How can we shine across all forms of media? In today’s episode, I have the honor of introducing you to media dietitian and nutritionist Gillean Barkyoumb. Gillean is sharing her secrets for getting your business on TV segments, plus tips for better collaborations with brands and getting the most out of your content.
On Quianna Marie Weekly, we’re chatting about business growing pains, finding genuine connections, and celebrating wins of all sizes through the lens of a photographer at heart. Sprinkled throughout stories and interviews with past clients, photographers and other business owners this podcast is designed to help you step into your purpose and to truly create a life you’re proud of, a life worth photographing and sharing.
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Review The Show Notes:
The Biggest Mistakes You Can Make When Trying To Get On TV (2:25)
Tips For Pitching Yourself (5:18)
When To Pitch (6:34)
Working With Brands To Do TV Segments (9:37)
Building Income Streams From Brand Collaborations (18:27)
The Importance Of High-Quality Photos (21:42)
Collaboration, Mentoring, And Education (27:40)
Prioritizing Content Creation And Creativity (36:02)
What To Prioritize In Your 2024 Marketing (45:49)
Is Blogging Dead? (49:57)
Key Tip From Gillean (51:35)
Connect With Gillean:
Review the Transcript:
Quianna Marie
Have you ever met a blogger or influencer in person and smile because they’re exactly who they are online and in real life? Today’s special guest is absolutely that person. I have been following along with Gillean Barkyoumb online for a while before I officially got to meet her in real life. I’ve been obsessed with her recipes, enjoyed her What’s For Dinner Club ideas and fangirled over watching her TV segments right in my living room. She is a local gym and I’m so honored to be her friend.
Gillean believes that we consume everything. From the foods we put on our body to the ideas we feed our minds to the connections we have with others. Everything gives you energy and what you take in it determines how your life will be. Her goal is to champion a healthy lifestyle that is simple, accessible and gives your body what it needs to fuel your best life possible.
Gillean is a media dietician, nutritionist and an expert with influence. I am grateful for our friendship and to share this entrepreneurial journey together. For today’s episode, Jillian will be sharing secrets to help get our faces on TV. She will be sharing tips to collaborate with brands, diversifying your income, doing business with your bestie maximizing your content and so, so much more.
This is a juicy episode and I’m so excited to introduce you to Gillean, please plug in pull up a seat and take notes. I am honored to dive right into this combo with my friend and mentor Gillean Barkyoumb,
Welcome to Quianna Marie Weekly, a podcast for creatives who loves to celebrate wins big or small by dancing in the kitchen photographers who are excited to serve their clients and friends who are ready to chase really, really big dreams. You can find all of the resources mentioned in this episode at Kiana Join me as I share weekly motivation, chat about growing pains, finding genuine connections and celebrating your wins through the lens of a photographer at heart. Come join me for a dance party. Ready loves though. Hey, hey, welcome to the party, Gillean!
I’m so grateful you can be here today.
Gillean Barkyoumb
I am so excited to talk with you. I already saying before we jumped on live that your questions are so good. And this is going to be so full of amazing content.
Quianna Marie
Thank you!! Yes, well, let’s dive into these juicy questions. I don’t like the fluff. I really want to ask these like hard hitting questions like I secretly wanted to be reporter I think in my past life. So pleased tell us, Gillean, what are maybe the biggest mistakes businesses make when trying to get on TV.
Gillean Barkyoumb
I think the biggest mistake is that people think that it’s hard. It’s so easy to get on TV. Because if you really think about it, like producers and TV hosts, they have to fill hours of TV every single day, like they need content. And so they are looking for people to help them and to pitch good stories that are going to connect with their audience. So I think, you know, we feel like Oh, that feels like such a big hard thing to do. But it’s so easy. And it just takes some follow up. That’s the biggest thing is, you know, the other side of it is producers who are looking for the content, they are super busy, and they’re getting a million pitches. But you can really, there’s a spot for everyone because again, they have so many hours fill up every single week. So I think the biggest mistake is just thinking that it’s really hard to do when you get up there, when you just put your mind to it you can get on TV so quickly, as long as what you’re talking about really is timely, it applies to the audience. And you’re pitching that producer and following up regularly and keeping up with those emails.
Quianna Marie
Amazing. You know, I would have never thought that I’ve always thought I’ve always had this assumption that you had to know a reporter, you had to know someone kind of on the inside to be accepted. So I love that you’re kind of giving us that permission slip to just pitch yourself.
Gillean Barkyoumb
Just try. Those connections are always great. But it kind of snowballed once you like get in with one station and you can show your personality on TV when you send another pitch and you can send a link to that segment, it starts to snowball and then you start to make these relationships on your own. And before you know it, like at my point now, they asked me to do segments and I have to turn them down sometimes, though, it’s not constantly me trying to get out there and chasing that they start to realize, hey, you’re a professional, you show up on time you do all the I leave like little treats for them like you make a really good impression.
Then before you know it, you are getting asked to come back on more and more regularly and it’s not as hard you’re not really doing that grinder there is a little bit of at the beginning. And for sure if you know someone on station that helps I always recommend to like if you do have your list of 20 people that you know that are just influential that just seemed to know people that are out in the community. And you can reach out to them and say hey, I really have this goal of being on TV.
Do you know someone or do you personally have a connection or someone I could talk to and before you know it what does that like that like quote it’s like you’re only one person away from whatever your decision your dream. So it’s such a small network and so if you make that list of 20 There’s for sure someone in there that will connect you otherwise, just keep pitching and follow up with those emails. Yes,
Quianna Marie
I love that. And we all know someone, right? Like, I grew up in Italian family, you know, my family, and you know that we know a guy, right? Like I say that, but it’s typically girls, right? But we know someone and you absolutely have to leverage your community. So. So let’s say you’re ready to pitch you have reached out to your 20 people, you’re really really hot. You have your eyes set getting on TV, can you share some tips for pitching and actually exposing yourself to these media opportunities?
Gillean Barkyoumb
Yeah, I mean, number one, it has to be timely. And by timely I mean, something that is going on in the world. For my other dietitian, like there’s like everyday is a national food day of some sort. So that’s a quick go to if you are looking for something to pick yourself.
But for example, one idea is like, you know, a while ago, when you had the egg shortage, like there was like all this talk in the news about the egg shortage. So a great pitch for a dietitian would have been, hey, here are some quick and easy high protein breakfast options that are eggs, right?
It’s playing around with what’s going on in the world, what are people talking about, and then adding in your expertise, your pitch, your little special extra thing that’s going to solve the problem, right? So I think thinking whether it’s a holiday, you know, there’s always stuff with, you know, Valentine’s Day or with a Patrick’s day or just summer break, and things like that.
