How are you showing yourself love? In today’s episode, I have the honor of introducing you to Kristie Hidrogo, a mindset coach and hypnotherapist who believes in changing our lives from within. We’re discussing how to cultivate self worth, why we seek external validation from others, and how we can give more love to ourselves through our daily habits and mindfulness.
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Review The Show Notes:
Struggling With Self-Worth (3:39)
Seeking External Validation (6:28)
Directing Love Towards Ourselves (9:55)
The Love Languages In Your Daily Life (16:00)
How To Get Started With Meditation (22:49)
Finding Other High-Achieving, Self-Loving Women (30:55)
The Yes Me Movement (37:27)
The Transformation In Self-Love Coaching (40:19)
Key Tip From Kristie (45:58)
Connect With Kristie:
Review the Transcript:
Quianna Marie
It’s impossible to hate yourself into a version of yourself that you love. Why are we so hard on ourselves? Why do we seek validation from the outside world without looking within or tapping into prayer or the divine universe? To help us find the answers we need? We are all incredibly powerful, overqualified, capable and worthy of success. Why are we the ones with the biggest self doubt? Today I have the honor of introducing you to one of my soul sisters, the kind of friend that I’ve only met recently in the last couple of years, but already we feel a cosmic connection that doesn’t feel like this is the first time our souls have crossed paths.
Kristie Hidrogo is a life coach certified through Seattle life coaching with a Bachelor of Science in interdisciplinary studies through ASU as well as a certified hypnotherapist through the Southwest Institute of healing arts. In addition to her prestigious accolades and education, Christie is a forever learner and loves sharing her intuition and wisdom from within. She believes that at some point, we need to stop waiting for things to get easier or waiting for others to change. Instead, we must create change within, we are much stronger than we give ourselves credit for. As we grow and share life experiences. Life doesn’t always get easier.
We learn we grow and we become stronger. When we begin to value the power of our choices, we then begin to make better decisions. Kristie is the friend, mentor and sister we all need to feel safe, accepted and appreciated for exactly as we are today, with the love and grace to work towards being the best version of ourselves and achieving the reality of our dreams. For this episode, we’ll be discussing self worth, why we crave validation from others and how we can give the love we so freely give to everyone else back to ourselves.
Kristie will be sharing tons of tips about practicing meditation, mindfulness, and sharing the power of expressing the love languages we crave the most through daily habits so we can feel whole and worthy from within. I know that you and I have some really big dream to chase big shoes to fill and lots of good intentions to make an impact on this world. If we’re chasing validation from others, feeling like we’re lacking or playing small, it’ll take much longer for those goals to come to life. I am honored to welcome soul vibes life coaching featuring Kristie Hidrogo!
I am so so happy to finally introduce you. Welcome to Quianna Marie Weekly, a podcast for creatives who love to celebrate wins big or small by dancing in the kitchen photographers who are excited to serve their clients and friends who are ready to chase really, really big dreams. You can find all of the resources mentioned in this episode at
Join me as I share weekly motivation, chat about growing pains, finding genuine connections and celebrating your wins through the lens of a photographer at heart. Come join me for a dance party. Ready? Let’s go. All right. All right.
Welcome to the party Kristie! I am so honored for you to be here. Share your story. And honestly, I’m so grateful to introduce you to all my friends. I feel like everyone needs to know you. Thank you for being here today.
Kristie Hidrogo
Thank you for having me, my soul sister. I’m so excited to be here. And of course chat with you.
Quianna Marie
Yes, well, let’s dive into these questions. So I would love to know, in your opinion, what do you most women struggle with? When it comes to self worth?
Kristie Hidrogo
Honestly, I believe that most women are most of us as women struggle with this very basic concept of what is self worth, and how do we cultivate it? This happens because many of us weren’t sat down and told you no, you’re worthy. Here are the values of self worth and how you can cultivate them. And this isn’t to bash our parents or our caregivers because it isn’t likely that anyone sat them down and said, hey, here is self worth 101 book.
Thankfully, we can begin to break this cycle because I believe collectively we’re shifting towards having more conversations like these and hearing about topics like these. So the first thing I’d like to do is just basically give us a basic definition of self worth, which is that feeling that internal feeling and I’m bolding the word internal and highlighting it for you all feeling of feeling worthy, and feeling that internal feeling of being enough. And so essentially this is the value we place on ourselves as humans and Whoa, that’s a really big deal.
That’s not the roles that we play out in our lives that isn’t our titles are You know our money or a status, it is who we are and how we feel about that. And so this is very important because from the moment we were born, we’ve been constructing or deconstructing, for better, for worse, right? Our self worth. And so when we don’t really have that safe place to land or that understanding, what happens is we seek it externally.
We try to fill something within that should be flowing from, you know, inside of us out. And then the other thing that happens to us is that as we begin to understand, okay, I need to work on myself worth I want to start practicing it is that then we might get stuck with that old programming, those limiting beliefs, those things that told us that, that duality of life can exist, that we can’t be selfless and still take care of ourselves that that’s a selfish act.
