Do you know how to create affiliate income for your business? In today’s episode, I’m continuing my series all about branding, and sharing how to create impact through affiliate marketing with my guest Anette Oran. Anette shares her tips and action steps for creating affiliate opportunities for your own products and services.
On Quianna Marie Weekly, we’re chatting about business growing pains, finding genuine connections, and celebrating wins of all sizes through the lens of a photographer at heart. Sprinkled throughout stories and interviews with past clients, photographers and other business owners this podcast is designed to help you step into your purpose and to truly create a life you’re proud of, a life worth photographing and sharing.
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Review The Show Notes:
What Even Is An Affiliate? (4:56)
JV Affiliate Partners (6:22)
Crafting Affiliate Programs For Your Own Offers (9:30)
Attracting Aligned Partnerships And Clients (14:29)
Determining The Delivery (22:09)
Partnership And Offer Examples (27:12)
Mutually Beneficial Opportunities (31:36)
Creating Successful Collaborations (36:47)
Mistakes With Launching (41:46)
Affiliate Income While You’re Sleeping (44:04)
Key Tip From Anette (47:37)
Connect With Anette:
Connect with Quianna:
Review the Transcript:
Quianna: Could you imagine making money in your sleep? Yes. Yes. I know. We talk about passive income and how it’s really not passive, but what if we truly utilize our friendships, our relationships, and our networking group to connect with even more aligned clients? Well, today I have a sweet surprise for you, and I am so honored for To introduce you to one of my soul sisters, Annette Oron.
Anette is an incredible coach, mentor, and honestly, community leader that is making an impact in the world. Everywhere she goes, she has this magnetic energy. She is fun. fun. She is vibrant and she comes packed with education and the type of tactical action steps to help align yourself to be the highest, most vibrant version of yourself to connect with others and make an impact, not just in our communities, but globally.
Today, we’re going to be chatting all about affiliate marketing. What the heck is an affiliate and how can you create affiliate links for your own products and your own services? So even if you are a service based business or you have a product that you’re interested in selling, now is the time to start making an impact and help your voice ring across the world.
I cannot wait to introduce you to Anette Oran. Let’s get this party started. Welcome to Kiana Marie Weekly, a podcast for creatives who love to celebrate wins, big or small, by dancing in the kitchen, photographers who are excited to serve their clients, and friends who are ready to chase their dreams.
It’s really, really big dreams. You can find all of the resources mentioned in this episode at
Join me as I share weekly motivation, chat about growing pains, finding genuine connections and celebrating your wins through the lens of a photographer at heart. Come join me for a dance party.
Ready? Let’s go.
Hey, hey, hey, Anette, welcome to the party, babe. I am so. So honored to be in your presence and to get this conversation going. How are you? I’m doing
Anette: so good and I’m so excited to be here. It’s such, it’s so much fun doing a podcast when it’s your girlfriend and you feel like you’re just chatting over coffee and we get to just talk about all the things before and after and during.
So I’m really excited to be here.
Quianna: Yes. Thank you. Well, I want to get right to these juicy questions. You are a wealth of knowledge and let’s please start with Affiliates. What the heck does that even mean? And what is an affiliate?
Anette: I’m excited to dive into this topic. And I was actually sharing with Kiana that before really diving into today’s episode, this is the first time that I think I ever record a podcast episode on this topic.
But truthfully, it’s been something that has been such a huge source of growth in our business at cohere. And so I’m really excited to share more about this with all of you, but basically an affiliate is someone who promotes your product or service. in an exchange for a commission or sales. So ideally you want to partner with people who have a similar audience to you and who you can get in front of because you know that they already have your ideal clients.
Ideally it’s something that’s win win. So it’s not just about taking and being like, who can promote me and Who’s a perfect fit, you know, to promote my service or products. But it’s really about creating these partnerships where it is a win win scenario. I’m going to introduce you to our list. This is like a JV partnership kind of style where, you know, you want to ultimately align really well with whoever you’re partnering and their mission and their vision and everything that they’re about so that it’s super mutually beneficial.
Quianna: I love that so much. So hold on. I heard you drop a word and I want to make sure that we are all on the same page. What does JV mean? I’m thinking of like, like junior varsity in high school playing softball. What does that mean in the business world?
Anette: In the business world, this is so good. We need like a business dictionary because there’s so many acronyms.
So it means joint venture. So it typically, I mean, in the finance world, it means other things, but in the online marketing space world. Ideally, when you partner with somebody who’s like a JV affiliate partner, for example, it’s someone who, again, you’re creating this win win because you’re going to promote them and they’re going to promote you.
So that’s a JV partnership. So for example, right, you know, Kiana offers amazing photography and courses and does all these amazing things. And as a JV partner, which in a sense, we’re JV partners, Without having that official title, right? You, if you were doing a launch for a photo shoot, I could easily promote that to all of the entrepreneurs who are part of our list who need photos for their brand.
And then likewise, you need people in your world need a product like O’Here to share their gifts and their services. So that’s an example of a joint venture partnership. And that’s really the most ideal kind of affiliate partnership that you want to have.