So pay attention to what’s going on in the world, what everyone’s talking about, and then add in your expertise, because that is what I mean, that’s something that a producer is going to want to like latch their hands on, because they want that little catch that little hook that people are already talking about.
Quianna Marie
Yes. And then what would be your advice for, like, projecting that season? Right? So let’s say you have a segment, and you know, Valentine’s is here, we’re getting ready for summertime, you know, like the kids are gonna be out of school soon.
How fast do these segments actually work? Like, should we be pitching them six months in advance three months in advance? Or are they looking for someone to fill in next week? Like, what is that?definitely not
Gillean Barkyoumb
it’s five, definitely not six months, they don’t even know what’s happening in six months, because the world changes so fast. So I would say it’s between two to four weeks. So that’s kind of like the sweet spot. So if you have something like quick start pitching yourself now, for something, I think like starting like a month ahead is probably good, because then you have a chance to reach out to different producers and see which one really lands.
But they again, are working like super quick and stuff changes so fast in that industry. So they’re not planning stuff out in six months, maybe some of like the bigger national, you know, TV shows, do things where it’s like thinking of the next quarter. But again, stuff changes so fast. So if you want to get something in, that’s going to be timely, again, you want to do it. That’s good. It’s on top of mind, right? They’re thinking about it already. So make sure you’re doing something like two to four weeks, and then they’ll they’ll grab it really fast and run with it.
Quianna Marie
Amazing! Yeah, I don’t know, once again, I know nothing about this whole, like, you know, this whole business plan and these ideas. So thank you for sharing that. Because I feel like sometimes we we have these big goals for ourselves. And we’re even just thinking, Okay, this year for 2024. And making it a goal to get on TV or to create some type of PR, some some hype for my business. And here I am thinking, Okay, I’ll plan that for fall like no, this can literally be happening within a month or two. Yeah, I can.
Gillean Barkyomb
And I think to just remembering, like to, to know that this is something that you can work towards, too. So starting local. So we’re there’s a lot of local TV networks, start there, focus on those producers. I mean, don’t go straight to the Today Show, okay, that’s my dream, and I want to do it, I’m still trying to get there. But like, start local, because that is going to help you build up that reputation that experience it honestly, you can get in there and make some mistakes and have those segments that maybe didn’t go so great.
You learn from them, because you definitely don’t want to go straight to the Today Show and have that flop happen, right? So I think starting local, there’s so many smaller local TV segments and even like daytime TV, so not necessarily like the morning shows, because the morning shows, you know, they’re busy with the news, what’s happening in traffic, whether any like timely stuff like that’s really, really pertinent. They’re not going to typically have like a lifestyle expert on sharing their expertise in an area, it’s usually going to be midday TV or weekend TV. So think about those places to start first and then work your way up to some of those bigger outlets.
Quianna Marie
Incredible. Now when I look back, and I think of all the segments that you’ve been on, and all these TV opportunities, I see you’re working with brand partnerships, and you are showcasing your recipes and your cooking hacks for your busy family but you’re also showcasing products.
I would love if you could maybe kind of tend to pivot the conversation into maybe what are some green flags and some red flags to consider when it’s time to collaborate from brands?
Gillean Barkyoumb
Yes, so just a little story so yes, I work with brands and honestly mostly all of my TV segments are with brands because that’s how you get paid doing TV but I did TV for free for years, I would say between two and three years I just did local. Again, it was weekday TV segments. And I would drive downtown it was before kids. I could do this, you know, there were no soccer practices or basketball games on Saturday.
I could just drive down and I would do again, these timely segments, like whatever was going on the holidays, here’s healthy treats that are great for Valentine’s Day or things like that. So I did a lot for free. And then I actually, the first opportunity I had to work with a brand was on this listserv I was on for dietitians. So shout out to anyone who is getting involved in your community, join the club, get in the networking communities.
There was an email that came through about asking, Are there any dietitians that do TV? That’s how I got connected to one of my mentors, Parker, who really taught me how this all works, you know how you can actually work with a brand for a sponsored TV segment to get paid to do TV, because if you just go to your local TV stations, that studio, the TV studio is not paying you, you are not getting paid by the studio, it is only by the brand. So you will actually get paid by the brand. And you will schedule the TV segment.
There’s also a lot of like a lot that goes behind it because not every TV station wants to have these sponsored branded segments, right, because it sometimes they can come off super salesy, and that’s maybe just not the vibe of their show. But you also can really develop an expertise where you can sell something, but it doesn’t feel like a salesy pick, you know, we’re not like QVC on TV, right.
So there’s a way that you can do it. So I would say number one, it takes some experience like you don’t, you’re not gonna get your first TV segment and get a branded one, at least I wouldn’t recommend that, I would say get like one or two, at least under your belt, don’t get paid by a brand. And just like feel it out, like, understand what it’s like to go into a studio. And really, I used to think that you go into a studio and there were like, hundreds of people like everyone’s getting their makeup done. And it’s like it’s not, there’s like three people, the post do their own makeups and makeup and the producer is like usually back, you don’t even actually even see them, they’re done in the office watching the show. And then you have just the camera guy that’s there, you know, listening to the ear to what they’re telling him what to do.
So there’s, you think it’s this whole, but you don’t have that knowledge until you get in there and try it. You don’t want to get in there with a brand where they’re expecting you to say certain things and get their messaging across. And you’re like, I don’t even know where I stand for this segment. So get your feet wet a little bit, try it out. And then when you want to work with brands, it’s really about again, following up reaching out to brands building that relationship, and pitching yourself with timely pitches, it’s very similar to what you would do if you’re doing it for free.
But this point you are pulling the brand and to pay you to host the segment. So it gets a little more complicated at that point. Because it’s really about the brand and what their messaging is I’ve had, like amazing brands are like, here’s two things we want you to say. And they’re super easy. And I’ve had brands were like, I want you to recite these three sentences exactly about these clinical studies and the antioxidant capacity of blah, blah, blah. It’s like, okay, so again, having your feet wet, and knowing what it’s like helps you when you have those brand opportunities where they’re a little more stressful on
Quianna Marie
the messaging. Amazing. Yes. And I love that advice for starting small. I’ve always been an advocate for just getting your name out there, building that confidence, understanding things, even like what to bring, right, because when you’re showing up for your segments, I mean, you have big like Twitter, Joe bags and all the bags just full of food. And are you purchasing this food? Like you mentioned that the brain is like the the TV hosts are like the producers aren’t paying you. So like, so not only are you not getting paid for this is a huge investment for you too. Right?
