How can you use video to tell your clients’ stories? In today’s episode, I have the honor of introducing you to Marvin Flavien, professional videographer and content strategist. Marvin and I are diving into the importance of prioritizing video in our marketing strategy, how to create videos that do the selling for us. Plus, why Marvin specializes in telling the stories of his clients’ clients.
On Quianna Marie Weekly, we’re chatting about business growing pains, finding genuine connections, and celebrating wins of all sizes through the lens of a photographer at heart. Sprinkled throughout stories and interviews with past clients, photographers and other business owners. This podcast is designed to help you step into your purpose and to truly create a life you’re proud of, a life worth photographing and sharing.
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Today’s episode is brought to you by The Green House, my resource garden for photographers! Let me help you AMPLIFY your heart online and in real life to turn bridesmaids into future brides through templates, workshops, and freebies!
Review The Show Notes:
What You’re Losing Out On By Not Prioritizing Video (3:24)
Why Marvin Is Passionate About Using Video In Marketing Strategies (6:33)
Advice If You Struggle To Get On Camera (11:40)
The Selling Portion Of Video (16:06)
What’s Next With Video? (20:07)
How To Make Amazing Client Story Videos (25:44)
Capturing The Story (31:19)
How To Find Your Videographer (35:40)
Where To Get Started With Video (42:00)
Book A Shoot With Marvin (45:53)
Key Tip From Marvin (47:47)
Connect with Marvin:
Review the Transcript:
Quianna: If video is king, content is queen. These days it’s nearly impossible to stay top of mind without both engaging content and high quality video. Y’all know I’m a huge fan of B roll and behind the scenes video clips. Those quick three to five second videos we can grab with our phones to simply capture the work we’re already doing to help market our businesses organically.
I’m a big fan of B roll. Have you considered hiring a pro to explode your marketing with more intentional brand story videos? Being proactive to strategize, record, and edit your video content has never been easier thanks to Marvin Flavian. Based in New Jersey, Marvin is on the move across the country, like Concert Series, offering powerful and impactful video shoots to help small business owners generate a ton of leads.
These hot leads turn into happy paying clients simply because his videos help slow some scrolls, share your offers, and most importantly, help showcase your personality. He’s popping up in big cities like St. Paul, Minnesota to Tampa, Florida, Cleveland, Ohio, Asheville, North Carolina, and even Atlanta, Georgia.
If you and your team bestie needs support with high converting videos, Marvin can even come to you. As a professional videographer and content strategist, Marvin Flavian is eager to help you be seen, booked, and busy. Imagine having a whole year’s worth of content and converting videos captured in just two days.
Marvin has some incredible packages and opportunities to work with him that you’re not going to want to miss out on. Today, we’ll be sharing the importance of prioritizing video in our marketing, strategies for creating videos that do all of the selling for us, And why Marvin specializes in testimonial client success stories.
I love a good juicy testimonial and I even share templates and guides to help past clients share converting reviews, right? It’s one thing to say really nice things about you, but to pick up those key words and some of those pain points that your past clients have, some of those have to be prompted, right?
Well, Marvin’s strategy is going to blow your mind. Of course, I’d love for all of us to book and work with Marvin and his team! We also have incredibly talented videographers around the world. We’ll be breaking down some red flags to look for before booking a videographer and sharing words of encouragement for anyone that may be feeling like they hate being recorded or the sound of their voice.
I’m so grateful to welcome some masculine energy to the Kiana Marie Weekly podcast. And without further ado, from across the country, Arizona to New Jersey, please welcome Marvin Flavian. Welcome to Quianna Marie Weekly, a podcast for creatives who love to celebrate wins big or small by dancing in the kitchen, photographers who are excited to serve their clients, and And friends who are ready to chase really, really big dreams.
You can find all of the resources mentioned in this episode at kianamarie. com slash podcast. Join me as I share weekly motivation, chat about growing pains, finding genuine connections and celebrating your wins through the lens of a photographer at heart. Come join me for a dance party. Ready? Let’s go.
Hey, hey, welcome to the party, Marvin. I’m so, so grateful to have you here today.
Marvin: Oh, thanks for having me.
Quianna: Yes. Well, let’s dive right into this. I need to know. I’m so excited to pick your brain and truly learn so much from you about video. And if we can just get this party started by sharing what are business owners losing out on if they’re not prioritizing video these days?
Marvin: I just think you are losing out on reach and potential. All the platforms have shifted their focus to video. Um, they’re not even hiding it anymore. I know Instagram came out like probably a few years ago. This is no longer a photo sharing app. So I feel like you’re just missing out on. Reach that can help you grow your business, you know, and it is sadly, it’s a pay to pay to play with these social platforms.
So the best thing we can do is just, you know, play by the rules and give the, you know what they want. They want people on their platform as long as possible. So video keeps them there as longer than a photo can or just like reading posts. So I think just having that. They want people on there longer. So give, give them video and to just, you know, get, so you can help your, your platform grow or help your business in any way.
Quianna: Yeah, I love that so much. And I love that you mentioned the reach, because I feel like that’s always been the biggest struggle with a lot of business owners and creatives and entrepreneurs that I get the honor of working with is I feel like these, Creatives have so much potential. Like I see it. Like they’re delivering these incredible experiences.
They’re showing up for their clients. You can just tell they are passionate about what they do, but not enough people are seeing them. And I love that video allows that to happen. Right.
Marvin: Yeah, I think that’s, that’s the biggest thing, you know, I always say like, how else are people gonna know what it’s like to work with you unless they do, you know, so people are always looking for other people’s story or experiences of what something is like, like, think about how many times like, hey, if anybody went to this restaurant, anybody tried this? They’re always looking for, that’s what reviews are, they’re looking at someone else’s, like, experience to see if this is going to be a good fit for you.
So, with video, you can pretty much bring that experience to them. You know, they’re able to see what it’s like, you know, they’re going to see other people’s stories, hear other people’s stories, like, what it’s like, you know. So, it’s, it’s, it’s almost like it’s easier for you to just bring it to them so they don’t have to think or wonder, like, what is this like, what is this like, what is, how does this work?
You literally just show them before they even like ask the question. They’re like, okay, yeah, I’d love to work with you kind of thing. So it almost takes that guesswork out of us that don’t have to like think or wonder what it’s like. So it’s just a, it’s literally a no brainer in a sense to, to, to use video for your business.
