Can a brand shoot lead to elevated success in your business? In today’s episode, I have the honor of introducing you to Felicia Romero, a business mentor and long-time client! We’re diving into how powerful branding can launch your business to new heights, why it’s important to get your next branding session on the calendar, plus Felicia’s roadmap to six-figure success.
On Quianna Marie Weekly, we’re chatting about business growing pains, finding genuine connections, and celebrating wins of all sizes through the lens of a photographer at heart. Sprinkled throughout stories and interviews with past clients, photographers and other business owners this podcast is designed to help you step into your purpose and to truly create a life you’re proud of, a life worth photographing and sharing.
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Today’s episode is brought to you by The Green House, my resource garden for photographers! Let me help you AMPLIFY your heart online and in real life to turn bridesmaids into future brides through templates, workshops, and freebies!
Review The Show Notes:
Celebrating Felicia’s 6-Figure Launch (3:38)
How A Branding Shoot Helped To Reach A Milestone (4:57)
Preparing For The Photoshoot With Your Mindset (12:15)
Why You Need To Document Your Business Journey (17:41)
How To Find Your Local Photographer (21:37)
Using Your Gallery Effectively (26:47)
3 Tips For A Successful Launch (31:44)
Creating A High-Converting Sales Page (35:07)
Calculating The Success Of A Launch (41:59)
Common Mistakes When Launching New Offers (48:44)
Key Tip From Felicia (53:49)
Connect with Felicia:
Review the Transcript:
Quianna: As your photographer, I can try to convince you that now is the best time to book your next branding session. I can share all of the benefits for your business, confidence, self esteem, and marketing growth coming your way after a branding session. I know it’s an investment, and not just your hard earned dollars, but your limited time and bandwidth to schedule a session takes time and energy.
But one thing we haven’t talked about yet in this branding series is the potential of your ROI, your return on investment when we collaborate together. Sometimes sharing the opportunity for growth can feel scary and honestly hopeful. We only want the best for our business. And many of us are burnt out on investing in some things.
If you have yet to book a branding session, it can feel overwhelming when you’re not sure exactly how a photo shoot can bring in more clients. This is why I wanted to highlight the success story and share exactly how one of my clients reached a six figure launch with the help of our branding session.
As a returning guest on the podcast, my soul sister, Felicia Romero is one of my favorite humans and inspires me daily. She turned a crush your content three hour photo shoot into a six figure launch. That’s over a 100, 000 cash injection in her business. In this episode, we’re spilling the secrets on how powerful branding can elevate your business to new heights.
Why it’s important to get your next content or branding session on the calendar. Plus, Felicia is opening up her playbook to share the action steps, embodiment, and roadmap to her successful launch. Felicia Romero helps online coaches sell and scale their offers to create the freedom and wealth that they desire.
Felicia has the magic touch backed by decades of business experience to stop trading time for money and to finally create an impact doing what we love. Doesn’t that sound good? Getting paid to do what you love. She’s the friend that puts in the work, celebrates every tiny win and encourages us to all dream bigger.
And then dream bigger than that. Let’s jump into this conversation to soak up her knowledge and to feel inspired to kickstart our next launch. Stay tuned to join this high level conversation that legit should be a mastermind call behind a paywall. I’m not even kidding. But my friend, my network is your network and I’m thrilled to introduce you to Felicia Romero.
Welcome to Quianna Marie Weekly, a podcast for creatives who love to celebrate wins big or small by dancing in the kitchen. Photographers who are excited to celebrate. serve their clients and friends who are ready to chase really, really big dreams. You can find all of the resources mentioned in this episode at
Join me as I share weekly motivation, chat about growing pains, finding genuine connections and celebrating your wins through the lens of a photographer at heart. Come join me for a dance party. Ready? Let’s go.
All right. All right. Welcome to the party, Felicia. I am so excited. So excited you’re here and so grateful you can just grace us with your presence again. This will be the second time you’ve been on the podcast. And I am so thankful you’re here today. How are you?
Felicia: I’m so good. This is gonna be such a fun conversation.
I’m so excited to chat.
Quianna: Yes. Well, before we even get started, I absolutely have to congratulate you, Felicia. You are busting through these glass ceilings for women. You are a complete change maker and making a difference, not just talking about it, but truly living it. And I want to celebrate the fact that you recently had a Six Figure Launch. This is such a big deal!!! Can we just take a moment and pause and celebrate that? Like, how does that make you feel?
Felicia: Oh my goodness. It makes me feel so good! Well, I’ll preface it by saying, and for the listener, I didn’t just like start a business and be like, Oh, six figure launch. I’ve had MANY zero dollar launches for a figure launches.
Five figure launches to build myself up to this. And I know the conversation we’re going to have today is really going to kind of like set us up for what’s to come, but like everything that we’re going to talk about today really set me, set me up to have a six figure launch. So I’m really excited. And it honestly is just.
Hard work pays off! Quantum leaps happen all the time. Miracles happen all the time. And when you go all in on yourself and on your business, like things happen, things can shift. Like your money story can completely change. So I’m excited to get into it.
Quianna: Yes. I’m so grateful. I love that you started with that.
You started with that little piece of love and grace to remind us, Hey, this didn’t happen overnight. I didn’t just book this photo shoot with Kiana and then create a sales page and make six figures here. Like this is literally a decade or two of hard work. So I would love to know, since we are talking about branding and photos, how did our branding session help reach that milestone?
How did that photo shoot ignite this six figure launch?
Felicia: Okay, so I’m going to like take it back and storytell a little bit because I want to give your listener some context as to like what led to this. All right, so I remember wanting to launch a new program, launch a new offer. Something that I’ve never done before.
And I’ve done high ticket before, but this was like really high ticket. This was like 5, 000 product that I really wanted to launch. And when I was creating it, I knew that in order to call in the kind of woman that was going to spend 5, 000 on this, it was essentially a nine month program. I was going to have to be different.
Have to show up differently. I was going to have to think differently. And a lot of that comes in, in terms of like our marketing, but also who we’re being. Okay. So like, I’m going to like break this down into two different subsects. Like we have your masculine energy, we have your feminine energy and the masculine energy.
I had no problem with, I do the thing I get things done. I implement, but a lot of what the feminine energy is, is the bean. For many years just kept calling in that beginner coach that wasn’t willing to spend more than a couple hundred dollars on a program. I really needed to lean into who I was being and what I was calling in.