It’s kind of feels taboo to us. And so that’s where someone like me steps in, or we gain that knowledge that we are here to break those cycles, and really learn how to define what self worth means to us and really learn those values of self worth and begin practicing within them. And it’s normal for it to feel a little uncomfortable. But in doing that, we find space for growth. And that’s how we learn to cultivate and really understand what self worth is, and that it comes from that place special place within us of wholeness.
Quianna Marie
Yes, I love this so much. And I love how you were mentioning in those bold letters, like this is an internal thing, right? So it like Let’s chat a little bit deeper here. Why are we like Why have many of us seek outside validation? Right? We are constantly looking and I know with specially in today’s society, with social media, like we are just constantly looking for these little hits of dopamine, and we are constantly looking for outside validation. So can we kind of like chat about the root of that? Like, Where’s that coming from? So then we can learn how to heal that?
Kristie Hidrogo
Absolutely! And boy, are you and I already vibing and I knew this was gonna happen, you’re gonna steal some of those words, right out of like my thought process, which I love. Because the quick answer is, let’s be real, it feels good. Why does it feel good? Well, there’s a whole chemical experience, which I’m not a neuroscientist, but you hit it straight on the dopamine and the reward pathways that you know, are ignited when we have that dopamine hit. And so it feels good to be seen to be heard. And the thing that sometimes we have wrong too is it doesn’t always have to be that positive validation, it can be controversial, it can be, you know, what we would consider negative because at the end of the day, you’re still being reinforced in some way.
Depending on what your habit or your pattern is with it. Now, here’s something I do want to say. And this is a more complex answer. And that is that especially what I do with coaching and hypnotherapy validation isn’t always bad. In fact, it’s a great way for individuals to feel supported, and to feel that sense of belonging and feeling heard, and just being able to move through some of those difficult things that maybe, you know, they haven’t been able to express before with someone when they feel safe.
Now where it can become a negative pattern or issue that we want to release and remove from our life is when we’re using this validation as means to again to try and fill something that we should be flowing from out from within ourselves. And so when we try to receive that approval, just so we can move forward, or just so that we you know, we don’t know who we are.
So we’re trying to pull that from others, and you know, fit ourselves in those boxes to make ourselves someone but at the end of the day, we’re feeling a little empty, we’re feeling a little lost, we don’t know who we are, that is a really, I want to share that that’s actually a positive thing. It’s not gonna feel positive. But because we can trace that backwards and understand where we need to apply love within ourselves, and where we can work on our self worth, or self love and self acceptance. So not always bad. But definitely something we want to be mindful of.
Quianna Marie
This is so interesting to me, because you know, my heart and you know, I kind of can be in this kind of like lala land, like I always see things on the positive and just how you brought up actually, right, seeking that validation can be a negative thing, right? And I’m starting to think about, oh, wow, like some of the friendships that I have with, you know, knowing their relationships that are constantly bickering, they’re constantly, you know, like, they need that constant validation in different ways.
I’m so happy that you brought that up for to share that perspective that sometimes we’re not always looking to feel beautiful to get these dopamine hits. But we’re actually looking to prove something right like to prove Oh, like, I am worthy of this.
Maybe if you are in a state of mind where you’re thinking, gosh, like I’m not worthy of something, you’re going to find ways to prove it like you find what you look for. Right? Yes, exactly. Yes. So I would love to chat more about the idea like how can we do racked with more self love and more healing power into us. I love how you kind of chatted about well, you know, like, it feels good, right? But how can we make ourselves feel good and receive the love for ourselves?
Kristie Hidrogo
I love this question. I love it so much. Because a lot of us especially, you know, those of us who are like I’m ready, I want to make these transformations we like get to work we dive in. But there’s one key element we forget, and you hit it spot on when you said receive. And if we just think of the last time we were complimented, how quickly did we turn around and either reject the compliment or compliment the person back before truly receiving it or the last time, you know, we had somebody be thankful like did we let that touch our heart did we let that put wrinkles or crinkles at the corners of our eyes because it made us feel so loved and happy.
This is really important. The first thing in order to bring that self love and that acceptance within is we need to bring some level of self awareness. And this is why I tell people if they’re, you know, sitting in my office, or if I’m talking to them, and they’re kind of bringing up some of the blocks, I’m like, you’re further along than you think like whoa, really, and I’m like yes, because any part of transformation or change in whether it be our habits or the way we think and speak and show up for ourselves begins with that simple place of awareness.
When we have this place of self awareness, then we’re looking and we’re observing ourselves. Now the key here, when we observe ourselves is to do this non judgmentally just to allow ourselves to permission to be who we are. So first that awareness than the permission to be who we are. And that’s that tapping into that space of that wholeness that I speak so much about. And I want to be very clear here, this place of wholeness that I speak of, and wisdom Isn’t this place that you can check into and be like, I’m perfect. I’m right, you’re wrong.
That is, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying this place of wholeness is all of our attributes, all of our talents, it’s also all of those things that we might be like, Ooh, I don’t really like that about me, this is a work in progress, or maybe those things that we hide from ourselves. And when we turn in, and we allow ourselves to be all parts of us, and we listen, this is where that inner wisdom comes in. Because by allowing those spaces of ourselves that are unwanted, unloved, who maybe we’re too big, too little, you know, not smart enough, not good enough, by allowing those spaces to be heard.
