Are you wanting to show up more online but have no idea how to start? In today’s episode, I’m dropping 30 easy ideas for b-roll and behind the scenes content. Plus, I’m sharing mindset shifts to help maximize your efforts in marketing and creating brand awareness.
On Quianna Marie Weekly, we’re chatting about business growing pains, finding genuine connections, and celebrating wins of all sizes through the lens of a photographer at heart. Sprinkled throughout stories and interviews with past clients, photographers and other business owners this podcast is designed to help you step into your purpose and to truly create a life you’re proud of. A life worth photographing and sharing.
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Today’s episode is brought to you by The Green House, my resource garden for photographers! Let me help you AMPLIFY your heart online and in real life to turn bridesmaids into future brides through templates, workshops, and freebies!
Review the Show Notes:
The Importance Of B-Roll And Behind The Scenes (5:05)
Safety Tips And Reminders (5:45)
The Gear You Need For Behind-The Scenes (9:02)
How To Set Up And Use B-Roll (13:03)
Computer Vibes (15:35)
Client Experience Vibes (21:27)
Authority Vibes (29:00)
Mentioned In This Episode:
112: Making Deeper Connections with Video
145: Book More Clients Creating Videos with Marvin Flavien:
146: Long Live Youtube with Paige Major:
The Green House:
Review the Transcript:
The secret to showing up online is to create main character energy. Think of your business as a Netflix series. Is your business, your brand, and your lifestyle something someone wants to watch? If you’re thinking, well, I’m kind of boring. I have some friends and I enjoy coffee shops. I always have an overflowing cart on Amazon, and I’m not much of a cook.
Well, babe, you just summed up a modern day Rachel Green on Friends, and clearly many of us have watched that show on repeat for years. Maybe you’re thinking your office or remote job working at home is boring. Yet, many of us can quote The Office and live for watching reruns of Jim and Pam’s wedding. The show Friends and The Office are both great examples of peeking into people’s lives and learning about them, falling in love with the characters, and they keep us watching reruns.
I can bet that if Friends was still on air like a soap opera, I’d still be watching. Wouldn’t you? I’m curious. I feel like Friends is one of those nostalgic things that a lot of us in our age group. When I say age group, I mean like 30s and 40s and up. It’s crazy to me that some kids these days, as I start quoting Friends, just look at me and smile and, you know, I’m not old.
I’m not old that I start quoting friends and some people may not get it. Okay, but anyway, let’s keep going here. The secret to making your business memorable and something someone wants to watch is simply recording it. People are nosy. They want to see the details. They’re interested in your progress and love a good before and after transformation.
I know that when I’m online shopping for clothes, I read through all of the reviews. Give me a photo or a video of a girl that I think kind of has my curves or sort of looks like my body type. And if it looks good on her, I’m sold. Please send me the same dress in two to three colors. Does that sound familiar?
Let me know if that’s you too. If you’re new here, I’m so thankful the universe made our worlds collide. And I’m thrilled to be in your ear. As a photographer for over two decades, I’ve learned a ton and pivoted through many seasons. Today’s episode is brought to you by the greenhouse, the resource garden for photographers and entrepreneurs.
Today’s episode is going to feel like a big fat list of full of action items and tons of strategy. You’re going to want to grab the free guide I created for you to follow along with this episode and to reference for future photo shoots and everyday business grinding. Make sure to head to
You’re also going to want to check out the show notes or online shop for anything else that you would need for resources and all the fun templates and guides that Greenhouse is for you, babe.
Bloom with B Roll has been an educational resource I’ve been implementing in my own business for years. I’ve been sharing this mindset and content strategy with all of my coaching clients and behind the scenes on branding sessions. And if you’ve been around for a while, you know, I also have the program for wedding photographers as well.
And that completely is just, it’s just so incredible. So I have been the B roll and behind the scenes queen for a long time, and I am confident that my business has flourished and survived many seasons of life and business simply because I’m recording my business and life adventures with main character energy.
For today’s episode, I’ll be dropping over 30 easy ideas for you and your team to start recording today. We’ll break down the gear, Spoiler alert, you already have everything you need. Plus, I’ll be sharing content ideas and business mindsets to help maximize your efforts for marketing and creating brand awareness.