Quianna: I love this conversation so much and I feel like I’m already learning so much.
I feel like a lot of us are very familiar with Amazon affiliate links, right? Like we are very familiar with, I say a lot of us, um, are familiar with taking other people’s products. And sharing them for that link, right? Like, Oh, send me the link because I want to give you credit, you know, which is either a commission or some type of discount.
And so I feel like, you know, we’re used to seeing those online, right? Use my code for 10 percent off. This is very normal. I would say in the small business industry and in our social media climate today, but having the thought. Of using your own products, creating your own digital offers, creating your own experiences, and then getting them like wrapped up in a bow to connect with other affiliates to do this collaboration.
So this is just a whole new level. This is a whole new, it’s a whole new world.
Anette: Truthfully, it takes. So much confidence because you need to know that you have an irresistible offer and I’m big on helping people create irresistible offers. But it’s like, you need to know that your product or service is amazing and you do need to form those connections and network with people and have some type of affiliate program that they would feel enticed to want to share about.
Right. And so there’s levels, but it is such an incredible piece when you add this to your business. I feel like it’s like it unlocks this next level of growth because again, most people are, you know, spending a ton of money on paid ads and all this stuff, which there’s nothing wrong about it. But imagine if you can literally.
Not have to spend money up front, but you’re only paying people for the sales that are actually coming in. It’s kind of a no brainer, right? Especially when you find again, those I’m big on finding partnerships where it’s a really big win win that’s where the magic happens.
Quianna: Yes. Oh my gosh. Okay. So when would you suggest is a good time to start creating that affiliate program for your offers?
Let’s say you have something juicy, right? You’ve already worked with you. You’ve crafted the perfect offer. You know that it has a couple of sales going on. When is it time to really start going after these affiliate opportunities?
Anette: I would say as soon as you can, but at least you do want to have some sales already coming in.
You want to make sure that you validate the product or the service that you’re offering. And so first things first, if you go to any of my workshops, you will know it’s all about your offer and really being rooted in Confidence and excitement about the offer and your vision and really kind of being rooted in your purpose for what you’re doing.
I feel like that’s number one, that’s like a foundation. And then it’s really making sure that you validate this offer by enrolling people to it. And so at first, like we kind of do need to, you know, roll up our sleeves and hustle a little bit. I’m big on like, Hey, I feel like all of us entrepreneurs need to hustle a little bit in the beginning.
And there’s no shame in people who are like, I don’t want to hustle. That’s totally cool. But in my opinion, you got to hustle in the beginning a little bit, right? Like a little bit to get things started. And then as soon as you’re already generating some type of momentum, you have sales, you have clients, you can even start your affiliate program just with the people who have gone through your, your services.
I’m kind of speaking to coaches here, but let’s say somebody, even, you know, for Quianna, right? Somebody goes is, uh, her client as a photography client. right away, that is an affiliate opportunity. But even if somebody goes through your coaching services and they have a good result right away, that’s an affiliate opportunity.
There are different types of affiliate partnerships. I mainly keep talking about like the JV partnership where it’s like, you promote me, I promote you that kind of vibe. But you can set up affiliate programs where it’s kind of similar to Amazon where like somebody has a link, they share the thing and they, you don’t necessarily need to mutually promote each other.
And so for instance, your clients, if they don’t have their own coaching services or products, like they can still promote you because they’ve had an amazing result working with you. It’s kind of like a no brainer for them to promote. And this is probably something we’ll dive into as well, but you want to make sure.
It is a win win with whatever you’re paying your affiliates. You want to make sure people are willing to put in the work, share the links because there’s some type of payoff. They’re not just going to do it for free, right?
Quianna: Right. I love this so much because it works for everything. It works for products, works for digital products.
It works for. Services and all the things like I’m even thinking right now. Okay, it’s done. Like you’ve helped me decide this. I want to like workshop this where I do. I create a branding affiliate program where because here’s the thing. I think when we are delivering experiences that are making incredible transformations when we are delivering Incredible products and services that people are going to naturally talk about, right?
They’re going to bring it up to their friends. People are going to see the photos online or, or their coaching experiences online and say, Hey, I’ve seen a lot of growth with you. What’s going on? What, what’s in the water you’re drinking, right? Or tell me about that experience. They’re going to be happy to share that organically.
And I feel like that Only goes so far, right? That only goes because those conversations come up over coffee with girlfriends. Those conversations come up from an online post. But when you do offer that affiliate link, whether it’s a 20% kickback or I’ve even seen crazy 50 percent affiliate opportunities, then they’re getting paid to share that.
So then they’re motivated to get online, share more testimonials, add them to their email list, right? And, and this isn’t just like you mentioned. just only for small business owners. This, this could be the soccer moms that are going, right, that are in their communities and in their churches and in just everyday life.
I mean, we all know our moms know other moms, so they’ll be happy to share. I just, this is so mind boggling to me. And that’s it. It’s like
Anette: most people are happy to share the things that they love regardless, right? We go to Lululemon or we get a nice latte somewhere and we like recommend our friends to also check out those products and services.