Gillean Barkyoumb
Yeah. I mean, yeah, if you’re not sponsoring, sponsored by a brand, which again, for years, I did it for free, and also paid for all the food and props and decorations, you know, because if you have a theme you want it to have like the decor that on there. So yeah, for a long time, I was actually paying to do TV, and I’ll never forget when I had my first conversation about working with a brand for TV, and I was like she’s like, what’s your fee?
I was like, Oh my gosh, I don’t know, like $150. So I need to cover the groceries. And she was like, no, no, she was like, We are not like oh, so I learned a lot and it can be super lucrative to work with brands. And then it’s worth that time. The other thing I do now is I in my contract with brands for TV, I asked for reimbursement for all the groceries.
Not only do I they cover my fee, but then they also cover the groceries. And a lot of times stations that if you’re doing a sponsored TV segment, like you’re really promoting a brand, then there’s another fee that you have to pay. And so that can be anywhere from 500 to $2,000. And so that is also covered by the brand. So it’s like the brand covers the fee for the station, my fee as the talent and then the reimbursement for any groceries or things I have to buy amazing
Quianna Marie
and how do you how do you decide what brand to work with? Are they are they approaching you? Are you reaching out to them and like what in your opinion feels like a good fit something that you know is in alignment with you? Yes, it’s easy to say, well, this blunder will I can make this work or right like this cream or this Sounds good. But kind of like, what is your checklist for working with a collaboration with brands?
Gillean Barkyoumb
Yeah, I mean, it definitely has to be something that I would stand by I’ve gotten approached by so many brands. And it’s like, maybe it’s not even something that like I’m really against this is like, I would never use this product and really recommend it. So for sure, when I started out, I was just like, Whatever, I’ll take anything, I’ll talk about anything on social media, because I just wanted the experience.
Honestly, sometimes, I mean, you never want anything that’s against your values and your morals. But there’s sometimes things like, Okay, this is like, Fine, like, I wouldn’t maybe use this all the time. And I just went for it cuz I wanted the experience to try it and to build those relationships. And that’s great, because I got to learn what I liked and didn’t like about those situations. But I think now this is what happened. It’s again, we in my in our mentorship, we call it hashtag snowball, where you just start to get into this world, and you no longer are pitching yourself, I just get opportunities, a lot of times that are sent to me that not that being said, I also have brands that I love and I regularly pitch myself still so but at the same it’s not meet as constant looking and looking and looking.
I’m starting to get to this like nice flow, where it’s like, oh, like they want me to do these TV segments for you mentioned Aldi, that’s a grocery store brand that I’ve worked with for two years now.
They like to do TV with me because I know exactly what to expect. I know the display how they want it. I know the B roll and what the style is. I know like it’s just I know them and their style. So well. It’s easy, right? So they can call me and say we have something last minute, can you do this?
I can I know exactly what they want. So I feel like that’s kind of you get these, these brands that like you have a good relationship with, they respect you, they pay you well, you respect them, you have a good relationship. So when you get to that point, that’s where it’s like, yes, yes, yes, I will constantly keep working with you. When the other brands I work with, it’s a ninja kitchen.
They actually funny story of how I started connecting with them. Because I won this contest. And it was a girl and my mentorship, my very first mentorship I ever did. Through powerhouse women, a girl that was in my group, Jess, was like, Hey, you should apply for this.
It was like on Buzzfeed, it was this, like Ninja searches for a smoothie bowl small yay. Like it was just like this funny, silly PR thing. But it was so legit. And I was like, I want to do this. So I pitched myself and ended up winning this contest. And so I had a two month contract with them that included recipe development, TV segments, satellite media tours, which is where you do like 30 TV segments in a row. So I did all that with them.
Then because I showed up, I when they asked for photos of a smoothie bowl, I paid my photographer to come over and get really good photos. I wasn’t just gonna take them on my phone! If I had TV, I paid for that makeup for myself. So I look presentable and beautiful and all that stuff.
I went above and beyond and now I’ve been working with them for four years and continue doing stuff with them. So I think what it really comes down to the find those brands you really love, but at the end of the day, it has to be a relationship where you feel really valued, respected. And they feel the same way to amazing.
Quianna Marie
Yes, I totally back that where you’re not just sharing things to make a couple bucks here, you’re really intentional about what you’re sharing. I love how you are incorporating these products into your TV segments. And I also see how you’re popping these up on social media, and just how these TV producers and these TV shows aren’t paying you. Instagram clearly isn’t paying for a lot of these things, right?
We used to like have maybe some on monetization with reels and stuff. But that’s gone now. Right? So like, how are you actually building these different streams of income? With these brand collaborations?
Gillean Barkyoumb
Definitely. I mean, I think the thing that I love to do the most is to bundle deliverables. So if I’m doing a TV segment for all d, I will also do to reel for them on the recipes that I’m going to showcase. And I’m going to post a blog on my website. So it’s bundling these offers. So that’s one way but I also work with brands that specifically just want social media, they’re not really interested in TV, or maybe they don’t really want to blog. So there’s a couple of ways I do that.
One of the ways is I partner with them to post content on my own page, which has been you know, you’ve worked with me on that it’s a constant growth and develop I know some people might be listening and you’re like, Well, I only have like 100 followers, like you just have to put the work it there’s no secret to it. You just got to keep showing up.
You got to be consistent. Try different things. I mean, that’s just really the name of the game. I still like today I’m like, Oh, what am I gonna post today like I still have those those, it’s still a lot to handle. But as far as brands working with you like sometimes they want me to post on my page and connect with my audience or sometimes they want me to create content for them to post on their page. That’s that UGC content or user generated content and brands are loving that because it’s very authentic it’s in people’s homes it’s the really using the product and so they will pay me to create reels that I don’t even post on my channels which also as great if you really don’t have a huge following it doesn’t matter.
You can just give it to them and they can post on their channels with all the followers. So that’s actually the type of content that I do with Ninja I was literally duct break before this My hands were And like I was making air fried ravioli for ninja, my hands were covered and all like the flour and egg mixture, you know when you like do that coding. So they will you can do UGC content where you create it and then give it to them. And then they post it on their own channel, which is great. Because you also get, they’ll give you a shout out, usually they’ll get, you know, tag you and say, created by so and so so that you get that extra exposure to
Quianna Marie
incredible. And I love that you mentioned that too, to diversify, right. So if you are interested in partnering with brands, and maybe you don’t want your family and friends, like maybe there’s a little bit of like embarrassment, or you just don’t want to actually post your own personal feeds. There’s tons of ways to market that. But this is your sign if you are embarrassed, or you feel like ah, I don’t know, if I want to do that. You have to start somewhere, right? Because I believe you may have not gotten these opportunities unless you were actually posting to your own feed first, right.