Don’t forget to grab that B-Roll Guide! I’ll be sharing hundreds of more ideas for business owners in that guide. We don’t have time to go over it all in this episode today. I want to be really intentional about our time and respect your time and energy today, but I have even more listed on that guide.
Just like when your friends recommend a Netflix series and you watch the first couple of episodes and you think, really, this isn’t that great. Should I keep watching this? And then your friend tells you to keep watching. Things make sense and get really good after about episode number four. And that’s business, my love.
I like to think of a Netflix series and Netflix seasons as years. If you’re only in one year or two year of your business, or maybe you’re a pro, but trying to pivot. Keep going. It’s about to get really good!
Welcome to Quianna MarieWeekly, a podcast for creatives who love to celebrate wins, big or small, by dancing in the kitchen, photographers who are excited to serve their clients, and friends who are ready to chase their dreams.
It’s really, really big dreams. You can find all of the resources mentioned in this episode at KeanuMarie. com slash podcast. Join me as I share weekly motivation, chat about growing pains, finding genuine connections and celebrating your wins through the lens of a photographer at heart. Come join me for a dance party.
Ready? Let’s go.
Before I dive into the checklist and categories, I first want to establish the importance of B roll and reporting behind the scenes clips. As your business continues to grow and expand, creating a following of friends and raving fans is the easiest way to build brand authority and create a living brand.
You are your own niche, and the more pieces of your business you share, the more relatable and professional you’ll look. Just like Monica on Friends is the best cook, or how we can always count on Joey to share the best meatball sandwich in town, we need to become the go to expert in our industry. The easiest, most impactful way to do that is to simply share the work you’re already doing.
Let’s start with some safety tips and reminders that you are sharing your life online with every post you are creating. The internet can be scary, but I don’t want to scare you or prevent you from posting. There’s no way I can share these strategies without sharing some big sister advice to warn you about online safety and practical business protocols to ensure you’re marketing your life and business safely.
Please be mindful about never exposing your home, your driveway, your address, or even your vehicle, and especially not your license plate online. We may feel super safe in our communities and adore all of our followers, but unfortunately there are some wackos online. If you are sharing photos and videos of your children, please be mindful of their clothing and be careful sharing walk a thon t shirts or anything with fonts and text on it that easily identifies their school or even their sports teams.
I’d even take it a step further and keep the location of my favorite coffee shop or working area private too. If you are frequenting a coffee shop or a restaurant or a workspace often, something that people could notice, Hey, you’re here every Tuesday and Thursday, or Hey, you’re here often. I would. Make sure that I’m recording that kind of stuff super close up, but not make it distinguishable to know exactly where you’re located.
Trust me, I love people, but I love my safety, peace, and privacy even more. We also need to take into consideration the privacy and online safety of our clients. As a photographer, my contract says And I’ll be capturing behind the scenes videos and B roll clips during our events and photo shoots. And I have to be honest here, because of my specific work, working with business owners, working with creators and brands, anytime I say, Hey, I’m going to be capturing B roll behind the scenes, literally 99.
99 percent of the time. They’re on board and they say, heck yes, please record it. They can’t wait for me to share it because anything is more exposure, right? That may not always be the case for you and your clients depending on your business and depending on what you’re offering So we need to be very transparent super transparent and open Literally over communicate what it is that you’re planning to do with these B roll clips and these behind the scenes videos, because at a certain point it does involve them.
And we want to be very mindful that they are aware of what our plans are, right? I always honor their requests to ensure great communication and respect for their business and online presence. And, and I say this with so much love. So for example, I once was working with a brand and I was not able to share their products.
Until it was officially launched, they were still in the growing stage. They were still in product development stage. And so even though I was so excited to share their shoot, I was very mindful to only share pieces of that photo shoot and pieces of that client experience without exposing their new product.
So that may be something that you may run up against where maybe they are on board to. Happily share the B roll clips and to just be scattered online, like social media glitter, but just not yet. Right? So all of that stuff needs to be discussed. Like this absolutely needs to be talked about prior to you rolling in with your phone or rolling in with an assistant to capture a ton of behind the scenes B roll.