And. Part of that was this photo shoot with you because I had to do the things that a six figure coach was doing. A six figure coach is booking the branding shoot. She is really up leveling her marketing and messaging. She is, you know, Creating a lot of cohesiveness with her brand and not just colors, but in what she’s saying and how she’s showing up and our photo shoot, it was epic because it was the first shoot that I was like really leaning into the orange.
So I had an orange suit and like, I still get women who pop into my DMS, like, where did you get that orange suit? And so like I, and, and what’s amazing about that and what’s epic about that is. That, like, really, like, caused a permanent, like, memory for a lot of people looking at my content. They refer back to the orange suit.
They, or even when they see orange, they think of Felicia, right? Or a lot of, like, what I was creating at that time was very much cohesiveness around that look. And that just cemented, like, this, this image for a lot of the women that ended up joining and being in my world. So, it was just. I needed to show up in that space.
I needed to do the things that a six figure coach was doing. And part of that was hiring you and creating this epic brand shoot.
Quianna: I love that so much. And I’m so grateful that you shared the embodiment of this. Like this is what it truly is, is the essence of. Celebrating who you are right now, but then stepping into that next quantum leap, stepping into that next level of you and you’re doing it.
You’re leading by example. You’re creating these iconic images. So just like you said, people are asking, Hey, where did you get this orange jumpsuit or this orange suit? This is amazing. They are, they are literally identifying the fact that you are this. six figure leader by what you’re wearing and how you are carrying yourself while you are wearing those outfits.
So I love that so much.
Felicia: And let me take it a step further. Like I, I had to uplevel everything. And so I want to just say like to create these results, no matter what results, like for, for the person listening right now, like a 10, 000 launch might be a godsend for somebody. Right. Or even an extra 3, 500.
When I first started my online business, Kiana, when I sold my gems, I just wanted to make an extra 3, 500 a month in my online business. Like I felt like that was going to be like, Oh my gosh, if I can make an extra 3, 500, this will be such a godsend for me at that time. And, and what obviously ended up happening as I scaled my business.
But what I do want to say is that the brand shoot was so much more than creating photos for Instagram. It literally was part of a strategy. Okay, so the strategy literally from my sales page to my pre launch, because you know, this is something that you and I are actually going to be teaching at our upcoming workshop is it’s not so much just like the actual launch, which can be anywhere from two to four weeks.
What are you doing before and after the launch, right? So that brand shoot that we did. Literally helped create the pre launch helped create all of my lead generation that led into me dropping the like, Oh my gosh, my offers, you know, doors are open and even everything that I did after the launch as well.
So there’s more, so much more to a launch than just like the two to four weeks that you devote to it. It’s literally the before and after and our photos and everything that we created during that brand shoot literally helped. Everything that I did in the pre sell everything that I did up to lead generation and building a very warm to hot audience to the actual launch to even things that I’m still using today a year later.
So it’s like there is so much strategy beyond just taking the photos. It’s it goes deeper than that.
Quianna: I’m so happy that you are sharing this because this is something that I think a lot of us need to hear is that we think, Oh gosh, if we’re investing in this branding session, I got a headshot. I look pretty in my, in my email signature or in my Facebook profile picture or whatever’s happening on Instagram.
Like I’m good. I don’t need any more photos, but you’re right. It’s incredible how many different ways You absolutely utilize these photos and these GIFs or these GIFs, whenever we say it right, these fun little videos. It’s just, it’s the power in utilizing them and maximizing this shoot, right? I love that you’re doing that.
Felicia: Yes, absolutely. And it’s, it’s been, it’s been epic. Like, honestly, like, The shoots that you and I have done together, I also feel like there’s this synergy when you, because you’re such an intuitive content brand photographer that like, we also shoot ideas, like you give me ideas, like, Oh my gosh, this would be so cool.
Or set your camera up here and you know, get this. And it’s just like, we’ve created gifts, sales gifts to use in our stories to hype up a launch, like all of these ideas that you’ve been able to, uh, Share has been also really instrumental because you are so intuitive when it comes to, you know, the, the photos that you capture with your clients, but it goes even deeper than that.
Quianna: Yes, I appreciate you for saying that. Oh, my gosh. Well, we’re going to dive deeper into launching and sale pages and all of that stuff in a second. I really want to dig a little bit deeper into the planning stage of this brand session for you. And I would love to really take it even a step lower into the synergy of finding alignment with your launch, with your outfit and your mindset.
So I know you mentioned you had that super killer orange suit and stuff. And so I cannot wait. You have to check out the show notes. I’m going to include some images of Felicia from this exact six figure launch branding session we’re talking about. But I just would love to hear in your opinion, Felicia, like what, what thoughts were coming through when we selected the location, when you selected the outfits, what type of mindset did you have to create in that moment to prepare you for the photo shoot?
Felicia: Honestly, uh, I had to go, I had to like really put myself in the shoes of the woman watching, right? And a lot of what, you know, we get to do when it comes in terms of like really creating inspiration for people, especially when we’re looking at someone online, right? Like you look at someone online, you’re scrolling, like what?
What prompts you to stop this for all like, what would prompt you to be like, Ooh, like, what is this? What is she sharing? And so I had to think about be very intentional. And again, it goes beyond the colors. It’s like the mood, the vibe, what I’m creating, what the perspective client that’s going to be looking at this content.
What are they feeling from it? Right? And that energy comes through. Like it totally comes through like, like how many times have you seen a photo or if you’ve seen like a video or, and you can feel the energy of that person through the photo or video, like you truly can. Right. And so like, you have to be very intentional with the energy that you’re bringing to, and you have to have bulletproof belief in what you’re selling, right.
In the product that you’re selling, like you must have bulletproof belief in that, because if you don’t, that’s That also is going to come off as well. So when it came to like location and like what I was wearing, everything was really intentional. I had this, I love Pinterest. So I create these like fun mood boards and what, and I know you and I have like created stuff within Pinterest and like shared it with each other.
Like, Oh, this would be cool if we recreated this. And so. I really get inspiration from that and I put it together and then that’s really how the shoot comes together and like what I’m going to create with the offer comes together, but it really I putting myself in my potential client and really kind of, you know, figuring out what are they feeling from the content that I’m creating?
What kind of feeling, what kind of activation do I want them to receive when they’re looking at my content? Because My content is very much more like leaning into the desired outcome, the empowerment, where they want to be, who they need to be in order to get there versus only focusing on what they don’t have or the pain point.