We bring them into the light. And that’s where transformation really occurs. What can you learn from them? What are they trying to teach you, and where can you apply love within yourself. And that’s how we tap into that space. And that’s where that inner knowing that we talk about comes from, because whether it’s God Spirit universe, your higher self, whatever resonates with you, you were put here with your unique talents, gifts, intelligence, and your purpose.
When we say yes to the space, we say yes to the calling that the divine has put on our life. And that is how we learn to tap into that space. Now as far as receiving it. Here’s what I suggest. It’s actually pretty simple. And that’s knowing your love language, yourself, love, love language. Many of us are familiar with the love languages, I think they just added two more if you’re not quick Google search, check them out. They have a great deal of information, there’s books on it. And so being able to understand that as your love language is usually indicative of how you receive love how you can show yourself love. So quick example here. My top two are quality time and acts of service. So let’s just go with quality time here. I know for me, and I can feel this as I’m talking and Quianna I think this will resonate with you.
Quality time for me is my journaling, my meditation going out in nature, I just like I can just feel it, you know, just that feeling I get when I’m in nature, and I’m at peace, and I’m by myself that quality time with myself. And so when we when we spend time doing that, we really learned to practice the act of self love and acceptance.
I’m gonna say that word again, practice, because when you think of a coach with an athlete, you know, they’re honing in on their skills, they’re giving them routines, and practices. And that athlete doesn’t always want to do those things. But in order to uplevel their skills and be the best, they have to show up and you know, do the work. And it’s the same thing that we need to do. Just when it comes to the way we think about ourselves, the way we speak and the way we show up for ourselves in our lives.
Quianna Marie
Yes. Wow, Christy, this is all incredible. And I love that we’re taking this conversation here, because I feel like if you’re listening and you’re thinking I have these really big business goals, I have these fitness goals throughout the New Year. Like none of these things are possible. Like we can’t give from an empty cup. We can’t live our best life unless we love ourselves. And I really want to kind of highlight how you mentioned the five or I guess there’s seven now the different love languages. And I never even thought about How to give that love in that type of language to myself.
I think this is something that we can think about. Because, you know, when I first discovered the love languages, I was so into it, I dove into it, I like self diagnose my family and my friends, like, oh, like, This is who they are. And this is how I can love them. Because this is how they’re gonna love me back more, they’re gonna love me harder, because I know, like, what’s going to make them want to spend more time with me? And like, right, like, so I feel like this is a full full circle moment where I’m creating this validation by doing and for helping others and all that stuff, right. And so I just, I love that you highlighted that, wait a second here. Like, let’s find that divine from within.
Let’s find that wholeness from within, and love ourselves. Like we have that power, we have the ability to appreciate and love our bodies, love our souls, and really nourish our minds. So in your best practices, Christy, what are some ways that we can, you know, kind of add these practices to our daily lives, I love that you mentioned that a practice like this is not something that you’re gonna flip a switch and be like, I am whole, I am worthy, like, I am amazing, like, so how can we add some of these things to our daily life to really, really let love pour into us. I
Kristie Hidrogo
love that. I love that. I love that. And the first thing I want to say is I’m gonna just piggyback again on, you know, you saying that we do need to practice that it’s not just this switch, we flip and that all of a sudden, you know, it’s like, oh, I just love myself, I love the fact that I’m, you know, I need to speak my truth and have an opinion about everything. And I say that with love, because that’s something I myself am working on in my life.
But um, I think that really what it is, is, first of understanding, patience, you know, grace, compassion go a long way. And this once the good news is to is that once you turn the light on, it’s really hard to turn it off, once you start doing the work, it’s really hard to turn it off. Because there is this sense of release that you get when you start to do this work. And this really beautiful understanding of knowledge and how it impacts everyone around you, your family, your children, your sisters, your besties, your mom, your dad, you know all of that.
The practices that I love, so the first thing I want to do is let’s keep it simple, right, the practice of just like having that self awareness first seeing where your level of self awareness is and seeing what comes up with you. And so this can happen just with those mindful moments, just being mindful and mindful is just taking inventory on you. But without judgment, that’s the key there. So a lot of times when I tell people self awareness, or I bring up mindfulness, a lot of us recovering perfectionist will go into self criticism, like immediately 10 Pie recovering perfectionist here.
So being you do, so good, being able to just be present with ourselves and observe like how our human experience is happening for us within our thoughts within our body and how we’re feeling. And this kind of brings us to that place of like understanding compassion, acceptance, and then acting or responding with intention. So I always tell people, like one of the best things you can do is just start practicing, you’re being intentional.
This is something I do in each session with my clients. And that’s, you know, whether you wake up and you ask yourself, What goodness, and you know, positivity or what are the my possibilities that I can align myself with today, setting that intention, and then weaving it into your day and coming back to that and just realigning or aligning yourself with it. Because that helps, we can’t control what happens out there. We can’t control other people as much as we’d like to think that we can, we are only in control and can manage our responses.
When we have intention, we can be more in control and more manageable with those things. And so that is a really easy way for us to begin to practice. You know, the daily ways of connecting with self love, and really just being in tune with ourselves. Of course, there’s tons of other ones that I get really excited about, like gratitude, meditation, of course, and then prayer and positive affirmations, journaling. And of course, movement movement is huge, moving that energy up and out and allowing yourself to feel those emotions as you need to.
