Hey Friends!
Have you seen the buzz lately about these #fridayintroductions posts? Well if you’re in the wedding industry I’m sure these posts aren’t anything new. For those of you that are just noticing them, these self portrait posts are designed to share the artist/maker/creative/business owner behind all of those instragram squares.
Do you ever find yourself scrolling though a beautiful feed and suddenly get frustrated that you don’t even know what that person looks like? Well, I do! I believe it all started within The Rising Tide Society when everyone encouraged each other to post a nice portrait of themselves or a shot of them in action behind the scenes and share 5 Fun Facts about themselves in the caption. This gave their friends and followers a chance to really get to know them, connect with them and boost engagement.
Check out these traditional 5 Facts…

Take a peek at the ENGAGEMENT on these posts! WOW!
Your tribe wants to get to know you, understand you and make connections. If you post something they’re not a fan of that’s okay! You only want true supporters anyways!
These posts have been circling around instagram for a little over a year now and if you’re anything like me, once something works… GREAT, but I want to try something NEW!
So… I have created a TWIST to some future #fridayintroduction posts for YOU! I really hope these posts aren’t going away anytime soon, but let’s keep them fresh, inviting and exciting!
10 Ideas for NEW #fridayintroduction Posts
- Upcoming Summer Goals
- Things I Can’t Live Without
- Bucket List Ideas
- Five Things About Your Best Friend
- Favorite Childhood Memories
- List Your Whys – Why you do what you do? What motivates you?
- Share Your Favorite Exercises or Work Break Activities
- Five Insecurities – No need to be too vulnerable, but I’m sure others can relate!
- List Your Biggest Time Suckers
- Share Five Boss Ladies Others Need To Meet
To keep them fresh and exciting you don’t always have to stick to 5 Facts! Mix it up! Maybe only share three or if seven is your favorite number rock seven things to share! You can even try a rambling post. Here’s what I mean by that…

Pro Tip: These posts completely boost engagement and shine light on the real you! Be honest, be true and keep it real! Type like you would talk to a friend.
Want even MORE ideas? Glad you asked… I have them for YOU!
Since I’m in love with gift giving I have a FREE download ready to share TWENTY #fridayintroduction Inspirations and even more tips and ideas! Just click below to get your hands on it!

Looking forward to seeing your posts!
Much Love
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[…] How to come up with #fridayintroduction posts? […]
[…] 10 Ideas For NEW #FRIDAYINTRODUCTION Posts […]