Gillean Barkyomb
Yeah, I mean, you just kind of get out there and do it and see what really, you know, makes you feel aligned. But sometimes it’s there’s a little bit of fear behind it. And then you just get into a groove. And then the people you don’t really care what people think because they’ve now that’s the new you like the new you she posts content. And that’s just how it goes. And so that you don’t have that judgment or that feeling behind you anymore.
Quianna Marie
Yes. Well, I love that you mentioned, obviously I want to like zoom back to this and highlight the importance of bundling these offers kind of maximizing your exposure, right? Like I love that you are so so brilliant about maximizing your time and energy and the food like the resources, the groceries, right? So I love that you are offering Hey, like since I’m doing this, let’s capture some reels.
Let’s bundle this into a blog post. Let’s bundle this into just more exposure for things that are already happening. I love maximizing your time. And one thing I love is your friendship, personal friendship and life and business. That’s the relationship with Angela. And I would wish she was your photographer. And I just would love to share more about your opinion in the value of having high quality photos and be role and behind the scenes video for your business.
Gillean Barkyoumb
Oh my gosh, it’s invaluable. And honestly, like, I can literally picture one of the the brand shoots that we did which it’s so funny because Angela and I have evolved together over time. Like when we look at the first photos we did were like, oh my god, I can’t believe we did this. They’re so funny. But we did a shoot two years ago, and it was at a studio space. And like, fully invested, I had my stylist there had makeup done. And like I left that video, a different person. Like it literally the photos, just the whole process and feeling like elevated and evolved and just leveling up myself. I just left with so much more confidence. And I can look back to that two hours in that studio.
It totally changed the trajectory my entire career and my entire life. Like I just felt like a different person. I feel more confident. I like to wear fun, different clothes. And I’d still like I’m like, Oh, that’s too much to wear. I don’t know, what are people gonna think. But then I think that thought comes in my head, I’m like, go away. That’s such a nasty thought I don’t even like it. But that moment really gave me that confidence to start taking those steps. So having the photos I mean you it will just to have you be more credible, more professional, when you’re working with brands or building out your website or launching a program having some really good photography is just it’s going to make you look so much more credible and professional so that you can reach that audience you’re trying to reach reach those financial goals that you have.
Sometimes that little bit of honestly, when you think about it, like working with a photographer, it’s such a little investment to have such a huge reward for everything. I mean, I use the photos that I have had from different shoots to this day for everything, different things, different opportunities come my way. And I need oh, I need a photo of me like in a kitchen. Oh, I know, like that shoot, I did that, oh, I need a photo of me outside like this.
With Angela, she has been she was a friend, we actually used to work together in our corporate nine to five cubicle jobs. That’s how we knew each other. But she wasn’t really taking, you know, she was she had photography skills, but she wasn’t really focusing on photography. And I was obviously still, you know, in my cubicle doing product education for the company that I worked at. So when we both like took the leap and became entrepreneurs, we just like really support each other’s business besties and she has done everything from a newborn photo shoots for my son maternity photos, but then she’s also done all of my brand photo shoots.
She really is that like forever photographer for me. So find that person. And like you know this, like you have clients like this to where it’s just, you trust them, you have a relationship with them. They’re going to provide the content exact like I don’t even want to think about what poses or where we’re going. I’m like, Angela, tell me what location that’s close. Because, you know, I got little kids don’t wanna be waking up and driving an hour. So she knows all those things. And so it just makes it so easy that you can just show up in your zone of genius, and they can show up in there.
Quianna Marie
Yes, and it’s priceless. And I love I love that you mentioned this transformation, right? So not only are you getting these photos that you can literally post forever right especially with food, I mean, I feel like that’s literally evergreen to be like, describe what is evergreen, right? As far as people need to eat. And we’re always looking for fun recipes.
I feel like that is just so powerful to not just have the good quality images, but that transformation that you’re making, like when you step in front of that camera, and depending on the photographer, I know, Angela is incredibly gifted and guides you and poses you and delivers, right, like she shows up to help facilitate this transformation.
I love that I’m so grateful that you shared because it’s like you become someone new, it’s like you become a polished version of yourself. But you actually get to witness like, the highest version of yourself, right? And you get to work through this growth. And this light, and this is why I also love to like, I feel like gone are the days I just think of old school, like, you know, the 1990s Oh my gosh, almost a 1900s that makes it sound so like in the 1990s. And like the the, you know, the 20? Like the zeros, right? I don’t even know what we call those days. I just, I just think of Realtors thinking like, you know, oh, they took a photo and like, they’re good. Like, they’re good for like six to 10 years, right? And I feel like I feel like there’s this transition where people are taking more pictures because they’re constantly evolving. Like, that’s the whole point, right?
Just like you mentioned, it’s like, you know, you have these content days, because you’re working with a brand well, we need new photos, or Oh, like I just got this next opportunity or I am going to be a guest on a podcast. So I need some fresh photos, right? Like we need to constantly be evolving. And it’s so fun to see. Realtors today, business owners today, really prioritizing these content days. And I just I love that transformation.
Gillean Barkyoumb
I know I actually have tomorrow a shoot. And this I like can feel like this is like another like coming out of a different cocoon. And it’s gonna be so fun. It’s with Kristin, my little business bestie and we’re doing some some we have no photos together. So we like we launched this, you know our business and we just anytime I create content, I’m like, removing the background from our two photos and like putting them together. And like there, there’s our social media posts.
We needed photos together, but we are just like showing up again, like got an amazing, really cool, stylish studio space downtown. Angela’s gonna be there to do the photos. We have my makeup girl coming to do our makeup we have our stylists that came over yesterday, do a fitting to like pick out all of our clothes. My social media gal is gonna be there to grab from content, like we are just doing all the things and when you’re there that energy you do just feel like it’s you come out there to have a different person because the confidence the growth that like direction that you get from that energy is there. There’s no way to to get it other than do it. Yes.
Quianna Marie
Oh my gosh. Well, I’m so happy that you organically mentioned Kristen Carli, and your expert with influence. So can you shed some light on this new collaboration with Kristin and I love to hear more about your mentoring and your education for all of your media stuff.
Gillean Barkyoumb
Yes. Oh my gosh, it’s so fun Quianna. I’m just having the best time. And that’s when you know, like this is where you’re supposed to be. I mean, it’s a ton of work. Don’t get me wrong. We are doing a lot of behind the scenes work. We probably talk every hour with different ideas and things and things you need to get done. But So Kristen and I so she’s a fellow dietitian, we actually met.