I tend to more focus in like the empowerment of it all.
Quianna: Yes. Well, the one thing that totally came through as you were just sharing all of that is the fact that you are so intentional with what the viewer needs or how your audience is perceiving what you’re saying, what you’re doing, what you’re offering.
And I think that is so beautiful because I think Stress out about, Oh my gosh, what do we wear? I’m not going to book my photo shoot until I lose five more pounds, right? We can be so hard on ourselves. And I hate to say this, but selfishly think of what’s best for us and what we need, but that’s not business, right?
Business is solving problems for others. And as long as you’re solving problems for others and helping others, loving others, I mean, you will forever be in business no matter what you’re offering. And I just, I love that you brought that to light that this isn’t even about you. This is about, yes, this is about your business.
This is about the people you are helping. And I know that so many entrepreneurs, so many hustlers and small business owners, that’s why we got into business is because someone asked us to do a project and we raised our hand and said, I think I can figure it out. Right. And that’s really how all of us began.
pretty much got kicked off into these situations. And so if we can lean into that servant heart, if we can lean into that, Hey, I’m showing up, I’m putting my ego, like I’m leaving her in the car as I go and do this photo shoot, you’ll be amazed at how, how much more fun, how much more intentional your shoot can be because you truly are helping others.
And when you have that mindset, Girl, like you’re on fire. Anything can happen.
Felicia: Oh, I love that. It like, as you were speaking, it reminded me of something I saw on Instagram recently with Sarah Blakely. And she is the founder of Spanx. She sold it for like a billion dollars. She’s like total boss, babe.
Awesome. She had this, Photo of like back in the day, like in the early 2000s when she had launched Spanx and she was on the ground looking up at all of the packaging of Spanx. She was trying to figure out which one would be the best packaging. And a lot of times for her and I, from what I’ve gathered from a lot of her content, it it’s really not about her.
Right. She puts herself in the shoes of her customer of the woman that’s going to be buying the Spanx and like, what would attract them? Right. And it was just this epic photo. She was laying on the ground. She was looking up at the wall at all the different packaging for Spanx. And it really came down to like that intention, helping others, putting herself in the shoes of her clients.
Quianna: Yes, that is such a tangible and real thing, like just a quick little mindset shift that we can start today. And I would really love to back this up, like let’s back this baby up. And I would just love to share, like you’ve been on fire, you’ve been gaining momentum with each photo shoot, every new book you’re picking up and sharing.
By the way, if you’re friends with Felicia, she will meet you at a coffee shop, she will meet you in a parking lot, and she will literally hand you a book. So thank you for always sharing your best reads with us. And you know, you’re always building these connections and investing in these educational opportunities and hosting your own educational opportunities.
So I just would love to know why is it so important to document this business journey?
Felicia: Oh my gosh, this right here, the documentation of the journey is literally how you build community. Okay, so gone are the days of something’s coming, and then you drop it day out like you tease your audience something’s coming, like no, no, no, no, no.
Bring your audience in from the ground floor of what you’re building and what you’re building on your methodology. Let’s say you have a product, like take them in on how you’re creating these products and what prompted you to create these products. If you’re launching a program or offer online, like take them into your methodology and how you’re building out this transformation for them.
So if It is so important to start documenting and this is I believe the first part of any sort of launch strategy or any sort of building out of something is literally bringing your audience in and building community around that because and asking for opinions and sharing with polls and taking them in behind the scenes like making them feel a part of it is literally the thing that really builds a tribe and thriving community and so it is important to document all of the things behind the scenes.
Quianna: Yes, and I feel too, there’s so much power in creating that living brand. So guess what? One day you’re going to wake up and change your mind. Guess what? One day you’re going to wake up and decide, Oh my gosh, my partner needs to move us across the country. This, what I have going on over here isn’t quite going to work, right?
Like we have so much more flexibility. in community. We have so much more opportunity in community. It’s just, it’s just endless. I love that. And I, I love that you’re so proactive too. Felicia, in fact, I should have, I’m gonna look up the stats and I’m gonna find out exactly how many photo shoots we have done together since we met.
And, and, yeah. I’m not even kidding. It’s more than a dozen, right? It’s at least 20 plus photo shoots. I can’t even like I
Felicia: can probably even look now because i’m always like go into the pop the confetti. Yes So we have done. Oh my gosh. Kiana. We have done. Okay, so one two three Four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.
We’ve done 27. Oh my gosh. And on this list, the 27 does not include those mastermind photos that Annette and I have together. That’s what I was going to
Quianna: say. Those might not even be your events because I typically make new folders for you for that. So
Felicia: nobody has access. We probably are in the 30s.
Quianna: Yes, and I’m, I just want to share so much gratitude for you because literally you’ve paid my mortgage during some really sticky times throughout the pandemic, and you’ve literally helped my business skyrocket in the best direction forward.
Something I wasn’t anticipating, to be honest, to go into branding and content. But I love it. I love that we have truly built these businesses that we love side by side in this entrepreneurial journey and you invest in them like you’re paying for these and to see them pay off for you and for your clients and your students just.
is so incredible. Oh my gosh.
Felicia: Thank you. Yeah. It’s so cool. The things that you and I have done together. And even just to see the changes in me and the different hairstyles, like I’ve had so many different hairstyles. Every time I like cut my hair, I’m like, Oh gosh, I got to do another shoot. But it has been fun to see like what you bring out in me in the different locations and the different outfits and the different embodiments that I’ve been able to kind of, you know, like lean into.
So that has been so fun.
Quianna: Yes. Oh my gosh. So we totally jive. I feel like it’s been so fun. Like I said, to like see the different haircuts to see the different, just the growth and the evolution of your business. And I just would love to share What advice would you give to someone who is looking for a local photographer?
So obviously I would love to work with everybody and you, you send me so many incredible clients, like so many friends that I’ve had the honor of working with. But let’s say someone is really far away and it’s just logically doesn’t make sense geographically to work with me. How do we find someone to, to photograph with?
Like, what would be your criteria to finding a really good photographer?
Felicia: Well, this is such a great question. I first would look at their portfolio of photos because if you, if your brand is a little bit more like on the darker, moody side, there’s going to be photographers that tend to like shoot a little bit more in that direction.
