Do you freeze on camera? In today’s episode, I have the honor of introducing you to videographer and Youtube strategist Paige Major. Paige is breaking down her tips for gaining confidence in front of the camera, insider advice for video marketing. Plus why you’re leaving money on the table by not prioritizing Youtube and video content.
On Quianna Marie Weekly, we’re chatting about business growing pains, finding genuine connections, and celebrating wins of all sizes through the lens of a photographer at heart. Sprinkled throughout stories and interviews with past clients, photographers and other business owners this podcast is designed to help you step into your purpose and to truly create a life you’re proud of. A life worth photographing and sharing.
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Today’s episode is brought to you by The Green House, my resource garden for photographers! Let me help you AMPLIFY your heart online and in real life to turn bridesmaids into future brides through templates, workshops, and freebies!
Review the Show Notes:
Prioritizing Youtube In Your 2024 Marketing Strategy (3:18)
How To Get Started With Gear (5:12)
Advice To Revamp Your Channel (8:04)
Youtube Updates To Know (13:19)
The Video Formula (16:21)
The Cost Of Not Investing In Youtube (21:18)
Building Confidence To Be On Camera (23:54)
The Possibilities For Your Business From Youtube (29:32)
One Freebie Or Many? (37:16)
Working With Paige Major (40:48)
Key Tip From Paige (43:52)
Connect with Paige:
Review the Transcript:
Quianna: Oftentimes, in person, business owners turn into chatterboxes, sharing all about their business dreams, their visions, offers, and how they can help you. You see the sparkle in their eyes and can hear the passion in their voice. What sort of magic spell is dusted on us to make us freeze, get clammy, and forget how to speak once the camera is recording us?
Instantly, it’s like we forgot our own name, it’s hard to string together sentences, and our eyes roll back wishing we were anywhere on earth without that red, blinking light recording us. As business owners, we have to do hard things, but I believe the right people in your circle and the experts we invest in can make the biggest impact on turning something hard and uneasy into something fun and impactful.
Today, I have the honor of introducing you to my friend and video expert, Paige Major. Paige is a talented videographer and photographer that specializes in YouTube strategy and content production. She is vibrant and friendly with an edgy twist and a cool girl vibe. She’s knowledgeable and experienced with all of the gear and tech that helps break down content and marketing strategies so you’ll feel natural and breezy being recorded.
I’m so excited to include you in today’s conversation to learn all about the power of YouTube and how it’s still an incredible lead generation and sales funnel strategy. Paige spills all of her secrets for getting started with cameras, audio, and all of the gear to get started today and investing in your gear as you grow.
We chat about the do’s and don’ts of video marketing and why you’re literally leaving money on the table by not prioritizing YouTube and video content. Social media trends and algorithms are changing daily. Wouldn’t it be a breath of fresh air to create a YouTube video that drives leads, answers your dream clients questions, and even generates cash injections to your business months and even years after you hit publish?
Let’s dust off those YouTube channels and put on our rose colored glasses to share our message. Each of us have unique stories and passionate business goals. Please, please don’t let the fear of speaking on camera slow you down from reaching those clients that are praying to find you. Please welcome another Arizona local page major, the photo and video production pro we all need as our content bestie.
Welcome to Quianna Marie Weekly, a podcast for creatives who love to celebrate wins, big or small by dancing in the kitchen. Photographers who are excited serve their clients and friends who are ready to chase really, really big dreams. You can find all of the resources mentioned in this episode at
Join me as I share weekly motivation, chat about growing pains, finding genuine connections and celebrating your wins through the lens of a photographer at heart. Come join me for a dance party. Ready? Let’s go.
Hey, hey, hey, welcome to the party page. So freaking stoked that you can be here today!
Paige: Thank you! I’m so excited to be here.
Quianna: Yes. Well, you are just an incredible photographer, videographer, and YouTube expert. And so I would love to just hit this ground running and ask you, why should we be prioritizing YouTube with our marketing strategy for this year?
Paige: So YouTube is so amazing because For a multitude of reasons. One, you create it once and it literally has the potential to live forever. There are videos that we have produced. So on my husband’s channel, we have a fairly big following. We have almost 17, 000 subscribers on that channel and videos that are four years old at this point are still generating leads for us.
So. The fact that you can create something one time, even if it may take longer than an Instagram post, it continues living versus like disappearing after a week or two. So the shelf life is way longer. And on top of that, the best way to build a relationship with someone is to speak face to face to them.
Like there is no better way to feel someone’s energy or get to know somebody quicker and better than face to face conversation. And long form video is the very, like the closest thing to that. That we have. So if somebody can sit and watch one of your videos for 15 minutes or 10 minutes, eight minutes, whatever the time is, then they spent that time face to face learning from you or having you solve their problem.
They are building trust with you. And you essentially filmed that one time and aren’t even actually there, but they feel like they are. So you’re multiplying yourself at the same time.
Quianna: Yes. I love that. And I, I’m a lazy girl, like I’m a hard worker and I’m a hustler, but I don’t like to do things over and over again.
Right. I love a good reshare. I love planting seeds and having them grow and harvest. for years and years to come. So the idea of YouTube and investing that time and energy into creating that content for YouTube, I need to jump on this bandwagon. Like this, this is powerful. Okay. So what are some tools?
