Does your website prove your value? In today’s episode, I have the honor of introducing you to website designer Octavia Elease. We are chatting all about building a website that converts, plus aligning yourself for speaking opportunities and crafting an ideal client experience.
On Quianna Marie Weekly, we’re chatting about business growing pains, finding genuine connections, and celebrating wins of all sizes through the lens of a photographer at heart. Sprinkled throughout stories and interviews with past clients, photographers and other business owners this podcast is designed to help you step into your purpose and to truly create a life you’re proud of, a life worth photographing and sharing.
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Today’s episode is brought to you by The Green House, my resource garden for photographers! Let me help you AMPLIFY your heart online and in real life to turn bridesmaids into future brides through templates, workshops, and freebies!
Review The Show Notes:
Why Having A Website Is So Important (2:58)
What You Need On Your Homepage (5:12)
Making It About The Client (7:51)
Eliminating Red Flags And Friction (9:29)
Setting Up Your Service Pages (13:53)
The Benefits Of Price Transparency (15:40)
Custom Website Designs Vs. Templates (20:03)
Where To Get Started With Your Makeover (21:55)
The Images You Need To Deliver (24:36)
How To Capture The Client In Your Workflow (29:51)
Setting Up Your Workflow For Different Client Types (35:40)
Aligning Yourself For Speaking Opportunities (41:23)
Key Tip From Octavia (48:28)
Connect with Octavia:
Mentioned In This Episode:
Episode 110: Elevating Your Brand + Website with Priscilla Sites
Episode 102: Connection Call with Jennifer Miranda
Review the Transcript:
Quianna: Before we dive into this episode, I want you to think about what it would feel like to have your dream clients begging to work with you. Your DMs are flooding with inquiries. Emails are pouring in and your past clients are sending over all of their friends to work with you. Trust me, babe, you’ve been putting in the work, investing in your education and reaching new levels in your self development and skills.
I see you, but do your dream clients actually see you online? I have a handful of intuitive content coaching calls available and would love the opportunity to help you shine online. Check out kianamarie. com slash connect to learn more. Together, we work closely to generate a ton of content for your business, not just trends, but genuine content that feels true to you and your business.
From my kitchen table to yours, we come up with a content plan flooded with behind the scenes clips, client experience, and upcoming events. You are a big deal. My love, we just need more people to know about you. Let’s capture that twinkle in your eye and share your passions online. Your dream clients are just one scroll away from finding you.
Let’s connect with them. Find more details at kianamarie. com slash connect. I can’t wait to see you shine online. Now let’s get this party started.
Well, we’re busy running around trying to find our dream clients. Did you know that our dream clients are trying to find us? No, really. Not only do these algorithms make it harder and harder to find new organic leads, but when we do slow some scrolls, our dream clients are instantly looking for evidence that you’re the pro, the real deal and worth investing in.
I don’t know about you, but when I’m looking to work with someone new or hire someone for a project, I first snoop around their social media, then I click over to their website to learn more. According to Google, the average time spent on a website is about 40. Five seconds. Do you have the messaging graphics and info needed to persuade someone to invest in you in less than a minute?
There’s a ton of psychology research and visuals that go into creating a converting website. Then the follow through with a client experience that gets your clients sending their friends to work with you for endless referrals makes lead acquisition so much easier. Today, I have the honor of introducing you to Octavia Elise.
As a professional web designer, HoneyBook workflow expert, and speaker, and Disney lover, Octavia helps you turn your life and business visions into reality and unlocks the secret sauce to thriving online. We’ll be chatting about proving your value with your website, client experience, and your online presence.
Plus, Octavia unlocks the secrets to creating a high converting website that directs your messaging to be more about your client and their needs instead of your own life story. Join us for this conversation to cut through the fluff with a little sass and lots of fairy dust to make your business sparkle.
If you’re getting your business off the ground, literally starting from scratch or soaring into a new pivot or creating new offers, this interview was made for you, babe. We even tap into sales pages and extra pages for your website to align yourself as an expert speaker to build legitness for your brand and business.
With a warm welcome and big hug, please welcome Octavia Elise. Welcome to Kiana Marie Weekly, a podcast for creatives who love to celebrate wins, big or small, by dancing in the kitchen. Photographers who are excited to serve their clients and friends who are ready to chase their dreams. It’s really, really big dreams.
You can find all of the resources mentioned in this episode at kianamarie. com slash podcast. Join me as I share weekly motivation, chat about growing pains, finding genuine connections and celebrating your wins through the lens of a photographer at heart. Come join me for a dance party. Ready? Let’s go.
Hey, hey, hey, welcome to the party Octavia. I’m so, so grateful you can be here today. Thank you for having me. I’m super excited as well. Yes. Well, let’s get this party started. You are the website and honey book queen. And I think we just love to know why is it important to have a website for our business?
Well, now that
Octavia: you ask, uh, I’m not sure when this will air, but I will just go ahead and drop this yesterday. Facebook and Instagram were down for an hour. Yep. A whole hour. It was down. No one knew why everybody thought they had got hacked and have that been extended maybe the entire day or let’s say a week or got even a month, right?
If that had been extended, what would you do? How would your business survive? If Mark Zuckerberg woke up tomorrow and said, you know what? I’m done. I don’t want to do this anymore. And just press the delete button. How would your business survive? It needs a website. It needs a website. It would totally be, Google would become your best friend.
And if you don’t already have a website and you’re waiting for that to happen, you’re going to already be behind the frame. So having a website is super, super important. Just, it helps you establish, uh, authority, right? And it also helps people find you organically. Like, yes, word of mouth is great. Social media is great, but having that organic, like, Uh, reach is different when I get an inquiry that says, Hey, I found you on Google.
It’s a whole different kind of happy dance. Because that lets me know that I’m doing the hard work to help Google help me get in front of the people that
Quianna: I want to work with. Yes. I love that. And that’s such an incredible reminder too, because we don’t own social media, right? And we need to literally purchase digital content.
landscape. Like, I feel like that’s the best way to describe it. Like, if you have a website, it’s just like back in the day, like staking your own stake in the ground. Like you need to purchase your own digital property and that starts with a website.
Octavia: Yes, totally. And that’s what a lot of people don’t understand.
You don’t own Instagram. You don’t own Facebook. You don’t own threads, TikTok, all those things. Those things are controlled by someone else. You own your website, your domain name, and you own your email list. And so if you do not take advantage of those two things, you are not doing your business and your dream any justice.