All right, let’s tackle the gear real quick. Then I’ll go into the easy list of B roll ideas. It’s really as simple as purchasing a 20 tripod on Amazon and hitting record on your phone. When I’m in a pinch, I’m recording without a tripod and I’m either panning with the phone with my hand. So I’m literally just hitting record and whoop, just taking a quick little three to five second video with my hand, just to Like the phone, just in my hand, I’m the personal laptop, or sometimes I use my laptop as a kickstand.
I know that sounds silly, but I’ll just prop it up against that. And you know how laptops, we can close them, open them and then do every little angle degree in between that actually makes a fantastic little holder for your phone or something to lean against for the different angles. So you probably already have that literally in your lap right now.
Or if I’m really in a pinch, I’ll even ask a friend or another human in the room to help record. It’s really not that hard. Just ask. It’s okay to be brave and to ask someone. As an iPhone user, I make sure that I’m recording in 4k at 60 FPS, which means frames per second. When I’m at 60 FPS, the video looks a little bit smoother and more cinematic, not quite slow motion, but it just looks smooth and not so.
Kind of shaky. And I also toggle the grid on in my settings so I can easily mark before and after shots and to help with composition and the rule of thirds. So basically when I say grid, it just has the, it’s like a nine box looking thing, right? It looks like a pound sign or if that’s really dating myself, it’s a hashtag sign on the camera.
And all I see, I just see it on my screen. I don’t. Actually see the, the grid when I take the picture, right? Uh, but it just kind of helps things kind of feel a little straightened and, um, keep close to those horizon lines. And like I said, if you’re doing before and after stuff, or you need to have a transition, it’s just so much easier to kind of mark those spots with the grid.
So I make sure that’s on. When I’m recording B roll, I try to get a handful of angles and a variety of up close and far away shots. This adds dimension to my videos and helps with engagement. Switching up the angles by moving the tripod closer and farther away always makes that so much easier. These three to five second videos are saved in a B roll folder on my phone and then they’re sucked up into my Google Photos app so I can easily archive, save, and search if needed in the future.
I’m typically editing these B roll clips on my phone with the app VideoShop or even just using TikTok to edit. Instagram glitches on me all the time, so I very rarely actually edit my videos in Instagram. Another tip before I get into the list is to consider two mindsets for creating B roll. One is capturing B roll while you’re already working, and the other is to plan specific B roll shooting days.
I personally love shooting a mix of both. Events, photo shoots, and client experiences are perfect for capturing B roll on the go and simply recording the work I’m already doing. When I’m busy working at home though, I’m typically still wearing the pajamas I slept in. Or workout clothes with a top knot that may not be that flattering to hit record.
I want to be honest with you. Like this is the life of a business owner. We’re busy and we don’t always look put together right now. I love the raw and the realness of those moments. But. Sometimes it’s just, it’s just not cute. I can’t explain it.
I may a little bit, be a little bit old school about that, um, but I challenge you to record as much of your business moments as possible to help you save time, but planning an intentional B roll shoot for an hour and a half or even like a half day recording session can produce enough B roll footage for a month’s worth of content.
Planning a b roll party with your business bestie is always a great idea. In the b roll guide, I share a whole segment on planning a b roll party with your bestie. Make sure to go grab that in the show notes. Okay. Okay. Enough with the safety tips, gear, and setup. Let’s dive into the easy b roll ideas for business owners.
As a business owner, I bet you had no idea that you’d be spending most of your time behind your computer. Let’s start with capturing B roll while sitting at your computer. And that could be your laptop, that could be your tablet, that could be your actual desktop computer. And this setup could be in your home office, your workspace, at your kitchen counter, or just sitting on the couch.
Just think of this vibe as a working on your laptop situation. As I list off these ideas, I want you to think of the different angles, compositions, and shooting directions. With every idea, you can create three to five angles of the same shot for variety. And I actually encourage you to do that. So anytime you, so I’ll list out the ideas for us.