Maybe like three years ago, when I was doing a TV segment with a brand it was on my branded TV segments. And I had posted on a listserv asking to have like a nutrition student come and or intern come and take pictures of me or behind the scenes content while I’m doing my TV segment. I realized when I’m there by myself, I don’t really have pictures of me doing it.
I needed some of that content. So anyways, I got finished with Kristen, she came she actually got a flat tire on her way to the studio. And a funny story. She ended up having to get an Uber to get there and all that stuff. But we ended up you know, meeting at the studio. And if you hear her side of the story, she’s like, I was like hyperventilating for her because it was It seemed so stressful to be on TV and to like but then Julian’s just like doing her thing, but she’s like, I would never do TV. And you know, fast forward, she now does teeth like she’s on TV, like once a week.
Anyways, get over those fears, guys. So that’s how we first met. And we just like, after that we just kind of stayed in touch through social media and nothing like really progressed right away. And then just this last year, we were probably just commenting on social like, oh, we should go grab lunch sometime. And I love that Kristen was like, Let’s go like to a Bougie lunch. Like, let’s go to like, somewhere like Camelback inn or something from a really fancy like a nice hotel restaurant and get like a like champagne lunch. Okay. And that’s, you know, after a bottle of wine, we came up with a new business idea. And that was because we, you know, we both were in this media space. And we did it on our own and a lot of ways and so it was really hard.
There’s a lot of questions like how do you set your rates, getting some of the initial contacts and connections with people? What conferences should you go to? How do you write a pitch like, all of these things, we just had to figure out on our own, and so we were like, Why don’t we do something where we help people do this? And so that’s where this idea I wasn’t even called expert with influence at the time, we just like threw it together on a landing page or like, hey, let’s do like a free class first, and then we’ll offer like an hour long training.
So we’ve really been trying some different things. But now like, our biggest thing is we have a mentorship, where we have mostly dieticians, just because that’s kind of our community. But really, it’s open up to the same thing applies to anybody like as far as getting on the media, the same stuff applies, it’s the same way you do it.
We are our coaching and counseling these professionals on how to get into media, how to work with brands, and I know when we talked about brands, we mostly focus on like TV and social media. But there are so many ways you can work with brands, you can create professional toolkits, you can be the expert at the booth for their event, you can speak on stage for them, you can do corporate trainings for them, like there’s so many ways that you can work with brands.
We get this group together. And when I’m learning as a mentor, you know, you don’t, I don’t have to have all the answers. That’s not the thing. It’s just like that photoshoot when you go in there, and you get in the energy, and you have the accountability and just those little nudges that keep you going when you feel like you hit a roadblock, it just keeps you moving forward.
We’re really helping people reach those goals of adding media and as one of their revenue streams to their business to get that exposure, get that additional income because it can be super lucrative, and, and really feel competent doing it and have a community of people behind them that you know, are like minded and want to support them, too.
Quianna Marie
That’s amazing. I’m so happy that this evolved, right? I feel like you meet these people. And I’m a huge advocate, I have my faith, like God will plant these people like these souls into your life. And sometimes we’ll kind of circle back and be like, wait a second, are you like, let’s connect again, like, let’s connect the dots. Right? It’s like you’ve met Kristin, and then you’ve supported each other.
Then now you’re going full force on this collaboration. And I just think that’s incredible. And you’re absolutely right businesses business, like we can have our own individual niches or niches. And it’s just, it’s across the board. It’s just how you show up. It’s how you present yourself. It’s the magic is in the follow through. I love all your education on this.
Gillean Barkyomb
Yeah, I mean, it’s all about getting in the room. Right. That’s what my big thing this year, as I know, I’m kind of getting out of my like, Baby phase. I you know, I have Cooper’s 16 months, and then I have brands for I’m gonna be seven next month. So, you know, that’s a lot.
It still is a lot. It’s chaotic. But I felt like this year going into this year, we’re like, oh, like a breath of fresh air. Okay, like I’m not like pumping and nursing and changing like infant diapers and not sleeping like I’m moving on from that, like we are done with that chapter life and moving into this next chapter. And I think one of my biggest things I’m focusing on is being in the room, which is also still very hard.
I’m asking for a lot of help from Eric and my parents and my in laws to help with the kids because I want to travel, I want to go to events, I want to go to conferences. So I think that is such a powerful thing is to be in the space and invest in mentors, I can I would not be where I am today, if I didn’t invest in mentors, like that is such a huge, huge thing.
In fact, Kristen and I were just talking about with just yesterday, we’re putting out this whole other idea that we have for mentoring. So we have our 12 week mentorship or media mentorship, which is, again, more of a longer post process really hands on, but we know some people just want like, give me like, I just want a plan and then I will take action. So we’re calling them VIP calls for now, I don’t know what the end of the call, we would we actually launch it. But these VIP calls where it’s an hour long. And in the hour long call with us, we help you create your rate sheet.
What you’re going to charge I feel like that’s the number one question because everyone charges way too little money for themselves. And then number two, we’re going to create a plan for you in working with the media how to reach your first 5k and media work.
In this one hour, we’re going to give you here’s your rate sheet, here’s your to do and here is your plan to get your first $5,000 in working with the media. And I think it’s going to be so powerful because it’s just we can help you like this. So easy. This is where you have mentors who have been there and can give you a roadmap so that you can just take action on it.
Quianna Marie
Amazing. I love how you’re breaking it down, right? You’re actually like, okay, great. Within one hour, you can walk away with these tangible gifts, you are literally going to Drupal times a million of this education. You’re learning right like that. 5k I feel like it’s a quick win. Right? And then I continue snowballing from there. That’s incredible.
Gillean Barkyoumb
Exactly. Yeah, that’s literally it’s just gonna and it’s gonna give you the competence. And I think this feel, you know, sometimes the biggest question people ask is like, I just don’t know where to start, like, I don’t know what to do first. And so we’ll give you that guidance of just like where to spend your time what’s not worth your time. And also I think sometimes people just like the biggest thing you got to remember is execution over perfection and I am the biggest perfectionist so I get it how hard it is. But when you just get out there and set a timer for yourself.
Okay, in 30 minutes, I’m going to have this media kit done. I’m going to go on Canva and I’m going to create a media kit. I’m not going to like this stress about my follower number then not actually finished it, like I’m just gonna do it like, setting a time getting it done and finishing it like that is really, really key because you’re just never gonna get step two, if you don’t get step one done. So you just have like, keep moving forward and all of this so that you can get to that big goal. I think it’s all like a, it was an image. And it was like a picture on Instagram.
