You’re inspiring more people than you realize, and you can make an incredible impact just by showing up. In today’s episode, I’m sharing how you can elevate your online presence and feel even more confident and empowered. I’ll break down why you need to book your next photo shoot today, how you can prepare for it, and three reasons why it may be the perfect time to step in front of the camera.
On Quianna Marie Weekly, we’re chatting about business growing pains, finding genuine connections, and celebrating wins of all sizes through the lens of a photographer at heart. Sprinkled throughout stories and interviews with past clients, photographers and other business owners this podcast is designed to help you step into your purpose and to truly create a life you’re proud of, a life worth photographing and sharing.
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Review The Show Notes:
That’s Her (3:37)
Pictures Of You (4:55)
Photoshoot Prep (7:25)
Why You Need To Book Your Shoot (8:55)
Business Accomplishments (9:23)
Family Milestones (11:39)
Personal Adventures (13:10)
Mentioned In This Episode:
087: Crush Your Content At Your Next Brand Shoot
Review the Transcript:
Take a moment to think about the most influential women in your life. Maybe it’s your own grandmother, your mother, a favorite aunt, your softball coach, eldest cousin and old neighbor, a business mentor, or anyone that you admire. These are the women that you can depend on. Maybe they taught you how to make Mary meat chicken, how to remove wine stains from your favorite summer dress.
Maybe you learn some tough lessons about life, and how the world works. But those ladies gave you hope that there are so many more good people in the world than bad. They always leave a light on the kitchen and simply listen, you share your stories and your secrets with them laugh the hardest experience the highs and lows of every milestone with them.
These are the women that you look up to love unconditionally, and couldn’t imagine this lifetime without them. While you have this one woman or maybe a couple that come to mind, think about what they stand for how they always seem to do the right thing, or know exactly what to say. What are they wearing? How does how does their kitchen smell?
Do their big hugs make all of your worries seem small? Now I want you to think about those their weight, the label of their clothes, or how much money they have in the bank account influence how much you admire them. I’m guessing that these women that came to mind, I’m sure were able to take care of themselves and their families to a degree that allowed for more generous and genuine time to be spent with you.
We admire their intuition, their kindness, their attention to detail the best home cooked meals and laughs without ever judging the number on the scale, or dollars they hid under their mattress, their value and their riches were expressed with love.
In today’s episode, I’m going to be sharing more about the fact that each of us are being watched. We are the next generation of these women and I truly want to have a conversation that shares more about showing up when we don’t feel worthy enough. How are we making an impact? I know you’re listening to this exact episode, and enjoy podcasts in general, that you’re already a good person. You would love to learn a multitask, strengthen your skills, and pop these conversations in your ear to walk away with mindful inspiration and golden nuggets.
Let’s chat about the ways we may be playing small, how to elevate our online presence, and learn some tricks to feel even more confident in our own skin. Plus, as you’re a photographer, it’s my job to help you feel empowered, beautiful and worthy of chasing your dreams. I know it’s impossible to photograph each and every one of you Although honestly that would be amazing and a total dream come true.
My goal is to help you walk away from this episode actually being excited for your next photo shoot and making it a point to jump in more candid family photos. Just because ready. Let’s get this party started. Welcome to Kiana Marie weekly, a podcast for creatives who love to celebrate wins big or small by dancing in the kitchen photographers who are excited to serve their clients and friends who are ready to chase really, really big dreams.
You can find all of the resources mentioned in this episode at Join me as I share weekly motivation, chat about growing pains, finding genuine connections and celebrating your wins through the lens of a photographer at heart. Come join me for a dance party ready loves though.
I want you to picture one of the most influential women in your life that we just reminisced about. Does she have a photograph of herself that you can picture right now?
I have a picture of my Nani where she’s on the beach in this white swimsuit with her hands up and smiling big in fact I used to call it her Marilyn Monroe swimsuit so if you can imagine that that style right I don’t know it was kind of like Rouge around her tummy it had the thick straps and kind of almost like a sweetheart neckline. I don’t know if you think of Marilyn Monroe wearing a swimsuit.
That’s what Nani was wearing. Right? And she has her feet in the water her toes in the sand. And she has this look on her face or I just see it I’m just she’s just so beautiful. I even have a picture of my mom where she’s on the boat. We were on the Amalfi Coast, and she has this big smile and her Her hands are also up in the air. And it was just totally a vacation of a lifetime.
We were traveling to Italy for a wedding. And so, you know when I think of my mom and I think of all these special memories, those those types of photographs come to mind. Now these are the photos that don’t have to always be extra smiley and vibrant, right? So I want you to think of any iconic photos that make you think that’s her right now. Do you have any photos of yourself like that? Maybe in a studio like sitting at your kitchen table, maybe walking on the beach hiking, playing with your children cooking or even working? You know what I mean?