Quianna Marie
Yes, these are beautiful practices and I love how you are always always so aware of like keep it simple, right? Like let’s start with these baby steps. And I forget of course I forget we know how we are we listen to podcasts, and we’re always reading and learning and I remember someone just recently mentioned I do not have her name to credit her but she was talking about how minutes throughout the day, right like if you have two minutes While you’re reheating your lunch, your leftovers for lunch, like you literally have two minutes to just take a deep breath.
Do a little check, write a little love check little heart check on your, on your mind, you know, brushing our teeth, right? Like I think these are this could easily be habit stacking, right like 100%. I feel like it can be really overwhelming when you’re looking at your daily schedule. And you’re thinking, Oh, I have to add, I have to add, add, well, what actually can you fill with these moments that you’re already doing? daily tasks? I love that. Yeah,
Kristie Hidrogo
it’s it’s exactly that it’s amplifying the moments that you already have. Because self love, self care, self worth shouldn’t feel like something you’re needing to check off. If it’s that you’re not going to enjoy it. It’s not going to touch your heart space, you’re not going to tap into that wholeness, because if you’re looking at it as like, oh, I need to be perfect. Or this is a checkmark that I’m trying to check off. It’s just not going to be the same as where you wake up.
You’re like, Okay, I’m just waking up. What am I grateful for? What do I want align myself today, or I’m just going to bed what were my wins today. I call it this, like, you know, seedling of intention. We can have those three checkpoints where it’s morning, midday and evening, if that works for us. And, again, if checkpoints don’t work, you need more of that flow.
It’s just amplifying those moments, you’re looking in the mirror. This is something that’s been really huge for me, you’re looking in the mirror, you’re already getting ready. I’ve started paying attention to the things I was saying to myself. And I was like, whoa, whoa, yikes. And so at first, it felt really awkward. But I would you know, talk basically talk to myself and tell myself like, why I appreciated myself things I loved about myself, even before jumping on this podcast with you. I do this all the time. So anybody who’s heard me speak for, you know, I do this, I tell myself in the mirror, I’m like, You got this, you’re gonna do great, you know, and smile at myself, say I love you, you know, whatever works. It’s, it’s something it’s just truly those simple acts that we do that we infuse into our lives that amplify those moments that make them matter most.
Quianna Marie
Yes, yes. And it starts in our daily practice. And, and we have little eyes watching us, right. So whether that is and I know that sounds crazy to think even for myself, like, you know, I don’t have my children yet, but maybe it’s my inner child who’s watching and is feeling that love and protection and that safety. And you know, of course, as you know, moms, we have children that are watching us like we, we have to find this love and this worth from within, so they can find that in themselves. So I love that you are making this your daily practice. Thank you.
Kristie Hidrogo
Yes, and I love that too. Because it is it is important. It is important. Our healing is important for us for ourselves, it’s important for our children, and that little inner child that you know, wants to be loved that wants to put that cape back on and say I can do anything today I’m gonna fly.
Quianna Marie
Yes, yes. Well, I’d love to shift the conversation and start chatting about meditation. I know you dropped this in, you know, just moments ago. And I would love to kind of clarify what that means. And if someone is interested in pausing to listen, breathe and find clarity, how can we start meditating? What does that even mean?
Kristie Hidrogo
So first and foremost, like, if you want to meditate, it’s as simple as making time for it. Let me just to say that if you’re someone who needs to do that research and understand what meditation is, that’s a great place to start meditating is this and because I do hypnosis, and they’re actually two different things, it’s just this really, really great way to be mindful and to go inward. And really a great way to bring in more focus, more concentration, and again, not a neuroscientist, but, you know, rewire those neural pathways and really allow ourselves to, you know, rather than if we’re following this, you know, common thought process of, you know, not lacking self confidence, or whatever it is that we’re working on self esteem.
As we begin to meditate, it can help these things, depending on that message that resonates with us that we’re looking to build upon. So anybody who’s looking to meditate, I just encourage you make the time. And here’s what I will say. And I want to preface this with this is my experience, you know, so obviously everybody listen to your doctors and your providers out there. But in my experience, when the practice of meditation came to me, I was dealing with crippling anxiety, I was having horrific panic attacks in the middle of the night.
I would literally would wake up and I just thought I wasn’t going to make it through the night. When I researched meditation, I knew that I wanted to try it because my biggest issue at the time was that I didn’t feel safe going within my own mind. That’s just, you know, frightening to even think about now. And so it became important for me to create this safe haven and so how I started and everybody can start differently. I’m going to say that I believe there’s no right or wrong way to do this and people will definitely argue with me on that and that’s okay because for me what I did worked and what you’re gonna do will hopefully work for you you with some consistency. But I began by listening to short guided meditation. So a guided meditation where somebody is leading me into meditation, I started with anywhere from three to seven minutes, maybe five.
This allowed me to just begin to feel comfortable and calm going within. And I would do this before bed, I would do this when I had a panic attack. And the things that I was very specific about that I encourage is make sure that you are picking, you know, meditations that have a message that resonates with you, that’s really important, you know, not each meditation is created equally.