But with each of these bullet points or with each of these numbers, consider taking your tripod and getting a super up close. And I mean up close where all you see is your finger and your keyboard and then you go back and then you see a little side angle view and then you get one from the whole view where you take, I don’t know if you’re maybe in your living room on your couch and you take it all the way to the hallway or you take the tripod all the way to the back of the kitchen.
So you see yourself working, but you’re in these different angles. That right there. Oh my gosh. Like I said, that one video clip, that three to five second video clip taken at three to five different angles could be over a minute of footage, or that can be broken up to literally five to six different little clips that you can add captions and context and just all different types of advice, right?
Like you can just see how easily this can be multiplied. All right, let’s get started with this first category. So I broke these up into three unique categories because that’s just the way my brain works. If I were to just list out a buttload of ideas, it’s going to be overwhelming. And if you’re anything like me, it’s going to make you just want to take a nap and not do any of it.
So I broke these up into three distinct categories. These are the three categories and within each of these titles, I have 10 ideas for you. And then I also, as promised in the guide, I have two, 100 idea lists. And so those lists are broken up into B roll ideas for business owners.
That’s a hundred lists that for you there. And then I also have another list of a hundred ideas for the B roll ideas for just your life and adventures, which I think is just so important to also kind of capture those everyday tasks and just those personalized touches. Okay, so now that you know the framework and I feel like I’ve been blabbering for so long, let’s really get into these ideas.
So starting with computer vibes, number one, typing on the keyboard. This can, like I said, can be so simple. Start up close, do medium, and then go far away. Okay. Number two, scrolling through documents, eBooks, courses. Now I have to say. So with each of these ideas, I might have a little tidbit for you, but please be mindful of privacy, right?
So we’re not opening up invoices and contracts and sharing all those things, or maybe sharing pertinent information about our upcoming course. You know, we want to give it away. We want to share that we’re working on it, but just be mindful of what you’re actually screen recording. And that could literally, like I said, be a screen recording on your phone or set up the tripod or just kind of capture the video on your hand.
Either way works, but. Start talking about and sharing those little sneak peeks about an upcoming course, whether you are creating one or you’re actually taking one. Like maybe you’ve invested in a recent course that you never finished, right? Like you grabbed a couple guides from and then you never actually completed.
Here’s your, your sign to go do that. Number three, editing photos or videos. And as I know, not all of us are photographers, but this would be a great way for you to kind of just capture busy work for your business owners. Right? So what is it that you’re doing at the computer and what are you doing often?
So let’s capture that b-roll! Number four, participating in a virtual meeting. This could be a zoom call. This could be a client discussion. Um, just anything where you are on a zoom call. And this is a good reminder too, that it doesn’t always have to actually face the computer. Meaning the, the phone, like your phone doesn’t need to actually be recording what’s happening on your screen.
You could angle it a different way. So nobody knows what’s on your screen and it, and that actually sounds even more versatile because you can be recording something that you can create a caption for that you’re sending an email that you are, um, right? Like you’re having a client consultation that you are just doing literally a million different things on your laptop.
We don’t know that because we can’t see your screen, right? So that’s just an idea. Um, number five, which kind of goes under that too, is answering emails, same thing. All you’re doing is typing away and getting those B roll clips for that. Number six, designing graphics to announce upcoming events. So that’s one of my favorite things to do lately is to not just have Canva tutorials or to share exactly what, you know, like what, how you’re actually creating those graphics or those, those key tips for designing, but what a great way to share either a hyperlapse or just a video clip of you creating those graphics and then.
Sharing and announcing some upcoming events or special announcements. Number seven, browsing through your website. Okay. Call me crazy, but as I was coming up with this list of B roll ideas, I was literally laughing thinking, I don’t know when was the last time I created either a screen grab or did a little recording of my website and I’m not even joking.
The last time I think I did that was when I had a huge website. launch or like I shared the big reveal of my website and that was probably years and years ago, right? So this is your reminder to share a little bit about the behind the scenes of your website, right? Maybe you have a secret website that is only for your clients to see, or maybe you have a prep guide or even just your contact page or your services pages, right?
