stuff that you talk about your plans, your pets, your travels, your adventures.
I’m going to be mentioning that next, so that’s why it’s on my notes. But really, this is the fun and crazy stuff that makes you, you. You know, the kind of content that you can post that makes people go and think, Oh my gosh, she thinks that too? I do that, right? It’s kind of like in the parent trap. When I don’t forget which one does it first, but when one of the sisters puts the peanut butter in on her Oreos, right?
And you’re like, wait, what? Oh my gosh. That’s my favorite thing, right? Like what are the random things that make you, you? Share it. Run with it. Make it fun. Make it relatable. And I do believe that there’s A certain point in your business when your clients have worked with you, your family is burnt out on the stuff that you’re posting and it’s just hard to relate anymore because they may no longer be in a position to purchase from you, right?
They’ve already gotten married. They don’t need a budding photographer or they just recently booked their brand session and they’re so happy with that. Or I don’t know, let’s say you’re a realtor and they just recently bought their dream home. Well, they’re not really looking for market updates anymore.
They’re really not interested in local schools anymore. But they want to support you and they want to follow along with your journey and they want to keep up on your, I don’t know, your daughter’s swim lessons, right? Or they want to keep up on, um, your dog and the progress that they’re making in their training, right?
What does that look like for you and your family and your business and your personal brand? Let’s let that freak flag content come out. Share the goofy, share the relatable, share the fun.
Number 14, travel and adventure. People are so nosy. They want to see the travel. They want to see your fun.
Just, you know, all your fun adventures. Where are you flying to? Where are you spending your time? Are you doing a staycation this year with your family? Have you invested in any fun Airbnbs? Where are you staying? People want to see that stuff and they, they want to come along for the ride. So don’t be afraid to share that.
As always, I’m such a b roll, like, such a b roll queen, I have to mention, please be safe when you are posting about this online. Like I’ve mentioned a million times before in all of my content, it’s, it’s not always where you’re going that should be the concern, because typically we’re going to public places.
But it’s often where you’re not, right? When are you traveling? I typically like to share the travel posts and all those adventure posts after I’m already gone. Plus, it allows you to be more present during that time anyway. So consider that as well. Okay, we are rolling along here.
Number 15, storytelling and doing random things.
Okay, 2025, where I want to be a little more intentional with kind of like habit stacking and content creation. So one thing I’m going to start doing is doing more fun things like cooking, crafting, doing fun stuff, like literally random things, but then sharing behind the scenes educational content or sharing stories about client wins and adventures and just behind the scenes.
Planning and strategies throughout my photo shoots and then sharing it, right? So storytelling is going to be booming. It already is. And I definitely want to hear your voice. So this is a huge, huge opportunity. So if maybe you’re not feeling confident yet getting on camera, And showing your face, which you should be doing that anyway.
And I highly encourage you to, but baby steps here, just get started storytelling and sharing voiceovers. Oh my gosh, it’s going to be so huge. So definitely get that on your list on your content calendar for next year.
Number 16 goals and desires. What are your goals and desires? What are you working towards?
What’s your mission statement? What is something that you are working towards? Could be your family. It could be your children. It could be your pets. Obviously, that’s a why I say like air quote, a why that motivates us and a lot of us can relate to, but do you have big dreams of opening up an ice cream shop one day?
Do you have big dreams of going to every national park, right? Like, what does that look like? Are you hoping to touch foot on every continent in the world? Like, what does that look like for you? What are your goals? What are your desires? What are your wishes for your communities? for our world, right? Like, what does that look like?
Once again, that creates even more relatable content. And it also helps you become well known because people want to support you. There’s people that are going to watch, there’s people that are kind of like ghost follow and, you know, the little scrolling trolls or whatever is my mom and I call them where people are watching.
There may not be commenting, but There may come a time when they run into someone and they think, Oh my gosh, I have to tell you because I just saw someone that may help with that goal or dream. Right? I think sometimes when we hold our desires too tightly, um, is when we actually have tunnel vision and we miss out on so many things.
So share that talk about it. I can’t wait to hear it. And if you have really big dreams, like I do without opening, opening up my own wedding venue one day or intimate event space, like let’s go, let’s fly that to the moon!
Number 17, growth and pivots. So this is something that I think is so fun when I have new friends, and I say new friends, maybe the friends that I’ve just recently met since I moved here to Arizona, and I’ve gotten to know them really well.
I know their business in and out. I know what they’re offering. I know what they’re scaling these days. I may even know their Starbucks order, right, or what they order from our favorite local restaurants. Like, I feel like I know them really well. But then all of a sudden they drop. Oh yeah, did you know that I was a power lifter or I used to compete in these like body sculpting things whatever and I look at them and I’m like what?
