You show up each and every day in your business to create positive client relationships, grow brand awareness, and make an impact. You’re ready to amplify the work you’re already doing and build more genuine connections online. In today’s episode, I’m sharing helpful strategies you can use to make sure your dream client connects with you!
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The Secret Tool Used to Showcase Genuine Connections Online (2:58)
How Do We Connect with Future Dream Clients Online? (4:06)
The 3 Main Checkpoints in Creating Genuine Connections Online (4:30)
Who Are You? Tips for Ensuring Your Followers Know You and Your Services (5:21)
Prove It! Make Sure Your Followers Trust You (8:08)
Final Step: Make Sure They Love You! (11:58)
Getting Clear on Your Social Media Strategy (15:14)
You’ve Got This! (15:46)
Review the Transcript:
Welcome to Quianna Marie weekly, a podcast for creatives who love to celebrate wins big or small by dancing in the kitchen photographers who are excited to serve their clients and friends who are ready to chase really, really big dreams. You can find all of the resources mentioned in this episode at Join me as I share weekly motivation, chat about growing pains, finding genuine connections and celebrating your wins through the lens of a photographer at heart. Come join me for a dance party ready loves though.
People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel. This is one of my all time favorite quotes by Maya Angelou and honestly, this is the perfect intro to today’s conversation. As we are building our businesses growing our brand awareness, and honestly just trying to make an impact in our world, whether it be making this world a better place, making investments and reaching towards our own financial goals. I can see how there’s this disconnect with what we are doing in person. And then what we are doing online and how we are showing up to expand to new people and new networks. For today’s episode, I cannot cannot wait to dive into creating genuine connections in real life in the real life daily tasks that we’re doing. And then showcasing that online. Because honestly, I see you, you are doing the work, your business is thriving, you are so invested in what you’re providing for your customers and your clients.
And there may just be this kind of like stumbling block or this hard piece that’s missing. That doesn’t show up online. Right? So if you’re ever feeling like, Okay, I got this under wraps, I know what I’m doing, I have a product that I love. The clients that I am working with are pleased and are happy with doing business with me. But then you feel like there’s like this wall like you just can’t break through this next network. Right?
Well, I’m really, really excited to introduce this whole new kind of like marketing tool that I know has literally blown up my business. And I cannot keep this a secret any longer. I’m sure you’ve been seeing a lot of stuff recently popping up on my feed if you’re a follower, thank you so much. I appreciate that. But I’ve been posting a whole ton of behind the scenes videos. And the secret is, is it’s right in your back pocket. The secret to creating these genuine connections in person and then showcasing them online is literally in the palm of your hands. And that is just using your phone. Okay, there can be really big investments and hiring videographers is such a vital part of your business. And I absolutely encourage it. However, we all know just being super realistic that we can’t always invest in these videographers to literally follow us around all day.
We are not the real housewives and we you know, we just can’t afford just having an MTV crew follow us around. Even though I think that would be kind of fun just for like a couple days and capture a whole bunch of content and then bounce so we can get back to our daily lives. Okay, so getting back to you capturing behind the scenes. Okay, the biggest lesson of today’s episode is just reminding you that you’re doing the work anyway. And I know you’re creating these amazing in person touch points, but how are we getting them on line? Okay, so if this feels like you if you feel like I don’t know about this, like I you know, social media is a little bit paralyzing for me, I don’t like posting about my life. Or maybe you’re thinking well, okay, like, I think I can do it. If I have a game plan, then let’s get let’s dive right into this. Okay, so first and foremost, I am like a bullet points person. So I like creating content so I know so if you’re driving, you know, or you’re walking I love kind of having these little checkpoints so we know what we’re diving into. So first and foremost, I want to introduce and I’m sure you’ve heard this before but we’re going to dive deeper into the the list of knowing trusting and liking you okay if we can get our future dream clients to know us trust us and like us, then that I mean that’s an old old school sales tactic right? Whether that is in person or online, if we can hit those three touch points. I know that your your dream clients will be attracting you or you know, they will be lining up to work with you.
So how do we do that with behind the scenes okay, I get it. You are busy. We are running around you know Like accomplishing so many things during the day when sometimes it feels like we got nothing done. So how can we even imagine actually pulling out our phone and capturing this? Well, let’s start with no. Okay, first and foremost, before we even find out who you are, as a person, I challenge you to step into your power and share who you like what you’re actually selling, and what you’re offering. Okay, what are you known for in your neighborhood community? In your industry? What are you known for?