Quianna: So let’s dive into this because I have a million questions for you. So I love how you really prioritize homepages, right? Like that first landing page, that first when you type in your URL, like that first impression, I love that. That’s what you focus on with a lot of your clients. So what are some things that we have to have on our homepage?
Octavia: Okay, so on your homepage, we always want to start at the very top with a clear navigation. Um, don’t bog your navigation down with too many options. So if you’re a photographer, right, you don’t want to have, uh, you know, five or six different genres at the top, and then your blog and contact and resources and all these things, you want to focus on the main things, whatever your main things are you want to have up there.
If you have a lot, that is totally fine. Have a service, have a dropdown. Don’t just, you know, have that completely bogged down with so many options. Um, we all know too many options, it causes a brain fart, and then nothing happens. And you don’t want people to be confused right off the top. Also, super important on your homepage, having your location, especially if you’re location based.
Your location should be very present. I should not have to like go somewhere else or go back to Google trying to figure out where you’re located. Having your location is super helpful. Of course it makes the Google guys happy. Ensuring that you have enough call to action. So those little buttons on your website, those are important.
Those are how people will get to your contact form and pay you money. And if you don’t have enough of them and they have to go search for them, they will likely get frustrated and they’ll go somewhere else. Like we want to, uh, create a place on your homepage that feels like home. And it encompasses all the things that they need to know to decide whether they’re going to work with you or not.
It needs to have amazing copy. Uh, the messaging needs to be on point, making sure your branding is cohesive across all platforms. And so, yeah, all those things, those, It makes, it makes or breaks your homepage. It makes them break your website, but definitely your homepage. Cause that is the first place that a lot of people will want will land.
Quianna: Yes. I love that so much. Cause it really is the first impression, right? I feel like sometimes when you are kind of driven through a referral, I feel like one of the first things people look up to see if you’re legit, I’m doing air quotes over here, if you’re legit is to check your Instagram, but then once they’re ready to invest or to truly learn more.
That’s when people start stalking your website. So these are the first impressions that you’re making. And I love how you talk about really refining the messaging in your copy because we are always looking how other people can help us, right? Like we, if we are looking for a service, like we really don’t care about how long you’ve been doing this.
Like that helps. But like, so like I would love to kind of break apart here, like kind of tap into the messaging. Yeah. Is like, how can we focus what we’re offering, but make it about that client? What’s your advice
Octavia: for that? Uh, doing exactly what you just said, making it about the client. I’m taking out a lot of the I statements and replacing them with you statements, identifying with their struggles and their pain points.
So whatever it is that they’re looking for. So taking out a lot of the, I taking out a lot of, uh, out a lot about our ice lattes or our cute cat named Otis. That’s my cat’s name. I’m taking a lot of those out and focusing on them. A lot of times when I’m on someone’s website and I’m reading their message, it’s like, Oh, I do this for you.
And I do this for you instead of telling them like, Hey, you know, like you’re going to solve their problem, like identifying with them. Like you’ve been feeling this way. You want this instead of saying what I do talk about them. Then that’s how that connection is built. And whether that is you writing it or a higher known, amazing copywriter.
Either way, the message, the focus needs to be about them and how you’re going to make their life better. Make it about them. Like, don’t just say, I, I, I, or, you know, like we, or, you know, however you describe your team or yourself or your business, make it all about them. So replacing those eyes with use.
Quianna: Incredible. And that’s like a quick fix that we can do today, right? Like, I love that. Like, I love these tangible tips. That’s like, Hey, like, here’s some ideas, but you can actually actually edit them right now. This is great. You totally can. Yes. So let’s say someone lands on your website and they’re kind of feeling the vibe.
You are already answering the questions that they may have. They’re thinking this through. Maybe a good fit, but I would love for you, Octavia, to kind of share maybe some red flags and, um, some things that we have on our website that may be creating friction for the buyer, because I feel like sometimes we, we want to prove ourselves.
We want to prove our value, prove our worth. Like this is why we’re fantastic. And then we’re. Kind of adding that, but this is why you need us, right? Like this is how we’re going to like solve all your problems. But like, there’s oftentimes too much going on. So how can we eliminate this friction?
Octavia: Um, one of the best ways to eliminate friction is to declutter your website.
A lot of people, we want to put so many things on there. And so, uh, especially like colorful, uh, things, a lot of moving parts, you know, the animation that can be very distracting. Um, and that panic create buyer friction, believe it or not, because again, it’s distracting. So then I’m not focused on whatever it is.
I’m supposed to be focused on a lot of times people don’t include enough testimonials. Um, people buy from people. So having that social proof, that’s how you prove yourself. You don’t have to keep saying like, I do this and I’ve created 35, 000 websites. You know what? That is above their head, but if, uh, if you say, Hey, you know, Mary from, you know, this place said that I was great and this is her testimonial and it has her picture, that is definitely a way to, you know, to make that connection.
Without saying, look what I did, look how pretty I am, people buy from people. Um, another mistake I see people making a lot of times, um, on their website outside of clutter and the testimonials, is not having a pricing. And I know that’s a hot take, hot button topic, but not having some kind of pricing, some kind of idea.
I don’t care who you are. Okay. If I don’t have any money, you cannot make me buy something that I don’t have. Like if I have 0, I’m not going to magically, you know, poof and make 500 to work with you. I’m not. So at least give me an idea. You know, I’m not a huge fan of the starting out price because most people will see the starting price and that is all they see.
They don’t realize that there is a, it can go up, right? But there is a range. So I like to tell people, put a range on your site. Like say, you know, it may, even if you say starting, like it starts here, but the average client spends between this or the average investment is this. That’s what I see. A lot of people make a mistake is not being transparent with pricing or even not being transparent with what’s going to be included, you know, they keep it very vague or there have too many steps.
You know, I’m a three to five step process person. A lot of times you’ll see on people’s website, it’s like all 20 steps in their workflow. They don’t need all that. That is clutter. That is too much information. They cannot compute that. The human brain, we’re just not there. Especially not anymore. You know, this is very a popcorn culture, um, per se.
Amazon has ruined us all because we want things right then. You know, that package is not here in, you know, 24 hours. We are so upset. We’re like, Oh my God, where’s my package? We’re checking it, checking it, checking it. Uh, there used to be a time where we would order things online and we would have to send in a check and then still wait seven to 14 business days to get something, but now that’s not the case.
And so with us having a newfound, uh, short term attention span, we want to make sure we’re utilizing that and not bogging it down with, like I said, too much.