Do you have any photographs of yourself simply living your life. Circling back to the title of this episode, people are watching. Let’s give them something to talk about. I’m here in your ear to remind you that every day you are living legend was so many eyes on you. They’re learning from you. They’re admiring you. And they’re influenced by you every single day.
It probably started wasting more than you think. I remember looking after friends just one grade higher than me in school. To this day, I still look up to my friends, big sisters and my older cousins. And that started way back when right like we were little, and looking up to these girls. These humans are just a couple ages older than us, right?
The thought of people watching you may seem really scary at first. But I’m here to remind you that you’re on earth to live out a lesson and to lead by example, inherently, you are on the right path and your soul is good to the core of your existence, you matter, it’s time to take up some space. Let’s break down three reasons why now is a great time to step in front of the camera to capture your essence. We are all evolving every single day. I’d love for you to have your own photograph of yourself, look back on and say oh, that’s her.
As we grow enlightened ourselves, step into new roles and shed old identities. I believe it’s important to capture these stages every step of the way. Now, although I’m always on board for a full blown professional photo shoot, you can still capture these images on our phones today. And nothing fancy, just to make sure your beautiful face is photographed often. Now before I roll out these reasons to show up and shine, I first want to empower you with a handful of ways you can feel confident and worthy in your own skin.
It just wouldn’t feel right for me to rattle off these reasons why you need a photoshoot for you just to roll your eyes and think nothing’s I’m good, right? Like, this is great key. I love these ideas, but not for me like and then on to the next thing right. Let’s kind of dive into some photoshoot prep and some mindset shifts that we can really grow together with this conversation today. So you feel so much more excited for your next shoot.
Let’s talk about some prepping things. First of all, I highly suggest that you literally go for a walk and start drinking more water. Now I was careful not to start this conversation with any triggering words to push exercising and dieting. Because I need you to know right now, today, in your own skin, you are worthy of being photographed and deserve to take up space in real life. And online. Exactly. As you are. I’m just kicking off this list with drinking more water getting outside in the sunshine, and walking to spark all those endorphins and to get your blood circulating.
When we feel good, we look good. Now I had a flashback to your favorite mentor, grandmother or influential woman in your life. Wouldn’t you love to spend more time with her regardless of how many wrinkles she had, what she weighed, or if she had any flyaways or frizzy hair? No, we’d give anything to spend more time with her exactly as she is.
II hope I hope you see yourself that way too. Okay, so what to wear before your shoot, planning your shoot and what to wear, it can feel really daunting. But ultimately, there’s so much power in wearing what you normally wear on a daily basis. I want you to feel like yourself and in your own element.
Check out Episode 87: Crush Your Content At Your Next Brand Shoot for more content ideas to help you amplify your next photo shoot. And in there, I go over tons of stuff about how to prepare for it, what to shoot before, during and after your shoot. So that’s going to be a good one. Okay, let’s break down a handful of reasons why you need to book your next photo shoot. I’m leaving this open ended so you can take what you need. Maybe you’re interested in booking a content shoot to boost brand awareness.
Maybe you’re craving a shoot with your growing family and your little baby’s faces are literally changing every single day. And we need to get you guys in front of the camera. Or maybe you just need to shoot because why not? You’re living this next chapter of your life to the fullest. And we need to document that!
Okay, so number one would be business accomplishments. Every time we learned something new, add a new offer and continue to grow a new version of ourselves as elevated and we needed to document that.
Just recently I had the honor of photographing Katie j with Katie and Floyd and chatted a ton about planning a photo shoot for every new offer and upcoming program. Technically, when you’re excited to release something new, you’re feeling super excited and craving something fresh. digging through old photo galleries may work for a handful of graphics, but having fresh content makes these new offers still shine. Any unexciting.
Anytime you’re ready to pivot, offer something new or kickstart a new program will be a great time to step in front of the camera. And I want you to think about that for a second too because sometimes I know personally from tons of experience with this in the past, like talking about yourself showing up online, sharing your offers and kind of being I do air quotes salesy can be really intimidating. But how much easier is it to show up online, showcasing that, hey, I just got this new photoshoot. And here’s what I’m talking about.
I have something to say like I, I’m actually showing up online, not only with this new product, but look at this fun outfit, or I just got to work with this awesome hairstylist or this clothing stylist that helped pick out these outfits for me, right? It just makes it so much easier to organically show up online when you have these fresh photos to share right? Soon I’ll be welcoming Bianca, owner of shop boss bash, to interview for an upcoming episode all about celebrating your business with party decor, cute supplies, games, and invites, celebrating professional milestones for ambitious women and entrepreneurs.