And maybe, honestly, it could be a definition of who you want to be known for. So let’s say you’re in a transition phase, and you may be doing new offers, maybe you are going from corporate world and you’re starting your own business, whatever it is, I highly encourage you to define and share what you are known for and what you would like to provide. Okay, so like, what are your products? What are your services? And where are you located? This is huge, because I know for example, for myself, when I moved out to Arizona, it took me just posting a couple cactus, or, you know, cacti on my, on my feed and updating my website for people to instantly create that connection, and almost give me a map.of where I am, and where I’m providing because you have to remember, even though many of us have online businesses, it’s still important to market your business as if it is a brick and mortar. Now, I know side story. I know a lot of us are photographers, and a lot of us are thinking, no, no, no, you know, I love being a destination photographer take me anywhere. Well, as we get older, and especially with all these travel restrictions, it can be more difficult to just pop up and leave. And you know, a lot of us have families and pets that we cannot be traveling every weekend. And so if that’s the case, we need to establish a location.
And by posting and sharing, where you’re grabbing your favorite coffee, posting and landmarks of where you are, this is really going to help attract those people in your local following. And then we’re going to go even a little bit deeper, is when you are popping into your favorite local restaurants or specific locations. Don’t forget to tag them as well. Because then you will also end up on their feed and on their like hashtag list, which is awesome as you start growing a following and building that brand awareness. Okay, so going back to just kind of recap how your dream clients can know you is literally sharing and posting who you are, share your face, share your mission, and share what you have to offer. I know a lot of us sometimes just assume that once we post something once it’s up there, and everybody sees it. And that’s just not the case, we have to kind of be annoying about what we are sharing and being strategic about basically saying the same thing, but five different ways. So it can resonate. And we can be top of mind when someone is looking for that particular service that I know you offer and that you’re going to totally kill it. So now that we know what we can post behind the scenes videos of for knowing I would really want to challenge you to share about what people can do to trust you.
Okay, this is a huge one. And I feel like this is something that is so I don’t wanna say underrated. But I feel like we are so so so close to our business, that we actually forget that we’re experts and that we’re really good at what we do. So this is your time to shine. Okay, so a couple examples of how you can get your online following to trust you is to prove that you’re an expert. What type of daily tasks are you conquering, that makes your clients life so much easier? are you educating them? Are you sharing stats? Are you providing information that keeps them up at night, and makes them wonder, gosh, you know, I like they’re having troubles with something. If that’s the case, then absolutely post more things that align you as the expert and the go to person. So for example, one way I can provide this on wedding days is when I actually will capture some type of mishap going on. So one of my perfect examples of this was I was actually second shooting a wedding in Texas with one of my good friends Courtney, and we were at this dream wedding venue. It was so fun. I was totally just helping her I was assisting and there was an emergency. And the emergency was is that we did not have a ribbon or like the right string to tie on the locket that she had I believe it was for a grandparent that was not able to attend because they were in heaven. And so we had a little lock it and the lock it did not have a string to tie around the bouquet and the lock it was too heavy. Like it was too bulky and not the right size to safety pennant. So everyone was frantic. We were trying A thread that was in a little like Ohshit kit for wedding day stuff. And just like, it just was, this was crazy emergency. And then finally it dawned on me. And I,
I asked for scissors, and I actually snipped the, like the hanger string, if you know what I mean, ladies, it’s like that, that little piece of fabric string and that you haven’t like the armpit of the bridesmaids dress. And so I clip that and it was perfect, it was the perfect size, it was a perfect length. And, of course, it was a perfect color because it was the bridesmaids color, it was like this beautiful seafoam blue, and it matched perfectly. So my point was, is we shared an emergency. So I actually have a video of this, of Courtney, tying it around the bouquet and totally being a superhero and saving the day. Now, I know that in when you’re in the heat of these moments, it can be so hard because you’re flustered. You’re trying to be a critical thinker, you’re trying to save the day. And I just want to remind you that this is a perfect example to whip out your phone and record it, you’re not making fun of anybody, you’re not putting anybody down. In fact, you know, it can be seen as an emergency. But I feel like because you save the day, oh my gosh, this is something that a bride will see and think oh my gosh, oh, I have to have Quianna on my wedding day or I have to have you and you know, offer the service that you’re providing because she can think outside the box. And I don’t know what’s gonna go wrong on my wedding day.