Quianna: Yeah, no, I love that. And I feel like sometimes we have to feel like we, Oh, I have to, I can sell you this. I can sell you that. And Oh, let me throw in the kitchen sink just to prove my worth to you.
And actually keeping it really simple is what we need to amplify. And I love that so much. I always use this reference where it’s like cheesecake factory menu versus in and out, right? Like how many burgers are we working with here? Do you want one patty, two patty? Do you want onions? Yes or no. Let’s go.
Like It’s quick. Like you literally have to make fast decisions and, and it’s simple. You’re not sitting there for 10 minutes thinking, Oh my gosh, I don’t know what to get. And then you only order the same thing you ordered last time.
Octavia: Yes, exactly. Exactly. I always say when I get to the Chick fil A line and people are like, um, I don’t know what I want.
It’s chicken. This is not, I don’t understand. Either you get a chicken or you get a salad. You know, whereas, you know, like you said, if you go to a cheesesteak factory, there’s chicken, there’s fish, there’s steak, there’s all these different options. It is chicken. Why are you saying um to a menu of chicken?
Quianna: Yes. Oh my gosh. Well, okay. So I love that we are developing really strong, um, homepages, and I would love to talk more about the service pages. I know this is something that you really excel in. And I feel like a lot of us need some help with that, where maybe we’re confident with explaining what we’re doing, but then when it’s time to actually connect and book us for our services, where’s this disconnect here?
Like, how could we make that really streamlined with our service pages?
Octavia: You know what? A lot of the disconnect again goes back to the messaging, um, and the layout of the page. A lot of times it goes back to messaging layout. So what happens is we want to start off with the price. For whatever reason, I don’t know who told who that that would be a good idea would say, Hey, this is how much I cost.
Give me your money without telling them what the experience is going to be like when you’re working together. Right? So. A lot of times, like I said, with the messaging that comes with the layout. So if you’re talking about what their problem is, and then you’re going into how you’re going to solve it, and then, you know, maybe how you’re different, how you’re similar, uh, other people that have worked with you that have achieved this success.
And then you tell them the price. They are more likely to buy into that price because they know what to expect when they decide to work with you versus, Hey, here’s my price. And send me your money and then that’s it. Yeah. So again, I, like I said, it goes a lot to the messaging and the layout. A lot of times, almost all the time when I’m getting on someone’s website and I’m looking at their service base, the first thing they talk about is pricing without talking to me about the experience, uh, or not having the process on there, not answering any frequently asked questions.
It’s all about, give me your money, but they’re not telling me what I’m getting for it. So usually that’s where the disconnect is. It’s because the messaging layout are in shambles, discombobulated. Yeah. They’re all
Quianna: over the place. Yeah. And it’s true too. I kind of want to kind of go back to quickly while it’s still in my mind, like talking about pricing, because like that’s something too, where as you get busy and as you start to expand, and this is totally just a preference thing, but I actually want to disqualify people before, like I want to qualify and disqualify someone who’s coming to my stuff.
Like there’s nothing more awkward than getting on a call. Creating that experience and then having somebody say, Oh, I love you, but I just can’t afford you. And that to me. Is like the worst feeling ever. It’s like as a consumer, like I’m not even thinking like as a business owner. So having that like starting point or having that average or having that type of price transparency is great.
Like there’s nothing worse than going to someone’s website, interested in working with them, and then like you said, having to dig through it. Like, I mean, I’ve even been crazy. I’ve even contacted people that I know have worked with certain coaches. And I’ve contacted them and say, okay, give me the real deal here.
Like, how much did you pay? Like, you know, like, like we have to do our research. And so I think being really transparent in not only your services, what you’re offering, being very concise, but then also sharing at least that average people can know what to expect. That’s when, like, those buy buttons get clicked.
Octavia: Exactly, and, you know, I will go as far as saying, you know, you have it on your service page, like, hey, here’s the price, here’s the range, have it again on the contact page, right, and then once they, and if they still, for whatever reason, did not read it, Once they hit the contact button, of course, I’m all about, you know, having automations.
So when they get that automated email, that first email that says, thank you for inquiring, like, Hey, let’s schedule a call, including the price again on that first email. I know that sounds crazy, but like, Oh my God, do you want to talk about price? Yes. It’s important because I need to make sure that you know that, Hey, this is the price because don’t schedule a call.
Or I don’t, like you said, I don’t want to waste your time. I don’t want you to waste mine to get on a call, talk for 30 minutes. You know, you give them the whole spiel. Right? Because the call should still follow the same concept as your service page, which is very important, and you get to the price and you’re like, Ooh, that’s not what I expected.
And I’m just like, so you didn’t read it on the service page. You did not read it on the contact page and you clearly did not read it on the email. So, you know, just setting those expectations, like you said, to qualify people to say, Hey, yes, I want to work with you, or, you know, this is outside of my budget right now.
Or even, you know, there are people that do save for these things. So if they know like, Hey, this is the average, I need to be saving this because there are a lot of us, especially as small business owners, you know, we don’t have a lot of capital right up front. Sometimes we are ready to make the investment, but we need to save for that investment.
So having that information up front to know, you know, like how to plan Um for our future financially is important.
Quianna: Yes. Yes. Oh my gosh I love that you’re sharing this because this is a gentle reminder for all of us That uh, you know it’s not just who we’re deciding to work with and who we’re we’re interested in working with but But it’s making sure that we’re a good fit and then being really blunt about, Hey, like, make sure you see this.
Cause people don’t read, I’m sorry. Like people just don’t read the information that we’re literally giving to them. Um, and it’s also too, because we’re so close to our business that we think, well, I made this one post about this or, Oh, it’s on my website. How come you didn’t find this? And we just have to be.
Almost kind of overkill about communicating this. I love that.
Octavia: Yes. It’s all about over communicating. There is not enough communication a lot of times, especially, you know, with small business owners, because a lot of times we don’t know what we don’t know. It’s a growth thing. Like I was telling someone recently, it’s a work in progress.
It’s always going to be a work in document. We were talking about their contract. And I was like, you will have the base of your contract, but then, you know, you’ll have a client or you’ll work with someone that makes you rethink certain sections. And you, it’s always going to be a working document. So it’s the same concept of just over communicating, over communicating, keep putting it everywhere.
Um, like even on my footer, when I’m sending emails to my clients. I constantly put, these are my business hours, this is when you can hear, this is when you can expect to hear from me. Because even though I know it’s in the contract, what my business hours are, I know that I’ve told them, but I want it to always be known that, hey, this is when you can expect to hear from me.