That’s filter look, whereas you are like really capture the essence of like the bright, the real non filtered, like in the moment natural, which is what I love. I love like for me to look like I do in my pictures, right? So like if someone were to meet me, I’m not like catfishing anybody. They’re like, Oh, you look like you do in the photos.
Okay. I mean, you really capture that. So I love that. So at first just kind of like understand like the mood and the ambiance that you want with your photos. Second, like the kind of photos that you want, like, I know you are very specific and I know you’re a wedding photographer for a long time, but like really specific now in branding and content.
So really capturing like a lot of the white space. You’re, you know, you, you do close up, but also far away, like, Great. The different types of angles, you’re really good at like giving cues and guiding, you know, someone who maybe doesn’t know how to pose and how to do those things. And that makes all the difference because I’ve shot with photographers before and I won’t name names.
I mean, they’re all great. I don’t want to talk badly, but some just don’t do that. Some don’t like necessarily position you or cue you or tell you what to do. It’s kind of like you’re in front of the camera and like, okay, have at it. And so, you know, I think you’re really, you have to kind of find that synergy with a photographer that’s going to help be helpful with those sorts of things.
Quianna: Yes. Thank you so much for mentioning that. And you’re right. You, you need to find someone that you feel comfortable with, that you have done really deep research into the type of photos that they’re creating. And I would even add to asking about the different types of locations that they’ve worked in, because sometimes some portfolios can be so beautiful, right?
Like you can work with the dreamiest. photographer that takes these gorgeous sunset photos. And then maybe if you’re requesting a little bit more professional edgy vibe indoors in a studio, if the photographer doesn’t have examples of that, it’s kind of a crap shoot, right? Like they probably can figure it out.
And I highly like I give them so much credit that they can, but it may not be in alignment, right? Like it may not be exactly what you’re looking for. So definitely doing some major stocking to check out that portfolio. And I love that too. And I love that it’s totally okay to start out with a, like a quick shoot, right?
Whether it’s a mini session with them, a lot of times photographers will offer seasonal mini session. Just anything where you feel like you could just try it out because you’re not gonna know unless you work with them, right? You have the option to book them again and to keep honing in on that craft and just getting better and better with each shoot.
Or you can decide their energy just isn’t really for me. I don’t feel comfortable, whatever it is, but you still got to try, right? We still got to get out there.
Felicia: Yes, for sure. For sure. And I will say sometimes, I mean, when you are seeing yourself in photos, sometimes at first glance, I know for me, I tend to kind of like, I can’t like, if I look at photos, I have to look at them.
And then I come back to them. Like I let it sit for a little bit. Then I go back. And what I noticed, cause I’m looking at our old photos right now, and I’m like, Oh my gosh. Like, why did I never post some of these photos because we have so many, I have literally content for years from you, right? I’m like wanting to go back now.
And some of these photos that we did in like June of 2021, which was like three years ago. Oh my gosh, why did I not post this photo? This is beautiful. But maybe at the time I’m like, Oh, I don’t love the way that I’m like standing there or looking there. And what you’ll realize is when you go back to go look at the photos, there’s so many I’m like, Oh my gosh, these are all so gorgeous.
Why didn’t I post this one? Why didn’t I post that one? Like, I’m going to be posting one today and one of our old photos because I am seeing so many things here. I’m just loving.
Quianna: Yes, we have to go back and revisit those and you’re right. And I love that. I mean, Felicia, you are so beautiful. You are so powerful and you have this presence about you, but You just unlocked a whole new relatable relationship listening to that same statement.
Like, hey, sometimes I get my photos back and this may not be exactly what I pictured. It may not be exactly how I want my body in this moment. But we’re real, we’re human. And you get to go back at those photos and think, oh my gosh, what? Why didn’t I share more of these? I
Felicia: know, I know. You should go back and look at your photos.
And no, like firsthand, like when you look at them, I think just really looking at them with a sort of just loving eye because I’m guilty of that. And so I just want to, I don’t know. I just felt like the need to say that today.
Quianna: Yes. Thank you for sharing that. So let’s say we have a gallery, right? You just got your little thing.
I send the email, pop the confetti, your gallery is ready, right? You get that email from me. I would love to hear your thought process on breaking down what’s next with those photos and, and with a launch in mind. So let’s say you’ve, you’ve clarified a new offer, you’re ready to roll. You have all, it’s like a candy store, right?
You have all these new images to play with. Where do you start and what truly creates a successful launch?
Felicia: Ooh, I love this question. Okay. So. First and foremost, I definitely get photos. Um, so I love like removing the background from photos. And I like to just take the photo and use it in my sales pages in some way.
And I’ve done, there was one specific one and it was, I was in the orange suit and I was looking to the right. So it was just my profile. I’ve used that photo so many times. It’s in all my sales pages. It’s on my website. I’ve used I’ve done where we literally remove the background and I’ve literally just transplanted that photo everywhere, but I think it depends on obviously the colors and what you’re doing, but, um, where you see yourself in your, in your best light, like the photos that you, that you really love that you want to use to like.
I guess show what you want your client to see, right? So I don’t really have like a process, but I do know like what photos I look best in. And I tend to like grab those right away. And I saved them to my phone because I think if you keep them in the. In your in your file, like on the computer, we might not use them as quickly as you want.
We have to get them out. We have to save them and get them on your phone quickly so that they don’t sit and you just time passes and you don’t do anything with them. Right? So I like download my favorite ones right away and I send them to my phone because I know that I’m going to use them and I’m going to be able to post about them.
I know we just did a photo shoot. A lucky 13 loved that shoot. And I picked out all of my favorites from each one of my outfits just so that I knew I was going to do a post about it right with a little carousel, but if they sit and you don’t download them and you keep them on file and you just go and look up, look at them every other week and like, Oh, these are so pretty.
Like, no, you have to like, take action, download them so that you can actually post them online and make it part of your content and your launch strategy.
Quianna: Yes, yes, you’re absolutely right. We have to get these downloaded. We need them in the palm of our hands. And that’s the beauty of our galleries. You can access them anywhere as long as you have Wi Fi, right?
You can see them, but getting those downloaded, getting them in your hands and on your camera roll, whether you have a favorites folder for branding sessions or just content, whatever you’re calling that role or that folder, that album, I guess, on. Our phones, get them on that album to be super accessible and easy to share.