And when somebody’s enticed with some type of payback or, you know, monetary value, or even like a discount for the next time they go in, Something to really pay back those people who are already fans of your service, I feel like is so big. And it actually, like in my personal experience, it makes me want to share something more.
Because I’m like, oh, if I share this, then I’m also going to randomly get 300. Might as well share it. Even though I would have shared it regardless, but I’m more enticed to share it more often.
Quianna: Yes, absolutely. Oh my gosh. Well, let’s dig a little bit deeper into collaborations. I, I know that you mentioned how important it is to find aligned customers, aligned clients, people that have similar customers as you.
Where do we start with that? Like how is it a vibe thing? Is it a similar product thing? Is like where do we collect these stats? Or how do we kind of like dip into different networks or different pools of clients that may be aligned with us? Oh, this is such
Anette: a good question. And it definitely takes you having so much awareness.
in terms of your ideal client, their vibe, who your ideal clients are drawn to. So I did this exercise recently with a client. We were, you know, we met up at Global Ambassador here in Phoenix, which is such a fabulous spot. And we were thinking about that for her affiliate partnerships. And I said, okay, think about who are your ideal clients following.
If you go on Instagram right now, who would be like five people who they love to follow? And so you probably would go into like Marie Forleo. I’m like blanking right now, but Laurie Harder, you know, Natalie Ellis, like they’re probably following these people. And then you want to really look at, of course, if you have an amazing product or service and you’re I hate to say like at that level, but like you’re in a place where you can form a, you have that connection, you have that network built where you can form a connection with those people that that would be ideal.
But if you’re not there yet, look at joining their retreats, their masterminds. Their certification programs, right? This is where, cause your ideal clients are also going to be drawn to those things. And you always want to do this from a really heart open space. You never want to just look at how can you take, because that’s not going to create aligned partnerships.
You always want to go into any situation like this as how can I create win win partnerships? How can I add value to other people in their business? And as a result, also create a partnership where they also add value to my business. And so even like I’ll give an example, I went through an amazing certification program in 2020 and I loved that program so much.
So much that I already knew I wanted to become an affiliate because I’m like, I want to recommend this to anybody who’s wanting to get certified. And so I did, I became an affiliate and started referring my own coaching clients to join that certification program, which is an amazing certification program, by the way, if you want to know, just drop me a little DM, I’ll share more about it.
But long story short, after I went through that certification program and I shared about it and I was actively talking about the certification, I was invited to then be a part of that certification program on a bigger level as a mentor coach. And so I led masterclasses, retreats for that community in the ongoing years.
And this year we officially formed a partnership where we’re both promoting each other. And so certain partnerships take time to really expand in this beautiful way, but it’s all about how am I adding value first before looking at where I can take, how can I give? And that’s when you get recognized by people, you know, like that have those big audiences and they’re more likely to also want to partner with you and create those affiliate partnerships together.
Quianna: Incredible.
Anette: Those are some ideas. Yeah. But really just start thinking about where are your ideal clients hanging out? Who are they following? What events are they going to? That is where the magic happens because ultimately you want to align with people who share similar values, a similar mission, vision, just an overall vibe.
I do think it’s a vibe thing as well. For sure. You got to like check in with your gut.
Quianna: Yes. I love this so much. And you’re right. I feel like there’s so much power in doing the research, right? Doing some like, uh, social media hacking, um, checking things out. I think sometimes, I don’t know why I’m feeling this download to share is sometimes we want to go after those big guns, right?
We want to go after those very successful leaders in our industries and especially in the mental health and just, you know, business space, right? Where we’re constantly growing. But I will tell you, there is so much power in getting in the room, right? Getting in the room. With these in person events, because we may have our eye on who’s on stage, but sitting next to us could be this powerhouse woman that you have no idea who she is, but she, just like you mentioned, is aligned and so many things.
And maybe she’s sitting in the seat next to you. Maybe she’s in the line in the bathroom when you girls have a quick potty break. Maybe she hops an Uber with you, right? Like on the way to the airplane, on the way home, like that’s where the magic happens. And so I feel like we have to really, like you mentioned, have a heart centered and open mind to receive these opportunities, but it’s not going to happen if you’re just Commenting on the couch, right?
Anette: This is so on point, and I heard this somewhere, and I’m totally going to butcher this quote, but it’s, this quote said something about how, like, we, there’s certain people we look up to, and obviously it’s not to pedestal people, but they’ve just accomplished a lot of amazing things in their lives or in their businesses, and we look up to those people, but we don’t realize that the people who are actually joining their event.
and who are also a part of those masterminds are going to be those people someday. You’re in a room with them now and you’re all growing together to get there. And again, it’s not a pedestal thing, but it’s just acknowledging that, hey, everybody, you know, over time, if you’re committed to your vision, you’re going to get Successful.