It’s constantly communicating, hey, this is what’s going on.
Quianna: Yes. I love that. And at the core of everything, literally that’s what our websites do is they literally just communicate who we are, what we sell, how we can help. And I just love that so much. So I would love to chat a little bit more about ShowIt.
I know ShowIt is, um, like such an incredible platform. And I would love if you can kind of dive into maybe the difference between a template versus a custom, like a full custom website design and, and what exactly does that you do to help kind of understand the difference?
Octavia: Okay, that is an awesome question.
So let’s start here. Uh, it’s exactly how it sounds a custom and a template. So with a custom design, that means I am started from scratch. I am starting with a blank template. Website that means there’s no words. There’s no pictures. There’s no framework. There’s nothing there. That is a complete custom design.
That means the designer, myself or whoever, uh, they’re starting from a blank slate. But when you have a template design, that means you have taken the time to look for a template that you feel like matches your vibe, as far as the layout. Now, here’s where I tell people, when you’re choosing a template, it is not about the pretty pictures, it’s not about the pretty colors, because those don’t belong to you, okay?
We want to focus on the layout. So once you have decided, hey, this is the template, this is the layout that I want, then you can get that customized. That’s when you add in your temp, your, uh, brand colors, and you add in your pretty pictures and your messaging, and that’s what that design looks like. So it is literally, hey, this is the framework ish that we’re going to start with.
And then we’re going to put our things in here and, you know, we’ll adjust accordingly versus what the custom design, there’s absolutely nothing on there and the sky is kind of the limit. You can decide, Hey, I want this. I want that. And not saying you can’t make those decisions with a template, but you definitely have a little bit more, you know, freedom per se with the, um, with the custom design, because it’s a blank slate.
Whereas with the template, you know, of course you’d move things around, maybe add things, but the framework is already there.
Quianna: I love that so much. And where would you suggest someone starts? If someone, like budget aside, whether they have enough to invest in customization or just getting started with a template, like how fast do things get rolling and where should we get started if we really needed a makeover?
Octavia: if you really needed a makeover, one, ensuring that you have adequate branding, that means you have taken the time to actually be branded by a brand designer. Um, that is super important because that lays the groundwork for the, uh, the, the template that you’re going to choose. Because of course, the layout, the branding, it should all be cohesive.
Um, so make sure that you get branding, you have a clear brand message. Uh, that’s super important because a lot of times people want to jump straight to the website. But then they get the website or they buy the template and they have no idea what to put on it because they haven’t taken time to get branded or, you know, clarifying their message.
So then you just kind of get stuck or you kind of throw things together. And hopes that it sticks, you know, what they’re throwing the spaghetti on the wall and hoping that it sticks. It’s that thing, right? When you don’t have clear branding, if you don’t have a clear brand message, then that’s what happens when you buy a template.
So that’s usually the things that I tell people to start with first. Design comes second. Okay. To copy and branding. Okay. Or third, I guess it would be because I, in my ideal world, you’d go get branding. You’d go get copy and then you would get your website done. And my ideal world, that’s how things would go.
It makes life so much easier. I have a client now that she got a branding done, which is phenomenal. I love her branding. Um, from there, she went and got a copywriter and then she hired me. So I have all the things that I need from her to get started. So now all she has to do is give me the images. Like we had our kickoff call and it was like 20 minutes.
Because there wasn’t much to talk about. Um, just because, one, there was work done beforehand, but all those other things were already in place. So all we’re going over is like, Hey, this is the layout of your template. Anything on here that you absolutely don’t want to stay the same, or you want something different.
Make sure you give me your images. These are the sizes, yada, yada, yada. And I’m ready to go. So making sure you have those things up front. We’ll help with the process. And of course, not saying that you can’t do things out of order, but Don’t do them out of order.
Quianna: Just do what I say, okay? Yeah, do what I
Octavia: say, not as I do.
Yeah, do what I say. Just do them in order. I promise you, it will just make for a seamless implementation of your website and the process. It will make you feel better when you’re all done because you know that all the pieces are done in the right order or in the order in which Octavia told you to do it in.
And, uh, it’ll, you’ll just have much more success. The process will be easier.
Quianna: Yes. I love that. And I love that you’re making that checklist. I love checklists and like foundation of action items to take. And so I would love to hear, so I want to really highlight and dive deeper into when you said now that one client, she just needs to deliver her images.
So what for you as a brand, like, you know, as a website designer and just all the magic that you do. What would be the best, like, what would be, like, this, like, shining package of images that she could deliver to make your life so much easier? What type of images would that be?
Octavia: Oh my gosh, shiny images. Okay, so the, the shiny images for me would definitely be a mix.
of horizontal and vertical images, portrait and landscape. Okay. Um, it just makes that design and the website a whole lot easier when there is a variety of landscape and portrait images. Make sure that they show personality, that they are quality images. Uh, whether you are a photographer or you do something else, you know, whether you have to use stock photos, make sure that they’re cohesive.
The lighting is the same or generally the same in all of them. Um, the fact that you have taken the time to go get actual brand images. Uh, selfies are not brand images. Um, I don’t care who tells you that. They are not. Um, cell phone images. I know we all start somewhere, but taking the time to really invest in going to get quality branding done will make Octavia very happy.
Okay, I’m trying to think of a great word. It will be Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious of you and your website if you go get quality branding done. Just having quality images, high quality, high resolution images makes all the difference. That’s really, that’s it. I mean, just, yeah, the, the mixture and the quality again, goes a long way.
I think a lot of times people are like, Oh, I’ll just do this right now and I’ll come back to it. But what happens is you don’t come back to it and then it’s there. Right. Um, because for me, I help my clients resize their images and I also named them. They have the option to name their images themselves, but, you know, taking the time to have their images named with their keywords.
of course makes me happy. Um, if they’ve done it themselves or if I do it, either way, just having the images named properly, but definitely, like I said, the mix of horizontal and, um, and vertical portrait landscape. If you’re a photographer, they may be a little different, uh, terminology, but yes, that those, those are the ways that make me happy when it comes to images.
Quianna: Incredible. I’m so happy you brought this up or we like really dove into this because I feel like that’s something as a brand photographer that I love is when clients come to me first. Already with their messaging already with what they’re what they’re launching what their new pivot is like they already are super jazzed up about what they’re offering now so then when they do come to me and and we are collaborating and coming up with ideas and brainstorming it’s like oh yeah got it like we’re good like we already have a game plan because here’s the thing like I feel and this is the root of my business is it’s not just about looking pretty like first of all all these souls like you are absolutely gorgeous and just naturally pretty.
incredible in what you’re doing, but what’s missing is that magic, right? Like you said, like sharing that personality, like we need to show up and shine knowing that we are the best person for the job. And if we’re just worrying about our eyelashes and, you know, like spraying Windex, like my big fat Greek wedding honors, it’s like, that’s, that’s not enough.