Quianna: Yes. I love that so much. And you’re right. There are people, I feel like sometimes we get caught in our own brains as being entrepreneurs and being creatives. A lot of us are very right hand or sorry, like right brained, right? So we’re very creative, but. Most people can’t visualize what we’re doing, right?
Like if we’re kind of hiding behind our client experience, if we’re kind of being secret about things or even just trying to tap into social media, but not enough people are seeing it. So I love that idea of actually capturing what you’re doing and sharing it. So people have an interest in it. Like they may not have even been looking for your services, but oh, wow, what do you got going on over here?
Right? Like they want to see it. I love that. And so can you share with us a little bit more on why you’re so passionate about adding video to our marketing strategies?
Marvin: Okay. So for me, like when I first started my business, I was the master networker. I was at every event. I was at, there was an event in my city that I was not at, you know, that’s kind of how I built my name, but, but I realized, uh, That’s a lot of time, you know, a lot of gas money too.
Uh, so, and I kind of got burnt out, you know, um, just doing all this. I wasn’t experiencing the growth that I felt like I was putting the effort into. So with like social media, with using video, um, it was able to allow me to like almost be in multiple places at once. So every person I would connect with.
You know, I would get them, make sure I’m following on social. And then I also was starting to create videos to educate people. You know, what video is about. Mind you, this was before Reels, TikTok. This was, I don’t think IGTV was a thing. I think it was just coming out. So the idea of people using video for their business, like it is now, it was, It was totally foreign.
All right. So like, uh, just explaining like why you should be on camera, why you should be talking to your audience, why you should be creating like content to like educate your customers and clients. Like I was doing all that all before then. And, and what I’ve noticed in it, when I, when I went to these meetings now, people were like, Oh, they, they felt like they knew me because they see me online.
You know? So it was almost like that sense, like, uh, that know, like, and trust. I was able to like, Reciprocate that online in a sense, and that’s kind of the things that we’re doing with video. We don’t, we don’t look at like trying to change up your business. We’re just looking at what’s already good and we’re accelerating that, you know, and that’s, that’s, that’s what I think people miss out when they don’t like see video as like an asset, as a tool in your business, not just content.
It’s not just these, you know, cool images and flat and make you look awesome. It’s, it’s an asset. It’s a tool. I like to call video, uh, the most powerful business tool in the world because there’s so many like things that, that. That’s happening that can like really transform your business by just doing the things that you’re doing and just accelerating those processes.
So it was, it was able for me to just like, let me chill a little bit, you know, I wasn’t always out all the time. And, and I, I kind of like switched my whole. business up to all I was doing is marketing online, you know, and I was before the pandemic before everything kind of shut down. So it was kind of like it gave me a leg up because I was already shifting my, my focus.
I was connecting a lot of different people. I was able to start putting stuff. And I honestly, I kind of see kind of like my business going forward. It’s like, imagine if I didn’t, if I didn’t do that before lay the foundation, the groundwork before COVID happened, I kind of, I don’t know where I’ll be right now, but honestly, it was just like, kind of that.
Um, and that’s the thing, like, that’s the, what we’re trying to do. It’s just, at the end of the day, it’s really just helping you connect with your people and in a powerful way. And I think video is just a powerful way to do that.
Quianna: That’s incredible. And I’m so happy you mentioned that about being really proactive by using video because I can just see it.
And I think, I think you really hit the nail on the head with this conversation. I kind of want to tap in here where you mentioned that you were going out, like you were actually being an active member of your community. You are showing up to events. You are supporting other small businesses and other networking events and stuff.
And I just think that’s like, that’s the starter, right? Like we have to actually ignite some of these connections. And then video, I feel like you mentioned just amplifies everything, right? Like it just makes it that much more special. It actually, I feel like, you know, they all say, you know, the money’s in the followup or the follow through or something.
That’s like kind of a catchy phrase. And I believe that, but it’s really. Money’s in the video because once you’ve made those initial connections in person, right? Like they’re gonna see you on video and they’re gonna just fall in love with you. They’re gonna know about you. They’re going to care about your business and they’re gonna already build that friendship just by watching you like literally in the palm of their hand or watching them on YouTube or something, right?
That is just so crazy that you’re building these connections.
Marvin: Yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s just building that personal touch, like, and also too, like, if you, like, people are not going to remember what you say, but they’re going to remember how you made them feel. So, if you’re, like, helping people, you know, like, you just, all you’re doing is just making sure you’re staying on people’s, top of mind on people’s things.
So, when they do need your services, or they do want to refer you, like, let me have someone read, like, want to refer me to someone I haven’t spoken to in years. I haven’t spoken to this person in years. You know what I’m saying? It was like, Hey, are you like, dude, is this something that you can do or help someone with?
I was like, sure. Yeah, go ahead. I’m like, and it’s, and that happens like constantly because I’ve, I’ve consistently showed up. I’ve been doing this for a while. And like, people still remember it. Like, you know, they think of it, they kind of think of me. So I was like, that’s kind of like, well, what you can do with video.
You’re like, You know, people connect on a deeper level and then all you’re doing is staying on top of people’s minds. So when they do need you, it’s like, Oh, I know exactly who I need. You know?
Quianna: Oh, I love this so much and I would love to share a little bit more about social media. So what advice would you share with someone that is maybe having a hard time keeping up with content, keeping up with social media, the idea of generating content for Instagram and reels and tick tock and Facebook and tick tock is going to be banned.
We don’t know, right? Like all these things are just kind of floating and we feel. As business owners, the, like the urgency to create video and to stay top of mind. But what advice would you share with someone, um, that really just struggles with getting themselves on camera? Like where, let’s start there.
Marvin: Okay. I will say first, like, Figure out like what, what is like the biggest figure out what, what that is, like, why you can’t do it or why you like hesitant to do it. Like what, what is it that we can work on to get you to like, you know, ’cause there’s probably something there that you’re, uh, you don’t, you know, you, you care about what people think about you.
You don’t wanna look, you don’t wanna look silly. You don’t wanna like, you know, put yourself out there. Like there’s, there’s, there’s probably, uh, something like there behind like video that’s not even related to the video, but like that will. That needs to be addressed. So address that first. Um, and then kind of like work on like, and be honest with yourself.