If you find one you like, feel free to use it over and over again, because that message is going to absorb deeper and deeper every time. Now, the other thing is, if you don’t like the person’s voice, don’t listen to it, right. If you don’t want to meditate for hours on end, you know, in silence, use a guided meditation. But I will tell you this, that as you do this, and you progress in your practice, going for longer periods of time will become easier. Also, I’ve noticed that I don’t necessarily need a guided meditation, I can sit and you know, still my mind in silence, I can think of a word or common theme that I’ve just want to meditate on. And I found that it has helped me profoundly in terms of managing anxiety, as far as panic attacks. You know, I can’t say I’ve had one. So and if I have, it hasn’t been anything like it was way back when I was having them. So I just encourage you to try it to give it a shot. I’m not affiliated with headspace or calm, but those there are so many resources out there, and YouTube has a plethora of them. And just really start small, see what works for you whether it’s guided meditation, or it’s just sitting in stillness on your own. Thank
Quianna Marie
you so much for clarifying what this is and how to get started. I, I love that idea. Because starting with the guided meditations, I feel like that’s actually attainable. Like, okay, I can, I can sit down ready. Like, before the day gets crazy, I’m going to just lay on the couch and or, you know, outside in the sunshine, and I’m just going to listen, I’m just going to give my body permission to find peace. And listen, and I think that’s a beautiful way because I know, for example, years ago when I was in college, and I was first introduced to yoga, I hated yoga. I hated yoga, simply because and you know, you’ve helped me thank you to your coaching because I used to, I used to call these voices in my head, my demons, and now they are my angels, right? Like through our, our experience. Yes. And it’s true. Like I because I’ve had these voices in my head, and I don’t want to sound cuckoo. I really do. Right? And we all do. We all do. We all do. And what’s crazy is through that experience, it’s like I had to fight it. Like I didn’t want to go into my brain, I didn’t want to go into that space, because it wasn’t that I felt unsafe.
But I just I didn’t want to hear what I needed to hear like that would mean that I’d have to stop doing these bad habits, that would mean I would have to break up with that. Pos boyfriend like that would mean that I like Right, like all these things would come up because I didn’t want to, to like activate that piece of my mind. And so I love that like having a meditation actually will allow me to be guided and feel safe. And to know that. Like, I’m almost like having a guide literally like it’s a guided meditation, like you’re having a guide on this trail into your mind to listen right and, and I do want to say before we move on, I love yoga now. So that’s something that has totally shifted. I know our friend Felicia, she hosts these goddess yoga, amazing, which is a whole different story. And then one of our good friends here in the neighborhood Darien right. So she’s an amazing yoga studio. So like a huge advocate for yoga. All. Yes, but I just I love that I love that you’re giving us permission to listen. And it’s just it’s so beautiful. And it’s
Kristie Hidrogo
funny because you mentioned you know your mind thinking, Oh, I don’t want to do that hard thing. That means I have to like come to terms with the fact that I have to break up with this person, I have to change that habit. And that’s the funny thing about our brain is that it loves the path of least resistance even if the path of least resistance is something that’s not serving our highest good. And I think a lot of people misunderstand that.
So the great work about coaching and like the blend of coaching and hypnotherapy is that like we can work within the conscious and that logical mind of like discussing those things, but then within that subconscious mind with you know, which is a little bit deeper than meditation, and being able to gently release and remove and allow us to create space to create those changes because our mind will immediately be like, Oh, no, that’s hard. I’m gonna go over here, even if that means you know, numbing the pain out or ignoring it or dissociating, you know, whatever that is, whatever that looks like for us. So our goal is to lean a little bit more into that uncomfortable, uncomfortable Space and really understand what it’s trying to teach us how we can apply love there and ultimately create that transformation. Yes.
Quianna Marie
Okay. So I want to kind of roll things forward. I want all of us to imagine I’m speaking like from my highest self to your highest self. I just would love to share like, let’s pretend that we have taken these these action steps right we are, we are making time for meditation we’re making time to check in we are, are truly speaking love and acceptance and worthiness into us every single day.
I’d love us to fast forward and think, Okay, I feel like I’m doing the work. I feel like I’m actually making progress here. I’m feeling more confident. I’m feeling beautiful in my own skin. And I’m, I’m truly healing. So let’s say we’re in that position. Okay. I would love your advice, Christy, on finding other powerful women that also prioritize love and acceptance, while still being really high achievers, because that’s how
Kristie Hidrogo
we roll, right? Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, first and foremost, I love it. If you are doing all that work you’re putting it in. But even if you’re somebody who is still you know, not quite there yet that power of yet that power of I’m still in process, I’m still high achieving. But yeah, I’m still working on my you know what, right being able to still find those women because that is where empowerment and support comes in. And so perfectly, I have like a little plug I get to give here because I am, I am going to be speaking at an upcoming event. So we’re going to give you the details of that. Before I jump into the details of that. I want to share my personal experience with this. And I just want to say, for me in personal life, and even in the fact that I’m you know, small business owner entrepreneur, it was all about reaching out showing up. That’s it. Like, that’s how the meat and potatoes like, people underestimate the value of reaching out and showing up showing up for yourself being bold.