Cause I feel like everyone these days is video is queen content is king, right? Like all these different cute sayings and things like, we know that we need to be investing in video, but I would love to know for you, like, Where do we get started with that? What type of tools or what type of gear should we really get started with today?
Paige: I think it’s really, really easy to get caught up on gear. I myself will even do that because I just love gear in general and I’m techie and nerdy like that. But even people who are not that I think are even more intimidated by it because they’re like, I don’t know how to use this. You can get a fancy camera, but if you don’t know how to use your fancy camera, your footage is actually going to be worse than if you were to just use your iPhone.
And our iPhones or phones in general have such good cameras on them that you can use your phone and get away with creating content as that being your camera. And so I would say if you are going to invest in YouTube, Number one, probably the most important piece of gear to invest in first is a good mic and people will forgive audio or will forgive visuals that are a little like their lighting could have been a little better.
But if it sounds terrible, like we are not, if you sound like you’re underwater, if it’s scratchy or peeking out, people are just not going to listen. And so that is the first thing that I would invest in is a, is a better quality mic and you can get that for like a hundred dollars.
That’s what I would say is first and then honestly second is light. Then third is camera because you can take like I said a phone and if you have a good mic and good lighting, the normal person’s not going to even know the difference and for the most part people don’t look at something and are like, Oh, they don’t think about the gear first unless they are like in this space, but they think like why that looks so pretty and they don’t like most people don’t go to the logistics of what lens was that what aperture like they don’t They don’t go into all of those things unless, like I said, you’re in this.
Quianna: Yeah, no, I love those tips. And I feel like that’s a great base, right? Like take action today and you don’t need to invest thousands and thousands of dollars. Everything that you need to get started now may take a small investment like a mic, but you know, it really is just good lighting and getting started.
started. Like just getting started and you’re right, I think sometimes, especially being in this industry with photography and videographers, like we’re all about the gear sometimes, right? And the average person who’s listening, they just want those results. They just want to know, Oh, Hey, like you are solving a problem for me or you’re, you’re doing a review of a product or something that I’m interested in or sharing something about your business.
And it’s okay as long as those quality pieces are there. I love that. Let’s say for example, I know a lot of us listening may have started a YouTube back in the day. Maybe their YouTube channel is a little dusty. I know I have a lot of, um, old like wedding videos on there. And, Tips for photographers and stuff.
And you know, just my life, it’s just kind of scattered, right? What advice would you give to someone that kind of wants to revamp their YouTube channel? Are there any specific videos that you would say start here? Like every YouTube channel needs this handful of videos. Like, what does that look like?
Paige: If you have an existing channel and you kind of didn’t really take it seriously, I don’t think there’s a need to start over. For one, people love looking at where people came from. And so even like I have videos that I posted in like 2019 on my channel and I’m like, those videos are so cringy. My lighting is gross.
My mic is cheap and just sounds like it’s fine. It would be fine if I wasn’t a person who does photo and video, but looking back at it, I’m like, ew, why would anybody ever hire me when that’s what my quality is? Like, But I had to learn. Um, and so if you have people love, like I said, people love the journey.
So you don’t need to delete old things. The only time I would really say is to start over is if you already have a channel that has like a, a big following, say I love houseplants. So if I had built up a houseplant channel with 10, 000, you know, subscribers on it or something like that, and then I don’t respond or I don’t, sorry, I don’t publish for like two years, something like that.
And then I come back and I’m like, Oh, now I’m a videographer and I want to post video tips. The audience is like, you’re going to have a really disengaged channel because the audience is so, so different. So that is an instance when I would say, okay, you need to start fresh. But if it’s just things you’re still kind of doing or your life that’s on there, then I say you don’t need to start, start over completely.
And then as for videos that you need, I think that one, we create content to solve problems, but also we create long form video to make our lives easier. So, I have a video on how to create a mood board for a photo shoot. That might not be something that a ton of people are searching for, or it might be, but either way.
I can just send that directly to my clients instead of taking the time to talk to them for 15 minutes over and over and over again. I can send that to them before our call. So not only is that helping me by serving as content on my website and on YouTube, it’s also something that’s a useful tool for me.
And the same with, I have another video on what to wear for a brand photo shoot. And so instead of repeating myself over and over again, I can send them that video and then they have it to reference because. People you, I know everybody does it. You get off a call and you’re like, shoot, I didn’t write that down.
What did they say? And so just if they have that, that they can look at on their own time and refer back to, that’s really helpful. So I would say, start with the videos that help your clients, but also help you in your business from having to repeat yourself over and over again.
Quianna: Yes. I love that so much.
I’m all about being streamlined, right? And one of the key tips I love sharing too, when it comes to generating content is. Exactly that coming up with your frequently asked questions, right? So do you find yourself constantly on these zoom calls or I call them connection calls, right? Or these strategy calls, are you repeating yourself all the time?
And, and it’s crazy. Cause I think sometimes we think we can be so close to our businesses and we think, yeah, but we’re so unique. It’s like, yes, you are. And we want to celebrate your uniqueness. But a lot of us are doing very similar things and those formulas and those strategies are literally rinse and repeat, right?
So I love that you’re mentioning that is creating. really videos that it’s not so much about the client. It is in the, in the end game, but it just makes our life easier to copy and paste. Yes, exactly.