And your peers right now, you’re, you’re going there with them. And I think Lori Harder or Chris Harder said that, but I just loved it so much. And it landed on such a deep level because. But yeah, the people right next to you can be the best form of partnerships. And actually last year we went to, I went to two mastermind events in person.
And one of those was in Napa Valley with one of our business partners, Scott Oldford. And to your point, we ended up forming so many incredible partnerships. with people in that room. We already had an amazing partnership with Scott as a business partner, but now all of the people who were part of that event, who we bonded with, created relationships with those partnerships alone in the past year.
And I don’t really like to share numbers typically, but they resulted in multiple six figures. In our business, just from those affiliate JV partnerships. And so it’s incredible what happens when you’re just open and you’re in the right spaces with the right crowds. Again, we knew that those people in that room were, are aligned tribe because they are clients of Scott.
And so it’s all about, you know, being in that energy with the, with the groups and the aligned audiences that, you know, you want to be a part of that’s where your ideal partnerships are hanging out.
Quianna: Incredible. I’m so happy for you guys for putting yourselves out there. Like you said, getting yourself in the room.
I love this so much. Okay. So one thing I love, I love to kind of thread these conversations together. So, so far we’ve accomplished that we have a super juicy offer, whether it’s a digital product, in person event, um, something that we’re selling that we love. And we know It’s so awesome that people need this, right?
And we’re getting in the room, right? We’re kind of testing the waters. We’re surrounding ourselves by ambitious people that also are very heart centered and are doing the thing. So my question to you is, let’s say we found someone And we’re like, that’s her. And we’re like, that’s the one that I want to reach out to.
Can you please share with us some type of collaborations, right? Because it’s like, how does that conversation unfold? Where you, you’re confident that it’s mutually beneficial, but like, what could it be? And so the first thing that comes to mind is, um, I love your live podcast that you do with Felicia. Um, that to me is a perfect opportunity for a collab.
So I would love to kind of like, Offer some ideas and some different ways thinking outside of the box that we can collaborate and really tap into these cross promotions. Can we talk about that? Yes,
Anette: absolutely. And, and even like one step before that, that I want to point out to everybody is to determine what’s the product or service.
We have that one down, but number two, determine what that percentage, what does your affiliate program look like? Like if somebody does refer your product or your service, how much of that. Revenue that you’re bringing in. I mean, not all of it is revenue. Some of it goes to taxes, right? So we want to take into account.
How much is realistic for you to pay out to your affiliates and have that very clear and you want it to be something like enticing Again, you know, 30% is kind of an average number. Just to throw something out there. I see 20%, 30%. I have no idea what Amazon affiliates receive or anything like that, but just in general, in like the service industry, I would say 20, 30% is pretty.
average. And if you’re selling something that’s self paced, that doesn’t require your time and energy, you can even go upwards of 50%. But if you’re using your hard like energy and it’s taking you like 10 hours to like edit, you know, for example, like you’re not going to want to do that much. Right. Or if it’s like a service that you’re reading one on one.
And so once you define that, then like you mentioned, you’re in those spaces, you connect with people and you’re like, they’re the ones. And I think personally, It’s so good to always lead with questions and first lead with just forming some type of connection before leading in to that conversation right away.
But as soon as there’s some type of connection, you are revived. And naturally, when somebody asks you what you do, and you learn about what they do, and you can see how it could be mutually beneficial for you to share each other services. I think it’s more of a question of like, Hey, I, you know, I would love to form some type of partnership.
Typically I recommend that everybody has an easy way to collaborate with someone. So for example, what we do is we host workshops. We know that we have our workshops nailed down. And so it’s a very easy thing for people to just promote our workshops. Instead of going right into promoting the paid product, what can you offer for free to those people?
And so for example, if Kiana and I were doing a live podcast, I mean, in this case, we’re doing, we’re recording it, but let’s say we were doing it in person or we were doing an event. I would probably go to Kiana and I would say, Hey, well, what’s our goal? Like what, what are we selling on the backend? And Keanu would say, I want to sell this course, this branding course.
And I would say, awesome. I want to sell cohere. That’s going to help everybody have an all in one, you know, platform to host their services on. And so from there, that’s like a perfect partnership, right? And so we would just want to figure out what is the delivery of how we want to get it in front of our audiences.
And so that’s, the delivery piece is kind of like, is it a workshop? Is it a live podcast? Is it an IG live? Ideally, whatever way you could get in front of as many people, you know, with your mutual audiences, I would say is the best way. Does that answer your question? I don’t know if I kind of went off topic there.
Quianna: Yeah, no, absolutely. I love this. And I love that you really like backed up the caboose here. And you gave us a little bit more information on getting started with that affiliate, right? Because I even remember having opportunities where I was texting you, I was voice noting you, Annette, Annette, help me, please.
How much do I even offer this affiliate link for, right? Because, because I have seen, for example, and I know I’m like going down a tunnel here, but I have seen where affiliates will give their audience 10 percent off and they’ll receive 20 percent in return, right? So really as the, uh, you know, the product or the service based business, you’re really eating 30%, right?