You know what, hey, introduce yourself to that person. And you know, you never know what conversation you’re going to have that connection you just needed to meet or really just the room that you needed to be in to uplevel your vibration and that feeling to leave you walking away with a little more pep in your step a little bit more momentum. You know, that dance that you walk away with, like I’m feeling good. Now the proof is in the pudding here. And I’m gonna say Kiana, this is how I met you, right? We’re at a Boss Babes event we like basically didn’t talk the whole event. But then as we’re walking out, I’m like, Okay, I go up, we start talking. Next thing we know, we’re sitting in the car for three freakin hours, maybe even five. I don’t know, just like pouring out our heart, our dreams, our goals. And it was as simple as that. I was so blessed because you’re my soul sister, and I’m so thankful for you, you know, and that’s how it works.
I’ve met other really incredible women. And this is how by, you know, meeting and showing up and networking and just mingling, I have been able to do small groups and do you know, talks for companies and things like that. So this is where I’m going to plug myself is that I have this speaking event coming up. So at first I want to offer gratitude for the host, which is we speak Wi Fi a beautiful woman, Cassidy Daniel, woman owned business is hosting this amazing ladies night food drinks, it’s going to be March 9 from 5pm to 7pm. We’ll make sure we’ll put the details out there for you. And it’s going to be this empowering event where you’ll be able to meet other really amazing women. So whether you are a mom who just needs a night out some day away from kids, hi, me too.
You’re a small business owner, again, I need to or if you are, you know a CEO or whatever, you know, whatever it is for you. Maybe you’re retired, you need to get out of the house. Please show up calm. And because this is going to be an empower event, I get to talk about my favorite things. You know, talk about our wholeness, what it means what it means to or how we can connect to that space. And of course, the importance of community, which is exactly what we’re doing right here. We’re building a community, we’re finding our tribe, we’re getting that support and that encouragement. So it’s going to be an evening that not only fills your cup, but your heart. And I hope that if you come you come in here, introduce yourself to me and tell me you heard me on pianist podcast. Yes.
Quianna Marie
Oh my gosh, I can’t wait I will be there. And I’m just so so grateful. Grateful that you mentioned this Christie because there is so much power in simply showing up and and showing up when you don’t want to I really, really want to like make that statement that we’re going to want to just stay home in our sweats. You know, we’re home after work. We already took her bra off. We don’t want to get dressed back up again. Like we just don’t want to write. And so there there’s so much power in showing up finding your tribe and And we’re going to make excuses for ourselves, right? So maybe you have your children and you can’t get away. Well, luckily, we have a lot of neighborhood parks where you can roll up and your children can be playing at the park, while you are just sharing your story and encouraging another mom, right? Like, there, there are so many beautiful ways to find connection. And, and I think that just amplifies all of this inner work, right, because the more love and respect and honor that we give to our own bodies, like it just radiates, and you’re gonna find your people.
Kristie Hidrogo
Absolutely. And, and it is, you know, it’s interesting, because anytime that I’ve had an event, or speaking engagement, I would say, maybe like eight out of 10 times, if not nine out of 10 times, someone comes up to me and is like, I’m really happy I ended up coming, I almost didn’t come I didn’t really I was kind of afraid I didn’t know what to expect. It’s that fear that is going to sabotage and keep us from you know, these connections from get that encouragement that support. When people move beyond that other side of fear is just this beautiful light of possibility. And so I love when I hear that. And I always thank that person for just taking that chance for trusting me for showing up for themselves. It’s such a big, bold, beautiful way to love and care for yourself. Yes,
Quianna Marie
and this is a gentle reminder to that we are all on this healing journey. We are all on different timelines. And so if you are feeling kind of messy, or maybe you are like me at one point thinking, I don’t even want to like think like I don’t even want to go into my brain. There are so many women of all ages of all stories and all life’s travels that like we will meet you where you are like you need to get in the room with these women because I can’t tell you like the thankfully being here in Arizona recently, I’ve been able to go to these events, and I put myself in these rooms. And there’s never women that I’m literally thinking like, you know, things like they’re all very encouraging, right? Like you’re going to vibe, energetically you’re going to connect with the right people gonna
Kristie Hidrogo
be inspired. Yeah, that’s a big, that’s a big one, at least for me when I you know, go into these rooms with these incredible women, their stories, whatever walk of life they’re coming from, I am inspired. So
Quianna Marie
I would love to I’d love to ask you, I don’t have this in our notes. Sorry. But I wanted to ask you. Can you please share more about your yes, me movement, specially speaking of putting yourself in these rooms with these high achievers with these beautiful, gorgeous women, right? Like, I mean, it can be very easy to fall into that trap back like circling back over the top here like Oh, I’m not worthy. Oh, I don’t deserve this. Blah, blah, blah. Like we we run that track in our head. So how can we break that chain and literally see somebody else succeeding and think, Oh, if she could do it, so can I so let’s chat about your about your thought on that. I am just
Kristie Hidrogo