But I need someone like Quianna to just save the day. So those are perfect examples of sharing emergencies, or things that you do in your everyday tasks that prevent emergencies. And that’s a whole other list of ideas to share about too. But the whole point is, is creating these little video clips of your daily life so that people will trust you and feel like they know you. Okay? And then most importantly, the last one is, if people like you, so what are we posting that makes them actually want to be around you. Because I feel like a lot of us sometimes have the assumption that, oh, well, once you get to really know me or once you get to know someone really well, you like them, like you feel like you’ll you’ll you’ll click with them. And if I’m being honest, that’s just not always the case. In fact, I know a lot of people and I don’t like a lot of people, not because I think they’re, you know, bad or whatever. I just don’t, I don’t vibe with everybody. And that is completely natural and completely normal. So I just wanted to kind of put that out there that sometimes even though we feel like we’re sharing what we do, and how we can be trusted, if we’re not sharing little tidbits of how we can be liked and loved, then I feel like you’re kind of missing the point. And a lot of small business owners kind of don’t follow up with this. And so that’s why I wanted to encourage you to share the things that bring you joy. What type of music do you listen to? Are you sharing little snippets of your family and what means the most to you? How do you like your coffee and I know that I know that it’s gonna be overplayed sometimes coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, but if that is your joy and your snippet of heaven in the morning, share about it. I know for example, I share often like you see me I’m posting I always have Insta Stories running, it’s very rare that I don’t have something going Instagram. And I feel like I’m posting a lot in fact, my family is kind of hard on me for you know, why are you putting yourself out there so much. You’re just being so goofy stop dancing and,
and you know, I have to have a thick skin if I want to be a success. And at the end of the day, ultimately my family is not paying my bills. So sorry, if you’re listening, I love you. But I just wanted to share that encouragement that I feel like sometimes we’re posting so much. But people still don’t know anything about you. Okay, so for example, I post about my family often, sometimes but my mom we have a lot of fun together. And we’re you know, we own our home together here in Arizona. So sometimes she pops in. I’ll post about my brother and my sister his fiancee sometimes when I’m traveling to California, and we have a lot of fun together eating and going to breweries and stuff. And so I love sharing snippets of my life with that. But what’s funny is just recently, I started posting a lot more about my little niece. She’s my cousin’s daughter. And what’s funny is I’ve gotten so many DMS and so many messages about people asking me oh my gosh, I didn’t know you had a baby. I didn’t know that you had a kid like Right? Like who is this little girl? She looks like your little mini me. And what’s funny is, I spent a lot of time with her. But it wasn’t until recently that I’ve kind of gotten the green light from my cousin to post about her. And we have so much fun. So that is just a perfect example of sometimes we get caught up thinking oh gosh, I don’t want to share my life. Or I don’t want to have anything too personal on the internet. But then I want To remind you that people can still know absolutely nothing about you absolutely nothing about your life. If you’re only posting about three to five things about your life that you do, and that you want to share, we can be so strategic and so, so smart about what we’re posting to get that message across. And I also want to remind you, I can go on and on about this. But I also want to remind you that the more you’re posting is not because we’re being salesy, right, I feel like it’s quite the opposite. Sometimes I feel like we’re stifled or paralyzed by posting on social media, because we don’t want to come off as annoying, or we don’t want to come off as just being too much.
Well, I’m here to remind you that we need you. We need your expertise, we need your love, and we need your business, people just need to know about it. So let me ask you this, if you’re already doing the work, if you’re already putting the time in, you’re already creating these magnetic experiences in person, what’s holding you back from posting that online, because as soon as you start sharing more of let’s call it the word of mouth, types of videos, which I feel like it’s just the new version of social media today, the more you can share your heart and the more you can share about your business, that is when it’s just going to spark and be like wildfire, and really expose you to those types of businesses that you want to work with and those people that are just going to be gravitating towards you. Okay, so, going back to our quote by Maya Angelou, I highly encourage you to step into your purpose, do the work and capture it, just capture it, and post it. So sending you all of the love and I really, really hope that you just embrace the fact that you’re amazing and the world needs to hear about you. Hope you have a good one. Love you. That’s a wrap on another episode of Quianna Marie weekly. Thank you so much for your listenership and support. You can find the resources and show notes for this episode and more at I’d be honored if you’d show your support by leaving a review and rating on your favorite podcast app. Until next time, keep on dancing.
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