Like we need to show that we are. worthy of their business and I love that. So yeah, so a mix of photos of horizontal, vertical, um, I love personally to like detail shots. Um, I feel like detail shots of You either journaling or working or really fun client experience photos like I, you know, I love that there’s so many stock photos out there that you can find alignment with, but how much more awesome would it be if you actually had your real clients
Octavia: in those photos, right?
Definitely, definitely, definitely having good brand images go a long way. And again, because they’re on brand. Having this cohesive brand across, you know, your platforms, across your website, it just makes a difference. Like you said, it’s that connection. It makes that connection. Again, people buy from people, especially if you have a high ticket item.
Knowing that you’ve taken the time to invest in yourself, and then I’m asking someone else to invest in themselves, it just makes a difference. Yeah. I mean, you know, I’ve had pictures done from you and there are some of my favorite ones, especially the one that of me like this. It’s my favorite. And I made it.
Yeah, it’s black and white. So, but it tells the excitement. I use it a lot to show excitement. Um, I have some images that you’ve taken like a series of them and I put them almost like, like a gift. And so they’re like back and forth like this, this, you know? And so, yeah, it, it just makes all the difference again.
I, again, people connect with people. Yeah. Having images that really, you know, make that connection and show that connection. Like you said, with your real clients, having the video of you with your real clients, not, you know, this is like mop, but actually doing the work, it makes a difference. It really
Quianna: does.
Oh my gosh. Well, I, I would love to ask a couple more questions. I feel like now that we have the foundations of our website, right? Whether that’s our homepage, more stuff about us using really direct copy, um, to attract those clients, like how we can help them and. Finding clarity in our service pages, adding those pricing to our contact page.
Like we’re like on a roll, Octavia. I love this. So now that we’ve like capture them, right? Like now that we decided that these clients are, that the client has decided that we are their people and we want to work with them. What’s next? How do you as a business owner integrate HoneyBook or a favorite CRM to capture and then kind of kick off that workflow?
So we really are living up to that first impression. Yes. Why Kiana? I’m so happy that you’re
Octavia: asked. The biggest thing at that point is, you know, having a contact page on your website that’s super informative, you know, has ways to contact you, just kind of reiterates, you know, why you’re the best fit for them.
I’m having some FAQs on that page and oh, do not forget that contact form. That’s where HoneyBud comes in at. You have a contact form on there where it captures their name, email, whatever other information you need. Want to make sure that contact form is not too long. Make sure that you do not have 20 questions on your contact form.
That is too many, okay? You want to keep it down to about eight to ten at max and that’s still kind of pushing it But you know having those really qualifying questions that you need answers to before you guys hop on a call That’s where it all starts They fill out this contact form and then that contact form dings you to says ding You have a new lead right you get that in facebook.
It’s one of the happiest things One of the happiest sounds outside of the cha ching that I love to hear from HoneyBook. Um, but then, at that point, you should be, you should have a workflow in HoneyBook. It’s called an automation that is set up that will automatically start triggering things to happen.
Uh, like I said, that follow up email that says, hey, it’s time to book a call. Um, Even if they don’t book a call, having more follow up emails that says, hey, are you still interested? You know, and then like a lot of people say, I can’t, I don’t know who coined this, but having that magic email that says, okay, well, I haven’t heard from you.
Um, so I’m going to assume that, you know, you’ve moved on. It just kind of puts the ball in their court because life gets, you know, busy sometimes. And sometimes we forget to go back to an email. I do it all the time. I am the worst person when it comes to responding to text messages, right? Um, emails I do pretty good because of course it’s business, but.
You know, life happens to us all. So, you know, ensuring that there are things in place, like an automation to make sure that things run smoothly in your business, that’s how that all starts. So you go from your website and contact form kicks off that automation. And then you hit the cha ching and then life is great.
And you give the client what they need.
Quianna: Yes. I love that. And I love how you. Teach this, like you actually integrate this, you really clean up these workflows. You create so much less friction, if that’s a phrase, like you create the, like, like that green buy button that let’s connect, let’s just make this really smooth.
And I love that because I, I feel like, you know, we could put so much time and energy and branding images and, you know, invest in copywriting and, and, or even playing with AI and chat GPT. Like we’re all kind of testing the waters. It seems like, and you know, we could put so much effort into our website, but.
If we’re not delivering that incredible client experience that we’re promising, like your website, like, doesn’t matter. Like, I’m sorry. Right? Like, that’s like, that’s who you are to the core and the business that you’re living. And so if we can get this streamlined, not only are your clients going to be happy because they’re well taken care of, but then they’re going to tell their friends.
Octavia: Yes, definitely. Definitely. And I think that that’s the biggest thing. Um, I really focused. So I get really excited when I get a client that I’m, I’m building their honey book and I’m designing their website. Those make me excited because one, I know that I can create a seamless client experience from one platform to the next.
So someone lands on your website. They’re looking at your service page and then now they decided to work with you. So they fill out your contact form. They’re now inside of your honey book or your CRM. And the same experience that they got on your website, as far as the branding, the messaging is now inside of your CRM, right?
I, those, those things make me happy because your proposal and your brochures and all the communication that is going on should be an extension of your website. They should feel like they just literally just went through the whole process without necessarily moving from one place to the next. It should literally be just that seamless, the fonts, the branding, the messaging, all those things, those, those same images, they all just translate.
And one of my biggest things that I have found. found that makes me happy and it could be me being a little OCD is that I make all the buttons the same color. So on your website, I am a big opponent of the buttons being the same color because of course you’re training people to know what to click on when they need to get more information.
So if all your buttons are pink, let them all be pink. So that way when they get on your CRM, all the buttons are pink. So they’ve already made that connection. That’s that seamless. That’s that less friction. They’re not trying to figure out, Oh, I’ve already been clicking these pink buttons. So they’re constantly clicking the pink buttons.
It makes a difference. I’ll, like you said, it’s all about that frictionless. And that’s one of the things they’re like, Oh, how do I get to the next page? It’s that same pink button or same yellow button across both platforms. Yes.
Quianna: Oh my gosh. I love that. And I feel like that’s a little bit of a psychotic, like I was like, Psychology tip.