If it’s something that you’re not good at, then maybe just get some help. Like, it’s okay to not do everything yourself, um, in business, you know? So don’t try to do it all yourself. If you know that it’s like I had a client when she was like, she was like, She was adamant. Like, I’m not going to do this without you.
You know what I’m saying? So like, so she hired me and I’m like, so be like, be upfront, like know where your strengths are at. If this is not, if you’re not super creative, if you’re not super in that field and you’re not, Not do that. It gets them like, get someone to help bring it out of you. That’s literally what we strive to do.
We really help bring it out of you. Like you’re great. You’re awesome. We just want everyone to see how awesome and great you are. So we’re going to help bring that out of you. And that’s kind of like a skill too, that, that, that you can acquire, or some people have like, like as far as interviewing stuff, but, uh, That’s, I think that’s a perfect way to start.
Like, what, what is it that’s holding you back? And also too, if you, if you know, this is not something that you’re, you’re strong suit, you get some help in that area. I would, that’s, we can bring someone in to kind of help you do the things. And also to notice like social media, it’s like people think they’re posting too much and not posting enough.
And I’m, I’m even guilty of that too. All right. So, and I’ve been seeing, I wish I knew the quote, somebody said, um, I just saw it today on Instagram, but there was like, I can’t remember, but it’s kind of like in a sense of like, you’re not posting up because there’s people, there’s not enough people that know about you.
You know, we may think like, Oh, we, we did it like half. First of all, the algorithms don’t show your stuff to everyone who’s follows you. And he said, yes, to say, I want to follow this person. The algorithm doesn’t even show it to the people that everyone has said yes to. So first of all, you’re like, Probably like 10 or 30 percent of people don’t even see it.
So, and then to top it all off, like this, we’re so in this like eco chamber, like there’s so much out there. So many other people like it, trust me, you’re not posting enough. You’re not posting enough. You’re not posting too much. And look, recycle posts, recycle content. You know, if you share something like in a, in a video, share it in a, in a text or share it, or if you share like a photo, share it in a video.
Like recycle your stuff. Like there’s no, no one’s, no one’s checking you. No one’s going to be like, Hey, you posted that last week. I saw you delete that. No, no one’s doing that. You know? So, um, understand like, this is like, um, like diagram, like it’s, I don’t wanna say it’s against you, but it’s like, it’s kind of is, but I don’t say that in a bad way.
I’m just saying it’s in a way, like to encourage you, like. It’s okay to, like, do things multiple times over, repurpose your content, and start putting stuff out in different ways, and test it out, like, there’s been times where I’ve tested out, I’ve said the same thing multiple times, and probably the third or fourth time, that’s when it hit, that’s when it stuck, you know, people actually saw the stuff that you want to do, so don’t let that get in your head till stopping you, like, it’s okay, we all get it.
Post that gets zero likes or comments. Like you just, you know, keep trying to get tomorrow. Like, it’s not, it’s not the big, a big deal is people like kind of make it up to be. Um, so that would, that would be my first thing to get people who’s, uh, struggling and like get themselves out there in that sense.
Quianna: I love that so much. And I love that you’re so encouraging because you’re absolutely right. More people just need to know about you. More people need to know about your services. They need to like know about your magic and what you’re sharing. So, okay. So I love this. So let’s kind of take people through this journey.
So once you have identified exactly what may be holding you back or feeling hesitant about getting on video, maybe you have kind of identified exactly what you’re offering and you’re feeling more confident showing up. I would love for you to walk us through the selling portion. Like how can we create the type of videos that are not only building brand awareness, so people know who we are and what we offer.
But they’re also like falling in love with us and wanting to book us, right? Like, just like you mentioned that one buddy that reached out years later to contact you and say, Hey, are you still offering this? Like clearly you’ve left an impression on him to reach out at any time. So how can we kind of wrap into the selling portion of video?
Marvin: I would say like, when we understand who we’re trying to help, almost like give them a name, like this is who I want to reach. Like, once you clear on who that is and you’re clearing your offers and stuff, you’re, you’re talking to people’s problems and now you’re going to offer them that solution. That’s really all of this, you know?
So the, the thing that attracts them is like, Hey, are you looking for this? Or are you struggling with this? Or like, you know, like I’ve helped people who’ve been in your situation. So getting to a point where people like can visualize themselves in this. Content or a piece of video that they’re seeing. I think once you do that, then you can like, just say, I’m here to help offer that solution because obviously if they watch something and then they begin to gauge or something, they obviously there’s something important to them.
So why not offer, you know, a call to action or whatever it’s like to, to get them to get that next step. A lot of times people don’t, uh, they leave, they leave it empty. They’re like, Oh, I don’t want to, you know, I don’t want to sell per se in these videos, like, look, they’ll come to me if they want, but like, sometimes people just need to be told what exactly to do.
You know, in all of our branding videos, we always tell, like, we tell them exactly what they need to do. Click this link below to schedule a call with us or go to this link here to find out more information. Like we always tell them to do it. It’s, I don’t know what it is, but sometimes we just need to tell exactly the step they need to take to get the help that they need.
So speak to the problem that they’re having and then tell them, speak to the solution that they want and then they need, and then just tell them exactly what they need to do to get in contact with you to get started. I think those are the three. The three key elements that we need, like, if we’re, if we’re creating these type of self videos to sell to our audience and, and just keep, be consistent with it too.
Like, don’t, don’t be afraid. Like we said before, don’t be afraid. So like, Hey, I posted this already. Hey, post it again. All right. Like there’s more people out there that need that need to sell that need that service, you know? So, um, those, those are the kinds of things where I would definitely start getting people to start with, if they’re looking at getting to video in that sense.
Quianna: That’s incredible. And you’re right. I feel like we have to go back to square one where we are. I die, like identifying your ideal client. And I feel like this is the power of video because I’m going to, I’m going to just speak candidly here. This may be a little sassy, but like, I just know that’s so. So many business owners and especially in the photography and videography realm, sometimes we put so much effort in finding that ideal client, right?
Like we’re looking for this person where we know we can help them and this is what they look like and this is the car they drive and this is, you know, this is their budget and all these things, but at the end of the day, we actually need to flip the camera and create the ideal business so that we are the ones that are the professionals that we are showing them through video.