It was like, like the value of step one. And it was a picture of someone standing in front of like all like, like 100 steps that look like a million steps. Really hard way to get there. But then it was someone standing in front of just like a slope, right? Like, there were no steps, like you’re just gonna slide down. So you got to take the first step to keep going right, you got to keep going.
Quianna Marie
Oh, I love that analogy. I’m all about pictures and like seeing things in my head. So that was amazing. Well, I love how you are it feels like you’re just on fire, right? Like I see you showing up online, I see you creating content and creating really fun videos. I know you you and I have even had a really fun content days or I call myself like a human tripod. Right? I’m following you around i but I’m shoving your phone in the dishwasher. So you can open it for like a video clip.
Right? Like, we have so much fun working together. So can you share more about the importance of actually, like prioritizing creating content? And how do you make it fun? How do you involve your kids? I know I always see like Emma’s little hand in there and I can just I am super intuitive. I can read your mind. I’m like, oh my god, like I can just feel Gillean and like, oh, like like, get your hand in the shower.
Gillean Barkyoumb
Right now. I’ll give you an m&m. Do it hurry like does happen. It does happen. You know? Well, first of all, I want to give a shout out to you because you are so talented. You are so creative. If anyone is feeling stuck in a rut, you need Kiana to do a content day and two hours we had so much content done. He even helped edit some of it give me all the like the audio the taglines, what to write the captions. Like sometimes you just need someone that has that creative mindset, which is you to come in and get those juices flowing.
Then you can add on to it. But like having that as the foundation was always so helpful. It’s so easy to feel like oh, I just like you put on the backburner. Get put it on backburner, right? So I think for me, especially being like busy mom and content, like social content is for sure a top priority. But it’s also like it’s an on going never ending thing. It’s not like you finish a project, you’re done.
You turn it in, it’s like never going away. And sometimes I’m like, Man, I wish I could just be like Eric, my husband over there sitting on the couch. Scrolling on Instagram doesn’t even worry about what he’s posting. I’m over here editing a real what’s the caption? Is this audio? Okay? Oh, like all this stuff, right? Sometimes it just looks so nice to just like, enjoy being on social media scrolling away, and I’m just like, scrolling.
I’m like, is this a good audio, save it live or like, like, it just gets to be a lot. So I think the biggest thing I would say that helped me is having someone help you. Because it’s a lot. And as you start to grow even just today, I’m still feeling like, I spend so much time on social media, which is a top priority for me this year. So that is I made that a priority. But it’s still so much time.
I think having someone like you come in, create content, give ideas, create plans, that is really, really key. I’ve done all different types. I’ve worked with interns on social media, I’ve had virtual assistants help with social media. And there’s been seasons and seasons of my life where those things really fit. And then they kind of phased out or my intern graduated and was working now you know.
here are times when things came and went. Right now I’m working with a gal that does creates all my social media plans. So each week, I have a plan plus all the audio on it. And then she creates at least two of the reels each week for me.
Just today, I was like, I posted one of her real that’s so good. She’s like, so I just love her. She’s cute. And I was like, I just sent her to create more of because what I’m realizing what I really like to do is just do more of like the storytelling fun side. And it’s like, that’s where the engagement community stuff comes in. But it’s not necessarily the growth, like the growth has come at those like, timely, viral, fun. Techy, inspirational, like there’s a lot more like strategy.
I feel like the cause behind that. And then I love to just do actually just started doing these posts where it’s like something you didn’t know about me. I’m only on like day three of it. So like, you know. But there’s so fun and easy to do. It’s just a picture. Like I’m not creating a whole reel or anything. I’m just like getting a voice memo note going and just sharing something about myself because I realized on social media, like yes, I like to have the cute clothes.
I like to do all these fun events and like, that’s that highlight reel, right? And so I was just like, you know, what, wouldn’t it I had this idea in a shower where like, the best ideas always come. And I was like, what if I just like, share, like something you didn’t know about me? And so we’ll see and I like have no expectations on when I posted it sometime in the evening.
I think last night I posted my like 10pm because I was like by the time I had to do it. So they’re not like trying to be strategic with like timing and engagement and responding to all the comments. I’m just having fun with it. And so what I realized is that is where I’m enjoying it and having someone else help you be more strategic so that you can get the growth so that you can get the engagement. That is just a huge part of business these days, it’s just it’s not going to go away.
Find someone that you can invest in to help with that. Otherwise, it just, it takes over your work when you could be focusing on something that’s probably going to move the needle more for you and probably make a lot more money for you.
Quianna Marie
Yes, yes, I love it. And I love that you recognize what your strength is, right? You’re like, this is what I love to do. This is me sharing my heart, I can kind of just pop on like little like mini real life commercials of sharing your your heart and your passions and getting to know you. I feel like that is something that only you can do, right? Like, even if you were to write a list of your favorite things, and then have your social media manager post it like it’s just the it’s like the magic isn’t quite there. Right. So you need to be able to do that. Yeah, they
Gillean Barkyoumb
would notice if there were no typos in it that it wasn’t me because I haven’t. I’ve also just given up on that I try my best, you know, and I just I used to remember, like, I would post something and I like oh my god, or like delete it. Or I would like go and like correct it. Like when I think of like, oh, like auto auto crack. I just leave it. I’m like you guys, if you can’t figure it out, then it wasn’t meant for you. And also I don’t have time to correct it.
Quianna Marie
So yes, you know, it’s funny you say that I have to mention. So if anybody is like paralyzed by perfection, or a recovering perfectionist, one of my high school teachers, his name was Mr. Ileana, and he was like an English teacher. And he told me because I used to always make grammar mistakes, right like, or it’s not even that there were mistakes, I would just leave out prepositions.
He used to straight up, tell me your brain is moving too fast, like it’s moving faster than what your hand can keep keep up. And I feel like that is just a gentle reminder for anyone that’s putting themselves out there showing up online like, it is more important to get your message out there than to be paralyzed by perfection. So it’s really not that you’re dumb. It’s really not that you’re making these sloppy mistakes. It’s because your brain is just so much smarter.
Gillean Barkyoumb
I’m the same way like I will text my friends. And then like we were I was in a little texture with my girlfriends the other night, and I’m like doing bath and I’m like trying to reveal it. Actually, Angela, I was reviewing some of like a new PDF that she created on like, what to wear for photos. So I’m gonna be reviewing and then I’m trying to like text back and share my thoughts. And then I like looked at my phone and Andrew was like, like, What are you talking about? It was gibberish.