It is. And that’s, that’s all part of the branding. That’s all part of your just website genius behind it. And, and it’s understanding people too, right? It’s understanding your client. It’s understanding what their needs are and, and really. Like refining it right because there are people like I feel like there’s so many different types of buyers which is a whole other like sales psychology tactic because there are going to be people that come across a TikTok that you post or or come across a friend that you know they met at a real life event or a workshop or a conference.
And they get a referral from you and like, they’re already convinced. Like they just want the buy button and sometimes, right. So like, so maybe that’s my question for you is like, how do we set up our website and set up this kind of like purchasing transaction, like this workflow. To kind of feed into different buying types.
Like, let’s say for example, cause I’m crazy with all these different questions. I’m asking you seven questions at once, but like, so let’s say you have two people, right? You have one person who was like, Oh, I’ve already decided you’re, you have social media proof, like this online presence. It’s good. I’m ready to buy you’re in my budget.
Let’s go. Versus someone that maybe need a little bit more nurturing and like, like they, they’ve already decided, but they’re just not quite ready yet. So like, I guess my question is, with these two buyers in mind, how do you kind of create that workflow on your website?
Octavia: There is only one answer for that question, or that multifaceted question.
It’s the button. Okay. It all goes back to the button. All goes back to the call to action. So whether you need to be nurtured or you’re ready to buy, having as many as you possibly can, buttons on your website will make the difference. Because if I’m ready to buy, I just want to click the button on your website and go and do that.
But if I need to be nurtured, I can keep scrolling. But whenever I have hit that point where I’m like, I’m ready, I can click that button. I should not have to scroll and find it. Like you said, if I’m coming from TikTok and I’ve decided I want to work with you, as soon as I land on your website, there should be a button.
There should be a button somewhere. No matter where someone finds you, no matter where someone lands, there is a button right there at the top so they can go ahead and click to work with you. That, it all goes back to the call to action. It all goes back to the button. Having multiples, having enough, having them all the same color, they are ready.
Because if you have the yellow button here, green button there, again, I’m, uh, it could be me being OCD. It can be confusing, like, oh, I don’t know where to click, or, you know, the, not even knowing that it is a button. You know, a lot of times we want to get creative, and we want to have, like, where it just says, words.
And then like a line there underneath, but no one knows that that’s a button. Okay, yes, it’s very cute and aesthetically, it’s cute to have all these different things. But we know buttons. As people, we know buttons. When I’m on Target’s website, which I am on too much. When I’m on Disney’s website, there is a literal, a button.
Because it’s easy, like you said, it’s, uh, you’re getting rid of that friction of them trying to have to figure out where the button is. But it’s all about the buttons. Do not underestimate the power of the button. And we, if you have, if you’re as old as I am, you have seen Rush Hour, okay? Remember the little girl said, Push the button!
Push the doggone button. Okay. We have been trained to push the button.
Quianna: Yes. Oh my gosh. I love this so much. And you’re right. I feel like we can get real fancy. We can try it. Like I said, we can try to like sell you the kitchen sink and we can talk about our college days. And maybe we, we didn’t go to college.
Maybe we just have 15 years of experience doing what we do. Like, and we just try to prove, prove, prove, but sometimes people Like they want those results and they want them
Octavia: now. They want them now. They want them right now. Again, that’s why I tell people all the time, you don’t have enough buttons or your buttons aren’t, aren’t identifiable.
And if I want to, you know, follow the whole, um, the process down to your service page, I should be able to do that if I want to. But if I’m ready to book, I should still be able to do that. If I want to, without, like you said, the friction without having to decide, Oh, like, where do I go? Which page, where did I see that button again?
Or, you know, a lot of times people will have just a button at the bottom. And you know, especially on service pages, right? A lot of times I literally was looking at a conference this morning. I was really excited about it, but it took me five minutes to even just get the price. Like the whole sales page was just telling me, you know, all these great things.
I already know I want to work with you, but there was literally no button to do that. The buttons only would say like, go down to this section. I don’t want to go to this section. I want to purchase. So by the time I’d probably clicked five or six times. And I was like, I don’t, I now don’t want to do this because that makes me question what this conference is going to be like, if it took me all of this energy, just to press the button, there was no pricing on the sales page.
It was, they took me directly to their thrive cart, which is great. But then I get there and I’m like, this is outside of my budget. Whereas you could have just told me, Hey, this is the price somewhere on the sales page. But literally all of her buttons on the page were going to further down on the page. I was just trying to find a price.
Yeah, because I knew that I wanted to go, but I need to see, was it in my budget? Because again, as a small business owner, I have a financial budget for the year. I have so much money I’m going to spend on education. So I needed to know that, but you made me go through all these different avenues just to know that, Hey, this wasn’t even for me.
Like we talked about that earlier. So, I mean, you know, like just push the button, make, make it easy for them. Plenty of buttons means plenty of, well, I’m trying to think of something snazzy. Come on, help me here. Kiana buttons and, uh, boom, the bank. I don’t know. We got to think of something about
Quianna: a boom, push the button,
Octavia: the button, you know, like a lot of times I say, you know, uh, when I’m talking about website, a lot of times I say, We want coins in our pockets, not crickets.
So I was trying to think of something. Oh, I love
Quianna: that.
Octavia: I know, girl. Listen, yes, I don’t want a pocket of crickets. You know, you want coins to change. But I can’t think of anything with B. Yeah, I
Quianna: do. I will let you know. I’m going to think about it. This is like my, this is my zone of genius. I’ll think of it.
Octavia: Yeah.
Quianna: Yeah. Well, speaking of, I love how you kind of did this easy natural transition. You were chatting about looking up conferences and looking up future events. And I love that you have been popping up all over the country. Girl, you’ve been on fire. You’ve been gracing the stages of so many So many incredible conferences and events and educational opportunities.
And so I would love for you to chat about these opportunities and maybe sharing something about, like, do you have something like this on your website? Like is speaking and speaker, like a tab on your website? Is that something we should be adding? I’d love to kind of pick your brain about that.
Octavia: Yes. So I enjoy speaking.
It’s one of my things. I think, I don’t know if that comes from me being an only child and always just wanting to talk. Um, it could come from the days of wanting, you know, teaching my teddy bears, uh, those poor bears. They just sat there and had to listen to me all day. I was an only child, okay? You know, it’s one of those things.
