Dear Mama,
I want to take a moment to thank you. Thank you for being you to help create the best version of myself. It’s because of your unconditional love and support that I get to play hooky and arrange my schedule to be with you on your birthday. I don’t have to clock in or call in sick, I just get to wake up and play with you all day!
Growing up with you has been my favorite and wildest adventure, yet. You hold the record for best halloween costumes, the world’s greatest baby shower/bridal shower game winner, the most creative and soulful cook and have the most contagious laugh.
From the get-go you taught me right from wrong. Not just the rules of life, but the truth of the heart. It’s because of you that I love deeply and see the world from a completely different perspective than the majority. Thank you for showing me that kindness represents strength and forgiveness represents happiness.
Of all the life lessons you have taught me, I thank you for my faith. Not only the religious, verse reading faith – but the warm hearted, hopeful and just believe everything will be okay kind of faith. The faith I have in myself, my business and my future stems from you, Ma.
You remember, the strict catechism schedules? Yeah. Those were the days. The early days I learned that in the midst of chatter in church I could hear a page turn once I began speaking. People listened. I don’t know why? I could barely see over the podium and the microphone squeaked to reach my chin. This was the first time that I realized I had a voice, a voice to be heard.
For as long as I can remember you’ve been my ruthless cheerleader. Of the many things I can hear your voice ringing in my ear, I remember “Don’t be so hard on yourself” the most. I mean we all know you’ve got jokes and so many other sayings come to mind. But I want to thank you for keeping me in check and reminding myself that as long as I “keep driving forward” everything will fall into place.
Thank you for teaching me to love, set expectations when needed and to let it go and leave it to God when it’s out of my control. Every little thing that you have provided for my childhood shines light on my future. A bright future. The kind where we can celebrate birthdays on a weekday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Love you, Ma!
Oh and P.S. While I’m in a thankful mood, thanks for the best little brother. Ever. We love you!
Photography: JZ Photo
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[…] A Thank You Note to Mama, On Her Birthday […]