Like there’s just like a part of their life that I had no idea about, right? And so I find like that to be so interesting in my real life friends. So imagine how a follower Or a viewer may think that about you, right? So like, maybe you have a past life where you used to be an elementary school teacher, like me, for example, I used to teach preschool, and people hear that they think, Oh, I could totally see that.
Or they think I had no idea, right? So what is it about your past? Old jobs, your career changes, or just new levels of business that have changed over the years. the growth, the pivots, the changes. People want to see that, right? They love a good timeline. They love a good story. And I also think it builds a lot of credibility for that, that longevity of business, right?
So it definitely adds to your personal brand. So you can just, you know, Share all these different things about this growth and you know, your past cities that you’ve lived, your hometown, whatever that looks like, maybe even your education, right? Like, is the topic that you got your degree in something that you’re not even doing right now?
Alright, like, what does that look like? We love to know.
Alright, number 18, we are rolling through these. podcasting, whether that is something that you are interested in starting your own, or you can literally get started today by pitching to podcast to be on theirs. If you are interested in being on Keanu Marie weekly, and you have a fun story to share, you have a business strategy that you’d like to implement and share and get out there, hit me up, literally send me an email, slide into my DMS.
I would love to know more about you and your business and how I can support you. But podcasting is a huge, huge content generator that I think a lot of people are sleeping on. So let’s say for example, you have had the honor to be a guest on a friend’s podcast, or maybe just I say friend very loosely, maybe another brand collaboration, or just someone else in our industry that you’ve had the opportunity to be on their podcast.
Please, please don’t just share the Graphics or the content that they had shared with you or just add to story right you literally can take you can ask a lot of podcasters would be happy to drop the audio to you through Dropbox or you actually, I think, can even record stuff. I don’t know. I’m sorry.
This may not be right. This may not be right. But if you are on the podcast and you’re trying to record pieces for soundbites, I don’t see any problem with that because you’re really just doing it in the best interest of both of you to reach new audiences. So be careful with that. I say that with a grain of salt and with so much love and grace, but truly there’s so much power in.
sharing that you were on a podcast, right? Whether that’s sharing a blog post, whether that’s adding it to your website, right? You like, you can say like, Oh, tune into these episodes where I talk about blah, blah, blah, right? Like we need to be maximizing our marketing skills. I think That’s one thing that I think for 2025, a prediction for content is just re gurgitating it, right?
Like rebranding it, reposting it, resharing, just how can you be purposeful in the content that has already been created and then share it. And then speaking of speaking and getting opportunities to be guest speaking, or even just creating your own platform, definitely reach out to Gaffin Creative as they are the producers of this podcast.
That rolls right into number 19, getting on stages. So this is your sign, babe. This is the green light to start putting yourself out there and pitching to get on stage. I have a really dear friend. Her name is Stephanie. She’s hosting these Speaker Spotlight events that have been so fun. She is local here in the Phoenix, Scottsdale area.
I just did one list last fall and now in January, she’s hosting another and it’s a great opportunity for you to get on stage, get the kinks out, get feedback on your speech as well as get it recorded. So Stephanie is a talented videographer and content creator as well. And she will literally record you doing that speech and I would say, I would say speaking on stage and she creates little sound bites for you.
She creates reels and video content for you to add to your website, to add to your social media, and most importantly, to add as collateral to share with. future events, right? Whether they’re conferences or just really fun opportunities for you to speak at. And a lot of these are paid gigs. So this is a great way to create another stream of income for you where you can put yourself out there, be seen, be well known for what you’re talking about, right?
And speaking of speaking, this rolls right into number 20, which is giving back to your community by speaking at your old schools and potentially career days. So if you are not getting asked to speak on stages for a lot of these conferences and events and educational opportunities that a lot of us are investing in and we’re familiar with.
Honestly, go back to your high school, go back to your college and campuses and just ask, Hey, what are, when are your career days? Do you have any special opportunities? I know I still go back to this day to my high school where I talk about photography, I talk about content creation, I talk about different ways that you can literally make money being yourself.
encourager for small businesses, of course, and taking that entrepreneurial route. And it’s just a great way to give back to your community. Plus, it helps you practice, right? I mean, there is nobody more terrifying than a group of high school students that are, they feel like you’re judging you, even though most of them probably don’t care.