I’m laughing here because this was this is my my tip. This is you know what I wanted to leave everybody with? This is like the mic drop moment, but that’s okay. Because I love this. No, we’re like, You read my mind again. And you’re like, Okay, I know. I know. This is coming. I’m gonna bring it up. Yes, me. Let’s talk about Yes, me. Okay, so I’m going to kind of throw this out is that Tip Two that I want to leave everybody with that mic drop moment, which is, you know, we talked about it earlier, and that is aligning ourselves with consistency to that wholeness within us that says, Yes, me. And so for those of you that are wondering what do I mean by yes, me like, What does that mean? Yes, ni is saying yes to your abundance. It’s saying yes to your purpose that your life has to offer. It’s saying yes to those God given gifts, talents, and that goodness that you’re seeking, because guess what, girlfriend it’s seeking you too. Now, here’s the thing is that when we’re out in the world, whether we’re you know, scrolling on social media, or we’re in those rooms that were feeling a little bit intimidated wanting to go back and make ourselves small or quiet again, and you take out that invisible comparison calculator, I want you to pause I want you to pause before you start calculating all the ways you’re not enough that you’re not there yet. I want you to pause I want you to take a breath. I want you to look around I want you to say yes me because the truth is, is that there is enough room for success for each and every one of us there is enough room for each and every one of us to shine and the very fact that someone is out there doing their thing succeeding living their best life as their highest version of themselves. means that you can too so guess what when you see that you say yes me because that is for you to all of that abundance. All of that goodness. So yes to you. Yes to me. We got this Oh,
Quianna Marie
yes, yes. I feel like Oprah like yes, yes, yes. Yes. Yes. For you, too. Yes. For you to
Kristie Hidrogo
speak for you. And yes, me for you. And it yes, me for me as well.
Quianna Marie
Yes. Oh my gosh, this is the energy I’m here for. And you all this is why I needed to introduce you to Christy like, hello, my network is your network. So Christina, I’d love to learn more about your coaching, can you please share more about the transformations your clients experience with working with you?
Kristie Hidrogo
Absolutely. First and foremost, if you can’t tell already, I’m incredibly, incredibly passionate about what I do. And this stems from one being a young child and just knowing that, you know, I wanted to help people and going through my own varying degrees of trauma and having to rebuild that sense of self worth, and, you know, really know who I am. And so from this space, I really take pride in creating unique and special sessions for my clients, like really knowing who they are, and what it is that they’re looking for, and constructing the safe space for them.
What I see most with my clients in terms of transformations can be anything from, you know, just this overall well being to releasing some big heavy blocks, things that are, you know, like roadblocks that get in their way to emotional releases, and, you know, traumatic releases, being able to move beyond. Another big thing I see especially because I work with it and mindset and so you know, that subconscious through hypnotherapy is a perspective shift. People who no longer think the way they used to. And once they, they’re out of that box, and they’re out of that space, boy do the possibilities open up.
Big transformations, and all of this comes from my fundamental belief and where I work, very passionate and deeply, which is reconnecting that individual to that space of wholeness, that space that allows us to be meet and be all parts of ourselves that allows us to love, you know, that good, bad and ugly. I mean, that’s probably not the best way to put it because I’m gonna share it today. I get to work within the mindset, which is that conscious brains and where we’re talking, we’re logically speaking about your goals and dreams and within the subconscious through hypnotherapy, which for those of you that don’t know is that databank of all of our memories, our experiences, our traumas, and our habits. And what I My goal is to try and get those two on the same page, if not on the same page, at least in the same book, right. And so in doing that, I create just this, you know, really wholesome guidance, so to say, because I’m not telling you what to do, I’m guiding you, you’re the one taking the steps, putting in the work to your magic, and allowing individuals to tap into that place of purpose and authenticity and just live in a way that feels really meaningful to them. Absolutely
Quianna Marie
beautiful. I am so so grateful that we connected, I do want to share my own experience with you, Christy, that it it was completely life changing, working with you so closely for our coaching container. And, and what was so beautiful about our transformation is I feel like you know, in therapy, I feel like it’s a I’ve had conversations with coaches and therapists in the past where they meet you where they are, and then they kind of dig into the roots. Right and, and there’s, there’s this healing process, which is beautiful, they give you the tools. And I will say after my experience with you it was a beautiful kind of dance between who you are now who you were right like your childhood, you’re right with my upbringing, you know, the loss of losing my father the relationship that that has created with my mother, right?
Today, right? And, and but then also truly embracing the future that I feel is a piece that you truly bring to the conversation and to the consciousness of wait a second here like who do you want to become what pieces of you do we need to actually give love into it’s not a oh, let’s fix it like let’s put a bandaid on it like let’s truly create so much love and light and one image that I will always have from you was when you shared that we need to love ourselves so much that we are this constant beam of light that if there are any holes or cracks within our shell or within our body like our human body, we are just shooting out like like there there is no way that any type of negativity or darkness like real life happens and we can we can you know embrace that but like there’s just so much light and abundance just coming from us from within that it just can’t be penetrated and so that was one just a one little like in like my thought that I wanted to share today and share my experience with you. So if if you are looking in this looking forward some transformation if you’re looking for guidance like Kristie, you’re the answer!