Let’s start capturing behind the scenes of that. Number eight, updating social media or your blog. Seriously, this is so simple. You’re already doing it. Just hit freaking record, right? And I don’t know about you, but maybe you have an old phone or a phone case. I see a lot of people on TikTok where you can tell they’re holding a phone case.
It’s not really a phone because their phone is actually recording them. But if you have any older phones, you can totally use that as a prop for these types of videos. Number nine, sipping coffee or stirring a drink near your laptop. There are so many different things you can do with just some props around your laptop, right?
So just think of stirring that coffee, sipping your smoothie, uh, maybe having a snack. I’m personally not a fan of watching people eat online. Like that kind of is cringe to me, but people do it and I watch like I just keep watching, right? So, um, you can be. the best, you know, expert in deciding what’s best for you and your, your social media marketing.
Um, but yeah, definitely take some time to literally just sip some coffee out of a favorite coffee mug and capture that B roll, B roll, B roll, all the B roll. Number 10, capturing emotions while working. Okay, so this is something that if you know me and you know me well, you know, I’m always talking with my hands and I’m super expressive.
In fact, I’m sorry if I’m bumping the microphone while I’m little recording this, but consider some emotions while you are typing and I do air quote typing behind your laptop, right? So sharing some excitement. And I mean, throwing your hands up, like being so excited, or maybe an opposite of that emotion, you’re maybe feeling overwhelmed, or maybe you’re at your laptop and you have a quick video of you or a photo of you just taking a nap.
Right. Think of all the incredible content ideas that you can drum up with these different emotions behind your laptop. And I mean, That can be anything from launching something new to, um, you know, learning a new trick or even dancing. I mean, I think it’d be so fun to get a B roll clip of you booking your next destination wedding or clothing on your dream home or booking your next travel, right?
And I’m being excited about it and just dancing on your laptop. So these are all computer vibes. This kind of just, Envelopes, all the fun things that you can do as far as creating b roll for your computer. That’s it. Let’s just, that’s just a quick little whoop. Let’s start there. And the next vibe we’re going to cover is client experience vibe.
Now these are great for working with real clients or possibly asking a friend to model for you during a content day. I love breaking apart my client experience and then recording bits and pieces of that throughout the experience. When you start thinking about, Oh gosh, you know, this is tough. I don’t know where to begin.
Start with your client experience. When you start with your client experience, you’re going to have, you’ll notice you’ll have a prep phase, you’ll have a before, during and after experience of working with you. Right. And I think. That breakdown is what’s going to actually overwhelm you by having too many ideas.
So if you’re thinking, I can’t think of anything, start thinking of your client experience and it’s going to start flooding. So let’s start with this list. Number one, consulting with a client in person or virtually. So this is where, like I mentioned before, you could have a planned content bestie as part of either a branding session or just a content creation day.
Or you’re actually asking your client if you can record this, right? I mean, like I mentioned before, you’re doing the work anyway, you might as well record it. Okay. And so consulting with a, with a client could look like just having coffee with them. It could look like discussing things over a laptop. You tell me what it sounds like or what it looks like to have a consultation with you and then just record it.
Number two, sharing a before, during and after experience while working with you. Number three, demonstrating how to use a product. Now, when I first thought of this, I thought, Oh, well, you know what? Not all of my listeners and all of my friends are product based businesses. A lot of us are service based.
And then I thought, wait a second. I can share the products that I use, the tools and the gear that I use. I mean, think about all the endless opportunities of the, the digital programs, right? Like the honey books and the Canva tools that you’re using. Um, I mean, I’ve recently been sending out a whole bunch of PayPal links randomly, right?
And so I can share how I do that too, right? So when I say product, don’t just think of your own products that you’re selling or what you’re delivering for your clients, but maybe the products that you use every single day. Let’s get those affiliate links connected and just highlight that you are in business and you’re thriving and you have incredible tools to use.
Number four, reviews and testimonials. This could simply be as simple as screen recording or screenshotting a review, whether that’s on your website or on Google or anywhere that clients are sending emails, like those raving emails that they’re so grateful for you and the work you’ve, you’ve done for them.