Paige: And I have a client who, when she first started her channel, she does like weekly Q and A’s in her, you know, on Instagram and people are asking questions and I, As she started, she would answer them and then I would like DM her back and be like, you have a YouTube video for that.
And she’s like, oh my gosh, I don’t even think like, so now obviously she’s kind of trained herself when somebody asks the question, then she just posts the link to the YouTube video. So instead of having to one, take the time to write a paragraph answering that question, uh, she can not take the time doing that.
But two, then a person has the potential to go give her more watch time on her YouTube channel and actually get more from it because they spend the time face to face watching her on video for a longer period of time than reading a short paragraph. And that person gets helped, but so does everybody else who is curious about it that’s watching her stories too.
Quianna: yes, that’s brilliant. And I love that. That’s an instant authority maker, right? Like when you have that quick, Oh, I have a blog for this click. I have a YouTube video for this click. Anytime, uh, a coach or a mentor or even another peer in the industry sends that kind of stuff. And like you said, it’s not always the one that asks, it’s those looky loos, like those ghost writer followers that are like, just, of course people are watching and it’s creating that resource for them and building your authority.
This is just a win win for everybody.
Paige: And it, man, it makes you look like, Oh, I’ve already, that’s asked to me of me all the time, or I’ve already thought ahead on that. So. Here we go.
Quianna: Oh, I love all this so much. Oh my gosh. Well, so YouTube has been around for a long time. I literally had to Google this page and I found that it was invented or I guess created in, um, like 19 years ago.
Like that’s, that’s two decades. Holy smokes. And I’m like, that’s crazy. And so. I would just love to know from you who has been following YouTube closely, especially I’d say in the last decade, really seeing, you know, paying close attention to it. Uh, are there any new updates or trends or tools that have changed recently that we need to know about?
Paige: So obviously YouTube Shorts have been added in the last couple of years and I actually don’t have my clients use YouTube Shorts as part of their strategy. And the reason for that is Because there is a different kind of person, a person is in a different mindset when they’re mindlessly scrolling than when they are purposefully seeking out.
a solution to a problem. With short form content, it’s a different kind of person that is consuming than a person who’s consuming long form. The short, so one of the most important metrics on YouTube is watch time. And, um, on top of that is your average view duration, your average view duration.
And so that’s how long a person is actually staying watching one piece of content. So if you throw a bunch of short form content In there, then it makes it look like overall people aren’t watching your stuff for very long, even though they may have watched a full one minute video, the entire video, 100 percent of it.
If most of your videos are 10 minutes, then it’s only now looking like people are only watching 10 percent of your content. And so that informs the YouTube algorithm that like the average on this channel is not very high. So people maybe are not actually finding it valuable and they’re leaving after a minute.
So for me and the way that I teach YouTube is I don’t utilize shorts. If you have a ton of short form content, I think there’s a place for it on YouTube, but I would almost encourage you to like start a separate channel and link them together. That’s just shorts versus longs. As far as other trends, YouTube also now has a, it’s own feed for podcasts for video podcasts.
And, um, again, that’s a completely separate kind of audience. Audience is watching a video podcast versus YouTube. Long form content actually even just went to a video conference. And I don’t think that there was anything that really stood out to me. That was like new and revolutionary. And I think that’s one of the things that’s so great about YouTube is, is like, there’s a formula for ranking and.
Ranking on it and it doesn’t constantly change like Instagram. So you can do something and then look at your analytics, which by the way, YouTube has the best analytics of any platform, like even better than Google analytics. And so if you can, you can do something and then see how it’s working and then repeat that, but also then it’s not constantly changing.
So that’s also a really helpful.
Quianna: Yeah, no, that’s literally a relief because that’s one thing to like, ah, like I am in thinking of to with like B roll and content generation is like, not only do we have to constantly be thinking of ideas, but then we’re constantly learning these new tools and every it feels like every time I open up the Instagram app, there’s like new buttons.
There’s different they’re in different locations, right? Like, it’s just, it’s tough keeping up. And so I love this value of YouTube that you’re right like it’s a well oiled machine like this has been in business for a long time and it’s very searchable and I just think that’s incredible. You mentioned formula so I would love to dive a little bit deeper into that is When you’re working with your clients, is there a formula that each video has, right?
Like, and I’m literally thinking, like, intro, introduction, like, you know, um, hook, right? And then your information, or do you have a special formula that you work with? How does that work?
Paige: So in terms of the actual content, we always start with a hook, usually a question or, um, a part. If you are doing a video that’s heavy B roll, then including something dramatic that happens midway through at the beginning just to catch people’s attention is good.
But for the most part, most of my clients are doing educational. talking head videos with some b roll mixed. And so a hook, a question, something to grab their attention, we all know what that is. Then I usually do a little flash of their logo or whatever their channel name is, a really short quick introduction, like one sentence.
And then, um, we get right to either, in this video I’m going to tell you this, this, and this. Or the first way we’re going to do this is, and just immediately getting into it, and about, I would say about 50 percent, 30 to 50 percent way through the video, then we ask for Engagement in the form of comments and the easier you can ask like the easier questions.