Kristie Hidrogo
Oh thank you, I receive all of that. Thank you for that love. And I love that that’s what stuck with you. Because that was taught to me from one of my mentors. And so it’s very, I mean, look at us breaking that cycle, look at us passing that along and sharing that. And I just love that. And here’s to shining bright and to, you know, acknowledging those cracks in us that it’s okay, and that we can just shine brighter because of it. So thank you.
Thank you I loved and it was honor working with you. You’re just like, the funnest client, love all my clients love you all. But yeah, it’s it’s definitely and I think you prove, one thing I want to say is you prove in the coaching process that it is, what you take from it, and what you choose to do with that knowledge that you gain. So thank you for your kind words and your love. And thank you everybody just for listening. Yes.
Quianna Marie
Oh, my gosh. Well, I know we mentioned I think we talked about like the USP. Was that going to be your key tip? I love asking the key tip. Yes.
Kristie Hidrogo
I was cracking up because I’m like, we’re kind of fast forwarding. But I really wanted everybody to have this way of finding, you know, we talked about like, infusing our habits. And so I thought, you know, well, we don’t always check our mind when we’re sitting there thinking negatively and we need to be more conscious of doing that. So I’m like, Well, yes, me is the perfect and easiest, most simplistic way to just shoot into that place. Pull this and say, You know what? Yes, me?
Yes. Me because yes, for them. Yes. For me. Yes to my abundance. Yes. All that goodness. And so that was really my my key tip was if it resonates with you, incorporating that I’ve had one client who like put it on her mirror, you know, she would pump herself up. Yes, me. Yes, me. And she she loved it. She went really above and beyond with Yes, me. And it was it was amazing how much I saw her life transform for that. I can’t share the details on it. But it’s one day if she gives me permission, I won’t because it’s incredible. That’s
Quianna Marie
Amazing. Oh my gosh. Well, thank you so much for sharing your light, your love, and all of your coaching and transformations. So Christy, you please share with us how can we find you? How can we stalk you learn from you? And hopefully sign up for coaching and all of your fun events coming up? Yes.
Kristie Hidrogo
So of course there’s social media Instagram, Facebook, and you can reach out to me whether it’s PMS, my website has my number if you want to set up I do always do complimentary 30 minute discovery calls where we can discuss your goals and just see if we’re a good fit see if we vibe right why I called my business soul vibes I want to vibe with you.
Other ways aside from you know my one on one coaching which I’m incredibly passionate about my clients, I also do corporate speaking engagements. So you know, I’ve spoken for small companies, larger companies, I do these speaking engagements for groups. The other thing too is if you’re someone who is like I want to just have like a little experience I’ve done group meditations or workshops, I also host some of my own and those are a lot of fun.
I really I love being creative and I get to just kind of run wild with you know, anything you have or that I have and so that is a lot of fun. So doesn’t matter if you’re a large company a small business or just someone who’s like I want to really special girls night out for me and my girlfriends or bachelorette party whatever I can do that I can make that happen reach out you know let’s get to work.
Quianna Marie
Amazing. Thank you so much Christy. I cannot wait. We have to plan another hot girl Walker coming up soon and it’s
Kristie Hidrogo
actually getting warm out so I really will be a hot girl. Yeah,
Quianna Marie
recently it’s been a very cold freezing for in Arizona. We have like a two week winters. Really cold.
Kristie Hidrogo
Yes, it has been very cold. And I always joke that I forget about January in air in Arizona and I had to go buy the jackets and sweaters because I was like what is this? Like my, you know, internal heat thermometer is like what the heck is going on? Why am I freezing?
Quianna Marie
Yes. Oh my gosh. Well, thank you for bringing the heat today. Thank you for bringing the warmth in your love. And I hope you have a beautiful day. Thank you so much for sharing your heart. You too. I
Kristie Hidrogo
love you. Thank you so much.
Quianna Marie
Love you. Bye. Wow, wasn’t that an impactful episode? Kristie is the type of friend that you can grab a coffee with. And before it’s cooled down enough for you to actually slip it. You’re already spilling your guts sharing your deepest life secrets and feeling vulnerable to share your truth. Kristie has a beautiful presence that makes you feel safe, heard and understood. I’m so lucky to know her and to have her guidance, friendship and healing powers in my life. I’m honored to introduce you to as well like literally you have to be besties with her. Please make sure to follow along with Kristie to soak up her wisdom. Invest in her transformational coaching and to learn the tools and mindset shifts to bring your focus to your inner knowing. We don’t have all the answers of the universe within us. But within us we have what it takes to make an impact. Your Kristie is out there, baby. She’s on the sidelines cheering for her three boys while playing sports. A supportive and loving wife. On stages speaking around the Phoenix area and beyond.
Kristie’s hosting events and enjoys hot girl walks to bounce ideas and share encouragement with friends. This is a reminder to love yourself and to remember that you are worthy. Simply being yourself. Hope you have a blessed day and cannot wait to connect soon. Okay, love you. Bye. That’s a wrap on another episode of Quianna Marie Weekly.
Thank you so much for your listenership and support. You can find the resources and show notes for this episode and more at Kiana I’d be honored if you show your support by leaving a review and rating on your favorite podcast app. Until next time, keep on dancing.
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