You need to record that baby. You need to get it. And it could even just be a B roll of you actually reading that out loud, right? I mean, come on there. The ideas are endless with sharing those testimonials and reviews. Number five, creating a vision board or a game plan for clients. So one thing that I love doing, especially with my branding sessions is coming up with a game plan.
And I love that because I start asking the clients, you know, what does it look like to Have your dream shoot. What are you calling in? What type of visions are you hoping to create? So first we start off with some Pinterest kind of researching and deciding, you know, what makes us feel inspired and what we like, and then we kind of fine tune that based on the location that we choose, the timing, and basically the type of shoot we’re doing, right?
Like what is the intention of our shoot? And all of that can be done through creating a vision board and creating that timeline and that game plan for your clients. So. You may be doing a version of that. Capture some B roll for that. Number six, capturing the behind the scenes of a photo shoot or a video shoot.
So this is like the part two to that, right? Make sure that when you are investing in a photographer, hopefully me and we get the chance to work together, but if you are focusing on. a local photographer and connecting with them, book it, like actually record those behind the scenes. Because I’m a firm believer that if you’re investing in your own business, that others are going to invest in you.
Number seven, giving a tour of your workspace. So this can be so fun depending on your services and your offers and what you’re doing. Maybe it’s a home tour and maybe it’s a business trip. Clip or a hyperlapse of you busy working in your, on your home office, or maybe you are out on the job and you’re in the field and doing something really fun.
Capture it. Okay. Please don’t forget to capture that B roll. Number eight, what you’re wearing while on the job or providing your services. So this has always been one of my favorite things to see. See, especially growing up in the wedding industry and seeing what all these other photographers wear. I wish it was cool to wear your tennis shoes to a wedding.
We’d be so much more comfortable. And I know some people today are doing that and they’re just, they have that cool girl vibe. And that just wasn’t the thing 15 years ago, even, even five years ago, it just wasn’t cute to wear converse to weddings. Right. And now it is. And so I’m kind of jealous about that, obviously.
But back to the list here. So what are you wearing while you are providing your services? I know there are so many fitness instructors that kind of have a complex when they come to me for brand shoots because they are constantly in their workout sets and their workout gear and their Lululemons and their sports bras.
But then they come to me thinking that they need to be in pantsuits and, uh, right? Like fancy formal, like working professional dresses for their photo shoots. And that’s just not true. Absolutely. If you feel called to wear those types of things to your branding sessions, then absolutely wear those because it makes you feel confident and makes you feel polished and professional.
However, I would always, always recommend you to truly show up wearing what you wear while working with your clients. So that stays true to you and your clients know what they can expect from you, right? So that would be a great tip. Easy B roll situation is just to share what you’re wearing while you are providing your services and while you’re doing your job, number nine, what’s in your bag.
So as you all know, like as a photographer, of course we have lenses and we have camera bodies and we have some. Some just, you know, random things like snacks and special lens cleaner pens and just different things all over the board, right? And I feel like there’s so much beauty in sharing that gear as a professional to share that you’ve invested in your work and you are well prepared.
But then I also just love looking at what’s in people’s airport bag, right? I mean, I think Alex Earl just did something like that, a video recently on what’s in her airport travel bag. And I was upset. Did I go out and buy everything in it? Of course I did. Like, I mean, it was just insane. Right? Like that’s how easily we can be influenced.
I think your clients and your potential clients would love to see that type of content. Number 10, writing thank you notes. So I am so old school when it comes to writing thank you notes. I just live for a good love note and love letter. And once again, I feel like that is kind of closing out your client experience vibes, right?
Like it’s, it’s sharing that human touch that just, I don’t know. It just feels warm and fuzzy. And I think when people see that online, they may be thinking naturally, Oh, I want, I want to love note from you, right? And it just makes you feel good. So definitely consider capturing some B roll of you writing out a letter or writing out a thank you note.
Okay. So the last vibe that I’d like to share with you today as we consider some B roll ideas is all about authority vibes, right? I want you to not just show up online and share your life. I don’t want you to just put your life on blast and share how awesome you are, right? Like, yes, you are awesome. And yes, I am encouraging you to show up online, but we can be very intentional with what we’re sharing.