That we are actually overqualified to be their dream and then insert your business, right? Your dream photographer, dream realtor, dream dog walker, it doesn’t matter, right? But that’s the beauty of video is we are actually proving our value. So that’s when the sales just come organically because people are going to be interested.
They’re going to think, Oh wow, I may have that problem or, Oh, I have that desire to work with them or to reach this new goal or get this result. But if they’re not seeing that video, like, that real, like, exchange there, then, like, why would they trust you? Right? So, I, I love that you mentioned that.
Marvin: Yeah, and also, too, um, I had a coach who used to say this, like, no one likes to go to, like, the empty restaurant.
They want to go to the one that’s, like, popping, the cars, all cars in the pocket, parking lot, lines out the door. You know what I’m saying? So if you can show yourself doing something or showing, working with clients and people seeing that, it’s almost like, Oh, okay. Like they, it’s almost like they can kind of build that kind of trust.
So like, that’s like a really key factor. Like you, you do it, you’re actually doing something. You’re not just, you didn’t just start this yesterday. You’re actually doing it. You know what you’re talking about. And you can literally show all that in video and so many different creative words.
Quianna: Oh my gosh.
Okay. So. Everyone is saying that video is the next best marketing tool and I believe that like you and I wholeheartedly know that as a fact, but I would love to kind of pick your brain Marvin and ask what’s next. And what I mean by that is like, okay, let’s say that we’ve all decided that video is where it’s at and whether we are creating our own videos, whether investing someone like you for video work.
But like what’s next with video? Like what tools or strategies will make our business videos stand out from what everyone else is doing? Because there’s a lot of noise right now. Like every time you scroll, there’s someone talking, there’s someone sharing their life story, there’s someone crying on social media, right?
Like there’s a lot going on. So what’s next? Like what are your predictions for the video?
Marvin: Someone made a post, like, I don’t know if you, like, if your artist knows who’s like Alex Hormazi is, um, so basically there’s like this, they call it the Alex Hormazi style for these videos, like, there’s literally, like, editors call it an edit.
That’s how, that’s how much it’s, it’s been, like, branded, um, and it’s, it’s been, it’s, you see a lot in the coaching space, but a lot of people kind of, Like replicated that for the content. That’s how everyone kind of does their content on social media. So, but then she also started talking about like how, like it’s going back to these now switch to go on longer form videos.
So I think the, the, um, I kind of see that too, but I feel like a longer, long form content never went away, you know, because if you look at YouTube, people are still growing and people are still reaching out to people. Maybe, maybe that’s where it’s headed, more like long form content. People are done with like the, like, ten second, like, like, you know, I think people are just tired.
Not tired, but I think it’s like, we’ve seen this already, you know. People want to spend more time with people, and I always say, like, the more time they spend with you, the more, like, like, they’re gonna buy from you anyway, so, I’m not a big, Like 10 second, 30 second video, whatever, whatever the length of video needs to be.
That’s that’s what it is. But I do see, I think that people are, there could be a shift where people just like, Oh, they just want to spend more time with, but they want to follow, you know, it may not be that everyone wants that fast, like. stuff. They just want to spend time with people they care about and content they care about and creators they care about and businesses they care about.
Um, a lot, a lot of user generated content from businesses. I think the businesses who like going to win is just people who just have content that’s about their business, but it’s like this, it’s the, um, like, it’s like they have their own Netflix show kind of thing. You know, I don’t know what that looks like, but like, it’s almost like people have their own series.
Like people like. They, they’re doing stuff that’s out of the box creatively, like, like a dentist has their own show where people just come in and talk about like, I don’t know, stuff. I don’t know. That’s what I’m, I’m, I think, cause I just see a lot of, see a lot of professional athletes have their own studios now on podcast on platforms.
People will kind of want to control their own narrative in a sense. So I can, I can see that coming to a lot to, to the business world where people are just like, they have their content per se, but it’s like, Not, it’s just, it’s almost like a show or series, or it’s just something that they’re creating and people, their audience is consuming, you know, it’s not so much like a, uh, for sales.
It’s more just like people just come to watch some, some stuff about us. And we just doing a lot of cool stuff with that. I don’t know how that’s kind of, that’s what I hope it does. Cause that’s what I’ve been, I’m stuff I’m dabbling in and, and, and stuff like that, but I don’t know what we’ll see, but I think just connection and spending time with stuff that you care about in a sense.
Quianna: Yes. No, you’re so right. Like it literally just makes me think of the Kelsey brothers and their podcast, um, right there, new heights podcast and how, I mean, they’re just, obviously I’ve been on Taylor Swift, Tik TOK for a while and I just, you know, I see, um, their conversations and I mean, I just saw actually recently they had done a, um, the boys had did like a, uh, Like a wrestling, it was like a live podcast event, but it looked like a wrestling ring, right?
And I mean, they were literally shooting out Subway sandwiches, like into the audience. It was insane, right? Like talk about like a sponsor, like gone wild, right? But like, but that’s the beauty of taking your content and making it personalized to you, right? I just think that is so awesome. Is Like having the ability that video can bring people into your life and business and make it binge worthy, right?
Like whether you are taking people through a process or sharing a transformation, everyone loves a good before and after photo and like all the little transformations in between, right? And so I just, I do, I, I really believe that the long, um, long form content, long term content, um, is where it’s at. And, um, I think people are.
Being very cautious or like very like their energy is sacred these days, right? Like our time our energy and you know what we’re binging what we’re listening to like we We don’t really want to just like scroll through our feeds anymore cuz they’re just bombarded with with sponsored things, right? Like I can’t believe it, I was just scrolling through Facebook the other day and through literally just a couple scrolls, I think I only saw one or two posts from my actual friends, like a lot of them were even just groups I was following, ads, and all these things, and I’m like, where’s my people?
Like this isn’t what it used to be, right? Like you mentioned we have to pay to play, and so I think, Being very intentional with building these platforms with our own content and inviting people to just follow along with us because we’re engaging, we’re answering questions, I think is so powerful. So there’s so much to say about that.
Well, I would love to pick your brain a little bit more about testimonials. So Marvin, you are the king of video and testimonials. And I’ve seen you share not only your own incredible testimonials for your video production company, but also Highlighting other clients that you’re like vamping up their testimonials to.
So can we please kind of dive into reviews and testimonials for video and how you can make them so much better? Like, let’s talk about that.
