Welcome to the blog, sort of like a digital garden where dreams are planted and grow wild! My name is Quianna and my family calls me “Qui” like key! I’m a traveling photographer based in Scottsdale and the Bay Area.
I love adventures and creating memories even more than I love photographing them—and I LOVE taking photos! In addition to capturing weddings, family milestones, and the best memories I also offer business tools, motivation and inspiration to help creatives turn their passions into their profession. We only get this one life, why not live our days doing what we love?
8 Blogging Ideas To Prepare For Mini Sessions | Photography Education
If you’re only announcing your mini session dates on instagram, facebook and maybe your email list, you’re totally missing out on the opportunity for new families outside of your circle to find you! Creating helpful, educational and evergreen blogs for Mama’s to stumble upon your business through a local search is key!
Plus having these blogs complete and in your archive you can easily link them to emails, quick DM responses and add them to your workflows.
8 Blogging Ideas for Mini Sessions
Outfit Ideas
Tips about selecting outfits. Which colors go well together? Should they dress up and look fancy or plan for a more casual, everyday look? What outfits go best with certain locations? Do you have a Pinterest Board filled with your own work and outfit inspiration?
How To Prepare
What should your clients bring? How soon should they arrive? Are they allowed to bring their dog? Are grandparents or extended family allowed to join? Do you encourage props? For large family photos do you provide chairs or should the family bring them?
Key Tip: Write up a blog that shares tips about including pups in your shoot!
Location Ideas
List your favorite locations and typical hidden gems that you love. Consider sharing details about parking, access to restrooms, and if that location has a park in case children get restless or they arrive too early. Will clients get to pick their location or will your mini sessions be scheduled at the same location?
What do your families get to look forward to? What to expect? How soon should they book? What is the booking process? How long will the shoot take? Do they have the option to walk around for a change of scenery? How many outfit changes do they get? Will you be offering posing guidance? What happens if one of the kids has a melt down? Mini sessions are on a tight schedule, What happens if they arrive late? What happens if it rains or families need to cancel last minute? What if you’re sick and need to reschedule?
Editing Style
Share your editing style. Do you offer light blemish edits? Are all of the images that you deliver edited? Do they pick a certain amount of images and then you edit? Do you offer light edits on all the images? Is there a cost increase for access to all of the images? Do you offer RAW? Do you even use photoshop?
Delivery of Images
How does it all work? Are you delivering a digital gallery? Are prints included? How soon can they expect sneak peeks? When will the final gallery be delivered? Does your online gallery offer printing and downloading options? Do they receive the copy right to images?
It might be helpful to list out a frequently asked question blog, highlighting the questions you get asked the most! This will be a great round up of the best of the best from all your information above.
Take some time to dig through your archives and share reviews or testimonials from young families. Ask moms, dads and even the children to share about their experience. Bonus points if you can snap a quick video review after the shoot!!! Create a video testimonial from one family or string together big smiles and quick sound bite reviews for a youtube video or instagram highlight to share.
Blogging Key Tips
All of this information can be compiled into one mega blog post or you can break it up to share a post about different tips and information about mini sessions. This would be a great series!
If you have yet to photograph mini sessions and are excited to start offering them, photograph and showcase the locations as advertisements. It would be amazing if you could offer a session to friends or borrow a niece or nephew to help showcase your vision as well in exchange for a review and social media posts.
When creating these blogs, think about the questions you get asked often and share information that will not only make your life easier, but also offer help and encouragement to moms!
I encourage you to eventually create single blog posts for each of the topics shared above. This will help boost SEO and give your business more traction for searches. Be sure to include your local city and locations in the title to be even more “searchable!”
Once you have these blogs created, consider adding the links to a notepad in your phone to easily copy and paste in your DM’s for quick responses.
You can expect to hear back from me within 24 hours on weekdays! Weekends are reserved for shooting weddings, but I'll be back in a jif to reply to your message!
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