In total. Um, but you’re giving their clients, you know, a little kickback and incentive to purchase, and then they get a little thing in return. So I thought that was interesting about like kind of understanding that, but I love that you are. Once again, so genuine and heart centered in offering something so free and so fun and so aligned for both parties that it just makes sense, right?
So can you give us just like a handful or even just one topic of a workshop that you would give that would just be like, Oh yeah, it doesn’t matter what business I’m speaking to because it’s aligned with who, what you’re doing and then we can like doctor it up and make it specific. Thanks. Bye.
Anette: I love that.
Yeah. So for, I’ll speak for, for me, for example. So what we do in, I know Kiana shared an intro in the beginning, but we’re an all in one platform that makes it easy for coaches, healers, and online service providers to market, sell, and deliver their services online. So basically we give you the tech to run your business.
landing pages, payments, course delivery, all the things that you need to sell products and services online. And so we partner very often with certification schools who are certifying coaches because we know that they have our ideal audience and vice versa. We know that our coaches also get to continue learning and growing and getting certified and other things.
And so for those examples, We have different workshops that we’ve tested that work really well. And so we might offer a few different ones. One, for example, is a little bit more systems related and it’s like, you know, Hey, you’re a coach and you’re ready to set up your systems. We’re going to invite you to this workshop called launch.
And what is it called? Our launch and grow your coaching with systems. That’s the name of the workshop. So that’s like a systems focused one. But then we also have another free workshop that we offer their audiences. Where it’s called create your irresistible offer. So it’s, you know, you have the skills as a coach, you’re ready to start sharing your gifts, but the first step that you need is to dial in your offers so that you can be in a place to systemize and launch them online.
And so we teach you basically how to create your offer and then how to create the next steps to launch it using cohere. And so those two workshops work really, really well. And then when we promote other people, like we’re actually promoting for that certification that I talked about. Um, and probably by the time this is up, it won’t be open anymore.
So I won’t mention it, but feel free to message me if you have any questions on that. But for that certification, she did a three day challenge. And so we’ve invited our audience to join her free three day challenge. So see how in both scenarios, we’re inviting people to something free that they get a ton of value, regardless of whether or not they sign up.
That is one form of an affiliate partnership, but you don’t have to do that. Truthfully, if your affiliates are your own clients, you can just give them the resources to share about your service. And so it can, it can look very different, but just from experience, that’s something that’s worked really well for us.
Quianna: I love that so much. And like I said, it’s so beautiful that you’re creating these experiences. So people are blown away by the free knowledge, right? Like the action steps, the like, they’re piquing that curiosity. And then at the end, there’s the cell where you’re like, well, here’s how I can help you. And it’s, like you said, it’s literally a no brainer at that point.
And I can see how the conversions can be so much higher because you’ve done your research. You know, that this is. That’s such a solid collaboration where the students or these webinar watchers and these workshoppers like they need you. I love that.
Anette: Yeah. And something else as an idea for the service providers in your community, which is I think most people, if you’re running a promotion, like let’s say for black Friday or you’re already running some type of sale, you can also have your affiliate partners promote and let their audience know, like you can obviously give them, you want to give your affiliates as many templates as possible so that it’s so easy for them to share about your product.
They don’t have to be like, how do I talk about it? What is it? They just have the templates ready to go. But if you’re doing a holiday sale, you can even be like, Hey, if you do end up, you know, promoting this, um, you want to get their yes, but like, let’s say they say yes. And they promote it. then, you know, I’m going to not only pay you 30%, but we’ll make sure to get you booked in for free for the holidays too, or something like that.
Because again, the amount of work it takes to get one new client. If you can have affiliates promote for you, it makes it, it makes that 30 percent or that free shoot or that free thing that you’re giving that person, like be so worth it because they’re bringing you so many more clients.
Quianna: Yes. I love these ideas.
These are all so good. So what are some ways? Besides monetizing, like literally besides the money, what are some ways that we can create mutual beneficial opportunities? Because I do, I do think that sometimes we get caught up in the, well, how much money is it going to make me? Is this going to be worth it?
Right? And I know that, yes, as grounded, as loving, and as just, you know, pure hearted business owners as we can be, sometimes that motivation is real about money, right? So, what are some ways, in your opinion, that we can grow our audience, grow our brand awareness with these, with these collaborations that really aren’t even tied to dollars?
Anette: Yeah. Oh, I love this question. I’m so big on collaboration regardless, everyone, just as you’re listening, it’s never just right about the affiliate. Like, what am I getting out of this? It’s something that makes business sense at some point, but in general, having collaborations, like for me, not only has it brought so much more fulfillment to my business and growth and impact, but just meaning and purpose and so much more.
And so I feel like collaboration is key for all of us. And some of those ways, again, I think as you’re joining these different masterminds, retreats, experiences. As you’re building your community, there’s naturally certain people who you resonate with, right? And I want everybody to just be really aware, and also okay, with like, you’re not going to resonate with everybody.