Marvin: First of all, I don’t really call them testimonials. Okay. I like to call them client story videos. Because we, the whole idea of how we do them and why I think they’re so good for our clients is because we really, we’re not concerned about someone saying good things about us on camera.
It’s more about like bringing out the client’s story and allowing that to attract other people because we want other people to see themselves in these videos. You know, they are a little bit longer, but they’re more detailed. depth into like, who, what they were, why they even, what problem they were going through, you know, what, what, what happened?
What was the change that like, I needed to, I needed to change this or get some help in this area. And what was like working with this person that they found and like, what’s like life after, you know, I think, I think that’s what makes it really good, like testimonial because it’s not, we’re not concerned.
Obviously the good stuff is going to come out, you know, we’re not scripting it in a sense, like saying, you know, Say like how much you love the way everybody’s gonna say they love some, you know, it’s just more of like when we get to that story, it’s like, you can’t refute that because that’s their story, you know, and someone could be like, Oh, I see myself in that.
I looked, I experienced, I’m experiencing this right now and seeing someone come out on the other end. I think that’s like the most powerful thing you can do is just allow a customer to talk to another customer. I think that’s what, um, what makes that so good. And, and. Um, makes it just, you know, just a much more powerful video.
You know, I think those are my favorite things to do. Honestly, when I get to sit down with my clients, clients, I think that’s really cool because I’ve worked with them. I kind of know what, what, what exactly they need to say. Um, and, and, and cause the funny, cause they’re not in the marketing world. Like their, their clients are not in the marketing world.
So they don’t, they just want to, they just want to say good things about like the, the, who they work, but I’m, I’m like, I don’t know. I’m, I want to get deeper. Like, why, why, where were you at? Yeah. Talk to me about how you felt, you know, then what was that thing that made you want to go? I needed this person.
What was it like when you found them, you know, I don’t know what was what’s life looking like now. And I think it’s just, it’s just, it’s just a powerful way to just flip a testimony on his head. I’m like, here, here’s someone’s story. And like, do you, if you’re like this, then we can help you too kind of thing.
Like you can’t refute that. That’s literally someone’s story. Like you can’t. What are you going to say? Oh, that’s not true. Like, bro, you just saw it. You just saw it for yourself. So like, how are you going to, you know, refute that story? So
Quianna: I love that so much. My wheels are turning because I think you’re right.
Like the idea of a testimonial is just having someone say nice things about you, right? Like we can mad libs some responses and maybe ask them engaging quotes, but I love how you’re taking it a step further and you’re not only, and I’m doing air quote interviewing, but you’re not only showcasing the client story.
of your clients, but you’re taking it that step further and you’re actually engaging the client’s clients because that’s like that right there is like, Oh, it’s so juicy, like so beautiful because you’re creating that story, not only of the power of working with you, right? Cause like, here you go, because I’m sure, and of course, if your story lines up and clearly you’re seeing through video that client’s client.
Like was able to connect with them because of your marketing skills, right? Like, it’s just, it’s full circle. It’s a win win for everybody. And that is just a beautiful concept to, to start planning in your marketing strategy is like, let’s start talking to our clients, clients, like how are they actually improving their lives?
How are they getting their results? Yeah. Cause I always see that. And I know you and I are both very much in like the coaching world. So I’m sure a lot of our algorithms are for these kind of like shy vibe, like, These really wealthy people that are making a buttload of money online. Like, I sure like, that’s what my algorithm is, right?
But like, I don’t want, I don’t care about how much you made. If you made 50k months, if you made 100k months, that’s fantastic. Like, I want to support that. Like, I’m not belittling that. But how much money are your clients making, right? So like, that’s like an extra layer of just legitness and of just proof that your system and your business works.
So I love that you’re doing that.
Marvin: Yeah, and I think it’s something that we all can do, like, it doesn’t have to be like, how do you produce, like me, I, I love it when we get to, get to go to like their client’s space. And like, I have a client right now. Like I’m, I’m really wanting to just see, so she’s worked a lot of, like, she’s a financial coach and she’s worked with a lot of people like all over the world.
She really has them like all on the map. I would love to just go and travel with you, create this whole series. We will meet them, talk about their show, their story. I’m like, I would love to do that, but logistically sometimes it don’t work. So a lot of times in these videos are like on like zoom and stuff, but like, this is like, and yeah.
Like I said, it doesn’t have to be highly produced. It’s really just about, uh, your customer talking to other customers. So it’s, so if you just had a, like, if you’re a dentist, you just got out of like, uh, uh, checkup and they will work with you for a year, like. Start asking questions, like start filming.
Like it doesn’t have to be, make sure the lighting is okay. And like, they can hear you. Okay. But like, you don’t have to like go all out and like do something like produce it. It’s really just about how you can, can, they can communicate that. If you’re not a good interviewer, find someone who is to get, get them to start talking about themselves in a way, just to show that story and then put it together into something or just chop it up as a different marketing assets.
There’s so much you can do, which is. Being able to show story in a sense, and I think this will be all really that’s, that’s what makes videos like impactful when people can see a story and remember how you made them like feel watching that story. So
Quianna: that’s incredible. So can we go a little bit deeper into that?
Like, I want to know, do you have a formula for capturing that story? Do you have like a kind of like, I just always think of like fifth grade writing an essay, right? You have like an intro, you have your three points and then you have a closing um, statement or like a closing paragraph, right? So Do you have kind of like a go to formula, like a storyboard for these client stories or do you just kind of let it unfold?
Like, I would love to kind of understand the video making of that.
Marvin: I would say yes and no. More because I, it’s more like I don’t want it to be like robotic in a sense. But we do, the, the main, like the main points is the, Introduce yourself to the audience. Right. And then talk about like what you’ve gone through, like this, the problem, the struggle, you know, it’s almost like a movie.
Like you, the movie starts, we see who the main character is. We see like, uh, what the challenges from the jump. And then we see the journey of that person. So kind of like the same thing. So, uh, talk about this journey of like them looking for help or something or said problem.
What was it like when they actually found that person and then work started working with them how their life changed and then look now they’re on the other side of it like looking back on it like what’s life like for you now so I think what’s if it has those key elements I think that’s that’s good and how you get there it’s like you like You let the story decide, let the story dictate how you want to go about that.