But it’s just a great way for you to give back, to show up with confidence. And once again, hello, record it, right? Talk about how you are going back to your school and how proud you are to have this career that you have built and that how excited you are to share that with our youth, right? Chasing those dreams, chasing those goals.
And once again, I’m going to say this literally 25 times on this episode, but just being well known, right? Being well known for what you’re doing. Plus, it’s so fun to see old teachers and just, you know, kind of just going back to your roots is so beautiful. Okay, we’ve made it to number 20.
I cannot tell you how important this is when you are investing in coaching and masterminds or any type of higher education. I love reading books. I love listening to podcasts and I mentioned podcasts before, um, but that was more like getting on them and speaking, but just listening to them, right?
How are you documenting that you are investing in your business through education? Same thing, right? It’s like if you’re investing in this conference, if you’re flying to go and to invest in this mastermind or just gather with a group of girlfriends or business besties, document it, right? Share it. Prove your value by proving the fact that you are investing in your business.
Number 22, building authority with your own workshops, events, and master classes. So this is a huge one if you’ve been on the fence about starting either a digital workshop or literally just like a local workshop in your hometown, traveling to host these events, masterclasses. I think this is the year of stops playing small, right?
It’s like, we’ve gone through so much growth together, the collective in general, in this industry, in, um, I would say just like entrepreneurship in general, like it’s time to just go balls to the walls. Okay. So like, let’s go. Okay. So we are going to be building that authority by hosting workshops, selling tickets to our events.
And doing it because we really want others to be uplifted as well, right? We have this skill. We’re excited to share it. Go do it, right? And then record it. Set up your tripod. Simply record it.
Number 23, Bestie content days. And I have a part two to this, which we’ll get to in a second. Basically, these are content days that are so fun that you can bring your bestie to you guys can shoot video and behind the scenes clips of each other, you can literally just work for a couple hours and hyperlapse it and oh my gosh, you literally can have dozens of videos that you can add text to in the captions.
And that leads me to number like 23B. Which is social media takeovers. And this is what I would do with my besties, right? So this could be a social media takeover where you pop on, so literally just because you’re together, grab her phone or grab their phone and You don’t have to worry about logging in or anything.
This is why it’s great to do it in person. Just take over. Talk about what you’re doing that day. Highlight them. You know, it’s, it’s, it’s harder to sometimes market yourself and brag on yourself because it just feels weird. Right? But when your best friend takes your phone and says, Oh my gosh, I’m taking over keys phone.
I’m taking over her social media. You have to know about this shoot that we’re doing today. It’s. content day. You could book your own. Here’s the link to do this. Like that already adds so much clout and so much energy and excitement to that because a friend is basically vouching for you, right? Like they’re doing that for you and it’s just so much fun.
You guys can grab lunch together. You guys can grab a happy hour after to celebrate and it’s just a great way to not feel goofy. With the tripod out in public, right? Whether it’s renting a studio together or just doing it in your homes or in a local coffee shop, they’re just so fun. They make the day go by so much faster and you leave with so much content.
And that leads me to number 24, which is very similar to these takeovers, which I call the user generated content. Which is also known as UGC. So if you ever see UGC, you’re like, what the heck does that mean? Really? They are just client testimonials. They’re friends and clients using your products or sharing their experience working with you.
UGC is blowing up because I believe it’s so much more genuine. It’s so much more real. There are real clients. They’re real consumers, real people using your products and services and sharing about it. They’re talking about it, right? I mean, TikTok shop right now is blowing up because of the TikTok shop, but really all it is is UGC.
It’s just user generated content. You get these girls on there and these guys that are talking about the products that they’re loving and they’re using. And oh my gosh, I can’t tell you how fast I am clicking the add a cart button. My cart is full and there’s just so much going on on TikTok right now that I just want to buy everything.
And it’s literally fueled because of UGC. So I want you to think about that and how you can ask your past clients, right? So one example of that, because I love a good story and I love a good example is let’s say you’re a wedding photographer, right? Instead of you as the photographer going through the options for your wedding albums, right?
Where you’re saying, okay, like these are the two different sizes. These typically work great for the parent albums versus these work great for the couples albums, right? These are the leather options. This is a typical book and what it would look like and blah, blah, blah, right? How we went from 1200 images to basically only about 50 pictures in your album.
And this is what it could look like, right? Whatever that looks like for you, you would typically do maybe on a consult call or in person with your couples. Can you imagine if you had a video of one of your past couples doing like a side by side video, so like ask them to record their phone of, right, like of them flipping through the pages so you can actually get it like a bird’s eye view of the book, and then you have someone else that, you know, maybe the other couple, other partner’s phone is set up getting their reaction to it, right?