But there’s genuinely people who you just click with. And I can say that is true, you know, when I met you, Quianna. When I met Felicia. When we met so many of our girlfriends. It’s like this sudden, like, soul knowing, like this click. And so I find that as soon as you have that click with someone, genuinely, I always want to create some experiences together.
And it has nothing to do with the money, but it’s more like, this sounds fun. This sounds aligned. How can we impact more people? How can we join forces? Because you’re so gifted at this. Thing, and I’m so gifted at this thing and we, we all get to, you know, spread our impact on such a bigger level when we collaborate.
And so I think it’s about that. It’s like, how can you take your zone of genius and bring that with somebody else’s zone of genius and just create freaking magic together? ’cause that’s, that’s, that’s where the magic happens in business. And so that’s. My, you know, opinion throughout all this is like really just focus on building genuine connections and being so rooted in your gifts and how you want to help people and find ways to help more people with the people you love.
Like that is key.
Quianna: Yes. And I am such a firm believer. I know my parents have instilled this in me for so many years that good people know good people, right? So when you are getting in these rooms, you’re collaborating, right? It’s not always about that ROI and that return on dollar signs. It’s like, what’s the price of creativity, right?
Just like you mentioned, being around these souls that are just at a high, high, or I should say like higher vibration. It’s just so beautiful. That’s when more ideas are created. That’s when new products are thought of. That’s when new opportunities and new experiences are created. I mean, it, it’s endless.
The possibilities are endless when you really go into these collaborations thinking, how can I serve? How can I help? How can I make a deeper impact? And oh my gosh, sometimes that’s even more valuable than dollars. Like seriously. Agreed. It’s like the
Anette: energy that you’re receiving and giving from just being in that elevated place.
That’s what happens in collaborations. And I feel like it’s really leading with an abundance mindset of like, how can I share my gifts? How can I? Help them share their gifts. And again, how can we just impact more people? That’s really what it’s about. And that’s even what affiliate programs are helping you do, regardless of whether or not you put a dollar sign attached to it, ultimately it’s helping everybody because you’re helping more people, they’re helping their people with new products and services.
And those people are getting a transformation, which are then going to. That, you know, naturally lead them to help more people as well. So it’s like this beautiful ripple effect of impact.
Quianna: Well, I would love to dive into a little bit more tactical things and a little more like I like, I love a good action list and like some items for things to do.
So I know you mentioned how important it is to create the swipe copy and the templates and the guides and all the things like how are you actually asking these affiliates and these collaborators to do this, right? Yeah. I would love to chat about, are you creating like a one time packet where they say, yes, let’s do this.
We’ve just launched this amazing event. Great. Here’s the information. I’m one of those that it’s like, and maybe this is the old school version of me where I think I gave you the information. Go find it. Right. So sometimes I can have that mindset that wait a second. It’s. actually not as successful if I send gentle reminders or stuff.
So like, I would love to kind of pick your brain about creating a very successful collaboration.
Anette: Oh my goodness. This is so good. And I feel like I need to give my husband, Paul, all the credit for this one. Because he is so dialed in when it comes to his system for bringing on new partners. So usually he’s the one we joke around and say that I’m marketing, he sales, and we’re both really good at sales.
But in general, I formed the connections and I’m kind of the bubbly one who was like, Oh my gosh, I love you. Let’s do some fun things together. And then he’s like, awesome. Let’s book a meeting. Let’s get it on the calendar. And let’s plan when this promotion is happening. Yes. That’s him. And this actually recently just happened with a recent partnership with Jillian, who I met at your event.
The exact thing that happened. I met her at your event. And then I was like, Oh my gosh, awesome. Totally want to partner with you. Great. Here’s Paul’s link. And then Paul does usually take care of those details because he’s so freaking good at the big picture, but then also like making sure that things move forward.
Okay, so that’s, that’s that piece. You’ve got to make sure that you. Bring on that masculine energy to have a conversation, share about the affiliate program, what it looks like, you know, he brings a deck. So there’s like a whole deck to show, Hey, this is our average conversion. So like, if you bring this many people, this is how much money, you know, you’re going to make and how much impact we’re all going to make.
And so there’s that piece. But then in terms of the tangible assets, typically I’m such a big fan of like creating things once really well, dialing them in. And then once you have those templates, you can truly use a very similar template for multiple partnerships. Right? Not everybody needs a custom email sequence.
You want to customize it to be the voice of the person who’s going to be sending them a little bit. You want to know who their ideal clients are and things like that. But typically it’s just, you know, an affiliate package that, you know, we have put together on our Google drive that we can easily, we have a whole SOP where we’re bringing on a new partner.
It goes on to the Asana board. We We create the affiliate assets, we send those over and then it’s really about there is that accountability piece of like, Hey, making sure like to confirm when are you sending the first email so that we can track on our end. And what’s really beautiful. And I want to share this as a shameless plug for everybody is that cohere makes it so easy to track your affiliates.
So when we host a workshop, you can host workshops on Cohere and directly inside of Cohere, you can create an affiliate link so that you can easily track all of the leads that came in from that partner. You want to have some tracking system, because if you don’t, you’re You’re not really going to know where they came from, when, you know, all that stuff, because if they don’t sign up now, but they sign up three years from now, you still want to assign them to that affiliate.