So I love to speak. I love to teach. I love watching the light bulb, light bulb go off and other business owners head like, aha, they, you know, they get that aha moment. Recently I spoke at Conquer Live and it was hosted in Florida. Uh, Jamie and Heather are absolutely amazing. I had a great time. It was definitely, uh, it was my first time doing the more intimate setting, but it was so great.
So, and they also have these Conquer conversations on Wednesdays, every other Wednesday and we get on, we just kind of catch up, talk about our wins. If someone needs some support, I will always be your cheerleader. So, uh, you know, of course I like doing it. I actually found that I like the smaller settings now when after doing it, I Um, the, the relationships and connections that were built, which are super important, um, especially, you know, as a business owner, especially a small business owner, we sit a lot of times in our office or our little corner in a room and it’s just us.
So, you know, getting out and making that connection goes a long way. But when you are an educator and you decide, hey, I’m going to do this thing, and you want someone to reach out to you, having a speaker page, Or an education page on your website goes a long way. That way if I am hosting a conference and someone says, Hey, you should totally look at, uh, Kiana.
She’s a great speaker. This is what she does. I want to be able to go to your website, see that that information is already there. I can learn about what topics you are going to speak on or like your signature topics. Uh, maybe see some social proofs and videos of you speaking, or maybe some referrals or testimonials from people that learn from you.
Those are always great. But yeah, definitely having a speaker page and again, make sure that it’s cohesive. The branding, you can even have its, you can have its own contact page if you want, or it could go to your contact page on your, um, on your contact, the contact form on your contact page and there should be an option that says, you know, speaking.
So that’s the biggest thing, but yeah, I definitely encourage people to have a speaker page. Um, actually, and if you don’t have your assets, On your speaker page, having another page where they can link and maybe go get your assets like your headshots or your bio, you know, having a short long form bio, those are always a plus and on my website right now, I’m going to be adding those to my website.
So I had them, you know, as a like a hidden page. I’m actually, I’m actually in the process today of making it a public page because I was like, Hey, you know what, I should put this out there. I don’t know, you know, I think it’s. Everybody has that imposter syndrome, like, oh, if I put it out there where they can actually click on, that makes it real, um, but that’s what you want.
Also, if someone is starting maybe a new conference and they’re looking for a authority in the field that they want to, um, have for their, uh, students, Um, that’s a good way for Google to put you in front of them as well. So it’s all for me. It’s all about making the Google gossip.
Quianna: Amazing. And you’re right.
I love how you mentioned, I’m totally picking up where you mentioned authority, right? So you are literally kind of going back to purchasing that real estate. Like you are making it real, like you are making it real on your website. You’re making it searchable by Google. You’re making that kind of touch point for just word of mouth referrals to be really easy.
And you, you’re building that legitness. Like, instead of just saying, Oh no, like she’s a really good friend. Just trust me. It’s actually backed by that SEO and backed by all of those websites. So I love that.
Octavia: Yeah, totally. I listen, I think again, a lot of times people sleep on, um, making the Google gods happy, that organic reach.
Uh, I mean, it makes a difference. And again, also, if you think about when I am deciding to attend a conference. I will look at the speaker lineup. I might want to go and look at those speakers. I want to go to their website. So I’ll go to Google, type that person’s name in just to see what they are about.
And if this is something I feel like I can gain something from this person because I need to If I’m going as an attendee to a conference, I need to be able to walk away with at least two thirds of knowledge that I can gain from a speaker. So if they’re, you know, whatever the speaker lineup it is, I need to be able to learn something from at least two thirds of the speakers.
Not saying I can’t learn something from all of them, but, If I’m going with a specific goal in mind, I want to make sure that at least two thirds of those speakers can help me get to the next level. That’s how I a lot of times make those decisions.
Quianna: Yes, I totally believe it. And especially for a lot of us too that are in that, I would say like that 10 year, even 15 year, I’m totally dating us.
Um, you know, with that work experience, like at some point. We just need to go on vacation. Like, we just need to get our girlfriends together and go on vacation. Like, we may not need to be investing in these coaches and conferences, right? And which, of course, I say that with a blanket statement. We always have room for growth.
We always have room to go. But this is for you that are like, that may be listening, thinking that you are stepping on stages or that you are hosting your own conferences, like girl or dude, like you have to prove it. Like you have to show it, like show your receipts and cause people are going to be searching for you.
So what are you, what’s going to be popping up when you Google your name? So I love that.
Octavia: Yeah. I mean, it’s all about receipts. Like today I had an amazing consultation before we hopped on and, you know, he was like, oh, it’s such an investment and he was ready, but he was still on the fence. And so when I was able to show him others that I’ve worked with, um, and show him the things that I’ve actually produced for them, he was much more sold on like, okay, you know what, you’re the one, you are the one you show me the authority.
Uh, you talked my talk, I’m ready to give you my money. And you know, like, what is that? Um, where the money resides, the money resides, uh, with them. And now it’s going to reside with me. And then they’re going to be able to walk away with an amazing, he’s, he’s actually looking to get his honey book set up, so he’s going to be able to walk away with starting his business.
And he’s just starting already with a solid foundation. That is my biggest thing. And, um, it’s funny that you kept saying the word foundation. I feel like this was meant to be today because I’ve been toying with my tagline and I’ve asked a couple people, I’ve done some questionnaires and the word that keeps coming up is foundation.
And so that’s what I like to provide to my clients. So I think I’ve come up with, I’m helping you build a foundation for business success. Like having that solid foundation, building a solid foundation for business success. So having your CRM ready, having your website ready again, that’s all about authority.
You know, think about if I’m going to spend 15, 000, let’s say on a wedding photographer and I pay the retainer, which is maybe a fourth of it or even half. And then I get nothing. I don’t even get a, Hey, thank you for your payment. I get nothing. You’re going to feel some type of way. But having those systems in place, like I said, they’re having this seamless process from being on your website to your contact form to those followups.
It makes a difference. Absolutely.
Quianna: Oh my gosh. Well, one thing that I love to ask every guest that pops on here for Kiana Marie weekly is I love to ask, what is your key tip, Octavia? What is something that you wish you knew sooner?
Octavia: Oh, uh, something I wish I knew sooner. You know what? This whole new thing, standing on business.
I wish I knew that sooner. I, when I, when I think about standing on business, that means doing exactly what I’m saying, I’m going to do when I’m saying I’m going to do it. When I first started, and this is me being completely transparent and I’m thankful that I’m at a place where I can have this conversation because before I was so ashamed, um, as most of us are when we first start.