But I think as long as it has those key elements of the before the during and after, I think you, you can’t, you can’t go wrong with that. Um, and in a sense, cause it’s just a story at the end of the day, I watch a lot of movies, so I’m like, I’m, I’m always, I’m always like trying to like, you know, I see you from mile away.
Quianna: That’s incredible. And you’re right. I love that. So when you are creating these client stories, which I think is so incredible, like you absolutely have to like pun that or trademark that in some way. I love it. Okay, so are you just doing talking heads? I want like a really good visual of this. So like are you just getting talking heads of these clients or are you also kind of like feeding in and dropping in like b roll or like other video clips of their results?
Like what makes just a total badass? Like client story interview.
Marvin: Yeah, I can definitely say some, but it’s, yeah. So since, since most of the time we already worked with this client before. So we have B roll from our client shoots. So we kind of use this overlay. Um, sometimes we get pictures from, uh, the, the, the client’s client and they just, we just, Trying to bring it in so people can like kind of like we we we use pictures as b roll basically Um, so maybe a picture is like maybe if like before we started working with them was kind of like during Um to kind of just showcase that um that chronological in a sense.
Uh, but yeah, uh, pictures B roll usually, if we can, we like to shoot B roll with them working or just with, in a, in their environment, like a lot of them are, have been in, uh, Zoom. We started this during the pandemic, but we’ve done a few like outside where, where we just show like one of them, it was like a fitness health coach.
So we were at, at the, the, the client’s house. We were just showing them with their family, like. Cooking. We got them working out with the, with the coach and things like that. So it was like, there’s so many ways you can take it, but, um, uh, but make, like, if you can’t, I think pictures are great. And like I said, since we already work with the client, we have B roll from the shoot that we have from the client that we can use in as well.
Um, so just, you know, anything that can kind of, we, we like to use B roll ads, like whatever we’re talking about, we kind of want something to use video to kind of showcase that, whether it be a photo or a video. So that’s kind of how we overlay B roll over the, like the talking, things like that.
Quianna: I love that because not only is it engaging and is it actually kind of like, right?
I mean, like our attention spans are so tiny and they go so fast. So you are creating a little bit of just variety with that video instead of just, you know, Like a quick little, like a zoom chat where you’re just, I’m going to just talk to you for two minutes. Like, I love that you are adding a little bit more engagement and a little more just movement to the video to keep us watching and entertained.
I love that so much. Oh my gosh. So please tell us more, Marvin, about how we can work with you. And before we tap into actually working with you, because we know that you’re an expert, you are delivering these incredible client experiences for not only your clients, but your clients clients, let’s be honest.
I would love you to share, maybe what are some red flags to look for? Cause I love kind of like talking about some juicy topics here, but like, what are some red flags to look for when we are maybe starting to do our own interviewing or research for videographers? Like, what are some things that we should avoid if we are looking to invest in a local videographer?
Marvin: Yeah, I would say the most important thing is how good are they bringing out? I think a lot of times. And I’ve, I’ve had to edit some footage from other clients. So I know like what, like the interview process is like, and I know how we do things. I seen how others do stuff, you know, um, you, you want someone who’s able to like communicate.
Like you to your audience. Like I act as the audience when I’m interviewing, you know? So if I ask a question, I’d always dive deeper. You know, a lot of people don’t have that skill to do that. So try to look at the video that you’re watching and like, forget the edit, forget the music, forget the B roll, forget how flashy it looks.
What is it a person actually saying and how is it coming across to you on camera? I think that’s what makes videos great. Like. Anyone can do a cool little flashy thing with some dubstep. But like when you, when, when you can actually like, um, visualize something with someone’s talking and you can feel what they’re saying, uh, make them literally come off.
The video, like they literally like, it’s almost like, I don’t know, you’re almost like you’re there like, oh my gosh, this is cool diving into that person’s reality in that world. I think that’s like the, um, what you can kind of see and sense because like, and I get it, you know, someone said, Hey, I need a video.
Oh, I can do a video. Anybody can do a video, you know, and I’m not trying to like, you know, people got a burger. I get it. You know, but at the same time, like you want someone who can actually like. Capture you in a sense that can literally take you out of yourself because you’re so close to it, right?
You don’t know what’s going on going to be like good for what, what’s, what people need to see in here for them to say, yes, you know, so like I’m acting as the audience, I’m not kind of like there to like, kind of like video, like obviously do video, but like, I’m not, like my end goal is not to make a cool, nice looking video.
My end goal is to make something that like, literally gets you to show you in the best way possible to attract your people in a sense, you know? So I think if you can. And it takes some time, takes some time to watch some videos. So definitely watch through some of their work. Like don’t, don’t just fall for like the flashy in the B roll.
Like actually listen to like what the person is saying and how they, how they able to communicate themselves on camera. Because listen, everyone is good. Everyone is doing video these days. So just the flashy is not going to, it’s not good enough. It’s not, it’s not going to be cutting it anymore. I mean, if this was 10 years ago, maybe you probably would have been okay.
But now it’s like everyone, everyone can, even CapCut can make stuff look good. Come together in a flash clip. So it’s like, it’s not in the, don’t, don’t get, don’t get fooled and thinking that’s great. It’s cool. It looks great. But the main thing is like the, the person speaking and how they’re able to speak because a lot of people, they get, when they get in front of them lights, it’s like deer in the headlights.
They don’t really know what to say. They forget they’re trying to memorize the script. There’s a lot of stuff that goes out happening. Like the ability for you to like calm someone down and get them to get to the end result is, it’s something that takes, it takes a little bit of practice. Um, and I think, um, that’s like the main thing, what makes a good video because they’re able to communicate to them, to their audience, you know, how, how they, how they work, how they operate and things like that.
So I think that’s the, that’s my, that’s my number one thing is how you, how they’re able to communicate themselves on camera.
Quianna: Yes, you’re so right because the flashy is pretty, the flashy is engaging and literally if we’re being honest, anybody can kind of make, make those edits, right? But it is, it’s, it’s so important to find a videographer and photography is the same way, right?
Like when you’re working with a client, like we have to break down these barriers because so many people that come into our studios, whether it’s for video or photography, oh my gosh, they are so scared. Like they probably hate it. They don’t want to be there. Right? Like it feels like we’re pulling teeth to be like, no, no, no.
Like. It’s going to be okay. Right. And so having that personality to truly make them feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. And then, like you mentioned too, like that’s just not enough too, though. Like it needs to go deeper in that with those communication skills, with those interview questions, because sometimes.
