Picking out a new throw pillow color or committing to a fresh coat of paint can be nerve wracking… So, I can understand the pressure of selecting your wedding colors! I mean we aren’t picking a color for our name tag in first grade here… we’re picking wedding colors and decor to last a lifetime! These photos are going to be in your home and burned into your memories for generations to come. So now that I turned a mole hole into a mountain, I want to let you know that I’m here for you to offer some insight to picking the PERFECT color story for your wedding!
First of all, picking your wedding colors can be as simple as picking a favorite color! If you really have no clue to even begin to select just one color take a breather and take some time to look around…
What color pops up the most in your closet? What are the colors of your bathroom towels? What’s the color of your current notebook? I mean naturally we tend to gravitate towards colors for a reason. It’s just natural. My tip for finding the perfect color is to make sure you are selecting a shade that feels good and makes you smile, not just something that’s trending!
Not sure where to even begin? Maybe your life is a rainbow or you’re more on the spectrum of blacks with a splash of grey! Either way, here’s a fun trick… Plan a day trip with your mama or maid of honor to explore your local jewelry shop, home depot (paint department), or natural stone store. Literally just stand in front of all of the colors and let your eyes scan and gravitate towards a certain color family. I promise, your soul will lead you to the right color! Here’s a fun little guide to learn more about colors + their meanings…

Okay… So once you’ve selected your color family it’s important to chisel down to the shade you and your fiancé love. From there you can make quicker decisions about attire, decor + details. Everything from florals to napkins can selected without you dreading to make decisions.
What is a color story anyway? Well, scroll on down through these weddings to take a peek!

Here’s some tips to ensure your colors splash throughout your day and to ensure your wedding looks cohesive, perfect for designing your album!
START WITH THE DETAILS: Ring boxes, ribbon, bow ties, and invitation suites truly set the tone for your color story. Your photographer will do a happy dance to see all of the details set and ready for photos!
ANALOGOUS COLORS BLEND WELL: Just a fancy word for colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. For example: Lavender + Royal Purple, Baby Blue + Mint, Yellow + Maroon… just examples of colors that can blended well for parents to wear, accents in decor or even colors to add to your florals.
DECOR + RENTALS: Now there’s no need to go overboard with color. You’re going to want to shine and be the center of attention… not have your guests be bombarded by a unicorn’s birthday party status wedding! But, by adding pops of your color in your center pieces, favors + any signage it’s really going to pull your color story together!

What if you’re thinking you don’t want any colors? Maybe just neutrals of white, farm tables + lush greenery everywhere? Well, that’s absolutely beautiful and can still have a color story! Your colors will simply be white and green! Splashes of metals + materials like gold, copper, wood or silver will compliment these colors (well any color!) really well! By adding subtle hints of pastels to the ribbon on your bouquet or hankies for the guys you can still tie everything together.
Hopefully this helps get you started! If you have any questions or would love some help selecting your colors, please just ask! I’m more than happy to help!
With Love, Quianna
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