But when I first started and I decided, okay, I’m going to do this full time, I dropped the ball, uh, with like my first few clients. I’m just not, not communicating enough, or I thought I was communicating enough, but not really communicating enough, and it did not make for the best client experience. So then I took, I probably took about six months.
I took a lot of time to self reflect because I was hurt because I was like, I have this amazing thing that I could, uh, share with the world, but I didn’t have the tools necessary that I thought to do these things. Right. And it was such a hurting feeling to myself. I hurt myself. Yes. You know, like, but it all worked out.
Everybody got what they needed. So it was great, but it was still delayed. So I did not stand on business. I did not deliver what I said. I’m going to deliver when I said I was going to, I delivered it, but it’s not when I said I would. Yeah. So now I had, I took some time to self reflect and figure out what the heck.
I pulled back with the business just a tad bit, not enough, you know, still making money, but just enough. I pulled back and I reeducated myself on the client experience and try to find all these holes that I knew were there because I saw them. And I fixed them. So if knowing what I know now, I definitely would have, uh, probably set more realistic expectations of, you know, like my flow.
Cause I was like, Oh, I have all this free time. I am a full time entrepreneur. Now I have all this free time. Sure. I can get this done in a week. Well, You know what? You don’t account for what if I get sick or, you know, what if I have a illness in my family or someone passes away or the electricity’s out, you know, all these things that can happen.
I didn’t build in buffers. And then even if those things happen, I didn’t communicate them well enough.
Quianna: Or
Octavia: I might have said, Oh, you know, like this is happening, but maybe I, I was, I didn’t communicate well enough. So I think again, standing on business, doing what I say I’m going to do when I say I’m going to do it.
That was the biggest thing is yeah. If I say I’m going to email you tomorrow, that means I’m going to email you tomorrow. Not, um, I’m going to email you in two days. Well then, even though, yes, it’s just an extra day, and especially if there’s nothing going on. Like, if I was in the hospital, yes, that’s understandable.
If I didn’t have access to my phone, you know, AT& T went out, right? I didn’t have access. That’s different. But otherwise, That definitely would be the thing that I would do differently. Um, knowing what I know now, I would definitely stand on business setting more realistic expectations for myself and for my clients.
Quianna: Incredible. I’m so happy you mentioned that because it’s true. Like all business, like businesses, it doesn’t matter if you’re designing websites, if you’re a photographer, if you’re a dog walker, a realtor, like it doesn’t matter, like when you say you’re going to do what you say you’re going to do, it matters.
And yeah. And having the systems in place to set those triggers or to set those reminders makes life so much easier.
Octavia: It really does. And the thing is, I had the tools to do those things, but I thought I had it under control. I was like, well, I don’t need this yet because I have all this free time. No, I do not have free time.
I have flexible time. There is a huge difference. And I went into being a full time entrepreneur with thought process that I had so much free time. I could do all the things. And that was not the case. Now I am much more structured, my top, like I have this thing down to a science now, but at the beginning I didn’t.
So if I tell, if I have anything to tell anybody is to really sit down, think about your processes, then build in buffers, stand on business, build in buffers, build in another buffer. And if you need three buffers, the thing is make sure that you can actually deliver what you said you’re going to deliver when you said you were going to deliver it.
Quianna: Amazing. Yes. Oh my gosh. Well, I just love these conversations with you, Octavia. I feel like you are just this wealth of knowledge. You know what you’re talking about, but you add this just magic, like this Disney sparkle. And I’m so grateful for you. So how can we learn more from you? How can we become your BFF and connect with you?
Octavia: Okay, so if you want to be my BFF, uh, the best way to do that is, you know what? I am a Instagram Stories person. I share all the things. If you have followed me or you want to follow me, you are going to get all the things that, uh, that is Octavia. You’re going to get Disney. You’re going to get Mommy. You might even get a chipmunk under my hood, uh, story.
I digress. I won’t talk about that. Um, but yes, I am definitely a Instagram stories person. That’s the best way to get to know me and to decide if I’m your person that, hey, you want to work with or you want to follow. So you can find me on Instagram at Octavia Elise designs. If you want to check out my website and my services and all those things, you can find me at Octavia Elise.
designs. com. So you can find me there and I am also, uh, about to jump on LinkedIn and Pinterest and all the things here soon, but yeah, most of the time you can catch me on Instagram stories or on my website.
Quianna: Incredible. Oh my gosh. Well, thank you so much for sharing all these juicy tips and really actionable items that we can literally update our website today.
Like, so if you were taking notes or if you’d like to refer back to the show notes, I’m So like, please, please take some time to let this sink in and build out your systems. Build out this website that is just going to not only attract those dream clients, but make them stick around and want to work with you.
Yes, definitely. Yes. I love that. Well, I hope you have a beautiful day and I cannot wait to connect with you soon, babe. Of course. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Okay, be right back. I’m going to give my website an entire makeover and update my sales pages and media kit, right? Doesn’t this just make you fired up to go make some updates literally right this second.
I love this conversation and I’m so grateful you were here to join the party too. I met Octavia through show it and past united and spark events, and even collided with her when we were both speaking at the graceful gathering. Which is a huge conference in Ohio by Courtney and Robert Cannon. I’m grateful social media kept us in touch, but none of these online friendships would have sparked to genuine connections without meeting them up in real life.
This is your reminder to invest in yourself, continue investing in your education, step up your website, brand, and online presence. You are incredibly valuable and deliver priceless experiences for your clients. Prove it. Share your passions and elevate your brand with a website makeover and follow through with your client journey.
We even chat about photos and why they’re so important. So I would absolutely be honored to work with you. Literally, babe, fly me out to where you are. Let’s go. Or as always, I love encouraging you to invest in your favorite local photographer, but this is your permission slip to do it. Make sure to follow along with Octavia on social media, and hopefully we can all meet up together at future conferences and events soon.
If you love this combo, please make sure to check out episode number 110, elevating your brand and website with Priscilla sites and episode number 102 with Jennifer Adele to learn even more about creating a brand refresh and must have pages for your website. As your business bestie and big sister in the industry, I’m always so excited to introduce you to my real life friends and connections.
My network is your network, babe. If you make any updates to your website, please share a screenshot and tag us. We’d love to support you and create hype around your business. Can’t wait to connect next. I hope you have a great productive day. Okay. Love you. Bye. That’s a wrap on another episode of Kiana Marie weekly.
Thank you so much for your listenership and support. You can find the resources and show notes for this episode and more at kianamarie. com slash podcast. I’d be honored if you’d show your support by leaving a review and rating on your favorite podcast app until next time, keep on dancing.
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