What I wrote made no sense. And that’s because I’m like writing and texting. But I’m also like, you know, making sure like, no one’s drowning. And then like, Okay, did you dislike what’s happening over there, and I just so yeah, I feel like that it’s just life sometimes. But I will say when it comes down to that, if I am prepared, that’s where if I’m like reactive, and in the mode, that’s when a lot of I just am not showing up with my best self, right. So having again, when it comes to like working with someone like you having a plan, having content already created and feeling like you have some guidance versus being so reactive all the time with your social content, like that just gets so draining, and then you get burnt out. And then you’re like, I’m gonna take a eight month hiatus from Instagram.
In the end like that really doesn’t help you either. So I think finding someone that can take some of that burden off of you create a plan for you, or if you’re not at that stage yet creating a plan for yourself, you know, sitting down, spending, you know, time blocking an hour on Mondays to plan out your social posts for the week. What are they going to look like? When are you going to record them? And what are the captions is going to be? I think just having a plan really helps me show up better to versus like, just throwing something together last minute. Yes. And
Quianna Marie
I love that too, like making a plan thinking ahead, because I’m kind of one of those fly by the seat of my pants person. Like I kind of just, I’m very reactive, right? Like I just let things flow but kind of circling back to you bundling things right? So like I love that advice when I am helping with creating content calendars, or just kind of coming up with really easy content ideas is like look at your week, right? Like if you have a photoshoot coming up, can you slate an extra 30 minutes literally after hair and makeup is done for you like before the photo shoot even happens or maybe even after the photo shoot like before you go and get drinks so go grab lunch, can you sleep a good 20 to 30 minutes to do a couple talking head videos right? Like you’re already dressed like you’re already in the mode and this is a great way to to capture that content and to to really live in the moment but be strategic about it. So you’re so
Gillean Barkyoumb
good about that you’re always so good about that and now I’m going to do that because well I did have I’m very proud of myself so I did have my social gal is gonna come and so we have four to five different looks between Kristen and I.
The photos are like the top priority. We need those for sure. And then I said after each look can you come up with like one quick real idea we can do whether it’s like I don’t know high fiving or something right? What is it like what is the real that we’re doing is we’re gonna have different outfits on already so if we have at least one for each look and then get a bunch of behind the scenes stuff that we can pull into different content pieces so I’m like super proud of myself for thinking of that because that this is the first time I’ve ever done like thought that far ahead to be planning to have this content but I love your idea to have like afterwards.
Even when that’s done, like, I’m gonna have a full face of makeup, like why not get a couple videos and be efficient? I love love being efficient. It’s just my love language. Like when I have a day when I have just multitask to the max, I just I’m Enneagram three. So that’s like my love language. I just love being efficient. Yes. Oh
Quianna Marie
my gosh, I love that well, okay, so as we’re kind of rolling through this conversation, I love kind of like putting bow ties on things and like kind of making it go full circle. So I love that we are being really efficient with our pitches, we are being really brave and right like chatting with our top 20 Reaching out those like brand awareness and getting the feelers out for opportunities. And you know, we’re being really, really strategic with brands maximizing our time. Then I would love to hear from you. What do you predict business owners should prioritize for this year when it comes to marketing and boosting PR? Like, what do you feel is like a next for us?
Gillean Barkyoumb
I mean, for sure video, like that’s just people want to see, like the video is the number one thing so whether that’s video through social or through TV, or YouTube or something like that, I feel like that is going to be really, really key. But I think more I mean, this has kind of been an ongoing thing, but I think everyone gets like it used to be it was so robotic and salesy, then it became like super like, Are you being authentic, but it was almost like a fake authentic. It was like not really real authentic.
But I think more so people just want like, what I’m having fun doing this, like something you don’t know about me if people just really want to know you. So in your business, if you can find ways to share more about you, like, for example, through our email newsletters that we’re sending through our expert with influence, we give tips on media, blah, blah, but then we’re also just like, what’s going on with our businesses and being super real? Like, what are new partnerships we have?
What are challenges we have, I think being telling, like being more of a storyteller, and if you can do that through video extra plus, but I think people are really just wanting you know, the real real, authentic you not the fake authentic, where we’re like, oh, I’m being so authentic. And it’s like, you’re that’s still not real. So I think that’s the number one thing and then I also say is like, Okay, I you know, I love the blue energy side of things. And I went Have you ever gone to Ghazi reading then? Yes, I have. I got to do it. With Felicia. Yeah, yes. Okay, so I just had mine like two weeks ago.
I am just like, I’m seeing things come to fruition after what she said. And I’m just like going for it. So this year is the dragon year. So it’s fiery. I’m well I am born in Dragon year. So like, this is my year to like take on the world. But for a lot of people like the firing is it’s like a lot like there’s a lot that’s going to come up. It’s a huge transformation, huge transition.
I think not being afraid to evolve and change your business when you’re feeling that gut reaction is going to be so important. We were just talking before this about I have had my business the what’s for dinner club for years now think about three years I’ve changed it and I’ve invested so much money in different platforms and where they wanted to share and yet again, I have another idea.
Here I am, but I’m wanting to so the way that it works is I you know I was so over having to cook dinner every single night and eating the same meals but I didn’t want to eat out because you know eating healthy meals is important to me. So I created this what’s for dinner club where every week you would get a text with for easy healthy dinners.
They would have a grocery list with it and all the dinners like the ingredients kind of overlapped, right so you would spend less on groceries you would waste less food, it just made me to try to find convenience right this make it easy for me I want to have dinner but I don’t want to go all the time. So I came up with this idea for the West Virginia club and now I actually want to evolve it this year out of a membership and actually I’m gonna provide it all for free it’s gonna be totally free you get the whole all I have over 400 recipes to get it all free you’ll get it delivered through your to your inbox is just gonna be through email, because that’s easier when I threw in the text thing that’s like a technical difficulty I’m that’s not my thing.
I was like this is not working. So we’re just gonna stick with good old email here. And then I what I’m gonna do is develop more of a food blog and that’s going to give me the opportunity when I’m pitching to brands for TV. Hey, would you also like to collaborate on a recipes for this food blog which you know, I want to grow and have more viewership you know, potentially maybe even have ad revenue one day so I think this year it’s about you know, sharing your message, storytelling video and then because it is the dragon here and if you love Whoo, it’s being okay with those like gut pools where it’s like, Oh, I totally have to pivot here and move in a totally different direction. Because this is the year to do it like this is the energy and the flow where you’re going to be connected to the right people and be able to make those transitions really quickly.