If you’re asking, “Tell me what you’re struggling with?”, People are like “What”? like I don’t that’s too much but if you’re like So on our uh, my husband’s youtube channel One of the questions we ask is like tell me what you had for breakfast in the comments below Tell me what you had for breakfast that has hundreds and hundreds of comments because it’s really easy And there’s no like there’s nothing at stake for a person to answer that question.
And so if you can ask really easy questions That one’s obviously off topic, but even like, you know, if this is resonating with you, type a yes in the comments or give me this emoji, like, just small things like that where people, it’s easy for people to say yes. And so then also at that point, doing some sort of hook that, or teaser of like, the last one’s, the last thing I’m going to go over is really, really good, but before I get to that, so saying something like that, then asking for the engagement.
Then proceeding to finish the content and then wrapping it up. One of the keys is to not signal people that the video is over. So you, a lot of times we don’t say like to recap the video or because then people know, okay, it’s over. I’ve already seen the content. So a lot of times if you can almost end, we try to flow.
So we want. YouTube loves when people stay on the platform, just like all platforms do. So we always want to pick what video we want to direct people at next, at the end of the video, or what action we want them to take. So if you can kind of flow into, if you found these tips helpful, you definitely want to check out this.
Then it’s kind of a natural segue for a person and YouTube will allow you to actually place a button that links directly to that video at the end, which everyone probably knows. So I would say that’s kind of my formula hook, intro, content, engagement, content. And then we kind of ask for some engagement again at the end.
If you want to ask another question towards the end, that’s a little deeper, because if somebody gets to it at that 10, however many minutes with you, they’re probably more likely to actually ask a question or feel comfortable doing that. So you can ask your. Deeper questions towards the end if you want to do that, and then telling him what you want to do next, including calls to action, and you can add a call to action throughout too.
So one of our videos that produces a lot of email, like a lot of email subscribers for us at the beginning of the video, we say we’re about to dive into But we have already done the work for you. So if you don’t want to take notes, go download this, and it’s literally the checklist of what we’re going to cover in the video, but then the people will be like, okay, I’m going to pause it.
Then they go get it and follow along. And so that’s, that’s one way, like where you can intro your offer at the beginning of a video, because then you’re helping them and they’re like, Oh, there’s something I can have for free. That’s going to help me answer this even better. So. That has worked really well, really well for us as well.
Quianna: Oh my gosh, Paige, these are all mic drop moments. Like literally, I’m taking notes in my head here thinking, Oh my gosh, because as you know, we’re both very visual human beings and entrepreneurs. And so I literally see this as a framework, a checklist. And this is beautiful because you are getting that hook.
You’re getting people interested. And I love a good agenda. Like, I don’t know if that’s a preschool teacher in me, or I just love to see a whiteboard of wait, what can I expect from this? And I love that juicy reminder, like, Hey, I got three tips for you and that third one you don’t want to miss, so stick around to the end.
Like, ah, and it’s crazy because I see this. Like, now that you’re saying this, I’m like, Oh, I’ve watched a million YouTube videos where this framework is similar and I could see it come to life. This is incredible. Yeah. Oh my gosh. And then, um, okay, so, I feel this may, I can feel the energy in the room getting a little, okay, I feel that this is so important and this may feel either expensive, right?
And there’s a cost for everything, whether it is our time trying to figure this out on our own, whether it is investing in someone like you to literally just take care of it for us. But I want to chat more about what is the cost of not investing in YouTube. But let’s go there, Paige. Okay.
Paige: So the cost of not, YouTube has obviously been around and YouTube is not going away.
And people used to say blogging is dead. Blogs are still living on. So these, if you can create evergreen search based content, it lives on. So it also, however, takes, can take a month or two or three or four. Okay. To actually start ranking because you have to prove to the Google gods, which by the way, YouTube is owned by Google.
So if you ha you have to prove to them, like this piece of content is important. It’s more important than whoever is holding the, the ranks in spot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. So it takes time for you to earn those spots. And usually once you get in those spots, you stay until somebody else makes something better.
to bump you out of those places. So there are so many times where it’s like, Oh, if I would have just started that a year ago, if I would have started that two years ago, where would I be? Cause there are literally people who, when I started, uh, the YouTube channel with my husband, it was 2019. I’m, there were people who I found who only had like 5, 000 subscribers at the time.
Now they have, 300, 000. And I’m like, I will even think to myself sometimes, if I had started a channel for myself and really focused on YouTube for myself, what, where would my business be at that point? And so it’s really just a time game. So the cost of it is that it’s the longer you wait, the longer you’re just not getting the results from evergreen search based content that literally works.
Quianna: Yes, I love that so much. And I feel like with business, I can feel like fast fashion sometimes. Right. It’s like, okay, what’s next. So what’s, what’s hot. What’s not where what’s trending right now. How can I jump on these bandwagons? And I love the longevity of YouTube and you’re right. Like there’s no better time than to start now.
It’s. Literally, like I always say, business is a garden, right? You got to plant those seeds and sometimes you’re planting seeds that you may not see for a couple of years, right?
Paige: Exactly.
Quianna: I love this. So, okay. So tell me more before we move on, because I have so many questions about building your email list and adding subscribers and all that juicy stuff.
Let’s see. I’m already using your tips here. Like, but before we get to that, I would love to chat about your own mindset shifts that you’ve had to overcome. For your own business, um, and creating your own videos and busting out all the content that you do so beautifully. And I’d love for you to maybe kind of take us through some mindset coaching that you do with your clients on how to actually build confidence on camera.
