Happy 2023! In this episode, I’m reflecting on how none of my resolutions, goals, or dreams would be possible without a healthy, positive, and strong mindset. For that reason, today I am sharing 12 affirmations for a fun and prosperous new year.
On Quianna Marie Weekly, we’re chatting about business growing pains, finding genuine connections, and celebrating wins of all sizes through the lens of a photographer at heart. Sprinkled throughout stories and interviews with past clients, photographers and other business owners this podcast is designed to help you step into your purpose and to truly create a life you’re proud of, a life worth photographing and sharing.
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Review the Show Notes:
Creating Your Own Affirmations (2:39)
12 Affirmations For A Fun And Prosperous 2023 (5:00)
Making A Vision Board (6:47)
Reflect On How You Feel Today (7:17)
Review the Transcript:
Happy 2023 Can you believe 2020 was three years ago? Three years ago at this time, I just moved to Arizona and I felt like I had the pedal to the metal on an open highway. I was hopeful, grateful and excited for the unknown. For once in my life, I felt like I had control. I was taking action and being proactive about my life instead of feeling reactive, dodging bullets and making the best of things.
I was in the driver’s seat and not realizing I was hauling over the speed limit to come to a screeching halt that March. One thing Maura and I did every day during the quarantine, as we continue to do every morning over coffee is pulling affirmation cards. This is my favorite time of day. Faith just had her breakfast and goes down for her morning’s news and MA and I get to talk, solve our world’s problems and dream together.
These cards are great for sparking conversations that make us laugh, connect the dots and sometimes even cut deep as we heal our shadow work and bring up tough lessons that we’re working through. For this episode, it took me a long time to decide which direction I wanted this conversation to go. I thought about sharing my goals for the year sharing more content ideas, of course, you know, I am just a content generator, and rolling out new year’s resolutions. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that no matter how many ideas popped into my head mindset is the one thing that threads them all together. None of my resolutions goals actionless content ideas or big dreams would be possible without a healthy, positive and strong mindset.
Welcome to Quianna Marie weekly, a podcast for creatives who love to celebrate wins big or small by dancing in the kitchen photographers who are excited to serve their clients and friends who are ready to chase really, really big dreams. You can find all of the resources mentioned in this episode at QUiannamarie.com/podcast. Join me as I share weekly motivation, chat about growing pains, finding genuine connections and celebrating your wins through the lens of a photographer at heart. Come join me for a dance party. Ready loves though.
I’m thrilled to share with you 12 affirmations for the year, you can decide to add these affirmations to your daily routine. Maybe select one for each month, or throw these out the window and jot your own. Please just take what you need and share the rest with a friend. And I think it’s really fun and important to remember that these affirmations like we pull cards, right. And I think it’s really fun because somehow I don’t know if it’s our angels spirit guides the universe or completely random. But it’s insane how these affirmation cards when we pull them how direct they are to what’s going on.
Once again, I know a few guys are like big into horoscopes. For example, I used to love horoscopes growing up until I quickly realized that one day I was reading off like all of my cousins were at my auntie’s house, and we were eating coffee and donuts.
We were yelling out, you know what, what’s for Leo today and what’s for Sagittarius and Aquarius for my mom, we were listening to all these things. And I quickly realized that when we start looking at each individual horoscope, we only really read our own. And then we take all those words as if they’re truth and how we can easily apply them to our lives. Right? Well, one day as I was reading them out loud, because I’m like the family reader. I love reading everything. If anything, you have to read out loud. It’s usually me that does it. Hello, old preschool teacher.
And when I was doing this, I started like putting on that filter or wearing that hat thinking, Well, what if this was my horoscope for the day, right? So I’m a Sagittarius and I was reading the different horoscopes for the different days. And I quickly realized, wait a second, I can apply my life to any of these horoscopes. And so totally got me thinking, okay, like, Yes, I totally believe in astrology. And I totally, you know, I am super into it. And I love learning about it. But ultimately, I’m really into the science and the thought process behind like taking on the things that we read and the things that are put into our mind and like putting ourselves like in these boxes. And it just kind of gave me the power to remember Hey, like, I can be in charge of what I’m reading and what I’m seeing and sometimes it’s up to us to actually create it, right.
So like I said, like these affirmation cards and these decks are so fun, but there’s so much importance to creating your own affirmations, posting them on sticky notes, putting them on your bathroom wall, maybe even putting them in your car you know on your journals in a lot of journals these days have cute affirmations on the top like little prompts for us to kind of you know, little daily reminders that are so cute. But don’t forget to create your own.
Now let’s dive into these 12 affirmations that I created to help you live a super prosperous fun year for 2023.
I hope this year brings you happiness, financial success. Deep rooted genuine friendships, true love, and everything you can imagine and more. Also, this is just a little extra bonus. If you’re planning on creating a vision board for the year, do it. Here’s the key tip for you. If you’re making a physical board, cut out your goals, your dream home, your work checkpoints and visions. But don’t forget the most important part. Create an action list with deadlines to turn those dreams into goals. A vision board without a plan of baby steps to bring those ideas to life will forever remain a dream. Let’s turn those dreams into our reality. And another thing to think about too.
I know this year is heavy on action Lists and resolutions and this year is going to be the best year ever. And I want you to kind of do a reset, please this is just popping in my head right now. It’s not even on my notes to go over this conversation but I’m getting this download that I just want to remind you now’s a great time to reflect on how your goals and how your big dreams make you feel and how you currently feel today. How do you feel right now?
What is it about your life that makes you so happy and content and excited about your every day as you are chasing down those really big dreams. This is where we should put our effort in this is where our time management our love our business our love for our family and that connection to our why really comes into play because I tell you right now baby as we continue to chase these big goals and the Boss Babes and work towards you know like these big, big, big dreams.
I hope my hope for you is that you are living your dream today. Okay, as always wishing you the best for this new year. If you need these affirmations to reference throughout the year, check out the show notes and blog posts to grab this list. always cheering for your baby but keep on dancin’ and cheers to 2023 Love you. That’s a wrap on another episode of Quianna weekly. Thank you so much for your listenership and support.
You can find the resources and show notes for this episode and more at QuiannaMarie.com/podcast. I’d be honored if you show your support by leaving a review and rating on your favorite podcast app. Until next time, keep on dancing.
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