Felicia: Yeah. I mean, Kiana, like, I’m not kidding. I’m looking at these photos from June of 2021. I remember one specific suit where I was kind of showing my stomach. And at the time, I remember thinking like, Oh my gosh, I hate my stomach. I don’t normally speak negatively about myself. So I just want to just preface this by saying like, I love my body, but sometimes when you like immediately look at photos, you’re like, Oh, I don’t know if I love this angle.
I’m seeing this one photo that I’m like, Oh my gosh, this is gorgeous. Why didn’t I ever do anything with it? And I am literally going to post it today.
Quianna: Yes. Get it out there. I can’t wait. Well, and I’m so happy.
Felicia: Three years later, Yes.
Quianna: I love that so much. And one thing too, I do want to kind of pull out another strategy piece that you mentioned talking about your sales pages and talking about the type of images that you were like, Oh yes, that’s the one I need that.
And so I do want to share if you are planning a launch and you are planning your next branding session, being really intentional with the posing that you’re doing. So whether, and I call these my pointing ones and everyone makes them. Fun of me. I don’t care, but we all need these for our launches. So that could be something as simple as standing in a pretty, I would say less busy background is always best, right?
But you’re doing that pointing where you’re looking, your, your gaze is going towards your pointer finger as you’re looking and you’re. Just creating, like you said, that negative space around you to add text, easily pull out that picture of yourself. And, um, I just think there’s so much power in that variety for your sales pages and for your funnels and your emails.
And just really fun ways to splash that around where you’re looking in different directions, sharing emotion, and really building up that creativity.
Felicia: Yes. Oh my gosh. That’s so important because you can pull those out. I love that you said that because I totally forgot. You always cue me. That’s why I, I forget.
So I’m glad that you’re there because I forgot to mention it. This is why you need Kiana because she reminds you, oh, do a couple where you’re pointing down or you’re pointing to the left or right. We can easily take those photos and remove the background and use them for your sales pages or whatever it is that you’re promoting or your upsell.
Like those are gold. So good.
Quianna: Yes. Oh my gosh. Well, this can be an entirely new episode. In fact, we are launching a whole entire workshop about launches and creating your offer, getting online, promoting it. So I would love to hear from you, Felicia, if you can just share maybe three tips, three things that you.
Have in your roadmap or your guide to create a successful launch. And I know you mentioned before we have like the pre launch, we have the launch, we have like the after party, we’ve kind of developed these systems. And I feel like a lot of us listening. We kind of get the gist of a launch, but if you can share maybe three tips or three must haves that every launch needs, that would be amazing.
Felicia: Yes, absolutely. So first and foremost, if you don’t know this already, and you may know it, but it’s, this is going to give you permission to dig a little deeper. We have to know who we help and how we help them like first and foremost, and really know them. Give them a name, give your avatar. a profile, a name, who is he or she?
Like what, what do they do for a living? What are they struggling with? Because, you know, I always use this analogy, like imagine going to Starbucks and ordering coffee for someone you’ve never met, right? Like that’s something that always stuck with me that I tend to teach a lot in, in, in what I do when it comes to niche.
And it’s not necessarily, it’s deeper than the niche, like this person that is activated by you, because this is the kind of foundation for everything that you do. Your launch, your marketing, your strategy, everything. We have to know who we help and how we help them. So that’s first and foremost. Um, and then when it comes to everything else, I want you to think of your launch and this is going to be a key component.
So a lot of people get it wrong in terms of like, Oh, I’m just going to create this offer and then launch it online. Well, that’s. Just part of the strategy. It actually goes far deeper than that. We have to nurture and build community and a quote unquote, a hot, warm to hot audience. And that’s going to come in the pre sell the pre launch.
This is where you’re sharing your behind the scenes. You’re sharing your story. Sharing like how you’re building this out. Bringing your community in and this you’re, you’re creating some sort of lead generation. That’s going to give them that quick win. Give them that like. Oh, I want to be in her world.
For instance, you have products and offers, right? You have your crush, your content shoot. So imagine creating some sort of lead generation that’s teaching women how to pose posing tips. And it’s a quick downloadable. Hey, this is how you can pose on your own. Like. Boom. They’re now part of your email list.
These women are wanting to learn how to pose. So, they probably are going to want to take photos. You know what I mean? So, it’s like, this is an easy tee up to the crush your content. So, I want you to start thinking about what that pre lead generation, pre sell could be. And you’re going to do that before launches and after launches.
This is something that we’re building always. And then when it actually comes to the launch, we want to not only have your social media strategy, but what is your email strategy? What is the behind the scenes? What is your funnel, your trust funnel look like? And this goes deeper than just posting on social media, right?
This is having conversations in the DM. This is, You know, what is that like email funnel look like? And so the key components would be like knowing who you help your trust funnel, which is your lead generation and your actual launch. And then, of course, your shoot your branding, your content, your photos that you’re going to use to launch the thing.
Quianna: Yes. Oh my gosh. These are all such incredible tips. Oh my gosh. Let’s jump to the sales page. I want to hear more about this. What are some do’s and don’ts of creating a high converting sales page?
Felicia: Ooh, this is such a good question. The do’s and don’ts. I would say first off the bat that don’t would be giving all of the details and the features of your program.
So let’s say you have a 10 week program group coaching program. We don’t necessarily want to go into. Each module and what you’re teaching, we want to pull out specific things that really lead to the transformation. So we want to have those key words in your sales page. I watched this really awesome webinar by James Wedmore and he has 16 parts to his, his sales page, but I’m just going to name a few because I’ve been able to implement this in some of the things that I do, but it’s, you know, having a really catchy title on your, on your, on your, Your sales page.
So like the transformation, how I went from here to here, like catching their attention. And then another thing you’re going to want in your sales page, instead of just having just tons of text, we’re going to have some texts, but then you’re going to pull out sentences and you’re going to highlight them and make them bigger so that if they were not to read anything at all, and they only read, The caption or the hook at the top and a couple of those subtitles that they know exactly what they’re buying, right?
So you’re like pulling out some of those key sentences to really emphasize what it is that they’re signing up for. Another key page is you’re going to want to show your face, like have a photo of you. And even further than that, maybe have some sort of VSL like video sales. Page like a, like a video, like a one minute video explained, like, so happy you’re here and really kind of explaining a little bit about your program.
And again, that’s a little bit more advanced, so if you’re not quite advanced, they’re just stick to the photos, but those are some things that are, like, popping out in my brain right now. We really the copy. Is going to be so important. That’s probably the most important part of a sales page.
Quianna: Yes. Oh my gosh.