Paige: So much of it comes down to editing and people think that they need to record from start to finish an entire video and not mess up. I will never forget when I met a person at a conference and they were like, Oh, I’m going Oh, it takes me like six hours to film my videos. And I’m like, are you doing a lot of B roll?
Like what is, cause I have definitely taken six hours to film a video, but it was like, we were shooting in so many different scenes. There was, and, and I know that this person was just sitting at a desk and they’re like, well, every time I mess up, I start over from the beginning. And I was like. Oh my gosh.
So, you don’t have to do that. You can literally record like a sentence or two and then look back down at your notes and record a sentence or two. So, you can do that by saying your sentences and literally just freezing and holding your hands in the same position and looking down and then glancing back up.
and then continuing to talk. Something that, um, really helps with the jumpiness or the flow of cutting from one scene to another is as soon as you start talking, if you move your body or your hands immediately as you start talking, it makes the cut from the previous video to the next way more seamless and intentional.
So I would say, uh, for sure know that you don’t need to say all of the things perfectly. One thing I will tell people is if, um, they are nervous about talking to the camera. Literally everyone, so I am not afraid, I’m not afraid of the camera, I’m not afraid of talking to anybody, but as soon as the camera goes up, I can’t even tell you, so I, a lot of my clients use teleprompters, and I will use a teleprompter, and there is a really, really good way to use a teleprompter, and there is a really bad way to use a teleprompter, and I would say 90 percent of people use them incorrectly.
When I did not use a teleprompter to film. Some, some course content recently and the number of times that I screwed up just because I’m talking to the camera like these are things that I know, and I’m still there’s a camera in my face so instantly it’s like, did I say that right did I, because it’s this is going to live forever, and it’s like, So just know that even people who are really good at getting up in front of people still freeze and screw up when a camera gets in their face.
It’s just like, it’s awkward to stare at a lens because it’s doesn’t, it like doesn’t have eyes. It doesn’t have facial features. You feel like you’re going cross eyed. And so that is one thing of like that happens to everybody. So let go of that. You can also paste or take a picture of someone that you love, could be like a spouse, a best friend, your favorite client, and put it next to the lens or right below the lens.
So if you feel like you’re starting to get too robotic or too present y and it’s just not feeling natural, if you can just look over at that person’s face and be like, I’m just having a conversation with that person. It’s just, it’s just me, that person’s on the other side of the camera. That really helps people.
Feel at ease. And I will also say if you like, if you drink and you are like, it’s going to be a difference. I don’t recommend obviously drinking before making every video, but if you like need to have like a little glass of champagne or something to chill out before you film just to make your first couple of videos, then I’m like, Then just do it.
It doesn’t, I mean, don’t get drunk on camera, but like a little something to calm your nerves. And for some people that’s just dancing, going for a walk, the, anything that like makes you feel comfortable is good.
I will also say that if you start talking out loud about whatever your topic is, just as you’re getting ready, as you’re making breakfast, whatever, talking about the topic just makes your brain, like, get more in the, in the mode of, I’m an expert on this and I know what I’m talking about, and I think that that helps too, even if there’s not a camera present, to just speak out loud, and it has to be out loud, you can’t just go over things in your head because our brain to mouth, you know, yeah.
We have great thoughts and then something else terrible will come out of our mouths. So really practicing just walking around talking out loud can do wonders too for your confidence on speaking on your topics.
Quianna: These are such beautiful reminders and such great ideas, Paige. I seriously love these. And I love the idea of posting a picture of your spouse, of your dog, of a loved one, and even your favorite client, right?
Cause I think sometimes we get so scared thinking, Oh gosh, I’m on camera. And this is in our heads. We think this is going to go to millions of viewers, right? Which like it could probably not. We hope so to the right people, right? But you know, when you’re just speaking to that one person, that one person that you love and that you were actually excited to help, whether it is, you know, a child of yours that you’re just giggling with and feeling confident for, or an actual client, I mean, that was mind boggling.
Like, that’s genius. And I am a huge fan of dance parties too before. So like anytime I go live, I’m literally dancing in the kitchen. Faith, my baby girl, my little puppy, she’s just like, what’s right. We’re dancing around having a
Paige: party.
Quianna: What’s happening? Yes. And we just like get the blood flowing. That’s such a beautiful reminder that even the pros, even well, well versed camera ladies like you also kind of can get stuck up sometimes, like kind of like trip on our words and just feel a little nervous.
And that is completely normal. And, um, so I love that grace that you’re sharing with that. So let’s dive into the potential here. Like I want to share more about, okay, so we have a game plan. We have a formula, we have a strategy. We’re going to dust off our old YouTube. We’re going to get rolling here and we’re feeling confident.
We’re just, we’re just going for it. We’ve been practicing. What is the possibility here? Like, really? Like, I mean, I want to talk about building your email list, increasing your profits, building your authority. I mean, this is the juicy stuff that makes this scary YouTube platform so worth it. So like, let’s chat about that.
Paige: So we have, my husband’s YouTube channel is called Adulting Shouldn’t Suck. And it is, basically teaches. It’s geared towards men. There are boys, 16 to 21, who are basically going from being a teenager to becoming an adult. And so, for us, We initially, so we have a financial education curriculum and initially we’re like, we’re going to teach finances to these kids, just the basics.