And I can’t even tell you to like, I will actually say some really goofy things. Um, when I’m photographing families, for example, right? Like if I’m having a child, for example, that’s just not participating and not having a fun time, I will completely remove. Like the situation from them and ask about their family dog if their dog was left at home, right?
And just well tell me about your dog. Tell me about Lucy What do you think she’s doing right now? And then sooner than later this kid just is like Opening up and starting to just kind of light up and feel good, right? so I love that you are mentioning the importance of Pulling out this information from the client, right?
Like not just making them feel good and making them look pretty or making them look a certain way But actually able to release those blocks so they can actually share those genuine messages. Cause you’re right. I can see right through those videos where I’m like, okay, like you can just tell that they kind of put bare minimum into this and they added some cool little transitions here.
And the, the music beat is cool. Like this song is trending right now on Tik TOK. Cool. But like the videos that literally give me the goosebumps or that make me just pause and maybe even get a little teary eyed or just completely resonate with that client. Cool. I mean, that’s where the magic is, right?
Like, that’s where that happens.
Marvin: It’s important too. It’s crucial, especially for a marketing video. It’s like, someone’s going to be on your website and it’s the first thing they’re going to see, like, this needs to be like, it needs to be you. You know, it can’t be this me on a bad day. Like this has to be you.
And like you said, they’re, they’re coming to the shoot, like, with so much on their mind. Like some first, some of them might be the first time they’ve ever done this, you know, so you can’t just rely on like, You know, like you said, just the flashy and trendiness, like, this has to be you, it has to represent you, you know, so.
Quianna: Yes, and then, what would you say, because I have a million questions for you, sorry, I can’t stop. I was like, we’re ready to wrap up, but just kidding. Where can we get started with video? So if we wanted to start capturing Like, and this is my thing, right? Like, I love behind the scenes. I love capturing B roll.
I actually have a workshop. I’m, I’m coaching tomorrow on this. I’m so excited. So, like, where can we get started with video? Is it really as simple as whipping on our phone? Like, what are maybe some quick upgrades we can do? Like, what’s in your bag, Marvin? Like, how can we just elevate this video experience?
Marvin: I think it starts with what, what do we want the video to do? First question to ask. What is it this kind of video we want to do? Is this for people who are already coming to us and want to learn more about us? Or is this something that we want, like, to go out into the world so people can get to know us and get more reach and things?
So once we answer those questions, then we can kind of figure out, like, what, what kind of video we’re creating. Because if it’s a video that People like people need to learn more about us is going to be front and center on our website and we got to sit down and we got to talk to the camera and talk, talk about us and make sure it’s like, like, who are people make sure and things like that.
Right. Um, I like to coin these as like, Defense and offense is type of video. So defense is more of like, this video is here to give the person all the information they need to know about me. If they want to work with me, and then offense is kind of the stuff that’s like going out to the world, like reels and pushing things out to like, if you don’t know about me, here’s me, you know, kind of thing.
So once we know exactly what we’re doing in a sense, then we can kind of figure out what video we can create in. Because if it’s a video where it’s like, like I said, defense, like people are coming to us. And they want to learn more about us. You’re going to have to sit down and talk. If we’re going to put something out to the world, maybe we might not need to talk.
Maybe they can do some B roll and kind of see some stuff that we’re doing. And that’s cool. That’s fine. Because this is designed to like, get some eyes on me. But if this is something that’s, Hey, this is going to be on my website. And I want it. So people already know about me, but I want them to, they want to learn more about me.
We’re going to have to sit down and talk like for B roll. B roll is not going to cut it for this one. So, um, first, first understand this too. The simplest thing is show. I like to say show, don’t tell. If you have a great process, you have a great story, sit down and show it. You know, if you have a, someone amazing, like we saw earlier, like the client story videos, if you had an amazing client, get some great results, like show, show us, show us what happened.
Show us that story in a sense, you know, um, and start, start documenting now. It’s harder to look at like, Hey, I want to create a video. What do we have? Uh, we don’t have anything. Oh, I want to create a video. What do we have? Oh, so I was doing this shoot here. Um, I was speaking on stage here. Um, this is some videos that we worked with.
We had a client in our office today. Here’s some videos here. It’s a little bit easier to kind of go from there. If you can’t work with someone who’s like a strategist or like you, or let me, if you can’t work with someone like that, if you’re just trying to do this on your own, start just recording your zoom calls, record yourself at the office, record yourself going to work, record yourself.
Like. Talking about your workday, like there’s less like start from, it’s harder to start from somewhere where you don’t have anything than starting from somewhere where you have all this type of different content or assets. Then someone could kind of like, here I can, we could probably create something outta this kind of stuff.
So I think that’s kind of where, where I would say if you’re looking to get started, like start, start showing more and start documenting. And two, understand like what is it that we want to create and what do we want this video to do for us?
Quianna: I love that so much. And I love your offense first defense story on that because I’m such a visualizer of the hello.
This is our job, right? So, but just seeing that and you’re right, like it’s, it’s clarifying once again is before you even get started, like, what is the end result of this video, right? Are you trying to? To convince someone like why you’re the best and why you are such a value to their business and to the whole point of investing in you versus the offense is, Hey, I’m living this life over here.
I have an incredible business and like, here’s a little glimpse of what it could be like to work with me, but. Leaving them curious, right? Like leaving them to go from the offense to that defense. To be like, okay, yeah, no, I’m invested so far and I’m thinking of investing more. So let’s create that video to prove it.
I love that so much.
Marvin: That’s one of my, my signature talks. Yes. No,
Quianna: it’s so good. So good. So how can we work with you, Marvin? If someone is like, okay, I’ve heard enough. I really want to get on these client story videos and maybe they’re interested in either flying out to Jersey or I know you are already ready to go travel.
Like, how can we connect with you?
Marvin: Yeah. I mean, if you go to, I’m on Instagram, MK play video, or just go to MK play video. com, um, it all starts with a conversation, you know, like we have like our main Services are brand story videos and content marketing and then everything else because we like to make sure your foundational marketing pieces are set.
And you have that, I think that’s the most important thing. So, um, we like to work on getting you your foundational marketing pieces. The most, like these videos are powerful enough, like clients are still using these videos from five, like three years later, you know what I’m saying? Um, so like the, we want, we want to make sure you have like your defense secured set up, or you have that video.