And I can see that as you were kind of going through these checkpoints, right? Cause I think sometimes we, we want to prove ourselves, right? We want to sell them the kitchen sink. Oh, and this is included on Tuesdays at 12 PM Pacific standard time. We go live. Nobody cares, right? Like we’re getting there.
It’s okay. You’re going to provide that information once they sign up, but we’re truly selling that transformation. We’re selling them the results and we’re making it possible, right? We’re making it possible. And I even think sometimes too, I know on your podcast, the high Felicia podcast recently, we even shared about high ticket and is high ticket dead, what’s happening, right?
Like what is that climate? And I think there is, there’s programs and there’s offers for everybody. Just like, just as our coaches for everybody. But I also feel too, sometimes we have to know our ideal client and our customer so well, that having these robust programs, having these robust sales pages, oh my gosh, it looks like homework just getting through the sales page, right?
Like sometimes you’re like, wait a second, this is too much information. I’m, I’m already, it’s not that I’m bored, but I just, I don’t have the time right now to digest this. So on to the next thing. And you. You may lose people, right? So having, I love that you mentioned those really concise headings, those subheadings and the right words and the right copy.
To gain that interest to say, Hey, not only do I need that, but what do I got to do to get there?
Felicia: Oh, sure. For sure. I mean, from what I’ve gathered, you know, and a lot of the trainings that I’ve done, a lot of what I’ve learned about sales is, you know, we will get those buyers that read every single, letter, word, sentence, and they’re probably messaging you like, what time are the calls and when is this happening?
But if you’re, for the most part, I want to say, I don’t know the stats. I want to say it’s like 70, 75 percent are emotional buyers. And so really leaning into the verbiage of where they want to be. Right. What are they going to receive? What is the transformation that you are guaranteeing that you are supplying them when they sign up for whatever it is that you’re doing, right?
So really kind of pulling that out in that sales page is going to be so important. And if you want to take it a step further, you know, have a couple of testimonials on the bottom of people that have gone through your program. And if you don’t have any of that, you can use your own personal story and experience and put it right there.
Right? So again, you are relating to the person that’s eventually going to buy your thing. And so what better way than to share your story in little, you know, not paragraphs, but like pull out those key sentences to really convey the transformation that they’re going to receive.
Quianna: Yes. Yes. Well, we talk a lot about finances, right?
I feel like even just the title of this episode, right? Like creating a six. figure launch with a branding session. Holy smokes. It’s shiny, sexy. It’s clickbait. Ooh, six figure sounds good. Oh my gosh. Like that’s amazing. But I would love to hear in your opinion, what are some other ways that we can calculate the success of a launch that may not actually be counting dollars?
Felicia: Hmm. That is such a great question. I first want to say yes. Six figure launch is sexy. We all like, Oh my gosh, I want to make more money. And I want to scale. If we were to look at most businesses, okay, most businesses, most successful businesses, maybe even think of like fortune 500 businesses. They’re not scaling their business.
Like 200 percent each year. It’s like 10 percent 15 percent for some of you listening right now. It might be going from 40k a year to 50k a year. Right? And that’s realistic. That’s reasonable, right? We want to not only like be consistent with income. And so consistency for me is like, Oh, I know I’m going to make 10, 000 a month each month.
That is consistency. That’s the real flex in my business. We hear all of these flashy numbers, this like, Oh my gosh, we need to have this like six figure business, seven figure business, six figure launch, which is great. This is all possible for you right now. You listening, this is possible, but I also want us to come back down to earth and think realistically, what we want is a consistent, sustainable business.
Right. And this comes with like these, like, just, you know, five, 10, 15 percent scale each year. And I’d rather have that than have the inconsistencies of like a high launch, like a six figure launch and then make nothing for six months. Right. Like that makes me feel scared. Like, I don’t want that for my nervous system.
So I just want to say that first and foremost. Okay. Um, it’s super important to, to know that, but when it comes to like, what would make a successful launch for me is. Number one, if we were just to take away any of the numbers, okay. Take away any of the sales numbers. It’s really kind of like, for me, it would be the engagement in the community and like, even just people inquiring.
Right. And so like, if you find that you are posting a lot and no one is inquiring about your thing, we have a marketing and embodiment problem. Right. But if you find that you are showing up and you’re getting a lot of inquiries, but no one is buying, then we probably have a copy problem. And also you’re, you’re what the transformation isn’t clear enough.
Right. So we always go back to the copy and the marketing. So I’d really sort of, I guess, maybe even identify like where you’re at, but for me, a successful launch without the numbers is like, people are inquiring, people are excited about this. Because my messaging is getting through and then I can always work on the back end when it comes to the sales process.
So for me, that’s, that’s part of it. Another thing, obviously, is yes, getting sales, right? Getting sales, getting people in the doors, building my email list is another win. Like if this is another lesson that I had to learn, I remember during that six figure launch, taking me back. I, for the first time, ran ad sales.
And I didn’t like, let me just preface this by saying, I didn’t make any sales from ads. Okay. It was all my organic reach is what made the sales and my warm to hot audience. But I launched ads and I was so defeated in the first 30 days of my launch. It’s actually the first, like maybe 15, 20 days of my launch.
Cause I remember I’d only read my ads for about two weeks. I was so defeated because I had spent so much money on a coach, a mentor, obviously I spent money on a branding coach and like did all of these things to step into my seven figure Felicia because I was really wanting to like shoot for a million dollars that year.
I did not hit it, which is totally fine, but I was so defeated my first two weeks after launching these ads. And I was like, nothing is working. And this is where in business you have to be very, very neutral and like take the emotion out of it. Okay. Cause I know a lot of us are emotional beings and we can take things very personal.
And I want to tell you that business is trial and error. Okay. Business is trial and error. So when the ads were not working and things were not shifting and I was like, what is going on? I already had a couple of sales. So I knew that people would buy this program. I knew I had proved my offer because I had a few sales, none of my ads were working.
So I remember like sitting back and feeling so defeated. I’m like, Oh my gosh, this isn’t working. I spent all of this money. What is happening? And it took me a couple days, but I finally like drugged up the courage to look at my numbers. And what I realized is, okay, people are, I’m getting emails, like within 45 days, I think I had like over a thousand new people to my email list.
So my people are signing up to my mini course. I’m getting emails, but no one is actually signing up. What I realized is when people would watch the mini course. They were dropping off at 20 minutes. They didn’t even get to the part that I was, I was like an hour long mini course.