Cause usually people talk way over their head. So how can we like, get down to like, this is how you open a bank account, like really super basic things. And so we started putting out these videos and then we realized like the teenagers don’t care at all. Like they don’t even, but what they do care about is freedom.
They care about moving out of their parents house. They care. about, about those things. So then it’s like, okay, we need to then create content that they actually care about. So then we switch to, okay, ultimately the first step to freedom is moving out of your parents house. So we started creating video content or videos for YouTube on how to move out of your parents house.
How to look for an apartment, how to apply for this, how to tour, questions to ask. And so we actually hold right now the number one spot for the search term, how to move out of your parents house on YouTube. Like we are the number one ranking channel for that. We have, I believe, 43 videos around how to move out of your parents house.
And that’s another thing I’ll say is you, people don’t say things because they feel like they’re repeating themselves. There, there’s like a million different ways to say the same thing over and over again. And because YouTube is. search based one person can be searching like how to move out of my parent’s house, but somebody else could be searching how to move on out on your own.
It’s like, those are two, they’re, they’re the same thing, but they’re said different ways in a different person is going to be attracted to those. So that’s one thing I’ll say never you can repeat yourself so many times and there’s a million how to move out with no money, how to move out at a thousand dollars, how to move out if you’re moving to a different state, how to move out if your parents say, you can’t like there’s so many.
Um, and it’s a whole different, like, just add something, add a little more to that keyword of how to do something, and it’s a whole different world. So, one mistake I would say that we made is that we built an audience of people who don’t spend money. So, most, most 16 and 21 year olds who are looking for how to do things with no money don’t, aren’t going to invest.
in resources to do that. So that is one thing I will say that had I started this in 2019 with my own business, I am very confident that it would be generating a significant amount of money. However, when you build a target demo, or build a whole channel, and your target audience are not people who are investing, that is something to think about.
For, for most of the people listening to this, we’re probably all business owners, so we have something to sell, we, that we have successfully sold. But in this case, we, we started with YouTube with nothing, with just the intention of teaching financial education. And so we do still teach financial education by tying that into, okay, well, you do want to move.
You do want your own apartment, but did you know you have to have credit and this is how you build credit. And so it’s like you can still tie those things in. So I think it’s really important to figure out what your target audience actually wants. But then you’re giving them what they need to get what they want because they don’t always know what they need.
But we have grown an email list just from our little checklist. To over 7, 000, 7, 000 subscribers on our email list only from YouTube. We have no presence. We have the Instagram presence, but there’s like a hundred, hundred followers on that account maybe. So that’s literally our only source of lead generation.
And on top of that, what’s, what’s most exciting is. So we took a break from posting on that channel. I want to say in October of 2022. So we’re going on almost 18 months. Of not posting anything on that channel. And we are still getting over 150 email subscribers a month from old content. Gosh, just thinking like, okay, we did have to do a lot of work up front.
We posted consistently for two and a half years. But then we took a break to develop something like to build our curriculum. In the last 18 months, we are still generating at least 150 leads a month to our email list. And so that’s like, if you can, that’s the, like the definition of doing work up front and it continuing to work like that’s actual passive lead generation.
If you have, um, email, like for every checklist, if you have a email, like a nurture sequence that goes with it, sells something at the end of that. Then you could be generating sales from, from that, from your audience, especially if you have an audience that actually spends money. The possibilities of that are, are really endless.
Quianna: Wow. Oh my gosh. And I love that you’re sharing this and you’re being so vulnerable to share this because I feel like this is such a great lesson, right? Where it’s like, Wait a second, because YouTube is such a long game, let’s actually take kind of like an eagle’s eye, like bird’s eye view of what you’re offering, what you’re talking about, the demographics, the ages, right?
Like all that stuff really matters of who you’re targeting, right? And I just love being very strategic about that. So you’re not, Just blasting things online and hoping it sticks like spaghetti on the wall here. Like, let’s be really strategic. And then you are, you’re kind of marrying or kind of like piggybacking these, um, opt ins or these freebies or these guides to your videos.
And that just lives on forever. Like the idea of generating 150 subscribers every month. What? Like that, that’s money. Like that is literally money in your list. Holy smokes.
Paige: And two, if you already have an opt in, like if you already have a freebie lead magnet opt in, whatever you want to call it, that funnels into, you know, a nurture sequence that already exists, because a lot of you may, may already have that, make a long form video that is literally the, the video version of that opt in.
It’s not going to take away from people opting in because people will watch the video and then they, I promise you they’ll download it because they want to have the physical thing with them. And so that’s what, that is another place I would say, start. If you already have a lead magnet that’s working, make a long form video because not only will, are you then searchable for that in YouTube and on Google, but you can embed that video on the landing page for your freebie opt in.
So even if people are coming from say Instagram, then they’re also watching your YouTube video, they’re spending time face to face with you. It’s, and Google loves. When there is multiple forms of media on one web page, so if there is a way for a person to read and also a person to watch and a person can listen and like it, it reaches all kinds of learning preferences and types, then Google’s like this page is super important because it whoever lands on it.
