Yesterday I had the privilege of participating in an amazing and empowering event hosted by Bernice Grace. Just last week while scrolling instagram I came across an event Felicia Romero was speaking at and I couldn’t help but stalk Bernice to learn more! I was craving connection and something inside pulled me to sign up and simply show up.
Words can’t even describe how thankful I am for stepping out of my comfort zone to meet this wonderful group of dreamers, business owners and passionate women!
So what was the event about? Well Bernice Grace created this event to break down walls, release fears and encourage all of us to live our best life. With so many life obstacles and exterior challenges, sometimes the biggest road blocks and speed bumps on our roads to success is simply yourself! It’s incredible how she brightened the room and created a safe place for us to share our challenges and with the help of our guest speaker, Felicia Romero come up with tools, solutions and practices to actually help break through those walls!
From Bernice: “The goal of this project is to have you release the heaviness blocking you from loving yourself and stepping into the best version of you! After releasing this you will be vibrating higher! We go through life focusing on the outward appearance, limiting beliefs (fears), comparing ourselves to others, and looking outside of ourselves for our self worth – and it’s exhausting! Let all that go and step into the women you are, more boldly than ever!”

One of my biggest challenges is the fear of success. Sounds crazy right?
It’s true! I don’t actually fear failure, failures to me are simply lessons and road maps! What I truly fear is success and accepting the fact that I am destined for pure happiness both earned and accepted simply because it’s worth the hard work. The kind of happiness and pure bliss that runs deep to my core. Not just teeny celebrations and small wins… but deep rooted happiness that comes from within.
Thanks to Bernice + Felicia we reflected on past experiences, practiced affirmations and gave ourselves permission to put our needs first. As women, mothers and business owners it doesn’t feel natural to fill our cups first, when in reality by putting ourselves first we are even more powerful, loving, giving and creative! It’s true that we have SO much more to offer when we are running full speed at our highest potential. I am beyond blessed and grateful for this experience and look forward for future events with this powerful group!
Since I recently expanded to Arizona I have been nervous to get out and truly plant roots… literally just me getting in the way of meeting like minded, kind and encouraging souls! PHEW! I’m already one step closer to realizing my biggest dreams! Thank you girls!!!!
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