So anyone comes once in a while, you have that set up. Um, and then if you want to like start reaching more people, getting stuff out there into the world, we can help you create consistent content in that way. So there’s a lot of, I don’t want to say there’s a lot of ways to work with us. It’s, it’s very strategic, but I, if you don’t know where to start, if you don’t even know what you want, that’s perfectly fine too, it all starts with the conversation because that’s the main goal.
We want to make videos that are going to help you. And if we don’t know, we can’t know what’s going to, what it is going to help you unless we know What your goals are and more about you, you know? So I think that’s the main thing. If you feel like we could be a good fit, go watch our, our video, our video, our brand story video, see what, what it’s like to work with us.
And then, uh, you can have a conversation and see, see how we can help. If, even if we can’t help you, I do have some resources that can point you in the right direction. There’s no like hard hominid. And if you’re, if you’re a friend of the show, then you’re a friend of mine. So like this, let’s, uh, let’s see how we can help you in that sense.
Quianna: Amazing. Oh my goodness. Well, one thing I always love to ask every single guest, uh, and I cannot leave you hanging Marvin, I have to know, um, if you have a key, so what is something that you wish you knew sooner or something you’d like to share with a young entrepreneur that you like a little piece of advice?
Do you have a key tip?
Marvin: Somewhere around the like around like failure and putting yourself out there. Um, I think we get so caught up and not failing. I think we get so caught up when putting ourself out there and things don’t go like perfectly, you know, we don’t get a million views on our, on our first video, whatever.
I think, I think there’s a lot to be said about one being consistent and two of not giving up. And I know it can be hard to like know when, when is enough, especially in business. But I think. If you are consistent with it, if you are consistent with like helping people, you know, if you, this is truly your passion, I think you can’t go wrong, you know, and there’s a lot, there’s a lot of stuff out there.
There’s a lot of ways you can go and in business and in life. I think find what makes you happy. you happy in a sense. And even if it doesn’t agree with, you know, your, your mentors or the people who he’s supposed to look up to, you know, like try to find what works for you, you know, and go, go after that. I think once you have that, like you, you can’t, you can’t be stopped.
You know, you can’t be stopped when you’re going off of just your passion and purely, uh, what you would truly enjoy, you know, because you’re going to find people who like, who need what you have and want exactly what you bring to the table. And the only way you’re going to be able to see that is if you don’t.
If you show up, you know, um, there’s probably somebody out right there, right, right now that needs what you got and only be able to listen to you because they love how you, how you show up and they love how you operate in a sense. So don’t let, uh, anything stop you from, you know, getting to those people because they are out there and they are waiting for you.
So definitely don’t. Um, don’t be afraid to go out there and look, look silly for a little bit, you know, um, that, that’s it. That’d be my thing.
Quianna: I love that so much. And you’re absolutely right. I think that is in total alignment with your video production team and, and literally everything that you stand for Marvin is showing up, being yourself and simply recording it so your dream clients can find you like at this point.
And you know, and that’s always been my thing, too, is like our clients, like our dream customers, our dream clients are praying for us. And if we’re over here just being nervous or too afraid to put ourself out there or to have our business known, I mean like, ah, like there’s a disconnect, right? So we need to just light that pathway on fire, connect with dream customers and And sometimes too, it is putting yourself out there.
And this is one kind of like, I would say, um, just like a benefit of putting yourself out there where it’s not always about attaching yourself or like attracting those dream clients. The more you put yourself out there and the more you’re brave, you’re going to meet more brave people, right? Like, so it’s not always, I think sometimes we get so laser focused on finding those dream clients, ideal clients, dream customers, like literally that’s what we’re targeting.
Which is good because those, those people hopefully will be paying our bills. But at the end of the day, the more you bet on yourself, the more you feel known and you are putting yourself on video and just putting yourself out there. You’re going to attract more friends, just like you and I, Marvin. I mean, we met at a rising tide leaders retreat, right?
Like we put ourself out there, like we had to get on an airplane to go to this event. Right. And I just think that is the beauty of putting yourself out there is like the happy. Kind of magical connections that you’re going to create that don’t always align with your dream client. So, that was my little tip.
Like piggyback to your key tip.
Marvin: Then you’re going to find people who are going to support you and cheer you on while you’re doing it. So definitely.
Quianna: Yes. I love that so much. Well, thank you so much for sharing your time today, Marvin. And I’m just so excited for this episode to drop because this is the season of being brave.
Like this is a season of not playing small anymore. We’re not holding ourselves back. Like we have these incredible messages to share. These incredible businesses are just. Popping up and blooming everywhere. And we need more people to know about you. So thank you so much.
Marvin: Oh, thank you for having me.
Appreciate you.
Quianna: Thank you. Have a beautiful day. Oh, wow. That was a good one. And I’m so thankful you got to digitally meet my friend, Marvin. Luckily, I had the honor of meeting Marvin at a rising tide society leaders retreat a handful of years ago. And Marvin is still a great connection and incredible inspiration for video.
I hope this episode leaves you feeling excited and eager to start booking your next content video shoot. Make sure to follow along with Marvin @mvflavvideo
Check out his success stories and study his videos for marketing tips and content ideas. This is another big sister reminder to get yourself in the room.
If I never showed up to that leaders retreat years ago, I don’t think I would ever make this connection and become friends with Marvin in real life. We’re all just one friendship and one connection away from changing our lives show up and hit that little record button. Okay. Today we chatted a little bit about YouTube and why it’s so important.
Make sure to tune in next week to meet another video bestie page major. I love introducing you to my real life friends and the influencers in my life that encourage me to show up and shine every day. My network is your network. My love. I can’t wait to continue this conversation about video next week.
We’re always cheering for you, babe. You have a gift, probably many gifts. Let’s be honest. People need to hear your stories. More people need to know about you. Video is the easiest way to share your heart and to make an even deeper impact. Let’s leave this world better than we found it. It’s time to hit record.
Can’t wait to chat next week. Keep on dancing, baby. Love you. Bye!
That’s a wrap on another episode of Quianna Marie Weekly. Thank you so much for your listenership and support. You can find the resources and show notes for this episode and more at
I’d be honored if you’d show your support by leaving a review and rating on your favorite podcast app until next time, keep on dancing.
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