That’s an integrity, right? And so there’s those kinds of systems that come into play. Cohere makes it really easy, but then also the organization of like, just building it out, building it really well. And don’t be afraid to be messy for the first one. And then you’ll dial it in as soon as you dial it in, you could just replicate it and do it a million times over again.
Quianna: Amazing. Oh my gosh. I love this. And then how are you following through as far as like, are you bugging your. Your affiliates or like your collaborations, right? Or are you, I feel like what I’m picking up is you guys do a collaboration. You create this webinar or this workshop, this online experience. And then it’s kind of like, is there like a open cart, closed cart opportunity?
What does that look like? Exactly. Yeah. So
Anette: these are mostly live launches, but you could also do evergreen. What we find is just live launches convert better. Being with somebody’s energy live is so much better than like, here’s a self paced recording. Watch it, watch it, whatever you want, which is usually never, right.
Let’s be honest. So we do live launches. And so, yeah, we have that period where, you know, it depends on who you’re working with. Like now we’ve gotten to this place where we’re working with. Really advanced business owners who have a team. And so it’s very clear, okay, this is when the emails are getting sent.
You were checking in just to make sure, you know, we’re tracking, uh, opt ins to make sure people are enrolling. If they’re not, Hey, we noticed nobody’s enrolling. Have you sent the second email? So that sometimes there’s a little bit of a check in, but for the most part, when there’s an agreement, there’s always an agreement in place.
It. People like execute on those things. And sometimes things happen and you have to move dates around and you’re, you’re flexible because you know, that’s, that’s part of being a business owner. You get to sometimes flow too.
Quianna: Yes. Ah, this is so helpful. I love this so much. So I feel like we’ve covered so much as far as positive energy, what to do.
I would love to talk about what not to do if that’s possible. So what are some mistakes Annette, that business owners make when it’s Time to relaunch a product. So let’s say whether they’ve decided to create some updates or not, um, but they’re ready to like beef it back up again, whether it’s the next season, the next year, or maybe they didn’t get the results that they were looking for.
They did some tweaking. What are some mistakes that are happening with these launches?
Anette: Oh my goodness. The first thing that comes to mind, and this is a shameless plug for Kiana, is like not having good photography or marketing in general, because typically when you launch something, you want to make sure that the graphics look good.
Like there’s these different elements, right? There’s your copy, there’s Your messaging, there’s your graphics, like there’s so many things, but I do think the marketing piece is big and not really like, I would say the number one thing, like, if people’s launches don’t go according to plan, it’s usually a messaging problem, a offer problem, like the offer, which kind of aligns with the messaging as well.
It’s just not a great fit. Or it’s an audience problem. Like it’s not in front of the right people. And so I would say making sure that you have a solid like warmup phase with these audiences before you launch is really big. You don’t want to just come out of the blue and say, Hey, I’m now doing this thing.
It’s like, wait, where did that come from? Right. And so I would say that like pre launch build your audience. With aligned clients, make sure your offer is amazing. Make sure your messaging is dialed in. And then from that place, things go really, really well and really smooth. And that’s also why I love helping people with messaging.
That’s one of my favorite things because you don’t have to have an offer super dialed in. to start pre selling as long as you know what it’s about and you have some clear messaging and ways to communicate it, you can start, you know, growing your business from that place a lot easier.
Quianna: Yes. Oh my gosh.
Incredible. And I feel like this is all a full circle moment where you need to get your messaging down, create that juicy offer. Be so confident in yourself and your business and your offer that it’s, Just going to sell itself, right? And so I would love to ask this last juicy question. We’ll have two more for you.
Sorry. Um, but I have to ask, can you create affiliate income while you’re sleeping? Is this really true? Absolutely.
Anette: Yes. So I love all these questions and I’m getting all these ideas of like, Paul and I need to launch a whole affiliate course because this is so powerful. Like there’s so many. so many powerful things to it.
So if this feels alive to make sure to DM me on Instagram, let me know. I’m just gonna, I’m going to take in the ideas of this feels like something you would want to be a part of, but yes. Okay. So this is how you make money in your sleep with affiliates. So. As I shared a lot of your affiliates, like the maximum amount of it, just from my experience, I’m not sharing this as true, but live launches or doing like sales or like a specific timeframe is always going to result in higher conversions because there’s urgency.
There’s like a reason for them to sign up right then and there. However, what we totally encourage is after a launch goes with a partner, you can turn that. workshop or challenge or masterclass, whatever you did into an evergreen. And evergreen content means that somebody can tune into it at any time. You do want to have systems.
This is where Cohere comes in, but you want to make sure that somebody can easily Opt into that workshop, watch the replay and get a drip of emails, inviting them into that next step. And so that’s how affiliate sales come in. And then obviously the more affiliates you have, the more people are just sharing about here as people are asking them or sharing about your product or service.