So we’re creating shareable content. Things that people can relate to. And then it also creates that level of authority and professionalism that maybe without those B roll clips, it may be a question mark, right? Are you busy and in demand? Providing these incredible client experiences? Are you delivering results for your clients?
And are you the best person for the job, right? Are you the best person for that dream client? You’ve heard me say this a million times before, and I can get a little sassy here on the podcast, but we sometimes can be so focused on creating the ideal client that we forget to turn the mirror back to us and reflect on the fact that we need to become the best business owners, right?
We want to raise our prices. We want to share our value and to, to be valued by our clients and to be trusted. Well, how are you proving that, right? I know you’re proving that with your current clients, but in order to gain more clients, we absolutely need to prioritize B-Roll and behind the scenes. So let’s go through this authority b-roll vibes list.
Number one, books you’re reading. So I am a huge, huge advocate for reading, whether I have a book on my nightstand or I have books and that I’m reading in my ear, right. I’m listening to, and I think this gains so much authority, not just for yourself and your business, Personally, your own personal brand, but I think when you were a reader, I don’t know what it is.
I feel it’s kind of nerdy. What that feeling is or you know what that root is in this feeling, but I really just think that people that read often or that are consuming new books. I just think are so elite, like, I’m sorry. I really do. They are investing their time and their energy to learning new things.
I pride myself on that, right? So by sharing some B roll clips of you curled up in a corner, like curled up in your cozy couch or, you know, getting a quick little chapter in before you fall asleep, any type of B roll like that, I think could be really, really engaging for your audience. And then it makes them curious too about what you’re reading, right?
Number two podcast you’re listening to so that kind of gets lumped into like audio books, right? But I just I love podcasts whether that is but B roll of you Listening to a podcast sharing what you’re listening to while you’re walking the dog or while you are doing tours around the house but then also to especially if you are on a Podcast tour and you yourself are being interviewed or you know being a guest on a podcast You I absolutely share that.
I feel like there, especially as a podcast host, I feel like sometimes we get excited and we do a quick reshare of a podcast episode that we’ve been a guest on, but that right there is literal B roll like content like on fire, right? I can’t even explain. Explain how much content can be generated from one single podcast episode, right?
So making sure that you are tapping into your authority vibes by not only owning what you’re talking about and owning what you’re listening to, but then sharing it, right? Like don’t let it just live in your head and get it online. Number three, workshops, conferences, and educational experiences. I absolutely live for educational opportunities, getting myself in the room, meeting new friends, all of this stuff happens when you show up in person.
That is another key tip about B roll is the easiest B roll to capture is the stuff that’s already happened in front of your eyes, and that’s not always going to happen inside your home or your backyard, right? So you’ve got to get out and invest in these opportunities. Even just gathering with friends, something that makes a fun event, right?
Whether that’s attending a local small business event or investing actually in educational opportunities, that is your time to shine and capture a ton of B roll for that. Number four, awards and accomplishments. So I believe you have so many more awards and accomplishments than I do. More than you even think or that you even want to give yourself credit for.
So this is a great opportunity to go back, whether you have a degree in the business that you’re doing. I actually do have a studio practice photography degree, which is pretty rare for a lot of photographers. I know of so many incredibly talented and very professional people. powerhouse photographers that don’t have their degree in photography, but they figured it out and they’re doing it right.
So what are some things that you have either gained awards for or any accomplishments that you’ve received lately? This is your time to shine and brag. People want to know that what they’re investing in is backed by knowledge and experience. So make sure to do that. Number five video testimonials for happy clients.
So I mentioned this before in the client experience list, but I wanted to kind of double down on that and to challenge you to ask your clients to capture quick video stuff. This could be in their car, this could be in their kitchen while they’re cooking supper for their family. This could be at their own workplace if they’re sneaky about it and can find a little corner to do that.
To record and just ask them, ask them a couple of questions about their experience with you and not so much how much they love you, but more about the transformations they’ve made. Right. And that right there, hello, could be an awesome reel or story or even a clip on your website. Number six, speaking on stage.