If this is the right topic, they’re going to be served in. Any capacity and so that’s that’s also another reason why for my YouTube clients every video we make we take it and we have it transcribed and then SEO optimized because we want to not only rank in. YouTube, but we also want to rank in Google search.
And so that’s also a huge reason why that’s a really important step too.
Quianna: Yes. Oh my gosh. These are all so genius. So I have, I have another question when it comes to like the opt ins and the freebies, are you banking on, and of course this is totally a judgment call of preference per business, But I can, I get really like lost in the weeds.
Like I literally get lost in the details and I want to just create a freebie for every video. Is that something you’re doing or are you maybe sticking to like one go to or like how many freebies should we be making for all these YouTube videos?
Paige: Well, I think it really depends on your offer structure in your business.
If it doesn’t make sense to create a fee, a freebie where you literally have nothing to. Give or sell them down, down the line. However, for adulting shouldn’t suck. I think we’re up to like nine different opt ins and each of those can tie back into our financial education courses. Or we have a course called the GTFO plan, which is like a mini course on how to have your parents out.
And so those can funnel back to that cheap little. So I would say if, if you can strategically look at, okay, I can give them this freebie and these are the ways that I can talk them, like continue nurturing them back to something lower cost that I have to offer, or it could be higher cost if you, Are doing something where, you know, you’re like, if you already know, you can convert a person or you’re just willing to play the long game.
And it’s like, I’ll get this person on my list, knowing I’m going to nurture them for the next year. And then they will invest more with me. Cause that’s for sure. It doesn’t, I don’t want to say it doesn’t matter how many you have, but you do need to have a plan for however many you have. And I’m the same as you.
I’m like a, a teacher at heart. I’m like, Oh, well, if they had this visual resource, it would help them be even more successful. And so I think. It’s good to create those things, but also know that people are just freebie collectors too. So give them enough to have a win, but don’t give away everything. Like if you have enough freebies, then put together a mini course or something, you know, like that’s potentially a thing too.
That could be a really small, small income. And that’s what I will say too, is one of the things that one of the strategies that we use that actually gets more sales than our, so our mini course is 27. 27. And so when somebody opts into the freebie on the thank you page, uh, there’s a thing that pops up and it’s like, Hey, you’ve unlocked a secret discount.
You can download this today for 7 or 10. But once you click away from this page, it’s going away. We don’t say like, it’s never going to be available again because they could literally go opt in with a different email again and get there. But we use language like once you click away from this page, it’s gone.
And so, so we’re But people will buy that because they’re like, Oh shoot, 7. Like And if teenage boys are doing that, then grown ass women or the people that we’re serving are for sure going to be like, I’ve bought so many things for 7. I’ve actually never even looked at because I’m just like, it’s the cost of a coffee and I want that.
But then, so just know that that’s another way to potentially generate more. small income, but that adds up if you have that on your thank you page for your freebies.
Quianna: Yes. Oh my gosh. That is so smart. And like full circle moment here that just literally goes back to taking the time, taking the energy and utilizing the strategy to create these YouTube videos.
So they’re up and they’re done. And then they’re just generating these just incredible subscribers and people that are you’re serving, like literally in your sleep, you can make sales while you’re I just lazy girl here. Let’s go. I love that so much. Well, Paige, you are such an expert at what you do. And I love seeing you shine online.
I love all your bright colors and your hot pink lips. You’re just like, so amazing. Please share with us a little bit more about your services and what you offer and how we can connect with you.
Paige: Okay, so I have a done with you and done for you YouTube strategy production package where pretty much all you do is write your scripts and then I do everything else.
So that is my high ticket offer. If you’re like, okay, I’m sure that’s a big investment and I will not lie, it is. I would say that your next best thing if you want to dive into YouTube is to get on the wait list for my YouTube for business course. I take you through starting a channel from nothing and then I teach you literally everything I know and use on my clients.
So I don’t hold back anything. There’s no secrets. It’s all, it’s all in there from how to optimize your YouTube videos, to how to create freebies, to how to turn things into blogs, like everything from start to finish, that will be relaunching in September. And then outside of that, I do have a free YouTube checklist that it’s like, if you just want to go ahead and get started on your own, that’s just making sure that your channel is set up the correct way.
So I do have that as well. Those are the main things. I do general photo and video production, of course, um, outside of that, but the main thing, I really just love what YouTube can do for a business. So that’s kind of,
Quianna: that’s my, my favorite. I love that. You were so talented at that. And I see your posts, I see your stuff.
And I love that you just started this challenge. I’m totally going to hold you accountable. So I just saw you post today that you’re going to be posting every single day for 28 days. So let’s go. Okay.
Paige: And, and my goal in July is to relaunch my own YouTube channel. So if you go look at my YouTube channel, cause I, I am guilty of this.
I see a person talking and I’m like, let’s go see if they’re walking the walk or talking, you know, whatever it is. And so if you go look at my YouTube subscribers right now, I think I have 250 subscribers on my YouTube channel, which is not a lot at all for a person who is teaching YouTube. Um, and I also haven’t posted a video in two years.
However, I’ve grown and managed other people’s channels and that’s kind of where I’ve learned, learned all that. But I know the importance of actually doing this for my own business too. And so in July, I plan to relaunch my channel and I’m not going to let myself fall off after that because I love to post for six weeks and then disappear for a year and then post for six weeks and disappear for a year.