That’s how money in your sleep comes in, but it does take time and it is really cool when it starts clicking together because you’re like, Oh my gosh, all these sales and I didn’t do anything for that. I just, you know, I did it once and now they’re, you know, joining a year later or six months later, et cetera.
Quianna: Yes. Well, and this is another full circle moment where I’m literally, cause I’m such a visual person. I’m thinking this is why you have to get your. Together, because the woman that was sitting next to you at the event, maybe not the one on stage, but the one that was sitting next to you where you met her and you’re making these collect, and you’re making these collaborations, right?
I mean, like you said, if you have that collaboration, and then all of us are collectively growing and expanding, then years from now, you can be collecting affiliate payments on this. Like, this is just so mind blowing. Yeah. I’m a hundred percent.
Anette: And you just want to make sure that your affiliates have some incentive to continue sharing about it.
So maybe you’re hosting regular classes to like, you know, get everybody hyped up or meetings or something where it’s top of mind for them and they can just keep sharing about it anytime. It’s kind of like when our favorite brands have a sale, we’re like, Ooh, we want to share that with our friends at that period.
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Because we want our friends to benefit. And so we want to make sure that we create those opportunities for our affiliates to also share.
Quianna: Oh my gosh. Ah, I can talk about this forever. And I’m just so grateful for you Annette. You and Paul absolutely have to create some type of education on this topic.
You, you mentioned this was the first time that you’ve talked about this. And I don’t believe it because this is so So powerful like this information is so good and I truly believe it like you’re making millionaires. You are creating these incredible experiences. So I love to ask every single guest, what is your key tip?
What is something that you wish you knew sooner or something that you’d like to share with entrepreneurs today?
Anette: I love this and I literally wrote down my answer, but I’m just gonna like trust myself. You said that to me before, but in this moment, what is coming through for me the most is this has been a common theme in my coaching conversations is.
To have certainty in your vision, have certainty in what you’re building in the fact that your product offer service is making an impact. Just have certainty that even when it feels hard or it’s not clicking or people aren’t signing up. Have certainty that you’re going to continue growing through this.
You’re going to continue learning and things are going to eventually click. I see so many entrepreneurs want to give up their first launch if they don’t have a sign up. And it’s like, That’s just helping you grow, baby. That’s just helping you expand. That’s helping you think outside of the box. There’s a reason why that happened.
And so I want entrepreneurs to trust in their vision and really have certainty in what they’re building because If it’s in your heart, if you have the gifts, if you have the desire, it’s for a reason, you wouldn’t have it if it wasn’t meant to be. And so make sure to have certainty in the thing that you’re building and just continue growing and collecting information to continue expanding it and growing it to so many people.
And before you know it, it clicks. And magic starts happening and you’re like, Oh, this is where the magic begins. And then there’s still more hurdles and more things that you’ve been through, but at least at this point you’re like, okay, I’m making that right. And, and I’m, you know, making that impact and all the things.
And so that’s really the magic is like having certainty and having trust.
Quianna: I love that so much. That’s definitely a mic drop moment. Oh my goodness, Annette. Thank you so much. So please tell us, how can we connect with you and how can we learn more about Cohere?
Anette: Absolutely. I’m so excited to also drop a little affiliate link below for those of you who want to learn more about Cohere.
Definitely. Click the link below, learn about it. We’re going to have a, um, self paced demo that you can just go through, learn about Cohere, how to systemize your business. And again, Cohere is an all in one platform. So if you’re a coach, a healer, or an online service provider, or you want to create a service that you can deliver online, Like a course, a workshop, any type of service, then definitely click the link below.
And I love hanging out on Instagram. And so definitely come say hello on Instagram at AnnetteSkyoron. And if you loved this episode, I always love to Receive feedback, not from like an egotistical place of like, I need the validation. But if you liked this topic, if you want to hear more about this, definitely let me know on Instagram, because that way we can just keep it coming.
Maybe we do a part two and we dive even deeper. Yes.
Quianna: Cause I have more questions. I’m like, we can keep talking forever.
Anette: That was so good. Thank you so much. And I just, I love you and I love the work you’re doing in the world. I always love working with you on photo shoots. You are just you’re the best. I’m so grateful.
Quianna: Thank you so much. I appreciate you and can’t wait to see you soon. Thank you. See you so
Anette: soon. Bye.
Quianna: Oh my goodness. This episode was so fun. So encouraging. And I hope you picked up some really great action steps to help amplify your voice, amplify your brand and amplify your impact. Make sure to check out cohere live on Instagram and check out Anette Sky Oran on Instagram as well @anetteskyeoran I am so grateful for these conversations. I hope that you find them inspiring and please, please, like Anette mentioned, reach out to our Instagrams, connect, send those DMS, ask those questions. We are so, so excited for you to continue your success.
Keep on shining, baby. Okay. Love you. Bye. That’s a wrap on another episode of Quianna Marie Weekly! Thank you so much for your listenership and support. You can find the resources and show notes for this episode and more at I’d be honored if you’d show your support by leaving a review and rating on your favorite podcast app until next time, keep on dancing.
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