This is an upcoming episode that you don’t want to miss. I’m so excited. So yeah, I mean, talk about business accomplishments. This can be something as little as checking off your to do list to literally opening up a new brick and mortar store or totally doing a complete 180 pivot and offering something brand new, that your audience may not be familiar with, right? Like maybe they saw it coming. Maybe it was in the cards, but you’re here and you’re powerful and you’re ready, like you’re ready to showcase this to the world. So let’s do that.
Number two family milestones. As a lifestyle photographer for over 20 years, I value family photos literally over everything. We can chase really, really big goals, pave the way for success and live the life of our dreams. But if we don’t have loved ones to share these milestones with what is it all worth, really, this is your permission slip and a swift kick in the butt to make plans for your next family photoshoot.
Fall photos are buzzing right now this season. But I love making time for family pictures all year round. I suggest finding a local photographer that you love and making it an annual event for your family. I know the shoots can be stressful and super expensive. Honestly, once you book and figure out all the outfits and throw everything together coordinate things and then of course also making the prints right like getting those really awesome photos like to go down your hallway and to have in your home I get it like kitchen cooking it adds up.
But not only will you cherish these moments, but so will your littles and family for generations. I also suggest stepping in front of the camera for preschool graduations, obedience class certificates for your dog. And with you actually in the photo too. When your kids are blowing out their birthday candles step behind them to be in the picture is to think of these moments as proof I was there moments. I know the magic of holidays is on our shoulders. Let’s make sure we’re being documented and celebrated as well. It’s time to get our butts in front of the camera.
Okay, so number three personal adventures. Sometimes we need photographs of our daily adventures, just because why not? If you’re in a pinch without a tripod, while you’re hiking at the next concert, or exploring the Christmas lights, just prop your phone up on something or ask a kind stranger to take one photo real quick. And when I say one photo, I literally will tell a stranger, can you take seven please just start just just keep clicking right? Because there’s nothing worse than asking a stranger or asking someone just standing there. Oh, can you take a quick photo and then someone’s blinking or something’s going on with your arm or there’s someone in the background? That is just really distracting, right?
So I always ask strangers can you please take seven real quick and they get it right there’s going to be some people that understand the assignment and will just click click, click, click, click click, click or maybe even move their feet to find a better angle. And then maybe there’s going to be one that’s just gonna go click and be done right.
So I always like to prop them, check a couple more. These are the moments of our daily lives that you’re going to be so enthralled with what you’re doing that you don’t actually want your phone in your hands. You’re gonna be so busy, you’re gonna be dancing, you’d be laughing you’re gonna be in the moment that those are the best types of moments that you are actually not scrolling on your phone or just kind of being distracted by your phone.
This is your reminder to pull it out just for a second to grab a couple photos. The best part about making time for these photos is the think I’m not just planning a photo shoot just because I need to. Instead, the mindset shift leads to I’m living a life I am so frickin proud of and I want to document it. Taking photos just to take photos feel posed if an uneasy with some eye rolls right like those are the ones I feel like pulling teeth but you’re like, we gotta take pictures just because you gotta take pictures.
But the photoshoots that are sparked because of something new, something fun And or something that makes you feel alive are the best. I pray for you every day and wish you a life filled with exciting experiences, big leaps of faith, and lots of in between moments that matter the most. As your business bestie content coach and hype woman: I need you to know today how impactful wonderful and influential you already are. We need more goodness, truth and love in our world and it starts with us.
Today’s episode is brought to you by flodesk, the simple drag and drop email platform that every business owner and entrepreneur needs in their marketing strategy. FLODESK is the fastest growing email marketing platform helping small business owners design emails, people love to get and are actually excited to open from stunning email templates to immersive forms. FLOTUS makes it easy for beginners and experts alike to build their email list, engage their audiences and convert subscribers into customers, all without a website. Now throughout the end of the year, you can sign up and save big time. Check out I have an entire list of favorites to help you and your business shine online. These lists are packed with software platforms, wish lists and tons of discounts this season.
Check out to learn more. Thanks so much for being here. And never forget that you’re worthy of being seen.
People are watching you anyway. Let’s give them something to talk about. If you’re local to Arizona, or need me to fly out to where you are. Let’s chat about booking your next photo shoot. I cannot wait to capture your magic. Keep on dancing baby.
See you next week. Hey, love you. Bye.
That’s a wrap on another episode of Quianna Marie Weekly. Thank you so much for your listenership and support. You can find the resources and show notes for this episode and more at Kiana I’d be honored if you show your support by leaving a review and rating on your favorite podcast app. Until next time, keep on dancing.
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