Three days, three days, hour long. So three hours. Wow. And I realized, wow. And it wasn’t until I looked at the numbers. I was like, Felicia, of course no one’s buying. No one’s even getting past the 20 minutes. This is not a you problem. You’re just, your funnel is wrong. Like you have to redo this. And so, but I wouldn’t have known that if I didn’t get the courage to look at my numbers, right?
So I stopped the ads. And then I also had to change my perspective. So a win for me before the defeated Felicia was like, I’m failing, no one’s buying from these ads, but I immediately switched that perspective and said, wow, the win, the success with this is actually, I built my email list. So these are all potential future buyers.
If they continue to like my content and stay on my email list. So. There was a win that was success to me, even though I didn’t get any sales from it. Now I just built my email list with all of these potential buyers in the future. So that there’s just ways to look at things and perspectives to shift. So that just really struck a chord with me when you asked me about success of a launch, because sometimes it isn’t about the numbers.
And sometimes also we have to just pull our emotion out of it and look at. What is happening? Trial and error. What do we need to change? How can we just create neutrality with how we feel about this and change things up? Because business, as you know, because you’ve been in it a long time, Kiana, it’s trial and error.
Really? It really is. And when I say trial and error, it’s not like, Oh, let me just throw spaghetti at the wall and see what works. No, like we do strategy, but it really is like, let me try this strategy and see what happens. I decided to go all in on ads one year, didn’t work. I’m not an ads girl. I don’t like the kind of people that it attracts.
I like my warm audience, my organic audience, because they know me, they followed my journey there. They know who I am. Right. And so like, that for me was. The success in my eyes.
Quianna: Yes. I’m so happy you brought all this up because I can feel it. I could see it like clearly you’re living it. This is just such valuable information when it comes to launching this next launch, right?
Releasing those expectations, leaning into having the courage to go through your funnels, like go through the system here and feel it. Find those broken links, find those little hiccups that we can refine and try again, right? Like you said, we’re not just throwing spaghetti at the wall. We’re not just willy nilly trying different things, but just being really intentional with what we’re doing and we’re launching.
And, and I love that. Even the fact that you are growing your email list, you’re growing these leads, right? There are so many other ways to calculate the success of a launch besides either the number of people that you were hoping to get into your program or the number of dollar signs that you see in your account, right?
Like we are. So much more than that. For
Felicia: sure. And I will tell you, I would rather you fail fast and get back up and try again. So what I tell a lot of my clients who end up, you know, hiring me for like private coaching, I always say like, you know, you launching for the first time, I want you to just manage your expectations because, and I never want to put this out there because someone could kill it.
And like, but I also want to say like, you may not. Sign anyone up, but this is only setting you up for your next launch that is going to be amazing, right? Because you’re going to have all of these people that you’ve been able to like, add to your list and, um, nurture over that time that that’s how the scale happens, right?
So I always want to set people up and managing their expectations.
Quianna: Yes. Oh my gosh. This is all such juicy and such good information, Felicia. Oh my gosh. So What mistakes do you think most small business owners make when it comes to launching new offers or programs? Are there any mistakes or red flags that you see that you’re like, hold on, let me fix this before you get going?
Felicia: Yeah, well, we already sort of, so I’ll break it up in, in two, two parts. We have the mindset piece and the strategy piece. So the mindset piece that I see a lot of business owners Getting wrong is back to the expectation. So having unrealistic expectations, right. And, and setting themselves up for like disappointment is what I see a lot of, um, number two, not, not being fully embodied in what they’re selling.
So they don’t necessarily have bulletproof belief in what they’re selling. They’re even sort of like kind of, you know, wishwashy on the price point and all that energy comes across online. So we want to really have bulletproof belief in what we’re doing. And so those are, and then, um, so those are like the mindset things that I see a lot of people struggling with.
And then the strategy piece that I see a lot of people sort of like getting wrong is they don’t actually commit to the launch. So like, let’s say you do plan for a two to three week launch and a week passes and you don’t get any inquiries, they’re like, Oh, it must be the offer. I need to give up, right?
This is the worst thing you could do. We want to commit to the launch commit. And then I also see a lot of people waiting for people to come to them versus being proactive. Right. And so what I mean by that is I make a list. With every single launch of like potential clients that I’m like, this would be perfect for them.
And I’m really thinking about them. I don’t just reach out to anyone willy nilly. If I know that it’s not for them, I’m like, Oh, this is for her. I know she would really love this. I’ll personally reach out to them and invite them and say, Hey, I was thinking of you and I think you would be so perfect for this offer because I know you have X, Y, Z, or I know this, this, this.
And so I have that magic list and I’m very proactive in Who I reach out to in going out for business and not waiting for it to come to me. I start having the conversations and I also use my Instagram stories to have conversations. So I often have polls. I am reaching out to the people in those polls. Sharing information.
I am sending voice notes. And so a lot of people, I think, sit back and just wait for the sales to roll in when in actuality, we have to go out there and do the work as well. And, um, that’s, that’s part of it for sure.
Quianna: And this is so powerful. You’ve mentioned community so many times throughout this conversation, and it is truly the thread of your business.
And I love this beautiful reminder that you don’t just need to create the community, but you need to live in the community, right? Like you need to speak to your friends and clients and students within that community and your peers. And I love that too. Like giving us that grace that, Hey, maybe it does feel I should say it feels like a cold call or a cold DM but it’s not because these are people that are already in your world and you are so passionate about the offer that you have or the digital product or the program or the service that you offer.
That it is literally life changing and they may not need it right they may not need it right now but they may know someone that does and this is a beautiful way of just being top of mind getting that inbox and just sharing all that magic it’s.
So powerful. Felicia.
Felicia: I also think when you’re authentic, they also can feel your authenticity. They know if, you know, again, I don’t cold DM, but like I’m reaching out to women that I know would be perfect for this program or this workshop or this offer, because I truly believe that. Right. And I also don’t take things personal if they aren’t able to do it either.
I think it’s just more, the more people can be aware because I’ll be honest, they may not see your stuff. The algorithm is so weird nowadays that it might actually serve them. They’re like, Oh my gosh, Felicia. I remember the, like my live podcast events that I host with like, you know, Annette and I do those, those like podcast events.