And that’s no way to build a relationship with YouTube or a person or anything. So, Yes. Don’t recommend that.
Quianna: No, honestly, but that is so relatable, like, I just want to take a moment and pause as like a gentle reminder to you that’s listening, like, that’s what happens to our business, right? Like, I feel like I’ve, I’ve chatted with so many brand designers where they’re like, okay, I have all the best information, but don’t look at my website, like, like do what I say, not what I do.
Right? Like, so. It’s just a breath of fresh air that we’re all in the same boat. We are experts at what we do. We’re passionate about helping others and sometimes we have to put ourselves first. So I love that. So amazing. So one thing that I always love to ask every guest, Paige, what is your key tip? What is something that you wish you knew sooner or something you’d like to share with an entrepreneur today?
Paige: So I think that in terms of. Video and things like that. It’s to just get started when you are first starting. Nobody’s watching anyway. So the faster you can get videos out, then the more you’re going to learn and the better you’re going to get. So by the time you actually have people watching, you’re better.
And anybody who is judging. Or commenting or speaking negatively about what you’re doing probably isn’t doing it. So that’s just, just, just literally go for it and learn as you go, because you’re not going to, there’s no better way than experience to actually get better.
Quianna: Oh my gosh, that is another mic drop moment.
And you’re absolutely right. Like please, please, please do not let, do not let the fear of you showing up and speaking your truth, sharing your gifts, sharing your offers be greater than the fear that your own clients are experiencing. Like we have answers, we have solutions, we are here to help. And if we’re not showing up online, like how are they supposed to find us?
Paige: Exactly. And one of my things that I love to tell people that I should have mentioned when you were talking about, when we asked about confidence. So many people hate the way they look on camera and they hate the way they sound. And what I love to say to that is, if you are worried about the way you look and the way you sound, you are letting your ego win.
That’s selfish, for starters, because the people who you have the answers for, the problems that you solve, the people who need to hear from you specifically, aren’t because you’re too afraid to do it. And so If you, if you can really set your ego aside and remember that you aren’t, your channel isn’t for you.
Your videos aren’t for you. They’re to serve somebody else. That I think is a huge, a huge release of like, okay, I can let this go because this isn’t for me.
Quianna: Oh my gosh. I love that so much. And I love your heart for serving, helping others, truly. truly step into their highest self and, and show it and share the journey along the way.
So thank you so much, Paige. How can we connect with you?
Paige: So you can find me on Instagram at PaigeMajorCreative. I would say you can go to my website, but I need to redo that because I haven’t updated that since 2018. Um, and then my YouTube channel is just PaigeMajor. So youtube. com forward slash. page major.
And there will be new videos starting in July. That’s, here’s my accountability. Your whole audience knows July, it’s coming.
Quianna: Let’s go. We’re going big. Oh my gosh. Well, thank you so much for sharing so much valuable insight and honestly, actionable tips. I feel like this is the best part. Like YouTube really can be a beast.
It can be scary. A video can even be even more scarier, right? And frightening. So thank you for making it. tangible, approachable, and with a great action list. So let’s go. We want to see those videos. Thank you.
Paige: Thank you.
Quianna: Okay. Okayyy! It’s summertime over here in Arizona and Paige absolutely brought the heat!!
Doesn’t she make you want to revisit your marketing strategy and start creating a plan for YouTube? As always, I’m here to support your business and to help you create a living doing what you love. I’m so lucky to run in circles with friends like Paige that are staying true to marketing and business strategies that are tried and true and continue to generate hot leads.
Business is business, babe, and we are always learning new ways to expand, grow, and increase our income. Adding video is not just a strategy, but a tool to help your business become searchable and profitable. Make sure to follow along with PageMajor at PageMajorCreative, that’s @paigemajorcreative on Instagram and absolutely check out page for more education and encouragement.
Also keep your eyes peeled for her future YouTube for business course. That’ll catch you up to speed with even more YouTube education and inspiration with tangible tips to get you going ASAP. If you happen to catch this episode on a later date, make sure to sign up for her wait list.
It’s so freaking good. It’s something you don’t wanna have to wait for for the next round. Thanks so much for joining us today. It’s truly an honor to be in your ear. If you enjoyed this episode, I’m sure you know a friend that needs this little nudge for YouTube. It would mean the world to us. If you could share this episode with them and encourage them to hit that little record button too.
Oh my gosh. Maybe even plan a fun YouTube party with your bestie to make it more fun. Anything to get you more comfortable on camera, just like you’re talking to a friend in real life. I know you have it in you to share your mission with so much passion. It’s time to hit record and get it out there.
Remember, social media is loud. We just need to whisper to our dream clients to truly move the needle. Thanks again for joining this week. And I can’t wait to drop a ton of ideas for capturing B roll next week. Investing in a pro is always a great idea. Sometimes we need to work with what we got to get things rolling.
And next week’s episode is going to be so fun. I cannot wait. You are incredible and we need more people to know about you. Keep on dancing, baby. Can’t wait to chat soon. Okay. Love you. Bye!
That’s a wrap on another episode of Quianna Marie Weekly. Thank you so much for your listenership and support. You can find the resources and show notes for this episode and more at
I’d be honored if you’d show your support by leaving a review and rating on your favorite podcast app until next time, keep on dancing.
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