If you are a business owner that has a heart for speaking and getting yourself on stage, you bet your booty, you better have some B roll for that. Oftentimes events will have a recording of it, but not always. And sometimes it takes a long time to get those videos back. So I highly, highly encourage you to either hire an assistant Or have a friend tag along, or you may just set up your own tripod.
If none of those options are available and record the whole thing, number seven, hosting events. So I mentioned the power of workshops and conferences, and don’t forget the ability to host your own event. I feel like sometimes we, especially for me as a projector in human design, I’m constantly kind of defaulting to being asked to do things.
Then sometimes the Sagittarius in me is a little spitfire and says, well, I can just do it. I can just figure it out. And so I start hosting my own events, right? So that is your challenge to host gatherings either with your friends, with other business owners, local vendors, whoever it is that you connect with and with love to either host a small networking event or even just a fun coworking day, right When you host things and put yourself out there.
Content creation is so much easier. Okay. And number eight, sharing your brand shoot. I think I’ve already mentioned this before. However, It’s so important. It’s so important to share your brand shoot. Like I mentioned before, you are investing in yourself. You’re investing in your business. Make sure that you’re being really intentional with getting that online.
Number nine, sharing case studies or before and after shots. So I am a sucker for case studies. In fact, I am going to be revamping my own content strategy and soon I’m going to be dropping a ton of case studies. So To truly showcase the transformations that I’m making with a background in wedding photography for so long.
I personally was kind of in the camp where I was established. I had a brand I was really proud of the, the referrals I was bringing in and all of the preferred vendor list that I was on. It really was just a matter of my friends getting engaged or their little sisters getting engaged. And then when they got that ring, I was one of the first ones they called.
And I’m so proud of that. However, now that I am booking more content and branding shoots, a lot of times these businesses, they need those photos, right? They need that branding session and that content creation day. There’s no, there’s no ring, right? Like there’s no time check for them to think, Oh, okay, now I need this.
They kind of always need it. And then it’s up to me as a business owner to really bridge the gap between when they need it, why they need it. And how I can deliver those services, right? So sharing case studies is a fantastic way for you to share those results and share that B roll of that, right? Number 10, collaborating with other business owners.
This is a huge authority piece that I think a lot of us, I don’t prioritize. I think it is on our want list of, of capturing content. But I think it’s something that we absolutely should look into because when you align yourself with other business owners that have similar values, similar morals, and similar client networks, hello, ca-ching, ca-ching, they are going, they’re going to naturally open up your world.
And brighten up your network and kind of knock down those walls that we may have been facing with our current network, right? After so long, people love us and they might refer us, but that that pool of contacts kind of drains out, right? Like they’re there, they’re always loving you and supporting you, but they may not be actually purchasing your services.
So when you collaborate with other business owners that are aligned with your business practices and your missions, they will open up so many opportunities. These are all simple videos you can record while you’re already doing the hard work. Sometimes it’s easier to just report on the go and sometimes it’s easier to be more intentional about scheduling a b roll day or just a couple of hours of working and intentionally capturing b roll.
Circling back to main character energy, you are amazing my friend. You are making an impact and more people need to know about you. Capturing b roll and sharing clips with voiceovers like vloggers is trending right now and I think they’ll always be interesting to watch. Storytelling has always been the best way to sell without feeling salesy.
Recording B roll makes sharing those stories so much easier to produce content for that. Head over to – check out the show notes below to grab your FREE B-Roll checklist for business owners to revisit the list of ideas plus gain access to over 200 more ideas to think about for future B-Roll clips.
I’m so thankful for you and excited to see what you start posting.
Trust me, babe, your dream clients are praying to find you. Feel the fear, do it anyway, and show up for them. If you liked this episode, make sure to check out episode 112: Making Deeper Connections with Video. As well as episode 145: Book More Clients Creating Videos with Marvin Flavian and episode 146: Long Live YouTube with Paige Major for even more marketing video strategies!
I am seriously so freaking grateful for you. I’m so proud of the work you’re doing. We just need to hit that red button and record. Can’t wait to see you and to connect next week. I’m always cheering for you, babe. Okay. Love you. Bye. That’s a wrap on another episode of Quianna Marie Weekly. Thank you so much for your listenership and support.
You can find the resources and show notes for this episode and more at
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