Like, Holy smokes, tearjerker, this is so real, right? And it’s not awkward because you’re not in the room with them telling them to cry. You’re not telling them to have all these emotions. You could feel that it’s raw and it’s natural and it’s real. So that’s an example of UGC, the user generated content, is we’re actually asking our clients, our friends, and our followers to share videos and to share the content for us.
And I don’t want this to come off like we’re making them do the work for us. It really is just coming from a place of love and appreciation. Which leads me to number 25! We made it!
Oh my goodness, this is my favorite one, other than the well, being well known and all the behind the scenes stuff. But it’s called client appreciation days.
Okay, this is something that I am absolutely looking forward to in 2025. Um, I have, I have actually planned a couple of these in the past, whether it be for my wedding couples where I’ve had, I’ve hosted date nights for them. I’ve even done this for my brides. Um, I call them the brunch and bubbly’s where it was just a client appreciation day for them to come together, ask questions, celebrate, and then get some really fun portraits done as well as a photographer.
I can’t help but take photos of everything, but that’s what I would offer. And this is just a great way to bring people together to generate a ton of content. So I actually have done one of these for both. My good friend, Kristie. Her name is Kristie Hidrogo and her business is Soul Vibes Coaching. So make sure to check her out.
We’ve even done an episode together here on the podcast. She’s wildly, wildly, just so amazing. We had done a client appreciation day together where we included, I don’t know, I think there was about, I don’t know, six or eight ladies that had come together. She hosted, it was like a lunch. She hosted tacos.
It was tacos and testimonials. And what we did is we brought these ladies together. She did a little welcome thing. It was so sweet. And really it was just a hangout. There was really nothing on the agenda other than sharing how much she loved them, how much she appreciated them. And then what I did is I plucked each of the ladies back into a room and we shared a quick testimonial.
It’s kind of like a little, what do you call those, not information, the confidentiality booths. I think like in reality TV, I forget what they’re called, but like they’re those booths that people go into, like, like kind of like the voters booth on Survivor, right? It was just like that. And they shared really genuine stories about their client wins, about their experiences working with Christie.
It wasn’t just a, Oh, we love her so much. She’s the best. It really, like I asked various specific questions. So it felt like if you were in the room with them, like you believed it, right? It was like, Oh yeah, like I can see that growth and see those mindset shifts that she had created with her clients. And that right away generated a ton of content.
And I was able to make reels. about each of the testimonials that were shared. I created content for her about the whole thing in general, right? It was just so fun. Her guacamole was amazing, but it was just a great way to bring these ladies together to share genuine appreciation for them. And then to get it online in a very genuine and organic way without feeling salesy.
So that concludes our list of 25 content ideas. And I want to share too. I just saw a post that Gary Vee predicts that the future of social media platforms may not be free, right? So you know how Instagram had rolled out the little blue check thing and some people are paying monthly on that. Holy smokes, that is like literally millions of dollars overnight that they had increased for that.
But I want to ask you, how are we taking advantage of these apps and these social media platforms? How are you showing up in person and creating lasting memories for your life and business? And now that I’m wrapping up this list, I notice a thread throughout every single content idea and every prediction for 2025, every single point, and maybe with the exception of email marketing or AI tools, every single point shares the importance of being in person or gathering with others.
Showing up to make an impact, sharing your real life adventures, capturing the behind the scenes of your life and business, putting yourself out there. They all encourage us to get dressed and walk outside of our home. They encourage connection. They inspire us to deepen our friendships and relationships.
If stepping out of your comfort zone to step one step closer to your highest self is on your list of goals this year, let’s take baby steps by stepping out of our front door. Trust me, I know you’re busy and overwhelmed with building a brand, turning your passions into profits, and trying to keep this dream living, breathing, and scaling.
Adding content creation to the mix can feel like an additional full time job. This is why I created Bloom with B Roll, the mini course I created to help you with B Roll basics to never forget to pull out your phone to record the magic you’re already doing. I see you doing the work, babe. More people need to know about you.
Check out QuiannaMarie.com/broll to learn more and get started today. I have a free guide to help you get started with tons of education to start shining online and making more money simply being yourself.
You’re destined to thrive simply sharing the hard work you’re already doing my love. This list of content ideas is lengthy with lots of effort needed to succeed. Don’t let the effort you’re putting into investing in your business, hosting events, and sharing these memories only live in person. Help your sanity by generating evergreen content that attracts dream clients begging to work with you, simply capturing the work you’re already doing with this long list of content ideas.