Quianna Marie
Yes. Oh my gosh, you are on fire. I love this conversation literally dragon you’re on fire. Yes, and I love what you’re doing for what’s for dinner club. I think that is incredible. I you know, people always ask and I say people like you know, I’m thinking that you know as blogging dead you know is is is this It was still going on are people searching for blogs? And let me tell you like No, like it is absolutely alive and thriving. Think about how when people are googling things like every, like millions of seconds, right, like this is so. So like,
Gillean Barkyoumb
it’s one of those things where it’s just my gut reaction. Like, I can’t tell you how many times were like I’ve heard that like phrase like blogging is dead or like people are bugging and we’re in for a second it kind of like, ooh, should I do this? But then I’m like, No, I really like I like, literally, when I had this idea, it just felt so perfect. Like it was just lit me up. It was like, This is what I’m doing. And I also had the idea months ago, and like June and so this was a lot.
This is, again, when I get to a point where I have this idea. And that’s just I can’t take action just because life and it’s a big to do or I don’t know where to start. And it’s sitting on my list for so long. I’m like, Okay, I have to delegate this. So that’s all I did. I last month I the gal that has helped me with websites in the past, I was like, hey, I want to do this send me like what did How much is it going to cost me told my bookkeeper. This is how much it cost me I want to move it all over to a WordPress site so that it can have the emails and function really nicely.
So I think that was just like, you know, I just have to keep remembering that first moment where it was just like it felt so good. Or like this is what I’m supposed to do. Because yeah, I keep getting like oral here on a podcast like someone will just like offhandedly say like, oh yeah, like I used to blog and like then it kind of died and I’m like oh shoot and then I’m I have to remind myself like help. Keep going back to like what you knew was right. Just stick with that. Don’t worry what everyone else is doing. Yeah, take action. And then if it doesn’t work, you just change. That’s what I literally keep changing to do something different.
Quianna Marie
evolving. Oh, exactly. Yeah. So I am loving this conversation. And one thing I absolutely love to do is to ask every guest as we start to wrap up, what is your T tip, what is something that you’d like to share with entrepreneurs and dreamers, anything you wish you knew sooner?
Gillean Barkyomb
My key tip, I always go back to this. And it’s one of my favorite books to recommend to new entrepreneurs. Actually, we’ve just sent out books to our new mentees. And the book I send is the big leap by Gay Hendricks. And my I always, I think when you’re just starting out, you have to remember to stay in your zone of genius. And that that pulled me back and centered me for abundance with you all the time. And that zone of genius is really only what you can do like you are the only person that can do this, you just like you said, no one else can tell my story, like have something that no one else can write that like that. It’s just you.
That actually speaks to like, why that lights me up so much. Because I’m in my zone of genius when I’m sharing that. So you know, when you when you start a business, you do kind of have to do it all you wear all the hats, you kind of have to. And I like that because you can figure out what you like, what you don’t like what you want to delegate.
I think the biggest tip is working towards being solely in your zone of genius, and then working with other people who are in there. So that you can feel really fulfilled, feel really aligned really clear and grounded on what you’re supposed to do next. Because otherwise be still puzzled. And you know, and actually what I’m learning piano, you probably noticed too is like goes through season like sometimes I’m like so in my zone, and I’d like delegated everything out.
Then it’s like, oh, I have a baby or like, I don’t like stuff changes, or like this contract isn’t the thing anymore as I get to like take on more work. So it’s definitely like an ebb and flow. But if you kind of remember going back to that I feel like it keeps you really grounded in like, why you even started doing this, like, what is this? What’s fun for you about this?
Quianna Marie
Yes. Going back to your why going back through that growth. And that’s why I always love describing business as a garden, right? Like, you’re going to have things like just like seasons, whether it’s like your experience at every single year, like the different seasons, or just different seasons in life, right? Like you’re going through motherhood and parenthood, and you’re in the thick of diapers right now and right, like just all the things. And I love that you’re always bringing it centered back into your why like, wait a second, I feel this gut poll, I’m going to take action. And you know what, I have something really important to say that I’m going to get my booty on TV.
Gillean Barkyomb
Exactly, yes, just like and I do feel that way. Like don’t let that than the fear and doubts are to come and that’s still going to be there. So just like let them join in the car. They’re sitting in the passenger seat like they’re not gonna go away, but like you’re the driver. Like you had that feeling like that feels fun and good and I want to do that so like let’s go let’s join this year is the rocket ship like that rocket ship ship emoji like I can’t tell you how many times I use it a day like that’s all I feel just like this rocket ship going. So that’s 2024 So like everyone jump in let’s go we’re
Quianna Marie
going baby. Oh my gosh. Well thank you so much for sharing your wisdom today Giuliana How can we connect with you? How can we be your BFF continue learning all this media education learn more about expert with influence like how can we connect?
Gillean Barkyomb
Yeah the best place to go is Instagram so my instagram handle is at its Gillian so it s and then G I ll e a n i know very unique. And on my profile I have linked to the what’s for dinner club as well as expert with influence pages so you can get that kind of if you go to its Gillean you’ll be able to connect with all those other places too.
Quianna Marie
Amazing. Thank you so much. I love have been in your energy and I just I feel so pumped like I feel like you know like when your your temples like in your dome start to ache and you just been smiling so much like this is how I feel because I just, I’m so excited about this. I know that if you’re listening and you’re ready to take your business to the next level like Jillian can help you. I can help you boost with that content. Like let’s go bam.
Gillean Barkyomb
Whoo hoo, Dragon. Yeah, let’s go. Yay.
Quianna Marie
Thank you.
Gillean Barkyomb
Thank you so much for having me.
Quianna Marie
Oh, wow. I love that conversation. And I legit need to go back and take notes myself. One of my biggest takeaways from this chat is that TV segments are always looking for special features. And that literally it can be you one day, I would love to see you share your products, books and offers with our local and national TV stations. We’re dreaming over here. Really big bay like let’s go for the stars and get on TV. Your Jillian is out there.
She’s squeezing in an early morning workout rushing through Trader Joe’s before the kids get out of school, traveling for social media segments and helping businesses like mine and yours gain more publicity and the attention you deserve. She’s the best friend next door your mentor and girlfriend with the easiest and cutest recipes to share with your family and friends. Make sure to follow along with It’s Gillean on all the platforms and check out our podcast, It’s Gillean on your favorite podcast players to she interviewed some powerhouse women all about life and business. Make sure to check out the show notes to stay connected.
Thank you so much for joining our chat today. We’re so grateful for you and can’t wait to see you next week. Okay, love you!
That’s a wrap on another episode of Quianna Marie Weekly.
Thank you so much for your listenership and support. You can find the resources and show notes for this episode and more at I’d be honored if you’d show your support by leaving a review and rating on your favorite podcast app. Until next time, keep on dancing.
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