There’s time to write, reach out to women. And I can’t tell you how many times women have said, Oh my gosh, Thank you for sharing this. I didn’t even know you were doing this. I would love to go because they didn’t see it. They didn’t see me in the algorithm. They didn’t see my thing pop up and they feel so grateful that I shared it with them because they would love to attend because they didn’t see it otherwise.
So like you can’t always assume that people, I think that’s the difference between like feeling salesy and not like we have to. Flip the script a little bit and say, like, wow, they want to know about us. They want to learn about what we’re offering. And I am not imposing because the thing is, like, if someone were to reach out to you, a friend, like, Hey, by the way, I’m hosting this event.
You wouldn’t, I wouldn’t be offended by that. I’d be like, that’s cool. Okay. Let me look at my schedule. If I can go amazing. If not, I, you know, next time. But like, I wouldn’t be offended by it, right? I would want to support them. I would want to like be in their energy. So I think we just have to kind of flip that script a little bit.
Quianna: Yes. Oh my gosh. Well, you are such a wealth of knowledge, Felicia. Thank you so much for sharing these. I feel like this could totally be like a masterclass. Oh my gosh. You are so, so good. Before we go, I would love to ask, what is your key tip, Felicia? What is something that you wish you knew sooner?
Something that you wish you can share with entrepreneurs today?
Felicia: Oh, I love that key. Key tip. Is there like, is that like a pun? A play on words? Key. Yeah, I’m trying to. Oh, I love that. You’re so cute. Um, what I would tell, okay, this, it’s going to be super simple, but it is so powerful because I wish, That I leaned more into this for many years when I just caused myself so much anguish and anxiety, but it would be to have so much fun, like literally add fun into your life.
Have fun with your launch. Have fun creating content. Have fun. Connecting with amazing humans, like literally have fun, have a party, celebrate, like, like that. If I could just convey any message to those listening right now, you have to, especially if you’ve been in business for a little while, I would say in your first, like, One to three to five years go back to that initial feeling of optimism, you know, especially if right now you’re feeling like if it’s a hard time for you, or if you feel like social media is against you, or if you feel like you’ve had some failed launches or your business isn’t like where you want it to be.
Put yourself back in the energy of that optimism of how you were when you first launched the thing and how excited you were, like, can you live in that energy, right? Can you be in that energy? Can you treat your launches that way? Can you treat when you leave a voice note for someone on the DMs? Can you treat like you’re creating content that way?
And it is, you are going to have such a better time if we lean into that energy right now.
Quianna: Yes. Well, you are the queen of having fun, of making everything just more intentional, more fun, more celebratory, and I just love you so much. Thank you. That was so
Felicia: fun. Right before I popped on here, I was a little emotional.
Have you been watching the Olympics?
Quianna: Yes. Oh my gosh, of course.
Felicia: I re watched the 200 meter with Gabby Thomas. Every time I watch it, Kiana, I don’t know if I’m just like really emotional right now, what’s going on, but I just, I cry when I see these Olympic athletes win and just, they’re so elated with so much joy.
And then you see their family and they’re just like, so Gabby Thomas’s mom, just like she, you could just see, she was just so Related with like joy and just it was overwhelming almost and I instantly get emotional. So I was a little emotional before popping on this podcast today, like good emotion though.
Good. Yeah. And just again, celebrating others and celebrating yourself is just, it’s such a powerful feeling. Right. So powerful. And if we can just like lean into that and that gratitude and those feelings, gosh, we could shift everything in our lives. So
Quianna: yes. Yes. Oh my gosh. The Olympics are my favorite. And I absolutely relate the Olympics to business, right?
Like we are. In it, we are putting in those reps, we are showing up or putting ourselves out there. And, and sometimes a launch literally can feel like Simone Biles, like you’re putting all this time and energy into this. And then you have literally two minutes to make it happen. It’s crazy. Oh, I know. Right.
Felicia: Crazy. Oh, so fun.
Quianna: So good. So how can we connect with you, Felicia, if we’re not already, I know a lot of my listeners already know and love you. But if, if someone’s meeting you for the first time today, how can we be your BFF and learn from you?
Felicia: I hang out a lot over on Instagram. So you can go over to just my first and last name at Felicia Romero.
Um, you can check out my website, Felicia Romero. com, where you can like get more information on some of the programs that I have, but you can also get that on my Instagram. Um, I have a couple of free things there. I have like a mini course on how to build out your first 10 figure, uh, 10 K month. Yeah. And then I have my podcast, the high Felicia podcast.
So, we have these awesome conversations as well. So yeah.
Quianna: Thank you. Thank you so much. I appreciate you and I cannot wait for our upcoming event. And just more fun parties and celebrations and sound baths coming soon to your backyard. Goddess yoga, all the fun things. So
Felicia: Yes.
Quianna: Thank you again. Thank you. Have a beautiful day.
Oh my goodness. I can’t think of a bigger sign or newsflash for you to get on my calendar and to book your next branding session. When we work together, your confidence will skyrocket and that. Energy transmits through your photos, from your in person personality to your online presence. I’m so freaking happy that you got to hear all of that.
And I hope you took some notes this entire episode where the resources links and branding images can be found in the show notes. You’re always welcome to check out the blog on my website too. And search any topics or guests to find even more education and encouragement. Felicia was one of my very first friends here in Arizona that took me under her wing, supports me fiercely, and truly paves the way for entrepreneurs to define their own versions of I want to continue paying it forward by keeping it real, sharing the woo woo and the work, but most of all, reminding you that you are worthy of success.
Your people, your dream clients, and the next version of yourself are all waiting for that next photo shoot. Step in front of the camera to claim your next big launch. If you just popped in for this episode, make sure to check out this entire branding series to help your next branding session go from meh to more money, honey.
The more money we have, the more generous we can be. The more money we have, the bigger an impact we can create. The more money we make creates more change. Thanks so much for joining this chat. And I cannot wait to connect with you next week. If you have that inkling, if you have that whisper in your heart thinking it’s time.
It’s time to book a photo shoot. Please, please, please send me a DM, literally just send me a little quick DM message and say, photo shoot, introduce yourself, say, hi, I am here for you. And I am excited to get you on my calendar. Keep on dancing, baby. I cannot wait to chat next week. Okay. Love you. Bye. That’s a wrap on another episode of Quianna Marie Weekly.
Thank you so much for your listenership and support. You can find the resources and show notes for this episode and more at
I’d be honored if you’d show your support by leaving a review and rating on your favorite podcast app until next time, keep on dancing.
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