I don’t want to just share this list with you and say, good luck, everybody. I can’t help but kick off this new year with a challenge for you. I challenge you to take this list, feel free to reference the show notes. And by the way, when I say show notes, just to clarify under your podcast player, so the two, I would say most popular Spotify and Apple underneath where you hit play, there should be about a paragraph or so.
About a little bio about the episode and maybe some pertinent links that were mentioned if you head to QuiannaMarie.com and you head to the blog once you get to that blog there there’s so much more information literally the transcript of Every episode is listed and you’ll have access to more links more discussions and especially more details for every interview That’s on there as well.
So when I say the show notes, I’m really just saying check out the blog per episode because there’s tons of information on there. And if you miss anything, that’s you could check it out. So this is what I mentioned. If you wanted to actually see this list, you can check out the blog for more details. Okay, so back to the challenge.
I challenge you to star and and maybe circle five of these content ideas that feel a little bit challenging, but really are actually easy for you. Like maybe they’re just a little bit time consuming, but I definitely want to add those five things to your calendar that you can look forward to something that you’re going to commit to.
And then after you have those five favorites, I challenge you to just select one that you can commit to every single week to kickstart a series for the new year. So for example, maybe you commit to going live every Friday morning to share about a client win or every Saturday to take us behind the scenes at your next photo shoot.
Committing to one thing on a certain day of the week will help create consistency and build trust for your following. If you’re still feeling a little scared about going live, maybe commit to sharing a story or little behind the scenes clips that you can just post to your feed each week about a certain topic or something that we can look forward to.
Another example for one big content commitment would be to schedule monthly content days with your bestie. Now, it doesn’t have to be an intentional branding day with your bestie. Maybe you plan to meet up for coffee once a month. Look cute and record a couple reels or behind the scenes clips. You see, it doesn’t have to be elaborate to be intentional or memorable.
The key is consistency. When we add real life moments to our calendar that fills our cups, It makes generating content so much easier. If you’re feeling stuck or not sure where to begin, please slide into my DMs. I’d love to help brainstorm one content idea to stick to for the year. I’m literally your biggest cheerleader and only want to see you thrive and succeed.
Let me know what feels easy, what feels like a challenge or what feels like a hell no, thank you, ma’am. Together, we can brainstorm ideas that feel aligned with you and your brand.
Okay. Now that we have our content ideas ignited for the year, I want to catch you up on some personal updates. I can’t even keep this a secret anymore.
Mike and I bought a home together. We just closed on 12/12 and literally those angel numbers mean positive changes in relationships and a harmonious alignment between career and money. It can be a reminder to trust in the timing of life and have faith that things will work out in the end. It can also be a sign that you have worked hard and reached a crucial point in your process, but there is still more to go.
This is such a beautiful sign that Mike and I are on our way to our dreams coming true. Yes, I still have my big goals of buying land and creating an intimate event space, photo studio, dream house one day and it’s funny, you know how typically couples will say they need like his and hers closets? Yeah, no, Mike and I, we need our own barns. We need our own shops.
This is only the beginning. This small fixer upper home is already filling up with love and abundance, and I can feel it. It’s here and I’m just so, so excited. I want you to feel that love and encouragement throughout everything that you do this year for your life and business.
Please know that you are supported and encouraged every step of the way. You can catch me dropping episodes every Monday and I look forward to my Lucky 13 Shoots as well as branding and content shoots. This new year is. Already filled with so many opportunities coming our way. It’s truly a blessing to have you here with me on this business journey.
If you’re ready to step into your next level of life and business, and you need your online presence to match that, hit me up. I’d love to collaborate by flying out to you and your hometown, or welcoming you here in Scottsdale out in the Arizona desert for some epic experiences to reach your million dollar year.
Thank you so much for joining this chat. If you’re ready to tackle some big goals this year, make sure to stay tuned for next week’s interview with one of my mentors and biggest inspirations. We’ll be diving into your next big leap and how to tangibly make that happen with your actions, prioritizing your calendar, and making more by actually doing less.
Yes, please, I’m up for this. It’s literally a coaching call that you’re going to want to sit in on. Oh my gosh, it is so good. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it. Wishing you a new year filled with abundance and love. I can’t wait to see you soon, my love. Cheers to 2025! Let’s go! Okay, love you. Bye.
That’s a wrap on another episode of Quianna Marie Weekly. Thank you so much for your listenership and support. You can find the resources and show notes for this episode and more at QuiannaMarie.com/podcast
I’d be honored if you’d show your support by leaving a review and rating on your favorite podcast app until next time, keep on dancing.
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